Best Buddies Equals Best Sex

By Alex Mack

Published on Jun 30, 2001


Thanks to everyone who has written. A number of people expressed concern and encouragement that I continue my series. I really felt I had reached an impasse in my story and was uncertain that I could add much more. But considering the enthusiasm many people have had and expressed I am trying to write more. Thanks to all. Enjoy!


First things first: If you are under 18 or 21, depending on your community standards, please do not read. If your community standards do not permit sexually explicit material please do not read. If you are offended by male/male sex, please do not read.

Best buddies equals best sex: Part 9

Greg and I had become very close during the "fishing" trip to the Allegheny Reservoir and it continued long after. Greg had become a mentor for me, encouraging me to enter college and try out for the football team as a walk on. He pushed me to excel. Greg was always positive, enthusiastic, and level headed. The advice he offered me extended not only from the maturity of his life experiences, but from the love one extends to a family member. In fact, I often thought of Greg as the big brother I never had. Being the oldest in my family, I was looked upon by my younger siblings. But, sad to say, I did not take the interest in them that I should; certainly not like the interest Greg took on me. Chalk it up to my 18 year old rebelliousness at the time, but it was wrong, I suppose, to not be there for my brother and 2 sisters when needed.

Greg and my relationship extended far beyond the sexual aspect. After going away to college I would hear frequently from Greg; he would phone or write notes always encouraging me. Work harder, study more; beef up, hit harder. Occasionally he visited campus and I would provide the royal treatment for him: tickets I could score for the game, partying together with my teammates. On a couple of his trips Greg was accompanied by his wife Vickie.

His wife was as gracious and perhaps more loving than Greg. It seemed to me that I was the son, the only child, of this wonderful young couple.

To this day, I do not know if Vickie was aware of the sexual relationship Greg and I shared. And I often wondered as to her thoughts about the motivation to Greg's and my relationship. Our encounters were always discreet and very seldom at his home. This of course suggested to me that Vickie did not know, but it is hard to be certain. And Greg had made it clear that there was no way in hell I would get to have sex with his wife like I had done with Kirk's wife Renee. Greg and Vickie had once had an encounter with Kirk and Renee: Greg fucked Renee and of course Kirk fucked Vickie. But, Greg confided in me, he had always regretted that. Overcome at the time by the effects of alcohol and lust, the sexual marathon they had that night was more than satisfying. Experiencing the subtle differences between two different pussies he was insatiable that night. But Greg felt that his and Vickie's relationship changed a lot that night. Greg felt that his wife, the future mother to his children, had been defiled and degraded by the experience. His wife, the mother to be of his children, was to always be on a pedestal, to be pure, to be loved only by him.

I could not help but feel for Greg and marvel at his devotion to his wife. Strange for an 18 year old male to say, but this seemed to endear me more to him. There are those who might argue that the relationship Greg and I had was an affront to Vickie, it was as if he were cheating on her. Perhaps they are right. But I have never thought of it that way, and neither has Greg. Greg and I had a love and respect for each other that only two men can have. We shared our feelings, our interests, goals, encouragements, and our bodies with each other. But Greg maintained a strong, loving, and yes faithful, relationship with Vickie that most couples would be envious of.

During the few times I got home from school those first few months it was always good to see Greg, hang out and just do stuff. Greg would inquire about Josh who was at the same school as I. Josh and I were still great friends; unfortunately we did not get to share a room. As we got to know more people on campus we saw each other less often, but when together we always had a great time. When Greg was on campus, Josh met up with us a few times for fun and extracurricular activities.

I did manage to get home for a long Thanksgiving weekend. Since I was not attending a major 1A school and television time was not an issue for us, we had a bi-week and got to go home only to return on Monday to some relentless drills, to take off the unneeded pounds we put on gorging ourselves and not exercising. Anyway, the Friday after Thanksgiving, Vickie went to spend some time with friends in Ohio, her former home state. Greg and I had allot of time together. Knowing that I would need to return to football, he helped me stay pumped in the modest gym set up in his basement. We pumped iron until our muscles could take no more. We jogged side by side on treadmills that Greg and Vickie used to exercise together. We sweated until there was virtually no fluid left to cool our bodies.

Saturday we worked our bodies hard again, very hard. We should have given our muscles a chance to rest and grow after the workout on Friday, but testosterone was flowing heavily and we needed to prove our worth. I was exhausted from that workout and after showering in the bath adjacent to the spare bedroom I laid down, with just a towel around my waist, on the full size bed and immediately fell asleep. I dreamed of me and Josh having sex in the lockerrom at school and being joined by several of our teammates. The dream was great and made me feel great. I awoke from an orgasm triggered by my dreaming orgasm. I went to the bathroom again, cleaned myself up (I shot a couple of ropes to my upper chest and neck), threw the towel in the hamper and walked back into the bedroom naked.

The bedroom door was open, something I really did not worry about since it was just Greg and myself occupying the house. As I came toward the center of the room Greg walked by wearing only an pair of shorts, noticed I was awake and came into the room.

He asked how my rest was.

"Great', I said, "I really needed that sleep."

Greg laughed. "You needed more than sleep I believe. I walked by a couple of times and your dick was standing proud and tall outside of your towel. What the fuck were you dreaming!?"

I too laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know? Hell, if you saw me with a hard on why didn't you come in and help me out with it?" I asked while laughing more.

"You looked too cute to bother right then. How about we help each other out now?"

I noticed then that Greg was sporting a hard on that was poking through the top of his low cut shorts. My johnson started to grow again as well. We came together in a manly hug. My hands reached down and into Greg's shorts to grope his manly orbs. I lowered his shorts below his hard ass and pushed them down. Greg shook them free and he was as naked as I. Our cocks stuck between each other's hard body caused the sweet fluid of pre-cum to begin to flow. Our mouths came together and our tongues danced.

We moved toward the bed. Greg pushed me hard and I fell onto my back on the bed, my legs dangling over the end, only the tips of my toes able to touch the floor. Greg moved between my legs, leaned down, his arms positioned on either side of my taut, muscled chest, and began to suck on my nipple. As my nipple became erect his tongue swirled around the pointy tip After arousing one nipple his tongued bathed its way to my other nipple where he encouraged a similar result. I love to have my nipples sucked as much as my buddy Josh loved having his pits tended to and I was moaning like crazy. As Greg worked my nips our cocks grazed against each other, humping slightly, tickled by the surrounding pubes.

Greg was a master at getting me worked up. My cock felt six inches longer than it really was as he worked his magic. After spending an inordinate amount of time taking care of my nipples and pecs, Greg moved lower bathing my six pack. My cock was in contact with his hard defined set of abs as Greg cleaned out each defined crevice of my six pack. I humped his abs, my path smoothed and eased by the viscous fluid flowing from the tip of my cock. Greg moved lowered and was cleaning my belly button. My cock humped between his pecs and occasionally hit underneath his chin. Finally, Greg was on his knees. He stared at my cock while massaging both of my upper thighs. I watched him stare, wondering when he was going to take my rigid tool into his hot mouth.

Finally he stuck out his tongue and gave the underside my cock one slow lick from the bottom to the top. Several seconds passed and he licked again. Fuck, what the hell was he doing? I needed him to take it all deep into his mouth. Greg did this several times, driving me crazy with pleasure and anxiety. Again, another long slow lick from the base of my cock to the tip. Pre-cum was oozing down the underside. When not licking my cock he massaged my thighs, staring into my eyes then wandering over my body.

Greg then changed his method. He started licking my cock from the tip down to the base. The tension that was created in my body was incredible. On one hand I wanted to cum so bad, but on the other I knew I was not yet close enough to eruption and Greg could work my body for a while longer before I spilled my seed.

Greg licked my love muscle from top to bottom in long slow licks, interspersed with protracted periods of just massaging my thighs over and over. Agonizingly, Greg again began a lick down my tool, slower than ever before. He reached my balls and ran his tongue lovingly over each orb. He became more determined, rougher, flicking my balls firmly with his pointy tongue. I pulled at my cock to raise my balls so Greg could better access the whole area. Soon after I did that he engulfed one of my balls into his hot mouth. It felt like a steam bath. He sucked and played with my ball while at the same time teasing it with his tongue. Then Greg moved to my other ball and did the same thing as before.

All the while Greg had one of my balls in his mouth I had moved my body some so that my ass was slightly off the bed. My legs spread as wide as possible to allow Greg easy access to every avenue to my erogenous zones. I felt Greg's hand reach between by ass cheeks and massage at my sweaty crack. He found my pucker and firmly massaged there for a few minutes and then broke through into my nether world. The entrance was easy as my sweat provided the necessary lube. Greg pushed deeply with his finger and then came out, in again deeply and then out, fucking my ass with his index finger. Soon a second finger joined the first, stretching me, preparing me for the inevitable, the desired.

Greg made sure that he hit my love button often. Each time I moaned in ecstasy; "Oh fuck yeah. Do it man." I was delirious. Pre-cum was flowing from my cock like a kid's sprinkler on a hot summer day.

Greg removed his mouth from my balls, licked up the length of my cock, and once at the top he engulfed my johnson almost to the root. I don't know how I kept from cumming, but I did. The feeling of his hot mouth surrounding my turgid length was exquisite. He sucked hard, trying to draw the life force out of my body. Greg reached up to my chest and abs, massaging all over while he nursed at my cock. His head was bobbing hard up and down my length, aided by my strong hands. Finally I could take no more and shot wad after wad into Greg's hot, willing mouth. He took most of my seed, only losing a little which he cleaned with a finger and sucked down his needy throat.

My chest heaved mightily while I recovered from an orgasm so strong that few experience the luxurious ecstasy of such an event. Greg remained between my legs awaiting my recovery. He massaged my legs, abs, and chest until my breathing slowed.

"Fuck, Greg, where did you learn that?" I asked.

"Improvisation, my friend!" he replied with a wicked grin.

After s few minutes, Greg stood up his raging hard-on very apparent. I moved back onto the bed a little, my ass hanging just barely over the edge. Greg reached down, grabbed my legs and lifted them back towards my chest.

"Fuck me buddy," I said as he placed his love sword at my pucker hole.

Greg pistoned his hips and the head of his cock easily broke through my ready ass. He pressed harder, sliding deep into my ass. The helmet of his cock rubbed my prostate, sending electricity to my cock and throughout my body. Greg buried himself deep within me; I could feel his pubes tickle at my ass. Greg remained there for a while, not moving, just enjoying the feeling of being deep within my hot ass. Sweat beaded on his forehead.

As Greg remained motionless, I squeezed my sphincter muscles, increasing the pressure around his cock. He moaned in appreciation. I kept this up. Greg's head moved back displaying his sexy neck as he enjoyed the pleasure. Finally he began to piston his cock slowly in and out of my ass. The head of his cock almost came out with each pullback, but remained just inside. He slid back in again to the hilt, always managing to hit my love button as he did.

His thrusts were becoming more intense, gaining urgency and speed, like a locomotive as it increases its speed. He let go of my legs and I wrapped them tight around his waist as he leaned onto me somewhat, resting his hands on my pecs, pinching and manipulating them as he pumped my ass. He pumped harder and harder. His breath was becoming ragged, and I knew he was about to blow. Incredibly he pumped harder and faster and with one exceptionally hard pump he remained buried in my ass as he shot his man juice up my love canal. I squeezed my sphincters again, trying to squeeze everything out of him. I squeezed so hard that he was locked there until I let go. Greg lowered his body, awkwardly considering our fuck position, onto mine. I humped my rigid tool into his abdomen until I came for a second time, third if you count my dream created orgasm. My slimy semen spread between our bodies.

Greg's cock withered and withdrew from my ass. We rearranged ourselves on the bed, snuggled together and slept for the next several hours.

I hope you enjoyed this part. Please let me know what you think and I may write more.

Thanks, Alex.

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