Best Camp Ever

By Fantus1569

Published on Mar 3, 1998



heres chp. 11, guys. its a long one so i hope you like it!!!! by the way, in this chapter i introduce a character named Connor. Connor is scottish, so you have to try and imagine the accent. i tried to convey it with creative spelling, but i'm not sure how well that will work. anyway, enjoy!!!!

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 11

We tour the Island

Jimmy let out a little sigh as Andy started sucking his dick. It was pretty cool watching his blond head bobbing on my boyfriends cock, and I was hard in no time. Andy moved his hand from my cock to my balls, playing with them and rolling them around. I felt Jimmy's hand creep down to my ass and start toying with my hole. Andy was stroking his dick and sucking wildly on Jimmy's cock, almost as if he was afraid it would get away.

Jimmy pulled away from his mouth and pulled him up to his feet. Andy looked confused. "Why'd you stop me?" He asked Jimmy, "Wasn't I good? Ryan says I'm the best cocksucker he's ever had. Did I mess up?" Jimmy stuck his tongue in Andy's mouth and Andy shut up. He was pressing himself against Jimmy's and grinding his very hard dick into Jimmy's leg.

"Why don't we use the bed, ok Andy?" Suggested Jimmy. Andy grinned widely and made a running leap onto the bed. Jimmy took my hand and led me over, then pushed me down on it next to Andy, who promptly got into a 69 with me. His mouth was like a vacuum, warm and wet, and his tongue seemed to be everywhere at once. He was moaning as he sucked me, and seemed to be enjoying it at least as much as I was.

I looked up at his hard cock dangling above my face and very lightly tickled the dripping slit with my tongue. His precum was sweet and light, and his dick was smooth. It was a bit smaller than Jimmy's, maybe a little over 4", but it was definitely enough to have fun with. I moved my tongue to the underside of the head, then back over the slit. He shuddered and moaned, and tried thrusting himself into my mouth. I licked up and down the underside of his dick, making him more and more frantic, then finally took just the head into my mouth and started sucking gently on it, swallowing his precum as it flowed into my mouth. Andy let out a groan and lifted his head from my cock.

"Please suck me!" He said hoarsely, desperately trying to get more of his dick into my sucking mouth. I obliged and let him shove the entire thing into my mouth, sucking hard and licking everywhere. He let out a shriek and started frantically fucking my face and panting, then swallowed my whole dick into his throat and sucking like there was no tomorrow. I was loving the feel of his balls bouncing on my face while his prick throbbed and leaked sweet precum down my throat as he furiously slammed his dick in and out of my mouth.

At this point Jimmy had apparently had enough of watching. I felt my legs being lifted and his warm breath on my ass. His wet tongue slid slowly over my hole, licking around my pucker. I was getting close, with the feelings of Jimmy's tongue on my ass, Andy's mouth on my cock, and his dick in my mouth. Andy must have sensed this because he pulled off of my prick and started licking my balls. Jimmy moved his tongue over to my hole and started pressing against it insistently. I relaxed and felt it enter. I was moaning loudly around Andy's cock, and pushing my ass against Jimmy's tongue, wanting more. Andy started thrusting faster and faster then pulled his dick almost out of my mouth and started firing shots of cum down my throat. It was as sweet as his precum and I swallowed desperately, wanting every drop of it. About halfway through his orgasm he yanked his dick out of my mouth and started spraying his thick white jizz all over my face as I tried to lick it all up and catch it in my mouth.

When Andy had finished cumming he moved off me and watched as Jimmy started working his hot tongue deeper into my ass. I could feel him lapping at the walls of my chute and twisting his tongue in the most delightful ways. I was twisting on the bed, moaning and begging for more. Andy was slowly stroking my throbbing cock, and I felt Jimmy pull his tongue from my hole and replace it with his finger. Jimmy and Andy were kissing, and Andy got his ass positioned over my face. I got a glimpse at his prick and noticed it was still hard and leaking precum again. Then his smooth, hairless butt was filling my view, and I started to run my tongue across his hole. He let out a contented sigh and settled his ass lower so I could get my tongue into his twitching hole. Jimmy's finger was moving in and out slowly, but picking up speed, then was joined by another finger. I started sucking on Andy's hole, trying to get it loose enough for my tongue to enter. His ass was as sweet as his dick. It started loosening and I slipped my tongue in just enough to make him squirm and moan with delight. Jimmy was finger fucking me by now, moving his fingers in and out of my ass quickly as he licked and sucked on Andy's nipples. I moved my hands around Andy's body and started stroking his dick and playing with his balls. He shifted again, lowering his ass closer to my face.

Jimmy stopped finger fucking me, and just started twisting his fingers inside me. I felt him trying to get a third in and relaxed myself so he could. Its not very often he can fit three fingers inside, but he did. I was about to go nuts. I started shoving my tongue up Andy's ass, trying to get it as deep as I could. He let out this kind of growl and ground his ass on my face while I stroked his cock and played with his balls. "Fuck my ass--" he murmured, "lick my ass, get it all wet. It feels so good, oh more, I want more tongue up inside me!" I was licking the inside of his tight hole, sucking on it. He let out another loud moan and I felt his cock swell in my hand and start spraying all over. Jimmy swooped down and took it in his mouth, collecting his cum in his mouth and holding it there, although some dribbled down his chin. He now had three fingers inside my tight hole, and was twisting them around. Andy's hole was clenching around my tongue as he came, his cock throbbing in Jimmy's mouth. When he finished shooting, Jimmy moved off his dick and kissed him, sharing the cum before the both swallowed it. Andy fell onto the bed, panting.

"You guys are incredible!" he said. "That's two cums in under ten minutes! Awesome!" I smiled at him and reached over to play with his hole. It was loosened up some, but still tight and wet. Jimmy removed his fingers from my ass and got himself in position to fuck me. I was ready and wanted it. I spread my legs and felt him positioning his cock at my hole. He pressed in and it entered. I moaned.

"Oh, Jimmy, fuck me. Fuck me now. I need you inside me!" I panted at him. Andy was hard again and playing with himself. I felt Jimmy's dick move into me until it was about halfway in. His cock was throbbing inside my ass, and I knew he was close. He stayed like that for a bit, not moving, until he was sure he wouldn't cum right away, then moved slowly further in until he was entirely inside me. His cock felt so good in there, I was sure I would cum any second. He started to slowly move in and out of me, long dicking me and driving me insane. I was gripping the sheets, twisting them in my fingers. I felt every inch of his shaft as it slid in, then out of my tight hole.

The feel of Andy's mouth on my cock took me by surprise. He was slobbering on my dick, apparently getting it wet. I was shocked. Two cums in less than ten minutes and he still wanted more! When he felt it was wet enough, he straddled my cock and slowly dropped his ass down onto it. His hole was tight and wet, but he worked my prick inside of him. When he managed to get the head in he let out a long, low moan. Jimmy's fucking me, and the feel of Andy's tight ass around my cock head was pushing e closer and closer to cumming. Andy slowly worked himself down on my dick, trying to get as much in as he could. About two thirds of the way down he stopped and took a deep breath, then relaxed his ass and sat all the way down on it in one swift movement. The scream of pleasure that he let out was so loud I wouldn't have been surprised if the whole island heard it!

"Oh god, fuck me! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Shove it up my ass! Do me harder, oh god I love it!" Andy was a maniac, slamming his ass up and down on my dick, grinding his ass on my pubes, trying to get even more inside him. Jimmy started thrusting faster and faster into me, fucking me hard and fast. I was close, wanting more of Jimmy inside. I was begging Jimmy to do it faster and harder, wanting him more than anything. Andy was franticly fucking himself on my prick, his ass tight and hot, squeezing my dick so hard I was afraid I would cum. Then all of a sudden he was screaming as his cock started shooting his biggest load yet with out even being touched. His hot, thick cum was spraying all over my body, coating me with his jizz, shooting over my head and hitting the headboard and drenching the sheets. The feel of his ass getting even tighter was more than I could take and my own dick started spewing my cum up inside his clenching ass. That was enough for Jimmy. He slammed his prick hard up my ass and started shooting and yelling loudly as he came forcefully inside me. I could feel his cum spurting in my ass, and I started cumming even harder up Andy's, which made his dick start shooting harder as well.

When our orgasms finally calmed down, Andy collapsed on top of me and Jimmy collapsed on him. The feel of both their warm bodies on top of me was wonderful, and I just savored the feel of Jimmy's dick inside me as my dick stayed inside Andy's tight ass.

Jimmy was the first to speak. "I guess you won the bet, huh?" He said to Andy. Andy grinned and gave me a long kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth and taking mine into his and sucking on it.

"Yup!" He answered happily. "Of course, the actual process of winning was much better than what I win from Ryan. You guys are great! I haven't had a fuck that good in a while!" He got off my dick and turned to face Jimmy. "Jimmy, I want you to know that if you ever break up with him, he's mine! Same goes for you, Erik. Next time I want Jimmy up me. But we gotta get going, I want to show you guys around the island!"

"Ok," said Jimmy, crawling up me, "but first I think I should clean Erik up." He started licking Andy's cum off my chest.

A few minutes later we had cleaned up and put some clothes on for the helicopter ride. Jimmy, Andy and I picked up David and Noon from their respective rooms and made our way to the helicopter pad on the roof. I was surprised and a bit worried when I saw Noon get into the cockpit, but he assured me he had a pilot's license. Jimmy and I snuggled up together in the back seat while David sat in front next to Noon and Andy plopped down in his lap. It all looked very cute and innocent until I noticed Andy putting David's hand on his dick. I was beginning to wonder if he was ever NOT horny!

The tour itself was very nice, and both Jimmy and I enjoyed it very much. We flew over pretty much the whole island, and Noon and Andy pointed out different landmarks and buildings. It was unbelievably beautiful.

After a while in the helicopter, Andy suggested going to his house for lunch.

"Real lunch, or you and your `protein shakes'?" I asked him. He grinned and said that I shouldn't complain, his cum was very healthy. "So's mine," I retorted, "But if you keep using it so much your dick will fall off." He laughed.

Noon landed the helicopter on a pad near the house. Actually, it was less like a house than a mansion. I had never seen a home so huge! It was truly gigantic. I was impressed. Andy took us in through the kitchen entrance in the back. There was boy there making what looked like a marshmallow fluff sandwich.

"Connor!" yelled Noon. He ran over to the boy and threw his arms around him. Connor looked surprised but happy. David looked jealous.

Connor looked to be about 15 years old. He had kind of longish red hair and very green eyes, both of which emphasized his remarkably pale skin.

"Noon, good lord! Why dinna y'call me? I dinna have any idea ye'd be here." Connor said with a distinctly Scottish accent. "I was expectin' another year without my little Thai-man. `Tis so good ta see ye!"

Noon looked sheepish. "I was going to, really I was. But I figured I would surprise you on the plane. When you weren't there I figured you hadn't decided to come after all." He kissed Connor on the cheek. "I missed you." He said softly.

"I missed ye too. I'm glad ye're here, Noon. I've been wantin' ta see ye fer the longest time."

David coughed.

"Oh!" Said Noon, remembering we were here. Andy was looking in the fridge, but watching us from the corner of his eye. "Connor, this is David, Erik, and Jimmy. They're new here. Erik and Jimmy are boyfriends. Guys, this is Connor. He's my ex-boyfriend. He's from Scotland which explains why he can't talk right." Noon told us, grinning. Conner stuck his tongue out at him. I saw David look relieved when Noon said that Connor was his ex. Apparently he had gotten very attached to Noon.

"Who wants PB&J?" asked Andy from the fridge. There was a chorus of negative answers, so he suggested meatloaf. Jimmy and I cheered. Jimmy asked for Mayo to put on it and Connor and I gagged, so he elbowed me. We heated up the meatloaf and ate quickly, all of us very hungry after the tour. Flying always gives me an appetite.

After stuffing our faces, Andy led us to his room. Actually it was more like an entire wing. He pretty much had his own separate house. The top two floors of the easternmost wing were his. It was pretty obvious, too. He had nice furniture, true, but the only pictures on the wall were of naked boys. Some were photographs, some were paintings, but all focused on one thing: naked boys. One or more, engaged in sex or not, all of them had nude guys. Some were artistic and others were blatantly porn, but all in all it was very impressive.

We were sitting in his bedroom watching TV, when Ryan came in. He looked at Andy sitting on Jimmy's lap and said, "You got them, didn't you?"

"Very much so." Answered Andy, grinning. "I came three times too. Beat that one, if you can!" Ryan shook his head, smiling. He went over to Noon sat down next to him, in between him and Jimmy. Noon grinned and put his hand on the bulge in Ryan's tight Speedo's. Before you could blink Ryan had them off and was undoing Noon's cut-offs. Noon helped him and in a second they were in a 69, licking and sucking at each other's cocks and balls. Andy glared at Ryan and started grinding his denim-covered ass on Jimmy's lap, while Jimmy played with his bare chest, twisting his nipples. David was sitting in a chair looking kind of embarrassed so Andy got up and went over to him, taking his hand and leading him to his king-sized bed. They got on it and Andy pulled the curtains so we couldn't see inside, but the moan from David was a pretty good indicator of what was going on.

While all this was happening, Connor had been slowly squeezing the growing mound in his shorts. I looked openly at his chest, then surprising myself, I leaned over and took one of his nipples into my mouth as I ran my fingers over the other. Connor let out a contented sigh and undid his shorts and took them off. His dick was already dripping precum as it stood up from his small bush of pubes. I pulled off my bathing suit as he helped to remove my shirt.

Meanwhile, Jimmy was licking at Ryan's ass while stroking himself. Ryan and Noon were going at it pretty strongly by now, sucking and bobbing on each other's cocks. Ryan moved himself forward and his cock popped out of Noon's mouth, slapping wetly against his stomach. Noon moved up to Jimmy's dick, running his tongue over the dripping wet head. Jimmy started to press his tongue into Ryan's ass, making him moan with pleasure. Noon took Jimmy's dick into his mouth and started getting it wet as Jimmy lubed up Ryan's ass with his tongue. Ryan was so caught up in the feelings that Jimmy was giving his hole that he was hardly sucking, just letting Noon thrust up and down into his wet mouth. When Jimmy finally felt that Ryan was wet enough, he moved his dick out of Noon's mouth and up to Ryan's hole.

"Put it all in at once," whispered Ryan to Jimmy, "Just shove it all in, please. I want it all right now, I can't wait!" Jimmy nodded and readied himself, then thrust into Ryan hard, shoving his whole dick into the tight ass in front of him. Ryan let out a long moan as Jimmy shoved into him and started stroking into his hole. Ryan could feel Jimmy's head, as he would pull almost entirely out then shove back in. Noon started to lick Jimmy's ass as it moved back and forth, then wet his finger and as Jimmy moved backwards thrust it into his ass in one swift push. Jimmy yelped, then moaned as Noon started to rub his finger over Jimmy's prostate. Noon put his mouth back over Ryan's prick and started sucking like a madman. This caused Ryan to take Noon's hard cock back in his mouth and suck hard while running his tongue quickly over the tip. Jimmy couldn't take any more of the double stimulation of both his ass and cock, and he started to spray the inside of Ryan's ass, coating the walls of his tight hole. Ryan felt Jimmy's hot cum shooting into him and began an incredible orgasm that lasted over 30 seconds as his sweet cum blasted into Noon's mouth and down his throat. Noon himself was close from the feeling of Ryan's mouth on his dick, and when he felt the hot cum spurting into his mouth and coating his tongue, his own prick began firing cum into Ryan's sucking mouth. Ryan swallowed as fast as he could, wanting to make sure he got it all as Noon swallowed down all of Ryan's delicious load. Jimmy's cock popped out of Ryan's ass as Noon's cock slipped out of Ryan's mouth, and Ryan's came out of Noon's.

Meanwhile I had started to suck on Connors dick. He put out a lot of precum, so I constantly had to swallow as I sucked on him. He had gotten into a 69 under me and was licking my balls, taking them into his mouth, sucking then letting them out and repeating the process. I felt him wet his finger and slowly press it into my hole, and I did the same to him. As I got the tip in, his cock jumped and spurted some more precum onto my tongue. I wriggled my finger further into his ass, each time causing another cock-jump and precum-squirt. It was really cool, and making him into a crazed maniac trying to stuff my cock into his mouth and shove his finger in my ass. He pulled the one finger out, wet it and another one, and squeezed both of them into my ass. I couldn't hold back and started spraying my jizz down his throat as he swallowed desperately. I had my nose all the way down in his red pubes and was swallowing his prick as I bobbed up and down on it. He let my penis slip out of his mouth, but continued to twist his fingers inside me. I was frantically sucking on him, wanting his cum. I pulled off and started licking the slit, digging my tongue into it when suddenly his dick erupted! Thick white cum shot out of it, spraying all over my face and shooting so far that some of it hit the ceiling. I got the head back in my mouth and tried not to gag as it fired forcefully into my throat. His was thicker than Jimmy's or Andy's, and tasted slightly like pecans, but I enjoyed it immensely as I tried to get his thick jism down my throat into my stomach.

When he finally came down from his incredible orgasm he pulled his fingers from my ass with a `pop'. I sat up next to Jimmy who was panting heavily. He looked over at me and gave me a big smile, then wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

"You come up with the best birthday presents." He said. I smiled and kissed him back.

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 12

Jay calls

Our first full day at the camp was just as exciting as I had hoped it would be. Jimmy had a wonderful time, especially at Andy's house with the threesome he participated in. I was thrilled to have been able to make him so happy. As a matter of fact, he was so ecstatic about his birthday present that when we got back to the hotel he made me fuck him in the lobby. It was really cool, and we actually got applause!

The next morning I awoke to the feel of Jimmy's warm body pressed close against me. I couldn't resist nuzzling his sweet neck as my dick hardened and pressed between the cheeks of his perfect ass. He yawned and opened his eyes to look at me.

"Mmmmm... good morning, my love." He said, his green eyes sparkling, a smile on his wonderful lips. I marvelled at how anyone could be so perfect. His silky blond hair brushed across my bare shoulder, and his warm back pressed against my chest.

"I love you." I told him.

"I know." He said, "I love you too. What are we doing today?" He turned over so that we were pressed together, chest to chest, cock to cock. His was hard too. Not that this is surprising, he usually has a hard-on.

"I was thinking we could just stay like this all day." I suggested. "I mean, it's not like we have to do anything. There's no school, no chores. We can just stay here together all day."

He snuggled closer to me, laying his head on my chest. I felt his warm breath across my nipple, causing it to harden. "I'd like that." He responded. "Yesterday was wonderful, but I like having you to myself." He looked up into my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me and wriggled around getting comfortable. I smiled at him. I love him so much it's almost impossible not to smile around him. I put my arm around his shoulders and my other hand on his arm that was laying across my chest. We fell asleep again like that.

We woke up again three hours later, still in the same position, except that his hand was now on my hard dick, and his penis was rubbing on my thigh. He's so adorable when he humps me in his sleep, it's like he wants me even when he's not awake. I leaned over and kissed his forehead. He looked at me sleepily.

"What time is it?" He asked me. I looked over at the clock and told him it was about 1:00. He smiled and closed his eyes again. "Cool. We really can do this all day." His stomach growled and he looked up at me sheepishly. "Well," He conceded, "maybe some food wouldn't be a bad idea." I laughed and called room service.

Jimmy leaned across me to grab the remote control and as he was over me I started playing with his ass. He thinks it's too round, but I think it's perfect. I ran my finger up his crack, causing him to shiver and throw his head back as he gasped. I did it again and he moaned. I was giving my order to room service while running a finger up and down my boyfriends ass, playing with his hole. He started getting really into it and asked me to finger him. I offered him my finger and he began sucking on it and licking it, getting it wet and ready to go inside him. I started getting really hard from him sucking my finger, and when he saw this he started to play with my balls. His hand moved to my ass and I pulled up my legs to give him better access. His finger moved lightly over my hole, barely brushing it, as I moved my finger to his tight ass and started to press in. He cooed and wet his finger, then pushed it inside me. As if on cue, we both started to finger fuck each other. I found his prostate and began teasing it, making him moan and thrust his ass back on my finger.

"Ready for two?" He whispered to me. I nodded and he started to press another finger inside. I couldn't take anymore and before I could warn him my cock started to shoot thick cum all over his face and chest and back. He smiled and laughed, then got his face real close so it would spray on his face and in his mouth. He continued to finger my ass and this caused my dick to push out several extra spurts which he caught in his mouth and held there, swishing them around. He positioned his dick above my mouth and I lunged up and started sucking on it. It only took a few sucks and some well-placed licks before he was spraying his cum into my mouth. I swallowed some of it, but held the rest, using my lips to milk the last bits out. He looked over at me and smiled, a trail of cum on the corner of his mouth. He moved around so we were face to face, then kissed me. Our mouths opened and we shared our cum with each other, mixing it in our mouths, passing it back and forth, feeling it slip on and coat each others tongues, before finally swallowing it. He laughed.

"You look so sexy with my cum on your chin." He said. I laughed and grabbed his ass, then kissed him again. We rolled around on the bed, wrestling for a while until we heard the knock on the door. He got up to answer it, my cum still on the corner of his mouth and smeared on his chest and back. It was room service with our lunch.

The room service boy was cute. He was about 15, same as me and Jimmy, with brown curlyish hair, a light tan, and bright green eyes. He was wearing black pants, a cute little bellhop hat, and no shirt.

"Hi!" He said, "room service with your lunch. Andy wanted me to point out that your toast was cut in the shape of a penis, and your eggs represent the balls. He wants you to think of him when you're eating so that you guys can fuck like rabbits when you see him again."

"Tell him we just finished fucking like rabbits two minutes before you got here so he's too late." Grinned Jimmy.

"Ok," said the boy, "He won't be happy, though. He thinks he has a monopoly on your cum." Jimmy and I laughed.

"We don't let anyone monopolize that!" I said, "its too much fun to give it out for free. What's your name? Or do we call you bellboy?" He grinned at that.

"I'm Derrik Schwartz." He answered, extending his hand for Jimmy to shake.

"Cool. I'm Erik -----, and this is Jimmy -------. Nice to meet you, Derrik." I shook his hand while Jimmy admired his ass. We chatted for a while, then Derrik left to finish his rounds. Jimmy and I were ravenous and nearly scarfed down our food. When we were done I went to the bathroom to relieve myself. When I got back Jimmy was sitting on the bed looking at a pamphlet.

"What's that?" I asked him, climbing up to sit next to him. He kissed my cheek and explained that it was a description of the different attractions on the island. He pointed out the TV studios, and commented that maybe I should check them out. I hugged him and kissed his cheek, then told him maybe I would, if he would sing for me. He has the most beautiful voice, like an angel, but he's kind of shy and doesn't think his voice is that great.

"Tell you what," he said, "I'll sing for you if you'll do a porn movie with me." He looked at me and grinned. I pulled him back on the bed and started wrestling with him. I almost got him pinned when the phone rang. I reached over to answer it and Jimmy pushed me flat on my stomach and sat on my back. "I win!" He announced. I mumbled something about phone cheating and he pinched my butt, making me yelp. The phone rang again and I picked it up.


"Um, hi, is this Erik?" Asked a nervous sounding voice.

"Yeah... who's this?"

"You're Erik -----?"

"Yes. Who are you?" The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

"Um, you probably don't remember me... I'm Jay?" He sounded hopeful.

"Jay?" I asked, "Jay what? How do I know you?"

"From the video rental place? We talked a few times when you came in... I ran out to return the money you left. We talked about online stuff, and I told you that you look real young... I must sound like an idiot right now..."

"Oh, that Jay! Hi!" I definitely remembered him. VERY cute, with long brown hair to his chin parted in the middle, and really adorable blue eyes, plus a cute ass. He was 15 like me, and when he talked to me in the video place the first time I was in shock. "How are you? What's up?"

"Um, not much, I just saw your name on the guest list," Guest list? Wait a minute, that means he's at the island, which means... he's gay! I jerked upwards almost knocking Jimmy, who was tracing the lines of my back, onto the floor. "and I saw yours. I was kind of hoping you were the Erik from the store, and that we could get together sometime?" Jay wanted me? This was a lot to register!

"Um, I guess we could," I told him, "You know that I have a boyfriend, right?" Hey, he may be cute, but I love Jimmy, and I'd rather have one Jimmy than a million other god-boys. Besides, with Jimmy I have perfection, and what kind of an idiot would trade that in for a quick fuck?

There was a moment of silence on the phone. "Uh, that's not a problem." Jay said. "I'd like to meet him if it's ok. I don't mean sex or anything, just hanging out. Maybe we could all go to the arcade or something?" It sounded good to me.

"Let me ask Jimmy first, ok? Hold on." I pushed the hold button and turned to look at Jimmy who was getting ready to whip my butt with a towel.

"I hope you're planning on apologizing for dumping me off the bed, sweetie, because otherwise your ass will be red for weeks."

"I'm sorry?" I gave him my best puppy dog look. It doesn't usually work, but this time I started playing with his dick. He forgave me pretty quick and I told him about Jay and his idea while getting Jimmy hard.

"Sounds ok to me," Said Jimmy, "just as long as I'm with you. This is our vacation."

"I know that!" I told him, hugging him and pulling him down on top of me. "You know, if you don't want to I can always tell him we can't."

Jimmy shook his head. "No, I really do want to meet him. I don't want him stealing my boyfriend, but I do want to meet him." I smiled at him and he leaned down and kissed me. It was a slow, soft kiss. His lips are so perfect and soft... I love him more than anything.

"You don't need to worry about anyone stealing me," I told him, "I could never leave you. I should be the one worrying about boyfriend stealers." He stuck his tongue out at me and I grabbed it with my lips. We kissed again until he reminded me that Jay was still on the phone. I picked it up and told Jay that we would love to get together. I suggested that we meet at the arcade in the hotel and then go to a restaurant for dinner. He agreed and we hung up. Since we had a while before we had to worry about getting ready, Jimmy and I climbed back into bed and turned on the TV. I was sitting up and Jimmy leaned over into my lap and started licking my semi-hard dick. I was hard in no time!

To Be Continued

In Chapter 13

Jimmy Performs.

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