Best Friend Ski Trip

By Johnson Wank

Published on Nov 19, 2019


We barge through the door soaking wet and tired. He heads for the bathroom and I head for the booze. We haven't had a drink all afternoon not wanting to come in off the slopes for anything. We even peed on the slopes to avoid the day ending. He comes out of the bathroom with his towel around his waist and reaches for the shot glass. I can't help but stare at his crotch. Just to think I had had his dick in my mouth just hours before- I'm positive if I made a move he'd gladly oblige considering almost any blowjob is better than no blowjob but I also consider that if I jump on his knob, will that be the end of our relationship as it changes into a sex-obsessed tryst? I want the dick but not at the loss of what we have so I restrain myself.

We take the shot and I head into the bathroom and take a quick shower. I come out in my sweatpants (no underwear) and he has a movie on in the background and is fucking around on his phone. It's late, and we're so hungry but we power through with a few more drinks and grab a few bites of leftover takeout from the fridge.

"Let's play Yahtzee" he says excitedly.

We love playing Yahtzee as a family and I grab the game and skip over with enthusiasm. Drinking, quick pauses for smokes, and more drinking we've powered through 3 games already. 4th game starts and he says-

"what if we change up the rules? Thoughts?"

"like what?" I respond assuming these will be rules of a sexual nature

"you have to call what you're going for before you roll and if you end up going for something else you have to truth or dare" he says with school boy delight.

"agreed I suppose" I say with a grin and a roll of my eyes.

The game begins and of course the first few failed rolls automatically go to truths such as: when was first time you came, what was your first sexual experience, what's your sexual fantasy and so on. We're drunk and inadvertently tell each other the answers even if it wasn't your truth, so rather than a punishment, it ends up being a share fest which is quite funny and also making me really horny.

Drinks are empty and he gets up, and I didn't even pay attention that he's still got a towel wrapped around his waist as we're sitting on the floor either side of the coffee table, and he's pitching a tent in that towel! My mouth starts to water just at thought of his cock in my mouth again and he heads back to the table with refilled drinks and not an ounce of shame on his face- he knows he's bulging, showing his goods and doesn't care and I fucking love it. He stays standing for my next roll and I lose and opt for a dare knowing full well that he will stay on the sex train. He dares me to go out in the snow naked...not really what I wanted and not the most comfortable but I oblige and luckily have a semi on since it's cold and there's only a little bit of shrinkage. He laughs as I run back in and grab the nearest blanket to wrap around me.

"You do it!" I laugh at him but he shakes his head and tells me he didn't lose yet. He goes for his round and wins so I grumble and go for another roll and lose again and choose dare again...why not right?

"let me touch your balls" he says quietly

I stand up, open the blanket and thrust out my crotch waiting for the awkward fondle of my balls. I love my balls, they're quite hefty, not bull balls or anything but decently sized to the point where when I where briefs I have to wrangle them in place and I keep them well trimmed. He slowly steps toward my crotch and drops to one knee like a football player and reaches out and lightly touches my balls. A tingle shoots right up my body as he lifts them slightly, almost medically, and really interested in my balls- I suppose I shouldn't be too honored, as I'm sure this is the first time that he's touched or seen up close in person any other mans balls but I'm loving it. He rolls them around in his fingers and then palms them and his fingertips graze my taint and I physically jump and make a wooo noise. He looks startled

"it's sensitive back there" I say with a smile "I wasn't expecting it"

He gets a devilish grin on his face and reached back to my balls, plays again and touches my taint one more time. He doesn't get the same reaction but my already hard dick pulses just a little but when he touches there.

"OK, my turn" he says and stands up (full hard on at this point) and rolls the dice. He loses and chooses a dare.

"take your towel off for the rest of the night" I say drunkenly

He looks down, untucks his towel and lets it drop to the ground.

This is the first time I've seen him completely naked and I'm sitting on the ground looking at him and I cannot even stand the beginning of this trip I only thought about him sexually every once in a while and now he's towering over me fully naked and I've tasted his cum. It is so bizarre, and I am so turned on.

I visibly gulp, redirect my attention back to the game, take a swig and lose my roll again...Dare.

"Let me touch your dick"

I stand up again, and step within 2 feet of him, looking at him in the eye. He reaches down without looking and grasps my dick firmly. I whimper slightly, just at the shear dominance and out of this world experience I'm having. He thumbs my slit and smears the bead of precum across my head. My eyes roll.

"Touch mine" he demands with a whisper

I look down and reach out and grip his beautiful dick with purpose and starts to jerk him slowly and he still grapples with my thick member just getting acquainted but no jerking. I can't help it and thrust a little into his fist- he grins and slowly picks up the rhythm. He has a decent amount of precum that's slicking up my hand a little and I keep going as he fondles my balls with his left hand and still pumping my dick with his right. His eyes twinkle as he curls his fingers under my balls and touch my taint again. My knees weaken and I dip slightly, my heart going a mile a minute and my brain shut off from everything except this experience. I refocus on his dick and switch hands and bring my precummy hand to my mouth and lick some of the liquid off my hand. His dick twitches in my hand with excitement as we awkwardly begin the walk into the bedroom holding each other's dicks. My mouth is dry with nerves and anticipation and he's quivering with nervous energy. We sit next to each other, thighs touching, and dicks burrowed in each other's hands.

I desperately want to run my fingers across his chest, feel his lanky body, and kiss him just this one time just to know how it feels but I can't bring myself to do it...I pause and he notices- he removes his hand from my dick as if he's becoming aware how far this has come. I start to panic thinking this might end so drop to my knees in front of him, reposition my hand and move my mouth to his leaking prick. I look him in the eyes, and I see no more pause, just lust so I dive down to the root. He grabs my hair and lets me bob up and down on his cock while he groans. At this point and go down to lick his balls and run my hand up to his nipple and graze it with my fingertips. He thrusts instinctively and his balls push further up on my lips and my tongue peaks behind his balls. His musk is delicate since he took a shower not too long ago but I cannot get enough and keep reaching my tongue back to his taint...he almost growls and falls back onto the bed while I prop his thighs up slightly so I can devour his area. I spend a good minute or two working this sweet spot and he keeps grabbing my head and pushing it closer to his body- a quick glance up, he has his head thrown back and his knees close to his chest. It's now or never I reckon and ease my hands to his ass cheeks and draw a line with my tongue from his taint to his tight pucker. I reach the sensitive area and I hear a gasp and everything pauses. He loosens his grip on my head and his knees draw closer to his chest- like he's trying to process what just happened...knowing what I want to transpire, I make my tongue flat and run it from bottom to top of his asshole with just the slightest pressure. I wait 2 seconds to see what the reaction is and while he's still tense, he whimpers, barely audible. I press my luck and do it one more time, and hear him whisper "yes".

I am leaking like crazy, but it's not about my cock right now, all I care about is his journey into this world I've known for so long and am so excited to be his ambassador. I eat his ass rough and sloppy while he just writhes on the bed losing his mind. I start exploring his entire region sucking and licking everywhere to maintain this sensory explosion. After working his hole a little longer, I move back up to his gorgeous cock and slip it into my mouth and hope my next move is a success.

I come up to my knees and slobber all over his dick, and push my fingertip into his tight hole. He tenses up but grabs my hair and fucks his head into my tight throat. I push harder with my finger but only half of it enters him and I allow him to take control with my mouth and throat. Just a little ass play is enough, I don't want him to be in pain and for him to get scared of it...this probably be the only time we get to share this world with each other but I didn't want him to be afraid of ass play back in our normal world. I wiggle my finger as he starts getting more vocal about cumming soon and asking me if I want his load. So much more aggressive than earlier in the day and I couldn't answer him because his dick was filling my mouth but I just groaned in agreement hoping the vibrations are sending the right message and helping this along. His pace quickens and he gets a little rougher as he garbles "I'm cumming" and plants his throbbing head into my throat and unloads. I usually enjoy the shot in my mouth but I accommodate and let him come down at his pace. He falls back on the bed and exhales sharply as if to say "what the fuck just happened".

My lips feel puffy and slick from the fast pace of the fucking and tears are still collecting at the corners of my eyes from the gagging, and I too exhale sharply. What the fuck did just happen? Second time in the same day is fucked up but I just planted my tongue in his ass and he had started it by daring me to let him touch me. I do a quick rewind and play it all back as reality floods into my consciousness.

I get up and lay down next to him, making sure there's no contact. He has his eyes closed, and I almost think he's asleep and then he just says "wow".

"yeah" I say quietly in response my eyes now closed not knowing what to expect next.

His hand clasping my still hard dick was not what I expected next after to 45 seconds of cool silence. I look down and his face is close to my dick and he's stroking me. No looks up at me, no attention paid to me except for my dick. His eyes almost boring into my boner, and I see him move closer, and feel the tip of his tongue on my dick head. A swirl around the head, and intentional lap of the precum gathered at my slit, and then he moves his head away and keeps jerking it. I timidly reach my hands into his hair and tug just slightly. I'm next expecting a blowjob, and there's no forcing, just to feel some kind of sexual tension outside of my genitals is needed. He leans in again and repeats the first action as my eyes roll into the back of my head. My knob slips into his mouth but just the tip and he continues jerking. That's all I need as I've been ready to bust since our game of truth or dare and I grunt my warning to him and he quickly lets my dickhead pop out of his mouth and pumps furiously and puts his fingers heavily into my taint and covers my balls. I explode, hitting him on the shoulder, the next shot hits my neck, and the rest on my belly and onto his hand.

"ew gross" he exclaimed, and I pant out "sorry"

He looks up at me with a smile, and wipes his hand onto my leg, pauses and lifts his hand to his nose to smell what's left of my load, and shyly points the tip of his tongue to a very tiny spot on his hand and licks it and wrinkles his nose instinctively then processes and raises his eyebrows in a surprised way.

He collapses back next to me and there's silence and I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Thank you,

Next: Chapter 3

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