Best Camp Ever

By Fantus1569

Published on Jul 13, 1997


The Best Camp Ever

Part one, Chapter one

I Find Out About The Camp, And Find Jimmys Birthday Present

My name is Erik. I just turned 16 on May second. I'm here because I want to tell you about the most incredible fantasy-cum-true story ever. And the best part is that its all true. If you dont believe me then just ask... well, I cant give you his name. You'll just have to trust me. Let me tell you about myself.

I'm about 5'5" and I have Dark brown hair with red highlights (totally natural, so dont even SUGGEST that I dye it!!!), and blue eyes. I guess I'm pretty good-looking, but I really dont think so. I like writing and LOVE to act, and I guess I'm kind of athletic. No organized sports for me, though, really. And I hate baseball!!!! Oh yeah, I'm also gay.

One faggot comment and I'll kick your ass.

Thank you.

Anyway, I've got a boyfriend named Jimmy, who is by the way the most incredibly gorgeous beautiful amazing terrific guy ever put on this planet or any other. He's sweet, he's sensetive, he's kind and caring and loving and affectionate... Oh yeah, and he has the most incredibly gorgeous body ever. He's shorter than me and has blond hair thats kinda long and beautiful green bedroom eyes. I wont tell you about the rest of him (not yet at least), but suffice to say that he could (and has actually been known to) turn a straight guy on to other dudes. And I have him. He's all mine. Ha ha ha ha ha...

But I guess I'm kinda straying. You are probably wondering what this has to do with a camp (see title). Well, gimme a minute and I'll get there. See, Jimmys birthday was in June and I wanted to get him a present, something he would really love, something he would NEVER forget. So, being totally out of ideas (hey, you try buying a present for someone who doesnt want anything!) I figured I'd go online and look for ideas.

I got distracted pretty quick when I checked my mail.

There was this letter. Its subject line was 'A Special Camp For You'. I figured it was some dumb piece of shit-mail, but I opened it anyway. It was this letter talking about a special camp for select "young men", exclusive and as far as I could tell invitation only. It was on some island somewhere that was actually owned by the camp, and the letter talked about all this really cool stuff to do there. There was a file attached, a picture, that the letter said to download to get a look at the kinds of activities the camp offered.

So I did.


It was a bunch of pictures on this blue background. It was pretty big and was about twice the size of my screen. There were words going across it that read: "Isla Gero is the largest camp anywhere in the world and the only one of its kind. It is truly a unique and enjoyable experience. Join today!!!!" The pictures were awesome.

First of all, all the guys were totally naked, most of them hard. In some of the pictures they were swimming, in others playing sports, in others exploring woods... And in most of them they were engaging in my favorite pastime: SEX!!!!!!! I was amazed and oh, so happy!!!!! There were all kinds of guys, tall, short, tan, pale, blond hair, black hair, big dicks, small dicks, and every size in the middle!!!! I went back to finish the letter.

In order to join I had to send an email back to them saying that I was interested and they would take care of the rest. They even said I could bring a friend!!!! I found Jimmys birthday present...

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 2

I sent the e-mail that day, then called Jimmy to see when he was coming over. He was staying the night at my house and we would be going to a museum the next day. I dialed his house and he picked up on the third ring.


"Hi!!!" I said, "When are you coming?"

"We should be leaving in about five minutes," he replied, "Is there anything you need me to bring?"

I thought for a moment and said "Just you. No clothes necessary, but hard-on required." he laughed and I continued, "In case you couldn't tell I'm horney."

"Oh, really? I would never have guessed... I love you."

"I love you too... Now get over here!!!!"

"See you soon, my love..."

"I cant wait!!! Bye...


I hung up and straightened up my room,then went downstairs and waited for him to show up. My parents were out for a while so I was pretty sure we'd have a few hours to fool around.

When I heard him knock, I ran to the door, threw it open, and practically dragged him into the house. When I was sure his dad wouldnt see, I kissed him. He pressed up against me and his arms went around my waist, as his toungue slipped into my mouth. We stood there for a while kissing and rubbing our bodies against each other before he took my hand and led me up to my room.

As soon as we were there he started undressing me. Since I was only wearing a t-shirt and shorts it wasn't long before I was naked and hard and stripping him, too. Once he too was nude I got on my knees and started kissing his balls. My tongue flicked out and I started licking each nut delicately. He tasted so good!!!! I took one of his balls in my mouth and he started moaning. Getting his balls sucked always drives him nuts.

He pushed me back so I fell onto the futon, and got between my legs and started to lick the tip of my cock. His tongue traveled slowly over the slit, then twirled around the head, then under the ridge. He repeated this several times, then traveled down, licking the underside. He got to my balls and licked his way over them, traveling down to my ass. His tongue lightly circled the hole several times before he brushed over it. He started to lick over my hole, then pressed his tongue against it gently, slowly pushing his tongue inside me.

By this time my dick was dripping pre-cum at a furious rate, and it was all I could do not to jerk off right then. I moaned for him to let me suck him and he swivled into a 69 position. As soon as his dick was accessible I took it all in my mouth and started sucking and licking as fast as I could. I wanted cum and I wanted it NOW!!!! He started thrusting his cock into my mouth and pushing his tongue harder up my asshole. I always lose control when I get my ass rimmed, and despite my trying to hold back I started shooting forcefully all over my chest. He removed his tongue from my ass, replaced it with his finger, and took my dick in his mouth and started sucking the cum out of me. As soon as his lips touched my dick, his cock started to spew its delicious juice onto my tongue, filling up my mouth. I swallowed some of it (its SOOOO yummy!!!!) but kept most in my mouth, just tasting it.

When we finally came down from our ecstasy, he turned around and kissed me, giving my cum to me, and sucking his cum from my mouth. We kissed for a while, mixing our juices before we both swallowed. He grinned and lay down on top of me, and I wrapped my arms around him, loving how warm his body was.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 3

Jimmy and I lay together for a while, just taking pleasure in feeling the others warmth. He was so beautiful. I loved being able to be close to him, and to know that he loved me. He looked into my eyes and smiled, then leaned close and kissed me, moving so that he was pretty much on top of me. I moved my hand up and down his back, feeling his soft skin, while we kissed.

We were like that for about fifteen minutes before the phone rang. It startled us, and he fell off me. I jumped up and picked up the phone on the second ring.


"Hello, is this Erik?" Asked the voice on the other end. It sounded like a man, I guess somewhere between 20's and 30's.

"This is Erik," I replied, "Who is this?"

"This is Mr. Gero. I believe you recieved our E-mail invitation?"

"Um, yes..." I said. I didnt remember including my phone number, but maybe I had just forgotten.

"We recieved your response and were just calling to verify that you are interested. Yresponse also indicated that you would be bringing a friend?"

"Yeah. I have a few questions, though..."

"Such as...?" He queried.

"Well, how am I going to get my parents to ok this? Or my friends parents? And what about money? How much will this cost? How long is it? How do we get there? What about..."

He interupted me. "Slow down, there!!!" he laughed, "give me a minute to answer. We will take care of getting your parents and your friends parents to give their approval. They wont know exactly what kind of camp it is, or anything about it other than what you think would be the best way for you to be permitted to go. As to the price, the camp itself is actually free, but if you wish we can give them a certain price and then give you the money later to spend as you wish. The camp lasts the whole summer, unless you want to go home earlier. We arrange transportation to and from the camp. Is there anything else?"

I had to admit there wasnt. Not that I could think of at least.

"Excellent!!! We will give your parents a call later tonight and then E-mail you the information you need to know. Is that ok?" He asked.

"Sure!!!" I said, "Thanks a lot!!!"

"No problem," He replied, "Bye now."

I hung up and turned around to where Jimmy was looking at me with a very curious expression on his face.

"What was that about?" He asked.

I grinned and said, "Nothing much. Its a surprise. You'll find out soon." And with that I promptly tackled him.

We wrestled on the futon a bit before we continued where we had left off.

His tongue was so warm on my chest...

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 4

Jimmys tongue slid slowly across my chest, circling my nipples, then running over them. He sucked gently on my right nipple while he played with my rising penis, urging it back to a full erection. Out of curiosity (I'm sure many males have tried this), I once tried to jerk off as many times as I could in one day, to see what my limit was. I got to about 5, but stopped shooting any substantial amount of cum at 3. Oddly enough, when I'm with Jimmy we can usually cum about 6 times each, and still be shooting quite a bit. Its very strange, but so much fun!!!

Jimmy got between my legs and started licking and sucking my cock, using a lot of saliva. Thats his way of saying he wants me to fuck him, when he starts drooling on my dick. I told him to let me lick his ass and he turned happily around into a 69 position.

His hole was so inviting. I started licking around the rim slowly, savoring every feeling and taste of him. His breathing quickened as my tongue touched his ass. I brushed my tongue over the hole and he gasped. I licked over his hole several times, then gently pushed my tongue against it. He was still too tight to penetrate, so a licked it some more making sure to get it very wet. This time when I pushed my tongue slid in, and he moaned and gyrated his ass, trying to push more into him. He was bobbing up and down on my cock and I was afraid I would cum, so I told him I was ready.

Jimmy turned around to face me and slowly lowered himself onto my straining cock. I felt the head press against his sphincter, then slip in. He moaned and moved lower onto me, taking it an inch at a time until I was all inside him. He leaned forward and started to kiss me as he slid his ass up and down my shaft. His tongue entered my mouth and started exploring, running over my teeth, then carressing my tongue. I started to suck on it and he started twisting his ass on my dick, tightening and releasing as he moved up and down. I twisted his nipples and he went into a kind of frenzy, moaning and thrusting his tongue in my mouth while slamming his ass down on my stiff cock. His own dick started to shoot his sweet cum between us, landing om my chin, my chest, my belly. His ass tightened around me and my own dick started shooting forcefully up his hole, as it milked me dry.

After we came he lay on me, keeping my cock in his ass. We fell asleep like that.

The phone ringing woke both of us and he jumped off me and ran to answer it, cum dripping out of his ass and running down his legs. He's so cute when that happens!!! It ended up being my parents saying they would be home in an hour and that we should warm up some pizza for dinner since they would be taking us to the movies once they got home.

After Jimmy hung up and told me what they said, I commented. "I think I'd rather have something else for dinner."

"Well, you could have the cream from me." He grinned.

I leapt at the chance and was sucking away at his hole as soon as he bent over. It was delicious, but definitely not enough to replenish our lost energy, so we got dressed and had pizza.

My parents dropped Jimmy and I off at the theater and we opted to see Romeo + Juliet, based on its wonderful reviews and the fact that One of his friends said you could see Leonardo DeCapprios ass. He wasnt right, but it was still a cool movie, and we did get to see his chest, so it wasnt a total loss.

When my dad picked us up, he started asking me if I had considered going to camp for the summer.

"Come on, dad," I said, "You know I hate camps. The last time I went I had a horrible time. Whywould I want to go again?"

"I know you didn't like the last camp you went you, but we got a call from a camp I think you'll enjoy." He replied.

"Yeah, right. I hate camps. Why would I like this one?"

Well," He answered, "Its an acting camp."

That got my attention. I love acting, but at that point I figured that Mr. Gero must have been the guy calling. Naturally I expressed my skepticism, but secretly I was thrilled. If my parents were asking me if I wanted to go, that meant that they liked the idea, which definitely eliminated some major obstacles. Now if Jimmys dad agreed to it, then we were set, and I would have the best birthday present for Jimmy he'd ever have!!!!

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 5

When we got back home I was so excited I was practically jumping. Jimmy called his dad and we found out that he had been invited to the same camp. What a coincidence, right? He wasnt so thrilled about going to a camp, but he was happy to be going with me. Naturally I didnt tell him everything, but what good is a birthday present if it isnt a surprise?

We talked about camp for a bit while we warmed up some more pizza. Jimmy has an appetite that you would expect from a 3-ton man, not a 15-year-old. He eats constantly!!! He never seems to gain any weight, though, something that drives our friends of the female persuasion insane. I dont gain much weight either, but I eat a lot less than he does. Except for cum. I eat at least as much as he does of that!!!!!

Just as we sat down to eat, the phone rang. I grabbed it, thinking it was Mr. Gero. It wasn't. It was Lisa, a girl from our class who has a major crush on Jimmy.

"Hi Lisa. Whats up?" As soon as Jimmy heard her name he groaned and slouched down on the couch.

I grinned at him. "Is Jimmy there? I gotta ask him something." She said.

" Is Jimmy here? Let me check, hold on..." I looked at him and he started frantically waving his arms and shaking his head, mouthing 'no' as emphatically as possible. "Um, I don't think so, Lis. He was, but he went home, I think... uh-huh... uh-huh... I'll tell him if I see him... Ok... Right... Bye." I hung up.

Jimmy sighed in relief. "I swear she's stalking me." He said, totally straight-faced.

"I believe it," I replied, "She wants you so bad its pathetic. I mean, she practically drools every time you walk by."

" So do you..." He grinned.

I snuggled up next to him and put my hand on his lap, squeezing gently. "I have a right to..." I told him, "I'm your boyfriend. Besides, when I drool, Its in the right places" I squeezed his croth for emphasis, and he bucked his hips up to push against my hand.

"A little bit horny, are we?" I asked him.

"I am, I dont know about you..." He replied and started to unbutton my shirt. I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to the bedroom. When we got there I closed and locked the door, then put his arms around my neck and carressed his back, putting my hand up under his shirt tp feel his warm skin.

"Think we can go for a third time?" I whispered to him, licking his neck.

He moaned and said "I think I can go for a fourth too, if you can keep up." He moved his hands to my chest and, after sliding them under my shirt, started gently twisting my nipples.

I pulled back from him and started to unbotton my shirt, but he pushed my hands away and took over. Each time he undid a button he would lick the skin he just exposed, send shivers up my spine as his warm, wet toungue made trails down my torso. When he had finally opened it entirely, he started to suck slowly on my nipples, making sure that one was hard before moving to the next one. Then he made me lay down.

When I was settled he started to rub his hands over my croth and legs, carresssing lightly but pushing on my cock every so often to make sure I got real hard. My jeans were bulging out, and he lowered his head and began mouthing the lump of my dick. When I started bucking my hips up, he undid the snap, then slowly lowered the zipper, exposing my boxers which were already showing a wet spot from my precum. I lifted up my but and he lowered my jeans to my ankles, then started to lick the spot of precum on my boxers, while he took off my socks, then slid my jeans off entirely. He started to worm his tongue into the fly of my boxers, finally fishing my hard cock out the hole. He licked the ridge of the head and then over the slit, but then pushed me back inside the shorts. He wet the front of them bye licking all over the outline of my cock before finally taking off my underwear. I was naked except for my open shirt, which I quickly slid off my shoulders and threw across the room.

I reached over to take off his shirt but he pulled away and stood up. He removed his socks and then started slowly gyrating his hips. He slid his hands up and down his chest, snaking one up under shirt and pinching his nipple. His other hand began to circle the bulge in his tight shorts, tracing around the outline of his cock, then grinding his hand onto it, grasping it and squeezing. He moved his hand from his crotch and slowly pulled his shirt up over his torso, exposing his perfect chest as slowly as possible while moving his hips in circles. His shirt inched up over his body, uncovering his belly button, his stomach, his nipples, then finally being removed entirely and dropped to the floor. He toyed whith his nipples for a bit, twisting and pinching them, before slowly moving his hands down his chest to the top of his shorts. He undid the snap and lowered the zipper, revealing a glimpse of the pale blond hairs above his hard dick. Then he turned around and slowly lowered the cut-offs, revealing the top of his rounded buns, then pulling them bac up, lowering some more, and pulling back up. He teased me like this for about a minute, before exposing his perfect ass to me. Bending over, he spread his ass checks, exposing his hole, then made it wink at me, before pulling the back of the shorts up and turning around again. He lowered them slowly, showing me his light pubic hair, then the very base of his swollen cock, then some of the shaft, and more, and more, until the head popped free and slapped his stomach. The shorts fell to the floor.

He lay on top of me and we started kissing each other, rubbing our bodies together. Our dicks were both dripping huge amounts of precum and I could tell that we would both be cumming pretty soon from just being with each other. His striptease had turned me on so much that my dick was coated with my precum, and as it rubbed against his we both felt electric shocks of pleasure jolt through us. Our breathing quickened, and suddenly he let out a several loud moans and I felt his hot cum shoot out onto my chest, causing my cum to spray onto both of our sweaty bodies.

He sat up and I noticed that we were both still very hard, so I lifted my legs up and exposed my hole to him. He scooped some of our cum off my chest and slowly rubbed it over my hole, gently sticking in the very tip of his finger, moving it in little cthen pushing it in further. He got his finger all the way in, then inserted another one, twisting them both around insideme, causing me to moan, arching my back and pushing my ass towards the fingers for more. He removed his fingers, making me whimper, and scooped up some more of our cum, rubbing it on his rock-hard cock, before positioning his dick-head at the entrence to my tight ass. He pushed gently and I relaxed to let him in. I could feel him expanding my hole and the head popped into me, making me moan and buck towards him for more. He slipped more into me, a bit of the shaft, then a bit more, pausing about halfway to make little circles in me with his cock. Ecstasy was coursing through my body and he was panting heavily.

"Fuck me, Jimmy," I moaned, "Put it all inside me..." He let out a loud moan and pushed the rest of his cock inside my tight hole. It felt so perfect in there, so full. My dick was flowing with precum, and I could feel my orgasm coming closer as Jimmy rammed into me. Without warning, my cock starting spurting cum all over us, surprising even me. It splashed across my chest, and some hit his mouth, which he quickly licked up and swallowed. Despite my ass tightening around his cock he somehow managed to hold off his own orgasm, continuing his wonderful movements inside my ass for another 30 minutes. His cock sliding in and out of me, his hands feeling my balls, my cock, my nipples, and finally him leaning over and kissing me deeply, his tongue snaking into my mouth and wildly licking inside of it, sent me over the edge and I came for the third time that night, this time with more cum than the previous ones. It sprayed over both our heads and hit him in the chin and the cheek, as well as coating both of our torsos in hot cum. When he felt my ass contract again he started moaning more insistently, and when my cum shot out onto his face he couldn't hold back any longer and sent huge amounts of warm, sweet cum up deep into my clutching ass. I could feel each pulse of his cock as he shot and shot and shot, cumming for what felt like hours. My dick continued to pulse from the wonderful feeling of his cum in me, although nothing more came out of my spent dick.

We lay like that for a while, him on top of me, his dick in my ass, until we fell asleep.

I think heaven must be sleeping forever like that with someone you love...


In chapter 6.


Well, guys, heres chapter 9. I'm sorry about the delay between chapters, but I write at school usually (dont even ask!!!) and their word program doesnt work right with mine so converting it takes a while. let me know what you think of it so far, and if you have any suggestions about plot developments or anything, let me know!!!!

Oh, yeah. I forgot to include this part in previous chapters, but this story is ENTIRELY FALSE!!!!!! Well, actually, thats not entirely accurate... the parts about the camp are false. there is unfortunately no such camp. any further clarifications on the truth or falseness of this work should be directed to me personally. if you are underage, who cares? I was too when i started writing this stuff last year, so nothing i say will stop you and you shouldnt be stopped anyway!!! hey, its your dick, and your mind, do with them what you will.

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning on my side, Jimmy spooned in behind me with his cock still up my ass. I loved laying like that, but I desperately had to pee, so I eased away from him and threw on a robe, making a mad dash to the bathroom to relieve myself. I finished my business, then decided to take a shower to wake me up. I ran the water and let it get to a nice temperature before stepping in. It was only a matter of minutes before the curtain was moved aside and my lover stepped in, his dick more awake than he was. I grinned and pulled him into the shower, hugging him against me and washing his back. I'd like to say we had a fantastic love session in the shower, but we didn't since my parents would be waking up pretty soon. we washed each other quickly and got out and dressed.


"Why did I let you talk me into this again?" grumbled Jimmy.

"Because," I said, "I begged. And I let you fuck me that seven times in a row. My ass is still sore."

"No fuck is worth a summer in hell." He replied.

"It's not going to be hell." I told him. "How can you be so down on it when you aren't even there yet?"

He glared at me. "Real easy. I'm willing to bet they separate us. We'll probably be in these horrible bunks with no heating, no cooling, no running water, and no real toilets. We'll have straw matresses. There'll be more bugs per person than there are bad drivers in Florida. They won't have phones. They won't have computers. I'll be stuck in a bunk without you for the whole summer, and every other guy in camp is gonna be straight and homophobic, not to mention horny and constantly talking about pussy."

"You," I said, "Are a very negative person. It will not be that bad. You'll have a great time. Now stop complaining. Its almost time to board."

"Great. Sedatement time." Jimmy can't fly real well, so he has to be sedated before getting on a plane. "I'll make deal with you. I'll stop complaining if you can promise me that we'll make love at least once a week. And that means for at least half an hour, ok?"

I shrugged. "I promise. Now go get your sleeping potion." He punched my arm and ran over to his dad. By the time we were ready to board the plane he was out cold. One of the security guys carried him into the plane and set him down in his seat. Window. Figures.

The first thing I noticed was that the whole plane was filled with guys. Not adults either, but kids. They seemed to all be ranging in age from 13 to 17. Not only that, but they were all REALLY good-looking!!!!

I was trying to look out the window when a kid sat down next to me. He was about the same height as me, with pale skin, black eyes, and short black hair. He was cute, and had a pretty big bulge in his crotch.

"Hi," He said, "My name's David." He put out his hand and I shook it. His crotch jumped. Damn, he must be horny, I thought. It was a nice looking crotch, too. The kind I certainly wouldn't mind licking. I hoped his ass was as nice.

"I'm Erik. Are you here for the camp?" I asked him, hoping for a positive answer. I was really hoping for a look at his cock.

He nodded, then blushed. "yeah," he said, "I think everyone on the plane is. They're all guys, and all about our age."

"And they're all really hot." I grinned. He blushed some more. A virgin? Or maybe he was just embarrassed about sex, or being gay. "How old are you?" I asked him, glancing down at his growing jeans-covered dick. Yeah, he was definitely new, and very horny. Probably his first time to have sex was going to be here. How cute.

"Thirteen." He answered. "They are cute, aren't they. I never done a guy before." He got redder and his eyes traveled down to my crotch, which was getting pretty excited itself.

"Oh, it's great," I told him, "You'll love it. If you want we can stick together till you feel more comfortable." I reached out and grabbed his bulging cock, whick looked like it was ready to burst out of his jeans. "I sure wouldn't mind helping you out with this nice piece of meat." I told him, rubbing the hard mound of his dick.

His reaction was priceless. He sort of jumped a bit, and let out a combination of a gasp and a lust-filled moan, then involuntarily thrust his crotch into my hand. Damn, that felt like a really nice piece of cock. I was hoping that I could find a place on the plane we could go so I could get it in my mouth. My own dick was fully hard by now, and straining against my jeans. He looked down at it and let out a shy, but obviously horny, grin. This kid really needed some sex.

"Um, yeah. I think I'd like that. I'm really new, so you'll have to be patient though. But I really wouldn't mind you helpin me out. He's been kinda lonely." He gestured towards what my hand was gently rubbing. I could tell he was a virgin, he was getting close to creaming his jeans and all I'd done was rub it a bit. I pulled my hand off his crotch and leaned towards him.

"When the plane takes off lets find a place we can be alone. I'm really anxious to teach you." I whispered to him, then started to lightly lick his neck. He let out a moan and hesitantly reached out to grab a hold of my throbbing cock. He was shaking and I could tell he wished he could see it now. He squeezed it gently, and felt it as much as he could with two layers of clothing in the way. Now I couldn't wait to 'educate' this guy.


The plane had finally lifted off and leveled out. David and I had been surreptitiously groping each other for about an hour, and we were definitely ready to get a bit more wild. I was eagerly awaiting getting his virgin cock in my experienced mouth. It seemed bigger than mine, and I was always up to a challenge.

Since the plane had gotten level, several of the guys had headed towards the back of the plane, usually with pretty obvious hardons. They didn't usually come back, but the ones that did had very contened grins on their faces, and some of those faces had apparantly forgotten to lick the cum off the sides of their happy mouths. I was very curious and after a while suggested that David come with me to see where they all went.

We headed to the back of the plane. By the rest rooms there was a metal door, an eyeslit was at about eye level, so I peeked in. The room behind it was pretty dark, but from the dim light I could see several shapes engaging in what could only be very interesting carnal pursuits. Apparantly there was a sex room on the plane, for those who couldn't hold their cocks in their pants long enough to get to the camp.

"What is it?" Asked David, trying to look in. I moved aside and when he saw what it was he gasped. "This is like a fantasy come true." He whispered. I moved up behind him and grabbed his ass (which, by the way, looked just as delicious as his cock seemed to be).

"How about we go in and make some of your fantasies cum true." I suggested. He smiled and opened the door. I followed him in.

The room was very dimly lit, but it was enough to see that there had to be at least a dozen or so guys in there. Some were jacking each other off, some were giving and recieving blow jobs, some were fucking, and some were engaged in some pretty hot group action. The floor was padded and warm, and the room temperature was warm enough to be comfortable, but cool enough so that you wouldn't die of heat when you really got going. David and I walked in slowly, trying to take it all in. We were both hard as rocks, and I was desperate to get my pants off before they strangled my aching hard on.

I led David over to a clear spot on the floor and pulled him close to me, bringing our lips together. He was hesitant, but I got him to open his mouth and let my tongue in. I explored his mouth and sucked his tongue into mine, letting him get used to it for a while. He started getting into it, thrusting his tongue in my mouth, rubbing it over mine, sucking me into his mouth to wrestle with my tongue. He started pressing his body harder against mine, and I could feel his hard cock pressing against my thigh. I pulled my mouth from his.

"I want you naked." I whispered. Almost as soon as the words were out of my mouth he started tearing off his clothes. He quickly stripped to his boxers, but then got shy and just stood there twisting the material in his fingers. "Do you want me to take those off for you?" I asked him.

He looked uncomfortable, then said "Would... would you get naked first?". I smiled and took my clothes off as quickly as I could, finally almost ripping off my boxers. My hard cock stood straight out from my body, throbbing with my heart beat. I stroked it slowly while looking at him.

"Your turn..." I said to him. He blushed and turned around, slowly lowering him boxers, exposing a tight little ass that looked almost as good to eat as Jimmys. He stepped out of the shorts but still didn't turn around. I couldn't figure out why. Here we were in a room full of horny, fucking and sucking guys, and he was shy? "Can I see it?" I asked him gently.

"Promise not to make fun of me?" He muttered. Now I was confused. The kid seemed to have a really good-sized cock; why would I laugh at him?

"I promise." I told him. He sighed and slowly turned around.

It was one of the nicest cocks I'd ever seen. It was about 7 inches and really thick, jutting straight out from jet black pubes. His balls were about the size of walnuts and hanging low in their sac. He had almost no body hair except for a bush around his dick, and some sparse strands in his armpits. His dick was drooling precum, and bobbing up and down. I had to restrain myself from swallowing it right then.

"Why would I make fun of you?" I asked him. "You've got a great cock!!!"

"You don't think its too big?" He said, sounding surprised.

"Hell no!!!" I responded, "Its fine!!! Its bigger than most guys your age, but thats not something to be ashamed of!!!"

"My friends make fun of me about it." He said sheepishly. He looked me in the eyes. "I'm really glad you like it." He said earnestly.

I looked back at his cock, licking my lips. "Why dont you lay down." I said huskily. "I want to get that big dick in my mouth."

He smiled and lay down on his back, spreading his legs wide. I got in between them and grabbed his big cock, looking at it for a bit before I went to work on it. There was a trail of precum dribbling down the underside of his cock so I licked it up, slowly dragging my tongue up the length of his delicious dick. He moaned and bucked his hips. I grinned. This was going to be fun, giving this kid his very first blow job.

I started licking around the base of his cock, working my tongue slowly up to the swollen head. I swirled my tongue under the ridge and over the head, then licked over the dripping slit.I latched my mouth over the tip of his dick and sucked as hard as I could while flicking my tongue quickly over it. He let out a loud moan, and bucked up, trying to thrust into my mouth. I felt he was almost shooting, so I pulled off and just licked his smooth balls for a little bit.

"Please..." he begged, "Please let me cum... I'm so horny. I gotta cum... please!!!" I smiled up at him and licked the spot under the head where it met the shaft. He moaned and let his head fall back, saying "Please... gotta cum... gotta... please make me cum... need it... so bad..."

Having mercy on him, I licked up to the tip again, then quickly sucked him in as far as I could, then started bobbing on his thick, hard cock, sucking like vacuum. It only took about three mouth-strokes before he was shooting his hot, tasty cum, spraying my mouth with his thick dick-juice. There was so much that I had to swallow several times before he stopped shooting. I kept him in my mouth untill he started squirming from hid dick being so sensetive. He was panting heavily, trying to catch his breath. I crawled up and lay next to him, slowly pumping my hard cock against his thigh.

"How was it?" I asked him.

"Wow... that was... man... fuckin incredible... whoa..." He looked over at me and smiled. His hand grabbed my dick and started stroking it slowly, exploring it.

"Mmmm..." I moaned as he slowly stroked me. His hand was soft and warm. I lay back and let him explore my body.

"Mind if I join in?" Said a voice from behind us. We both looked over to see an Oriental boy about 16 years old. He was naked and had a very nice looking hardon.

"Not at all," I grinned, "Cum right in! What's your name?"

"Noon." He replied. "It's a Thai name."

"Erik?" David said, nervously.


"Can I suck you?" I nodded vigorously and he pushed me down on my back and got between my legs. I motioned for Noon to stradle my head and his hard cock touched my lips.

I felt Davids mouth envelop my cock and he started sucking and licking it. I opened my mouth and Noon slid his hard dick right insinde. It was sweet with a slightly tangy taste. He let out a little "mmmm" noise and grinned down at me. I could feel David trying to take me all the way into him, pulled on Noons tight ass to get all of his cock down my throat. My tongue pressed against the bottom of his cock and I sucked it as hard as I could. I was really close after sucking off David and wanted to get Noons cum in my mouth at the same time I shot my own into Davids.

David slid his mouth up to the tip of my dick and started to lick it slowly. His tongue traveled down the shaft to my balls, carressing them slowly, lapping at them. He moved his mouth under them and pressed it into where the sac joined my body. I couldn't help spasming as my dick jumped and practically squirted out some more precum. He licked his way back up and drilled his tongue into the slit making me moan around Noons hard cock.

Noon was fucking my mouth fast now. His dick was sliding quickly in and out of my throat as his balls bounced on my chin. Davids tongue work on the tip of my dick had me just about ready to shoot, so I slipped a finger in my mouth, got it wet, then quickly jammed it hard into Noons tight asshole. He let out a high-pitched moan and shoved his entire cock down my throat as he started shooting his hot cum straight down to my stomach. Just as he did this David took my entire prick deep into his mouth, sucking like a vacuum, and I fired wad after wad into his hungry mouth. I felt something hot and wet on my leg and realized David had just jerked himself off to a wonderful cum while sucking on me.

We collapsed and lay there for a while, regaining our energy. We must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is hearing the pilot announce that we were preparing for descent.

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 7

Noon, David and I got our clothes back on and returned to our seats just in time. We could feel the plane beginning its descent, and as I looked out the window (over Jimmys perfect sleeping body) I saw the Island. It was huge!!! We could see several buildings, and to the North there were some mountains with snow-capped peaks. It looked to be a beautiful place for a camp.

Before long the plane was landing. I managed to wake up Jimmy, who sort of snuggled up against me while we landed until he saw David look at him. I remembered that Jimmy still didn't know about the "real" camp. He thought it was an acting camp. He sat up, but kept his hand between my thigh and the armrest, though out of sight of David or anyone else who might pass by. We stayed like that until the plane came to "A full and complete stop", then took our carry-on bags out from under our seats. The plane emptied rather quickly, despite some of the kids trying to get some quick gropes. David seemed slightly nervous, but exited with a big smile on his face and a growing bulge in the front of his pants.

Jimmy and I were the last ones off the plane. He kept me back until everyone else was off, then wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed his sweet lips to mine. We kissed for a while before he said "Remember, I get some of that at least once a week. Don't forget."

I grinned and replied "I won't forget. I like it just as much as you do. Besides," I shrugged, "We may even get to do it more than once a week." His hand slipped down my back and squeezed my ass while he ground himself into me.

"I hope so," He whispered, "Going a week without kissing you will be torture." I disengaged myself and smiled, then led him out of the plane.

The island, as I've stated before, was gorgeous. The air was warm and perfect, with a slight breeze, the kind that makes your hair do that really cool ruffle thing but doesn't chill you or make you look like you've got snakes on your head. The palm trees were a wonderful sight to my eyes, considering all I got to see year round were decidious leaves. The grass was emerald green, the sky was sapphire blue, and the ocean was a perfect mix of the two. Basically, the island was perfection.

As we stepped off the plane, a man with blond hair approached us, flanked by two boys. The man was wearing a very tight little Speedo bathing suit. He wore it well, too. No body fat on this dude. He looked to be in his mid-twenties. We later found out he was twenty-five. Good body, nice eyes, a friendly smile -- not bad for an adult. The two boys were nude. One of them had blond hair of average length, and looked twelve. He had a tight little body, with cute little nipples that were sticking out from his small chest, already hard. His dick was half-hard, but he didn't seem to notice. The other boy had black hair parted in the middle and striking green eyes. He was around fifteen or so, with a fully hard dick, and nice sized nipples that looked perfect to suck on. His balls hung pretty low, and looked pretty big. Both boys were completely hairless.

"Welcome to the camp!" The man said, shaking my hand. "I assume you're Erik, so this must be Jimmy." He looked at my lover, who was staring at the boys with his mouth open.

"Yep. And you're Mr. Gero, right?" I grinned at Jimmys expression. The man nodded.

"I am. And these two boys are Ryan," Pointing to the black haired boy, "And my son, Andy." The blond.

Jimmy was stunned. His jaw was hanging open as he looked around at the rest of the people there. Suddenly it dawned on him: Naked boys -- boys kissing each other -- gropes. My hints about doing it more than once a week -- this was no acting camp!!!

I leaned over and stuck my tongue in his open mouth, kissing him hard. After a bit he responded, kissing back with energy and hugging me close as his hands started exploring my body. We broke the kiss and I started licking his neck.

"Happy Birthday, my love--" I whispered in his ear, "Welcome to paradise."

Once again, no sex in this one, but it tells about the island. If anyone finds it to be unclear or doesn't understand what I mean by something, just tell me and I'll try to elaborate since I'm not sure if I made it very clear. Well, here it is!!!

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 8

We learn about the island

After Jimmy and I finished making out, Mr. Gero offered to give us an over veiw of the island. Naturally we accepted. Basically, since describing the entire conversation would take forever, I'll give you a description of it. Please keep in mind, however, that although some of the things may be unbelievable, I experienced it myself. If you don't believe me, ask Jimmy. So there.

The main place that most of the kids stayed was at a hotel-type building. It was huge, and incredibly luxurious. I mean really nice!!! There was an indoor pool (several, in fact), an ice skating rink, an arcade, a bowling alley, several places to eat -- I cant even remember all the stuff. The rooms were great. They had huge beds, large screen TVs with VCRs, computers (really good ones too, with some awesome games and all the online things), stereos, and the bathrooms were divine. In addition to the gigantic shower/bath, there was a bidet, and a jacuzzi!!! I was very happy about that, already planning some alternative uses for the jets.

For those who preferred a more traditional camp ambiance, there were cabins. I mean real camp-type cabins. The kind that everyone complains about, but that we all know adds to the experience.

The island itself had several different -- well, land types, I suppose. There were woods, rivers, waterfalls, jungles, lakes, beaches, and even some artificial mountains for skiing. A very cool idea, and probably very expensive.

There were also several dance clubs on the island. You know the kind, party all night type things. Of course, not all the partying was in the form of dancing, and not all the gyrating was happening on the dance floor, if you get my drift. It seemed like having sex was a very common occurance all over the island, and the guys did it everywhere, and any time.

There was theater for those who wanted to put on plays and musicals and such. There was usually one every week, sometimes even more often. I participated in a few, and they were really wonderful. Well acted, well directed, well done -- very professional, considering it was all for fun.

There were some TV and movie studios as well, for those of us who wanted to see ourselves on the small and silver screens. I was in two movies, and did some episodes of the islands TV series, available only there. It was tons of fun. Mr. Gero eventually had Jimmy and I do some screen tests and modelling shots, but I'll get to that later in this story. The movie theater showed regular movies and those that the kids here filmed themselves. I saw some from previous years, and was very impressed.

There were Arenas and stadiums for sports guys, but since I only went to one or two games, I'll brush right over that subject. Suffice to say they had plating grounds for pretty much every sport. The sports centers were also pretty much uninteresting to me. They had tons of stuff about the sports. Basically, take everything about a sport you can imagine, including info on players, and put it in one place. That's a sport center. Moving on ...

The gym was a nice place. I did some working out, played some Volleyball, and spent a lot of time having some really hot sex in the showers and saunas and lockerrooms -- not to mention the work out rooms, the volleyball court, etc. To this day I get a hard on every time I go to the gym.

The sex centers were another story. How can I even begin to describe them? They had everything that involved sex. Toys, outfits, videos, magazines, ... and the rooms!!! They had orgy rooms, rooms for couples, solo rooms, rooms for performers (think about it), massage rooms, pools for us to have sex in -- it was like a full time orgy. Imagine an entire building devoted to sex, with everything you can imagine that relates to it, and you've got a sex center. What a stroke of genius.

The castle was pretty cool, too. It was a gigantic mideival castle, true to time period pretty much, but with modern conveniences, Story was that Mr. Gero had it brought there stone by stone from somewhere in Scotland. We played some pretty cool games there. Yeah, I know, playing pretend is for babies, but when you're there, you don't give a damn! And the costumes were great!!! True to period, and so cool looking!! There were secret passages, dungeons -- everything you would want from a castle.

The VR centers were cool, too. Every Virtual Reality game, every piece of equiptment, was there. Expensive as hell, and the most high-tech building I have ever seen. Some of the guys would screw there in the full gear. It looked weird, but sex is sex, even with 2 pound goggles.

The arcades ruled. Every game you can imagine, and some you can't. Like video game heaven. `Nuff said.

The simulated environments were basically holodecks. (you know, like Star Trek? I haven't got a clue how he did it, but I do know that despite what historians say, Louis XIV is an incredible lay, and didn't like women all that much either. At least, not the way I had it!!!

The labyrinth was just that: A huge maze. It was tough to solve, but if you got stuck the floor lowered to let you out. Jimmy and I loved that place. You never know what you'll find there, and the goal is really cool. I'll tell ya later -- Hee hee.

The resturants were excellent. Every cuisine in the world, and the tastiest I've ever had. Of course, at times it gets a bit weird. We've seen some people doing it on the tables, but its nice dinner entertainment. Much better than a lousy lounge singer!!! And licking the food off them is a double treat!

The airport and Marina really don't need descriptions. You know what both are, so I think we'll leave it at that.

There was a newspaper on the island, staffed by the kids. I wrote for it rather often, and the offices were so cool. A nice building, with state of the art equiptment. Great place to work.

Thee were several Manor houses, for those of us who wanted to feel like the rich people in the real world. Picture huge mansions with tons of land. Extreme luxury. That's a manor house. Double it. That's Mr. Geros manor house, where he lives all year with his son, Andy. There both great in bed, but Andy is a satyr. And what an ass on that kid!

There were toy stores that you didn't need money for. Picture Toys R Us, only free and ten times the size and stock. Nice place. The same general idea goes for the sex stores. Same idea, different products. The porn warehouses were right next to the stores. Humongous buildings stuffed with sex toys, magazines, books, and videos.

The Porno studios were fun, too. I made several movies there. Those, of course, were aired in the private TV station, but kept from the outside world. They were fun. Modelling and acting in the movies and magazines is a real kick!

The mall was a mall.

Essentially, this island was heaven and I was sharing it with the most wonderful guy ever. Jimmy and I were together where we could be with each other openly and do what we wanted without shame. I was very happy, and he LOVED his birthday!!!

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 9

Mr. Gero told us about the island/camp as we walked to the hotel thing. Jimmy was amazed, but obviously happy. So far he seemed to like his birthday present, and I was thrilled that he was enjoying it. And we hadn't even gotten started!!!

We arrived at the hotel and got the keys to our room. Mr. Gero told us our bags would be brought up, and that there would be a mandatory assembly the next morning in one of the conference rooms. We thanked him, shook hands, got kissed by the boys (and groped by Andy), then went to our room.

As I said before, it was beautiful. All the niceties, plus a perfect view and a large porch type thing. As soon as we got into the room Jimmy flopped on the (Emporer-sized) bed and undressed.

"Could you please tell me what's going on here?" He asked me, taking off his shirt. I admired his chest and Took off my shoes and socks, then crawled next to him, rubbing his back as he took off his pants. No underwear. I love this kid.

"It's your birthday present." I told him. "I got an e-mail offering me a chance to stay at what's basically a gay sex camp for boys and figured it'd make a cool birthday present for you. You like it?" I took off my pants and underwear and started unbuttoning my shirt.

He grinned. "I love it!" He exclaimed. He jumped up and moved towards the bathroom. "lets take a bath." I smiled and finished taking off my shirt, then followed him into the bathroom. We filled up the tub and turned on the Jaccuzi. We slipped into the water and started kissing, tongues darting in and out of each others mouths.

Jimmy moved his hand across my chest, pinching and twisting my nipples, getting them hard before leaning over and taking one in his mouth. He sucked on it gently, licking his tongue around and over it. I grabbed his hard dick and started to stroke it. He pressed against me and our cocks started rubbing together as he brought his face to mine and licked my cheek, then stuck his tongue in my mouth.

We started humping against each other, moving faster as we got more and more excited, until we finally came, shooting on each other in the water. He leaned back and smiled.

"I love you!" He whispered, nuzzling my cheek. I hugged him close to me, caressing his warm, wet body. I could feel his dick starting to get hard again, as was mine. "I think I'm going to like it here." He said, smiling. I laughed and leaned forward to kiss him again. Our lips touched, and our tongues caressed each other. He was so perfect. I started getting hard again, and I felt his hands start to play with my balls. I pulled away from him and turned to the side of the tub, then bent over, spreading the cheeks of my ass for him.

"Fuck me, lover." I whispered to him as I felt his finger slowly move into my hole. He moved it in and I felt him wiggling it around in my ass, brushing against my prostate and making me shiver as waves of pleasure rushed through my body. Even though we had just cum not even five minutes ago, I knew I wasn't going to last very long. He knew exactly where to touch and what to do to get me shooting.

He moved behind me and placed the head of his dick at my hole. I felt a shiver go up my spine in anticipation of feeling him inside me. He pressed gently and the head went in. I felt him stretching me, and wanted him to be fully inside. I pushed back against him, and felt the full length of his hot cock go up into my ass. I moaned and started twisting one of my nipples. I needed him to fuck me.

"I love you." he whispered to me, and started to slowly fuck me, pulling out almost all the way, then pushing back until his balls were slapping mine. I loved that feeling. When he was all the way in me he would twist his dick, moving it around in my ass, hitting different spots and making me moan and press harder against him. He started to move faster, and I could tell he was getting close. His hand slipped down my chest and grabbed my dick, stroking it quickly, trying to get us to the same point. I started squeezing my ass muscles around his cock, making him moan loudly and thrust faster. His dick swelled up and I could feel him shooting his cum up into my hot ass. I couldn't hold back and started shooting my cum on his hand and in the water. My muscles contracting around his cock caused him to cum again even though he had barely finished shooting the previous load. I felt another surge of cum rocket out of his prick, and pushed back so that he would have his balls against mine as he came again. When he finally finished shooting he collapsed back into the tub, exhausted. I sat next to him and gently stroked his chest while he caught his breath and regained some energy.

"Did you enjoy that?" I teased while he wrapped his arms around me, pressing our bodies close.

"I'll give it a 7.6." He joked back.

"7.6? Asshole! That was at least an 8!"

"It would've been an 8 if you were on your back."

"Oh, so you want to drown me now, is it? And after all the work I went through for your birthday present."

"You wouldn't have drowned. Maybe passed out, but I would've saved you... after a while." He grinned.

I reached under the water and pinched his butt. He let out a yelp and jumped out of the water.

"Hey, no fair attacking when I'm exhausted! How am I supposed to enjoy it?" I got out of the tub and handed him a towel, then proceeded to dry every inch of his perfect body. Several times he managed to get hard, but it wasn't a sexual thing. We both were in love. He dried me off when I was finished, and then we both headed into the bedroom. Falling on the bed, we quickly fell asleep wrapped in each other's bodies.

The Best Camp Ever

Part 1, Chapter 10

Rules of the camp and breakfast gets interesting

When Jimmy and I woke up, it was to a knocking at the door. We disentangled ourselves, and I went to answer the door while Jimmy went to the bathroom. I glanced at the clock and was surprised to see that it was about 8 am. Apparently we had slept all night.

I opened the door to see Andy, one of the boys that had greeted us when we got off the plane. He was wearing a speedo and a tight little tank top that didn't go down past his stomach. What a delicious sight.

"Dad wants you guys to come to the conference room. Its number 5. I'm supposed to wake you up, but since your already awake, can I just get you up?" He grinned and looked pointedly at my half-hard dick.

"Um..." I said. Jimmy came out of the bathroom and walked over to me.

"Hi, Andy. What's up?" He asked. As an answer, Andy yanked down his speedos to reveal a very hard dick.

"Me." He smiled. Jimmy and Andy laughed at this little joke, and Andy kicked off the speedos and threw them into our room. "I hate wearing anything over my best friend. Now move it, we gotta go!" He turned and ran to the elevators. Jimmy and I watched his cute little ass bounce down the hall.

"We gotta do him." Jimmy stated firmly. "He wants it so much."

"I have a feeling that if we didn't have to be at the meeting thing right now, he'd probably be doing us in the hall." I told him. "Now come on, let's go." I grabbed his hand and we ran to the elevators. We managed to catch up to Andy and he told us what the assembly was about on the way to the conference room.

When we got there I was amazed. There had to be several hundred boys there! It was a gigantic room. At the front was a podium where Mr. Gero was standing. He cleared his throat and the room fell silent. He smiled at the boys and started to speak.

"Welcome to the camp!" He exclaimed. This was greeted with loud cheers from everyone. I glanced around the room and noticed that some of the boys were feeling each other up, but all were paying attention.

"For those of you who have been here before, you know what this is about. Those of you who are new need to pay close attention. You all received the invitation to the camp, whether through E-mail, regular mail, phone, or in person, so you all know what kind of camp it is. As those who have been here before can tell you, there are very few rules here. However, the ones that do exist are very important, so pay close attention.

"First of all, there is to be no violence on the island. Those of you who are into S&M, or B&D, there are special rooms for you to engage in your pleasure. However, you will be monitored. We don't want anyone injured, and we most definitely don't want any deaths. Have fun, but be careful and safe. This island is for love, not hate. Sex should be enjoyable, and pain should add to it, not take away from it. If at any time you feel ill or in pain, there are several infirmaries located around the island. Please keep in mind that there is to be no violence on the island.

"Secondly, some of you may be concerned about the lack f safe sex on the island. If you are here, you are clean. No one here has AIDS or any other disease that is sexually transmitted and/or fatal. There are some of you who may still be concerned, or who think you have AIDS. Rest assured, even if you were tested and it came out positive, you no longer have it. Thanks to the miracle of medicine, and the fact that money can indeed buy anything, scientists that I have working for me have discovered not only a cure for STD's, but a vaccine as well. Rest assured, you are all safe. If any of you wish to find out more, please contact one of the infirmaries.

"Next is the subject of drugs and alcohol. My personal opinion is that you should not touch either. However, there are certain places on the island where you may get some drugs. Keep in mind, however, that if you are looking for crack or heroin, you will not find any. There is pot, and minute amounts of Speed, but no drugs that will kill you or harm you. Once again, though, I ask that you exercise restraint and not use them. Sex is much more enjoyable when you aren't high. The only drug that is not discouraged is XTC. It is available, but don't expect large amounts of it. We do ration it, since its not very easy to come by.

"Alcohol is available on the island. It is ONLY available in the nightclubs, and you must have a drink ticket. You are allowed a certain amount of alcohol based on your body weight and several other factors. Don't think you can trick us either. Just ask Ryan." He looked at the black-haired boy we met yesterday, who blushed furiously. There were several good-natured laughs and some of the kids around him poked him and made comments. Mr. Gero continued.

"There are no cigarettes on the island. For those of you addicted, tough shit. I cant stand the smell of them, so I don't allow them. We have several ways of helping you get over your addiction, so if you are interested, just ask. Hopefully, though, your mouth will be too full of cock or cum to for you to worry about smoking." This drew a laugh from the assembled boys, a few of which made comments about getting Andys cum. Apparantly he was very popular. Not surprising.

"That's about it, guys. Sex is very encouraged, and Andy asks that you don't keep any from him. Please guys, don't keep him out later than midnight without letting me know, ok? And no more of that `tease Andy' game that was going on last year. If you tease him with your dick, be sure you let him at it as well. No fair depriving the little Satyr." Andy was grinning widely throughout this whole announcement, apparantly happy that he wouldn't need to worry about being sex-deprived.

"One more thing before you go. Sex on this island is purely optional. Don't force anyone in to it. If we hear anything about one of you forcing someone else, you will be off the island for good. You will not be invited back ever. Sex is a wonderful thing, but only if everyone involved wants it. Now go eat breakfast!" There was a loud cheer and the assembled boys stood up and started to file out.

As Jimmy and I headed for one of the restaurants in the hotel, we heard some one calling me. Turning around, we saw Noon and David waving and running over to us.

"Hi!" Said David, "Wanna have breakfast with us?" It seemed that they had gotten pretty close after our little adventure in the back of the plane. Jimmy looked at me and gave me a "who are they" look.

"Oh! Right!" I exclaimed, remembering that he hadn't met them since he had been asleep. "Jimmy, this is Noon, and David. We fooled around on the plane while you were comatose." I smiled and squeezed his butt. I noticed that he was starting to get hard.

"Hi," Said my lover, shaking hands with them. "So how much did you do with my slut. I mean with my boyfriend." He corrected, grinning at me. I pouted at him and put my hand on his back.

"Not a lot." David answered. He looked embarrassed, and Noon reached over and grabbed his dick.

"Not much, my ass." replied Noon. "Erik gave David his first blow job. A good one, too, from the way David was moaning!" David turned even redder and Noon started playing with his balls.

"Erik's good at that." Jimmy said. "His ass is real nice, too. Warm and tight, and always open."

"Just like your mouth." I answered him. "The only way to shut you up is to shove my dick in your face." I grinned at him, and kissed him on the cheek.

"I don't talk that much." He insisted. "Come on, let's get something to eat. I'm starving!" That's my Jimmy. Always hungry. Not necessarily for food either! The four of us made our way to the dining room and found a table. We ordered eggs and toast. A lot of it. Probably enough to feed Cambodia with some left over. Not that there was much left when we finished eating. Most of the conversation revolved around our plans for the day. Noon offered to give us a helicopter tour of the island, and the rest of us accepted. When he started to tell us about Mr. Gero's mansion I felt Jimmy's foot creep into my lap and start rubbing my dick. I'd been half hard since I woke up so it wasn't long before my cock became fully hard.

"Jimmy, lover," I told him, "It's very tough to concentrate on eating breakfast when you're trying to make me cum in my eggs." His foot speeded up.

"You could always forget the eggs and have meat for breakfast." He suggested. "I've got a nice rare piece right here."

I gave him a mischievous grin and slipped under the table. He was hard and stroking it. So were the other two. What the hell, I thought, it's a sex camp. I moved my face to his lap and took his entire cock into my mouth at once. He bucked up and let out a very loud moan.

I heard Noon laugh and say "Gee, ya think there's something wrong with Jimmy? He's making such strange noises!" I slapped his leg and pulled my head up so that I had just the tip of Jimmy's dick in my mouth. I sucked as hard as I could and flicked my tongue quickly over the slit. He let out a strangled shriek and his hot cum started blasting into my mouth. I tried swallowing every drop, but some leaked out of my mouth down my chin. When he finally finished his incredible orgasm I got out from under the table and sat back in my chair.

"Enjoying breakfast?" Asked David. He had splattered his cum all over his chest, and was gathering it on his hand and licking it up. I grinned and licked my lips. Turning back to Jimmy I noticed he had moved. I was about to look for him when I felt his tongue lapping at my balls. I let out a contented sigh and leaned back as Jimmy continued his blowjob with great fervor. He was sucking me really hard and fast like he does when he wants my cum NOW. I was just about ready to cum when I felt his wet finger slide up my ass crack and quickly slip into my hole. I let out a loud moan and blasted my cum into his mouth, gripping the sides of the chair as I did so. I felt Jimmy sucking all the cum he could get out of my dick, then swallowing it. He kissed the head and got back into his chair, a big smile on his face.

"IF you two are quite done..." said Noon, "I think it might be a good idea for us to get out of here before you start an orgy in the kitchen."

"Don't they encourage that?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he shrugged, "but I want to show you guys around, so lets get moving!!!"

We left the dining room and headed up to our rooms to get some clothes on. Noon told us we didn't need them, but I wasn't entirely comfortable going in a helicopter naked. It ended up that Noon and David were both on our floor so we dropped them off at their rooms before going into ours.

When we got to our room we noticed the door was slightly opened. Jimmy looked at me, puzzled, and I shrugged at him. We opened it wider and peeked inside. When we saw who was there we couldn't help laughing.

Andy was curled up on our bed wearing nothing but pool shoes. He was sleeping and had his thumb in his mouth. He looked so cute that Jimmy and I just stood watching him sleep for a while. After a few minutes his eyes opened and he saw us looking at him. His face split into a big grin and he jumped up

"About time you two got here! I was starting to wonder if I should send out a search team!" He kicked off the pool shoes and came over to stand in front of us.

"Um, hi Andy..." I said. He was starting to get hard and it was having an effect on both Jimmy and I.

"Don't `um, hi Andy' me!" He exclaimed, "I want to show you two around the island! We don't get many new guys that are couples, and you two are so cute. Besides, I made a bet with Ryan that I would be able to do it with you two before he could, so lets get to it!" With that, he got on his knees and sucked Jimmys half-hard cock into his mouth while stroking mine to full hardness.

To be continued in chapter 11

We tour the Island ...

Comments, suggestions, questions all welcome and desired. Constructive critisism is appreciated, flames will be made fun of, then distributed to all my friends who will mail bomb the jerk. Any grammatical or spelling errors PLEASE call to my notice!!!! Thank you.

Next: Chapter 2: Best Camp Ever 11 12

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