Best Fishing Trip

Published on Aug 22, 2023


The Best Fishing trip of my life. All the normal warnings are in effect. If you are too young, live in an area that you can’t read this, or are offended by sex between two consenting adults. Please do not read this. The characters are of pure fiction and bare no resemblance to any factual persons. This will be a multiple chapter story; I have plans for further stories including a little father son fun. Please bear with me as this is my first story. Enjoy guys. Chapter 1 I have never wanted to do something more than what my friend Blake and I had planned for this spring break. I have always known I was gay. From a very early age I have always liked boys, but always have loved playing sports as well. Maybe so it was that no one would suspect me or maybe it was so I could always touch the other guy’s butts during games and not be called a queer. Plus seeing them naked in the locker room was not half bad. My nights are filled with me masturbating to the images of my teammates in the showers. I always played baseball in the spring and football in the fall. I loved everything about it. My best friend Blake always played right next to me from the age of five till now. We are only a few months from graduation and both turned eighteen within a month of each other. To explain Blake is like describing a Greek God. In his prime that I think he is hitting he is 6’2”. Perfectly built, he has the exact muscle definition vs. body fat for his build. He is ripped in all the right places. His arms are cannons. He has a twelve-pack stomach, and a killer smile. His best features are his eyes. I melt everyday in those chocolate brown eyes Blake was also blessed with the skin of a Greek God. He can tan just by thinking about the sun. Me on the other hand I was blessed with the skin of royalty thanks to my British Isles heritage. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not a bad looking guy. I just can’t tan. It’s hard when you grow up on the beaches of west Florida not to be tan but I sure seem to make it easy. Since both of us are very active we had built pretty nice bodies and were constantly complimented on them either by females, teammates, or random people on the beach. It was actually always a competition between Blake and I to see how many girls would say something to us about our bodies when we were lying out on the beach. Blake and I were planning on taking a week long vacation over to the east side of the state to Ft.Lauderdale where his mom lived. Plans were to lounge on the beach, get drunk if we could, and hook up with as many girls as we could. Or in

my case see if I could find a drunken frat guy that was questioning his sexuality and make out with him in secret. It seemed unlikely but I was hoping. We planned all year for the trip and were really looking forward to it, as the weeks got closer. One day after school Blake called me and gave terrible news. “My mom has to go to Atlanta for the week we are there and doesn’t trust us to stay alone while she is gone.” Blake said defeated. “So it’s a no go then.” I said. “Yeah, but my dad said that he would make it up to us and take us on this fishing trip out in the gulf.” He said. I thought it was better than sitting around the same old beaches like we always do here. “Well sounds like fun lets do it.” I told Blake. “Okay I will let my dad that we are a go.” He said. I was actually excited both Blake and his dad who I call big Blake as they both have the same name are what you call hot. Blake has the hot cockiness of a young man and Big Blake has the hotness of an older man that only comes with time. I know I will have a good time even if we didn’t catch a fish because of all the eye candy I would be getting.

My Father had done this fishing trip many times. He said its nothing but you the open water and fish for days. You don’t see another person for days except for who is on your boat. “ Don’t worry about packing much boys.” big Blake said, “I’m just packing one suit, one shirt, and a couple of towels.” Blake and I looked at each other puzzled at what he just said. “ I’m hoping for a little naked time to get an all over tan I mean its just us boys right.” He said laughing. Once again Blake and I looked at each other. Later Blake said to me “He was joking right?” “Who was joking?” I said as the conversation was hours ago. “My dad when he said he was going to be naked.” “I don’t know he’s your dad not mine, do you think he was joking” I said finishing my sandwich I was enjoying. “Man why did I get the dad who shows it off all the time.” Blake said in a defeated tone as I guess he knew the answer to his question. Blake often told me stories of how his father walked around the house naked after work or on the weekend. From everything to eating dinner, working in the back yard, or just watching TV, “I’ve lost count how many times my dad’s dick has brushed up against me!” Blake once told me. Now I would be lying if I didn’t get a little more than excited about the possibility. The only problem was there was no privacy on the boat, not even a bathroom. There would be nowhere for me to jack off from all the eye candy. It was wishful thinking. The night before we where leaving Blake called me, “Man my dad wasn’t joking.” “Why?” I asked. “ I just peaked into his bag and he was right only one suit and one shirt and few pairs of underwear.” Blake said. I got hard right away. “Man I’m sorry before hand if he goes in the buff” Blake said in a rather cute tone. “Don’t worry about it, it won’t be that bad.” I said trying to hide the excitement in my voice. “If it brushes up against you just think of it as his arm,

that’s what I do.” Blake answered. “Don’t worry.” I reassured him and hung up. I was not going to think of it as an arm I was going to think of it as exactly as it was. The thought got me all hot. I jerked off twice before I feel asleep that night, “Its going to be a great trip” I said to myself as I wiped the cum off my chin. The next morning I meet Blake and his dad at the docks in the early morning. He wanted to be in the center by evening so we had to get going quick. He finished filling up the extra gas tanks that where for just in case and then we took off. When a boat is going at full speed its very hard to carry a conversation so it was quiet trip for about four hours. I passed the time by starring at the two Blake’s Asses for hours as I was sitting behind them, as they stood at the helm. Blake was wearing his usual board shorts. By the time the morning sun had come out he already peeled off his shirt. While the shorts don’t give off much detail of his ass they set low right above his crack. This provided something better than visual; it let my imagination run wild. I had seen his ass many times but I was acting like this was the first time I was having this thought. His father on the other hand was wearing the short nylon shorts that men his age wear, the ones that come to mid thigh. He was also shirtless by mid morning, they where also a little tight which gave off a perfect detail of his round perfect ass. I was hard off and on for those four hours. This was already proving to be a great trip. By Hour four big Blake had slowed the boat so we could put out the trolling lines off the back of the boat. These were used to catch big game fish that could not be caught on regular fishing poles. “Alright Travis go ahead and put on the harness and grab the lines if you see a tug.” Big Blake said handing me the pole harness. It was a strange thing a white piece of molded plastic that had an indention on the center, right above your dick. It was for whenever you had to pull in the lines you rested the pole there for leverage, as your arms would not be able to do it. “Boy I’m nervous to see what your ass looks like if your chest is that pale.” Big Blake said as I had peeled my shirt off to strap the harness around me. “Well dad I guess you will just have to see.” Blake said as he dove for my shorts and pulled them to my ankles. He was laughing the whole way. I was not wearing any underwear, as you usually don’t under swim shorts. I sat there for a second bare assed as the two Blake’s laughed. “Sorry I was blinded for a minute, you need some sun you better go naked this week so you can catch up to Blake and I.” Big Blake said. I shrugged the thought off as I pulled my shorts back up. “I’m going to pee boys and then we are off again.” Big Blake said as he turned to the side of the boat and pulled his shorts below his balls. I pretended not to look but I got a good look. He was a carbon copy of Blake. I suppose he would have to be as they are the same genes. His soft thick dick was letting a huge stream of piss into the water. He held his dick at its base and then shook it a few times when he finished to flick the piss off his head. He pulled his shorts back up and then turned

to the steering wheel and started the engines back up. Thank God I was wearing the harness over the front of my shorts, as I was rock hard again! Unlike the earlier journey we where going at a slower speed. So the lines could have a chance to catch the attention of some fish. Also so when there was a tug at the lines big Blake could hear me yell and then shut the boat off as we reeled in whatever was on the other end. Blake and I messed around on the back of the boat just shooting the shit and talking about this and that. Naturally the topics of girls came up. Blake was telling my about this girl he meet at one of the hotels on the beach not to far away from our house that he would go to, to pick up girls on vacation. He continued on how she was all over his dick last night. “She gave some great head, I was shooting off in minutes.” He said simulating the motion of someone sucking his dick. I became a little excited and was wishing that was me that he had his hand on the back of my head as I gobbled his dick. I was rudely snapped out of my dream by two large tugs on the line. “Blake we have some action here.” I yelled over the roar of the motors. Big Blake quickly halted the engines and I picked up the pole and placed it into the harness. I started reeling immediately; whatever was on the other end was putting up a fight. After about ten minutes Big Blake announced he was going to start up the engines again and start out it in an idle speed to take some of the strain off me. My biceps were ripped by this time; even though I was already exhausted I would glance over and admire them for a second. I put a lot of work into them so I was going to enjoy them when I could. “The Guns are out.” Blake said in a mocking tone. He was always jealous of my arms as for some reason they where always a little bigger than his. After about another fifteen minutes I could feel what ever was on the other end was close and was big. I was completely wasted by this time. Big Blake noticed “Let me help you out man.” big Blake said as he walked up behind me and placed his hands above and below mine on the fishing pole. He started jerking the pole up and down with me to try to get the fish into the boat. “Get the Gaff Blake and get ready to gut whatever it is when it gets next to the boat.” Big Blake yelled in excitement. I now could feel Big Blake right against my back. It was almost like he was spooning me. I could feel his giant arms around me and he had bent his knees like me to get more leverage. His dick was right at my ass. I could feel it riving up and down my ass as we reeled in the fish. If it weren’t for the physical exertion of trying to reel in the fish I probably would have been rock hard. If I didn’t know better I would also say that I felt his monster snake get bigger as we got more and more into the reeling. It was the most erotic thing I had ever been in. The smell of suntan lotion and sweat was strong. I was getting lost in his scent, He would talk close to me ear. “Come on Travis harder,

harder.” My eyes where starting to roll into the back of my head. He was also saying semi-erotic things as we reeled in the fish. “Almost there buddy” Its so big” Come on, come on almost there” Big Blake would say in a winded voice as if he was making love for hours. He would grunt as well. The harder we would reel the louder and longer he would grunt. I was putty in his hands. I was in heaven and almost came right then and there. Blake was unaware of what was going on as his father and I where having a private grinding session. I knew it was all about the fish but it didn’t stop me from thinking that big Blake and I had been making love for hours. The Fish was getting closer. Big Blake was shouting, “Get ready, get ready”. Finally we gave one last big tug, and big Blake let out the loudest grunt yet. All of a sudden a large mouth shark broke the surface of the water. Blake gaffed him right below the gills and starting pulling him on board. His biceps where now ripped. I was paying him no attention as I was spent. Big Blake screamed at the top of his lungs some inaudible groan. In my fantasy he had just came. Big Blake grabbed me turned me around and gave me a huge hug and lifted me off the ground. “Good going Boy.” He yelled as he squeezed me tighter. The sweat of our bodies mixed and gave off a new scent, the scent of man. Unaware to big Blake and I Blake had already got the shark on board and had killed it. “Sharks are not good eating, but will keep it.” Big Blake said, with a pant in his speak from the fight. “Put it on ice when we get back to shore will have it stuffed.” Big Blake said with a since of pride. “It will be your first big fish you will keep it forever” He said with a wink. As the excitement was wearing off and my senses where coming back from the fight I looked over at Big Blake. The wind was going and a little and as I looked down at his crotch the wind had pressed his suit against his dick. He was hard! Not only hard but long and thick. “Oh my God.” I said to myself “Had I made him hard or was it all from the exertion of reeling in the fish.” My eyes stayed fixated on his crotch the two Blake’s paid no attention to me as they where still concentrated on the shark. “Look at the smile on his face, he is happy for sure.” Blake said. I was happy all right but it was not about the shark. We finished up celebrating, cleaned up all the blood that was on the deck of the boat and continued on to our journey to the center of the gulf. We decided that we wanted to jump in the water to cool down but we would go a little bit further down in case any more sharks had been aroused from the blood. We went down about five miles, turned off the boat and all three of us jumped into the water. It felt good, although I didn’t want to wash the scent of Big Blake off of me from earlier, but the cool water to contain my raging hard on and brought me back to reality. I didn’t want to leave my paradise I had just experienced with big Blake but we had

to move on. We jumped back on board hosed off with some fresh water from the tank. I watched as the water trickled down the bodies of the Blake’s. I quickly needed to jump in the water again; we finished up and took off. We didn’t towel of as we let the wind that was rushing by our bodies dry us off. We were once again at full speed, I couldn’t stare at their asses this time as Blake came and sat with me. We sat in silence as the boat sliced through the water. I soon became very tired because of the days earlier activities and found myself fighting my eyelids from closing. The hum of the engine was soothing. I soon lost the battle and feel asleep. I awoke as I heard the engines slowing down again. I was unsure of how long I had been asleep. Once I regained conciseness I realized it was early evening so I must have dozed off for about two or three hours. I looked over and Blake was fast asleep as well. His raw beauty still came across even while he was asleep. Our master was still at the helm. I got up and stood next to him. “So are we close to where we want to be?” I asked him. “Hey there is my sleepy fisherman.” Big Blake tussled my hair a bit as if I was a child. Once again I was putty in his hands. “ We are pretty close I think we will stop here have some dinner and rest for the night.” Big Blake said taking a deep breath and stretches his massive arms that only a few hours ago where holding me, even if it was to help me land a fish in my mind we were lovers. “Why don’t you go wake up sleeping beauty over there.” Big Blake said pointing to his son on the back of the boat. As I walked closer to him I noticed something in his shorts. He was popping a tent in his borides. This must have been my lucky day as I get to see both son and father in all there glory. I turned around and Big Blake had escaped into the cabin. I stood there watching Blake for a minute. Memorizing this image for the next time I would be alone. With regret I leaned over and shook his shoulder to awake him. We settled down for the night. Since we didn’t catch any edible fish we broke into our food rations that we had packed up at the dock. We sat on the back of the boat and had our dinner. I watched the light dance on their faces from the light off the water. Blake and I decided that we where going to do a late night swim before we headed off to sleep. “Alright boys be careful don’t stay up to late we are getting up early to start catching fish.” Big Blake said. He slapped my shoulder as he stood up. He quickly then grabbed his crotch and gave it a tug to adjust himself, I was transfixed by this as he was grabbing a handful down there. Blake and I jumped into the water. We played the normal games that teenage boys play when they are horsing around in the water. We tried to drown each other. Gave each other pile drivers and just enjoyed being away from everything.

As we climbed back into the boat I decided to pay him back for the earlier pantsing that he performed on me in front of his dad. As soon as I got on the boat behind him I dove for shorts, but this time I was going for the full glory and taking them all the way off. I grabbed a hold of his shorts and just yanked. He immediately responded and lunged for his shorts, but I was not going to give up that easy. We fell to the ground and I started peeling his shorts off of him. I finally got them from his feet and tried to get free from his grip. We somehow scrambled to our feet and where performing a tug of war with them. I was determined to win. “Give me back my shorts you asshole.” Blake said in a playful tone. “ Nope these are going to the ocean. I want to see that ass of yours wet.” I said in a very sarcastic tone even though that’s what I really wanted. I finally got them free and raised them over my head. I stand about two inches taller than him so he had to jump to get them. I was transfixed on his dick that was jumping up and down. I don’t know if it was the noise or he just needed something, but big Blake came out of the cabin. He must have been getting ready for bed because he came out in his underwear. Now I have seen some nice bulges before but big Blake takes the cake. He was wearing a pair of white briefs, but they where not your normal dad briefs, these where high cut up the leg and brought his crotch up into a nice high basket. I was hard and didn’t care who saw it. I had Blake naked rubbing up against me trying to get his shorts and I had his dad in a nice pair of briefs, at the same time no less! I broke away from staring at Big Blake’s crotch and threw Blake’s shorts into the water. He immediately dove for them. “Asshole” He shouted as he dove over board. “ Pay back is a bitch Blake.” His father shouted over the side of the boat Blake found his shorts and was busy shouting expletives toward me as he tried to wrestle them back on. His father grabbed the spot light from below the steering wheel and beamed it right on him. Big Blake and I watched Blake try to get his shorts on. We laughed and cat called the entire time. Blake decided that he would have to get back onto the boat to get his shorts back on. “Nice ass boy.” His father shouted as he climbed back on board. “Okay, okay shows over queers.” Blake shouted back as he pulled his swim trunks back up. This was another image I was going to remember for later. “Alright now its time for bed boys.” Big Blake announced after our laughter had stopped. Big Blake’s boat was nice and slightly bigger than most, but for three full grow men quarters where tight. The inside cabin was just one open room. Complete with what would be about a queen size bed in the front, a counter with a small fridge and cabinets and a sink, that was all. So all three of us would be sleeping on the front bed as there was no floor space and he didn’t want us to sleep outside just in case someone showed up. So we all pilled onto the bed. Big Blake remained in his tight briefs; Blake and I stripped down and placed pairs of boxer briefs on. We

climbed onto the bed, Big Blake on the left, Blake in the center, and me on the right. My wild dreams were finally coming true. I knew I would not be able to sleep unless I could sneak out to jerk off real quickly. I knew from all the excitement today I would not last long. So I stayed awake and starred at father and son asleep until I felt that I could sneak away. It was only mid April but in Florida by this time it was already hotter than other places in middle of summer. So we slept with no blankets and sheets. This meant an un-obstructive view of the two Blakes. This only fueled my urge to release quick. After about an hour and half I finally felt comfortable enough to sneak off without disturbing them. I knew I would not have to wait to get hard, as my dick was already raging from the feast I was taking in earlier. I slid open the door and closed it as quick as I could. I decided that the front of the boat would be the best bet as there was not a direct view from the cabin, just in case they woke up. I quietly stepped to the front of the boat. I reached the Aft and quickly yanked my underwear down just below my balls and went to town. The warm ocean breeze provided a nice relaxing environment for me. My meat was at its full glory as it had plenty of stimulation. I remembered Blake’s hard on earlier, his shorts almost showing his ass, and then his dick bouncing up and down as he went for his shorts earlier. What I thought of the most was Big Blake riving up and down me as we tried to land the fish. I was getting close my fist was pumping with fury. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. “Don’t let go yet,” a very familiar voice said from behind me. I scrambled trying to cover myself up. I must have been in such ecstasy that I didn’t hear someone come up behind me. “Don’t worry Travis its natural I was coming out to do the same thing.” The voice said. I knew who it was but was to embarrassed to turn around. “You know I watched you for a second and you have got a nice dick boy.” The red in my face quickly faded away. I turned around to face my admirer. “That’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” It was Big Blake in all his glory. He was still in his tight briefs but his dick was straining hard against the fabric. It looked like the seams where about to bust. I was starting to salivate. “You like what you see don’t you.” Big Blake said pointing to dick with a fake gun salute. He did it with such cockiness that I wanted him more. “Now I have to ask you a very important question.” He said already knowing the answer. “Do you want my dick you little cock slut?” He said with such authority. I nodded my head yes. “ I don’t want a nod I want an answer.” He said with more authority. I menaced out a yes. “Yes what?” He replied. “Yes Sir.” I let out. “Well then come over here and get it.” He said while cupping his huge package. I quickly scrambled to my feet and headed his way. I stood two inches from him, I could feel his body

heat against me I wanted him so bad. I almost came from the pure ecstasy I was feeling, and I was not even touching myself. We stood there for what seemed like hours. Big Blake stood with an authority about him, like he was trying to establish dominance. I was glad to comply. “ I got all worked up during our grind session earlier I almost bent you over and fucked you right there.” Big Blake whispered in my ear. “You want me bad I can tell your shaking with excitement. Go ahead you fucking cock slut its all yours.” Big Blake continued to cup his package. “ Don’t be nervous I’ll be gentle for your first time.” Big Blake continued in my ear. With that I did not need any more encouragement. I dropped to my knees quickly. There I was face to face with the dick that spawned my best friend. Big Blake starred down at me with a menacing look on his face. He was getting off on that he was just about to fuck his son’s best friend. I grabbed the waistband of his briefs and began to pull them down. I let his massive dick fall on my face as it came out of its resting place. “Oh yeah that’s it. Worship my cock,” he said I pulled his underwear all the way to his ankles. He kicked them off in the other direction. It was now or never, time for me to enjoy my first mans cock, and oh what a cock it is. Big Blake’s cock was at full attention it easily was eight to nine inches and about two inches thick. It was a nice piece of meat. I was unsure if I could take it all in my mouth but I was going to try. I opened my mouth and placed the head of his dick on my outstretched tongue His pre cum was salty to the taste. He tensed a bit with the sensation on his dick. He had a smile on his face and so did I. I moved my tongue around his head, and then began licking his shaft, which was warm. I lathered his dick as best I could and then I placed it in my mouth. I enclosed my lips around his head and began sliding his massive dick in mouth. I got about a quarter in before I slid back up to his head. He threw his head back in ecstasy. I started a motion of going up and down slowly. I wanted to get comfortable with this before I started to go deep. Big Blake began pumping his hips slowly into my face. We began working in unison each time I was further down his shaft. Big Blake looked down on me, his lips curled in enjoyment still with a smile on his face. I continued working down his shaft I got to the halfway point. I began swirling my tongue around his head while it was down my throat. He let out a quiet sigh of relief. We continued this movement for a couple of minutes. Big Blake then placed his hand on the back of my head. Each time I went down he held me there for a short second before he let me come back up. “Oh yeah that’s it take it boy.” He let out. He was now ready to face fuck me. He took his other hand and placed it behind

my head as well, and when I went down he pulled the rest if his dick into my mouth. I began to gag and tried to pull up. He kept my head there. “That’s it boy choke on my daddy dick, fucking take it all.” He was continuing to pump my face. I started to panic and placed my hands on his thigh to push away. Water was coming from my eyes. He finally let my head up. I dropped his huge dick from my mouth and reached up and wiped the spit from my mouth. I was slightly panting as I was trying to catch my breath. Big Blake was having none of this. He grabbed me by my chin and forced his way back into my mouth. “I’m going to choke you with my daddy dick boy.” He growled at me. “If you don’t comply I will have to spank your ass till its red.” he said as he pumped his dick in and out of my mouth. My dick was beyond hard. I was oozing pre cum all over the boat. Big Blake continued pumping my face. I would gag from time to time but was taking his dick like a pro. I have not had much experience up till then sucking cock. I sucked off a few boys from the team and a few boys from other teams but really Big Blake was my first real dick, my first man’s dick. “Boy your taking my dick like a pro.” Big Blake said while exhaling. “Look up at me while your sucking.” I quickly turn my eyes upward to stare at him as he commanded. “Oh my god your sweet face with my dick in your mouth is more than I can handle, I’m about to bust.” He said while he continued to pump his dick in and out of my mouth. He continued his assault on my mouth pushing in and out. I was furiously stroking my dick as I was so turned on by what I was experiencing. “I’m getting close, get ready for it because I cum a lot” Big Blake said with a proud tone in his voice. I was about to explode as I ran my tongue over the head of is cock for the last few licks. His cock was hardening in my mouth I knew he was close. Big Blake grabbed my head with both hands and shoved my face all the way down on his massive cock. I gagged but then felt the warm jizz shooting down my throat. He released his grip on my face and I pulled up tasting the salty jizz on my tongue. I pulled his throbbing dick out of mouth and let him shoot his final streams of jizz on my face. He wasn’t joking when he said he came a lot. All in total I think he shot over 8 big streams down my throat and on me. I now was ready to go myself and I knew it was going to be a great one. I was stroking at a furious pace, faster than I had ever before. My cum was building up and it was going to shoot fast. I swung my head back in ecstasy and let out a very loud groan and my jizz starting flowing. I shot 4 good streams on my chest and stomach, I was heaven.

“Look at you my little cum dumpster” Big Blake said in a playful tone. Even though he just said something very vulgar there was sincerity in his tone a tone that made me feel good. “Yeah, you weren’t lying it was a big load.” In my best admiration tone. “ Well you took it like a pro, that was some fine head you give boy.” I was beaming from the compliment.

“ Well I guess I should wash all this off of me before we head back of to sleep.” I said. “Yeah lets jump in real quick and head back in for some sleep.” Big Blake said before doing a back flip off the boat and right into the water. I was worried that Blake may hear all of this and wake up but what was the harm of a little late night skinny-dipping. I followed Big Blake into the water and washed all the cum off of my body which was both his and mine.

It really didn’t hit me what had just happened until I was in the water for a few minutes. Big Blake must have noticed the look of awkwardness on my face. “Listen don’t think about what just happened. We are both adults and we consented for a little bit of fun.” Big Blake said in a reassuring tone. “If there is anybody that should be worried about what happened its me.” Big Blake said. “You’re my son’s best friend, I have know you since you were five.” Big Blake had a strong inflection in his voice that reassured me he wasn’t sorry for what happened and neither should I.

We waded in the water for a few more minutes pondering what I would say or do next before I spoke. “ So your okay with what we just did, because I’ am and would love to do it again even more if you ever want to.” I said with courage. “Yes, absolutely I’m good with what happened and I’m down for something to happen again but we have to let the chips land where they fall.” Big Blake said while swimming closer. “I think you are hot as hell and have wanted to fuck you for a very long, ever since you and Blake started working out and you turned into one fine stud.” Big Blake was very close to me now almost close enough to kiss me.

“ So I have a question for you then, does this make you gay?” I said. “Let’s just say I don’t turn anyone down.” And with that Big Blake leaned in and gave me a deep long kiss. I was beyond surprised by this, it’s one thing to face fuck me I mean every man has to get off. But to kiss me in the way you kiss a lover I was in shock. I liked what was happening and was going to make sure it didn’t end very quickly. After a couple of minutes Big Blake broke away from our kiss and gave me a smile that just made me melt away in the water.

We made our way back onto the boat found our underwear and started to make it back into the cabin. Just before I opened the door to the cabin where Blake was fast asleep while I was being chocked by his daddy’s huge dick Big Blake grabbed

me. “I have a question for you.” He said, “Have you and my son ever messed around before, like ever help each other out.” I was a little taken aback by this question but answered him honestly. “No but not for a lack of trying on my part, why?” I said. “Oh I was just curious.” He said with a sly smile on his face.

We both quietly made our way back into the cabin as not to try to wake up Blake and have him ask questions on where we had been. He had rolled over pretty far onto where I was supposed to be sleeping so I had no choice but to take the middle spot between him and his dad. Big Blake and I slept pretty close together that night; it was nice sleeping next to a big strong man like him. I fell asleep pretty quickly with the thoughts of our adventure in my mind. I was excited to see where it would go next. It’s going to be a great week ahead of us.

Hope you enjoyed the story. I have lots of plans for the next chapter. Let me know what you guys think. Send me an email at

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