Best Buddies Equals Best Sex

By Alex Mack

Published on Apr 20, 2001


If you have not read the previous parts, for continuities sake it would be helpful.

First, if you are offended by man/man sex or your community standards prohibit such material, please do not read. If you are under 18 or 21 depending again on your community standards, please do not read.

Also, Play safe out there. I want you to be around to enjoy these and other stories.

Best Buddies equals best sex, Part 7

Over the next few weeks, Josh, Kirk, and I were cool with each other. The sex we shared with each other that night was great, of course, but the only group action the three of us had was fucking the beautiful Renee. Kirk frequently reminded Josh and me, as he had done that evening of our first tryst, that he wanted us to meet some of his friends.

During the summer months, Josh and I were still exploring college and looking to play football so as to get that eventual glorious offer from a pro team that would lead to riches and women (and men!!) beyond our imaginations. Of course it was getting really late and the more we put it off the less likely we would find ourselves in college, let alone on the team. There was always the possibility as trying out as walk-ons. The size and strength that Josh and I had gained under Kirk's watchful eye would certainly help. But I think ultimately Josh and I were not willing to make the commitment to college just yet, thus our indecision.

Late in June, Kirk asked if Josh and I would like to get together with some friends of his for a fishing outing. One of Kirk's buddies owned a cabin near the Allegheny Reservoir. We could spend the weekend fishing and enjoying the great outdoors. Of course we eagerly said yes and in the back of our minds we knew the true purpose of the trip. The fishing would be great fun, but the anticipated sex was going to be even greater. Kirk had some personal time coming at work and arranged to be off on Friday so as to get an early start on the action.

Thursday night we were at Kirk's discussing the final details of the trip. Kirk showed us his fishing gear and talked about how different lures were used in different situations. It was all very boring and I wanted to get started just for the sex that was to come. Renee came into the room sometime during the discussion wearing a very revealing nightgown. My dick began to harden. She was pouting and upset that she was going to be alone over the weekend. But Renee got the good fucking I know she was really looking for when she came into the room so scantily clad. At any one time Renee had a dick up her ass, one in her pussy, and another down her throat. We fucked her silly that night; that would hold her for a few days. Each of us guys came two or three times; Renee had a mind-boggling number of orgasms. She was well satisfied and did not complain about the trip afterwards.

Friday morning we arrived early at Kirk's house. Brian, who owned the cabin, was going to pick us up. We also learned that his other buddies' names were Mike and Greg. Brian was to pick up Mike and Greg first. Finally at about 8:15 they all arrived. Brian, Mike and Greg got out of the van when they arrived and I knew immediately we were going to have a great time. Each was as handsome, as chiseled, as, muscular, as masculine, as was Kirk. Kirk made the intros and handshakes and slaps on the back followed. Mike mentioned that Kirk had been telling them of the progress Josh and I were making muscle wise under his tutorage. He said we looked great and slapped my stomach with the back of his hand. I knew again it was going to be a great weekend.

The ride to the cabin was fun -- the scenery was beautiful, the interior scenery was gorgeous, the conversation interesting. Little comments here and there signaled the fun to come. Personally, I was hoping to get to know Greg a little better as I thought he was not only the best looking of the three, although they were all hunks, but also he had an infectious personality that drew me to him and perhaps made him more attractive. Greg was 26, about 5"10 and 195 pounds, with a wide back, broad chest, narrow waist, and a nice bubble butt. He had sandy blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. His muscle tank suggested a smooth upper torso. He wore a gold band on his left hand -- another married hunk wanting to savor the steaminess of man sex. Greg, I learned, had been a gymnast in high school and college. He was not a standout in the traditional sense as his height was a hindrance in this sport for him. However, he did well enough to maintain his scholarship. And his muscles were those that screamed gymnast. He had a nice golden tan. Mike and Brian were both handsome as well. Mike was 5'11 and about 175. He had a body type that I associate with a swimmer's build. His 27-year-old muscles were more elongated. Brown hair and eyes, a hairy torso, and a dark complexion gave him a somewhat rugged outdoor look. Brian at 25 was perhaps the closest of the three to being a bodybuilder. He did not look at all like a steroid maniac, but his muscles were big and obviously worked. Brian had a modest amount of hair on his chest and stomach.

We arrived at the cabin shortly before 11 am. We unloaded the gear and headed for the water. The water was a gorgeous blue just like Greg's eyes. As we got to the water off came shirts and shoes and we all dove into the cool water. The water was refreshing cool, almost cold. Thank gawd, as it kept my dick from swelling around these gorgeous hunks. We played a lot in the water. A lot of the grab ass type stuff the younger kids would play (damn it was going to be a great weekend) as well as modified water polo, even a childish game of tag. That afternoon we probably were in the water for three hours or so. The sun was starting to get low in the sky and we all eventually made our way to the shore to lay and soak up what little sun we could.

Greg had made his way near me, asked if he spread his towel and lie by and talk. While saying yes I was thinking you can spread anything you want for me. But for me, that Greg was taking an interest was awesome. In our past group encounters Josh seemed to get the most attention. I know that probably sounds as if I was jealous, but I was not. I was happy for the attention and sex Josh received. I was upset that I did not usually get equal opportunities at the sex. Yeah, I know that still sounds like jealousy, but it was not. You really need to understand mine and Josh's relationship.

Greg talked about everything. I was particularly interested in his gymnastic career. He was not bitter that he was not a star. His training and participation in gymnastics developed a hard body, discipline, and strength. But more importantly, it showed what he was capable of doing. A negative self-image in middle and early high school was replaced by confidence and a desire to succeed at every task. Winning was the only option; but winning with grace and respect for the competitor was just as important. Greg really had his head on straight and this made him more attractive to me.

Greg complimented me on my body. He could tell it was worked hard and well.

We discussed the training Josh and I had undergone with Kirk's assistance.

Kirk had measured our body fat about a month ago and I was at 6%. Greg was impressed with this stating the best he could remember his was at 7%. Actually I though he had zero percent body fat. He queried me about football and my goals to play in college. He was very encouraging about my potential and possibilities. He strongly encouraged that I attempt college and particularly football. Even if I had to try out as a walk on, as it was looking like the only possibility now, he believed I could get a scholarship. Greg impressed upon me how sports had changed his life for the better, how it made him a better man. He told me the same thing could happen to me. My mind was going crazy with the possibilities of playing in college after his pep talk. Greg noted that my legs looked particularly powerful and would benefit me in a running back or wide receiver position. He reached out and touched my thigh and commented how hard it was. My dick stirred; his hard hand felt magnificent against my bare skin.

Greg removed his hand from my leg and we sat there quietly for a brief time.

"Let's go for a walk and explore some," Greg said.

I was up and ready to go in an instant. We told the others we would be back in a while. They acknowledged our departure and continued with their own conversations as we strode off.

Our conversation was basic non-essential conversation such as Greg asking me if I knew much about nature, birds, grass, weeds, etc. I admitted it was not was one my areas of expertise, and at the same time was consternated by the superficial discussion. However, Greg then popped in with "I'd hate to lie down to fuck some one and then later learn I was laying in poison ivy!" I laughed out loud and hard at the thought - my dick covered with itchy welts from poison ivy and the only way to get relief was to jerk off all the time. Greg laughed with me.

We walked a little farther, not talking, just enjoying the scenery, listening to the sounds.

Finally Greg said, "I've heard about some of your extra curricular activities at Kirk's house."

I was a little shocked at this and did not know what to say. Particularly, since I did not know if he was referring to our escapades with Renee or our man/man sex with the three of us men. In my mind I knew this was going to be a sex weekend, but I still had that uncertainty about his comments.

"It's ok," he said. "My wife and I have got it on with Kirk and Renee before. The girls had sex together. I fucked Renee while Kirk fucked Michelle." He paused. "Kirk and I even got it on," he said in a nervous but sexy manner.

I smiled. AGAIN, I knew it was going to be a great weekend. My dick was stirring in my shorts, hell it was getting hard.

Greg went on: "Ever since Kirk and I got it on together (he seemed to have trouble saying "had sex" or "fucked each other") it opened up a whole new world for me. I never knew having sex with another man could be so great. I had always looked at homo sex as something disgusting, but my mind has been completely changed. Kirk told all of us about the sex he had with you and Josh and it sounded so hot. You probably had some idea what this weekend was about."

He was right about that last part and I could not wait to get to it.

"When I first met you at Kirk's house this morning," he continued, "I knew I wanted to get with you. I heard from Kirk how strong and sensual you were and when I met you, you were more than I imagined. You're a man, Alex. Yes I know you are only 18, but you are a man. As we talked on the drive up and on the beach I could tell that your thoughts were those of a man. Your physical being states you are a man. Fuck, am I sounding crazy here? I am about 8 years older than you, but you are every much the man as I am."

Greg was obviously nervous as he was telling me all this. It was like he was back in high school trying to bed the head cheerleader on prom night. It was turning me on so much though. This hunky masculine man being shy about his desires, his needs to express himself to me, his younger brother so to speak. But I would give myself to him in an instant. I knew it would happen soon. He did not sound crazy. He sounded sincere, anxious, and sexual all at the same time. He sounded as if he wanted me to be comfortable.

We stood there quietly, awkwardly I guess, for a few moments. Greg walked toward me, his eyes never leaving mine. He came to within inches of my body. I could feel the heat radiating from his massive, muscular frame. He reached out with his left hand touching my right shoulder, feeling the skin, and massaging the muscles with his fingers. He moved his hand down along my arm in a caressing motion, to my fingers where he interlaced his hand with mine. He drew me closer until our chests touched. His skin was as hot as the sun had been earlier in the day. He drew our intertwined hands toward his back bringing our bodies into a semi-hug. Greg then reached out with his right hand. He touched my left pec. The nipple was hard and pointy from anticipation. He grasped the eraser head type nipple between two fingers and rolled and pinched. He was gentle yet firm.

Our intertwined hands became free and I moved my hand lower to Greg's hard bubble butt, pulling our lower bodies together. I was aware of a growing presence in his brief boxer trunks. With his freed hand Greg reached up to my head and pulled us together for a kiss. Greg was in total control as we kissed; I followed his leads. He kissed gently. Light pecks around my lips at first, then slight sucking on my lips. He moved to my neck where he licked and sucked all over, even to my shoulder. He came back to my face and kissed all over, my nose, my forehead, my cheeks. Greg wasn't going to have sex with me; he was going to make love to me.

Greg came back to my lips. He opened his mouth and began to probe with his tongue. I opened my mouth to accept his oral love dart. His tongue explored my mouth in total. His breath was sweet. By this time Greg did not need to hold my head any longer. Our faces were locked together in an embrace only lovers know. His hands moved to my shoulders and he held our bodies close. Both our dick's were hard.

"Alex, I want to make love to you. I want you to make love to me. I don't just want sex from you, I want love."

Just as I knew a few minutes ago from his firm but gentle kisses. Just as his whole demeanor told me that he was an exceptional caring man. Extremely masculine, but caring.

"Greg, I want the same thing. Just from the little time we have been together, I love you man. I want the hot steamy raw sex," I said with a grin, "but I want it special. I want meaning in the experience. I want to remember it, you, forever."

With that we began to kiss again. Deep lusty kisses were the order now. The sex would be raw, it would be hot, it would be mutually satisfying, it would be masculine, but at the same time it would be loving. It would be respectful of each other's needs and desires.

Greg moved his hands to the waistband of my speedo's and lowered them. I helped get them down and shook them off my feet. As I stood there naked in cool air of the shade, Greg began to kiss my pecs, suck on my nipples. His hands moved lovingly over my obliques, up and down my back. He bent over more and licked at the ridges of my abs, dipping into the crevices separating each defined muscle. He moved lower, sucking at my lower abs while my stiff johnson poked lightly at his cheek. Pre-cum provided lubrication causing it to easily move over his cheek.

Finally, Greg, still in his brief boxer trunks, was on his knees, staring at my love muscle, which right now was my strongest muscle. It stood hard and straight, nearly parallel to my body. Greg grabbed my cock lovingly in his hand and tried to pull it lower toward his mouth. It was so rigid it would move to only about a 45-degree angle. Greg stuck out his tongue and licked the underside of my cock. His tongue was just as hot if not hotter as his skin. He licked slowly and lovingly up and down the underside length. I could almost hear the sizzle of his tongue on my taught cock skin.

Greg just licked my cock for a long time. Again, I knew it was the love he wanted for me to feel. His hands massaged my legs and ass. My hips were doing a slight thrust pushing my hardness tighter to his face. Greg met my thrusts with equal pressure and at times it felt as if my love muscle was caught in a sexual vice grip. Finally Greg raised his head, bent my cock as far as it would go and took my vessel deep within the heated confines of his mouth and throat.

"Oh fuck yeah," was all I could say.

His mouth felt so good, so hot. Better than anything Josh or Kirk had done to me before. Hotter than any pussy I had buried my cock in.

"Oh yeah, suck my cock, Greg. I love you man."

Greg moaned as I said those words. His moans sent more impulses to my cock causing me to moan too.

"Do it buddy, keep sucking."

I was thrusting my cock in and out of Greg's mouth. Not hard, but gently. I did not want to get my rocks off quickly. Our unique relationship having grown quickly into a manly loving relationship required that I last a long time before giving up my seed. I had to develop the porn star stamina that Josh possessed. With Greg I believed I could do that.

Greg grabbed my ass, pulling me deep. My cock was sticking the back of his throat but he did not gag. As he held me deep within his mouth his hands reached into the crack of my ass and played at my love hole.

"Oh shit Greg, shit yes, fuck man. Play with my ass. Stick your fingers up there."

Greg played there lightly, pushing and gently probing.

"Shit yeah," was all I said as his finger pushed through and entered deep within my ass.

Greg eventually got two, then three fingers up into my ass. He pistoned those fingers in and out of my ass. Hitting my prostate several times while he fingered me sent shivers up my spine and elicited not just moans but gasps.

"Greg, buddy, if you don't stop, I am going to cum," I said weakly while panting.

My knees were getting weak. Sweat was flowing from all my pores. I thought Greg was not going to stop and I would cum in his throat any second.

"Please Greg ... Stop ... I don't want to ... cum ... yet," I said in a ragged voice.

Greg finally removed his fingers from my ass. That took some of the urgency to cum but he still held my love muscle in his mouth. He stopped bobbing his head on my cock for a few minutes. I could feel a slight further decrease in the need to dump my seed. Then I could feel Greg wrap his tongue around my cock and begin another up and down motion on my tool. Soon I was getting close again.

"Greg, please buddy," I was whimpering.

Greg was keeping me close to the edge at all times. When he sensed I was close to cumming he would let up and let my urge subside. Again and again Greg had me on the brink only to stop just in time. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity (fuck, after that I really don't know if a few minutes or hours passed), he removed his mouth from my cock. Still on his knees he grabbed my waist and pulled me to my knees. We came together in the lustiest kiss I have ever had.

While we kissed I explored his upper body with my hands. They glided easily over his sweat-covered body. When my hands moved lower, I realized that Greg was still in his brief boxer trunks. My hands moved to lower them. His cock got caught in the waistband and I struggled briefly, but urgently to get them free. My right hand dished out his cock while my left pushed the trunks lower. Once free of his cock, both my hands pushed his trunks as low as I could without breaking out tongue fest. Our cocks were soon sword fighting with each other.

Greg finally broke the kiss. "Lay down on your stomach so I can massage your back."

I moved to lie on my stomach while Greg finished removing his trunks. I rose on my arm and looked over my shoulder to finally see what I had only felt before, his beautiful cock. Greg owned a most gorgeous cock, probably 6 to 6-1/2 inches of fine cut meat, veiny like his upper gymnast body, and nice an thick -- a nice mouth full.

With his trunks removed Greg moved closer to me and I lay flat on my stomach, my head resting on my arms, my legs spread wide. Greg knelt between my legs, leaned over and began to massage my back as promised. I could feel his cock occasionally touch my ass. When he massaged my shoulders, his cock became lodged in my crack. He would hump there, the sweat of our bodies and Greg's pre-cum providing the lubrication for smooth humping. At some point Greg quit massaging, put his arms on the outside of my upper body and just humped may ass crack for a while. Occasionally he went lower and his cock poked at, but did not enter, my ass hole.

Greg quit humping and moved off my body but was still between my legs. He raised my ass into the air with his mighty hands. He's finally going to fuck me I thought. But what happened next took me by total surprise. Greg stuck his face in my crack and began to lick at my pucker.

"FUCK!!! OH FUCK YEAH!!!" I screamed.

Over and over I screamed those words. And probably a lot of other things I fucking don't recall. His tongue on my ass hole was so hot, so erotic, so lusty. It felt great. Fuck it felt better than great. Why hadn't Josh and I done this before? Why hadn't Kirk done this with us?


Greg kept tonguing my ass. He would play lightly there for a while then change his technique to a rougher licking. Then he was pressing hard with is tongue pushing through and entering my bowel.

After several minutes of tongue / ass play, Greg pulled his face out of my ass. He came up square behind me, pushed my ass lower, and in one swift movement he slammed his cock deep within my ass.

"Fuck yeah," we both moaned.

I lowered my head and buried my face in my arms. I was not in pain, Greg saw to that with his earlier ass conditioning. Greg remained motionless for a while. He massaged my ass with his hands. He moved to my upper back and massaged there and then again to my ass. He reached down and around to take hold of my straining cock and lightly stroked.

Greg began thrusting his cock in and out of my ass. He was slow at first, gentle but firm. My sphincters would squeeze his cock as he thrust eliciting moans. He would hit my prostate causing me to gasp and shudder. His thrusting picked up pace. He was hitting me deeper, splitting me good. His full ball sack would swing in and hit my balls on his down thrusts.

Greg withdrew from my ass and initially I was devastated. He helped me turn over onto my back and lifted my ass in the air with his hands. I locked my legs around his waist to help. His cock finally found my entrance again, he leaned forward and thrust up into may ass again. He leaned forward more, causing my ass to go higher in the air and his cock to go deeper in my ass. His hands were on either side of my shoulders. His piercing eyes locked with mine as he began to fuck my ass.

It was incredibly erotic to have him look into my being as he fucked me. He never took his eyes off me. It was like we could see each other's soul. We were bonded as one in both body and spirit.

Greg thrust harder and harder and I knew from his ragged breath, he was on the verge of cumming. My cock, pressed between our hard bodies was itself ready to dump the load Greg would not let release earlier.

"Greg, fuck my ass buddy, fuck it hard. I want to feel your love juice shoot in my ass. I love you man," I said.

I don't know how I had the presence of mind to say those words but they came out. With those words Greg shot his load, again and again. I could feel each squeeze of his cock as it sent his sperm deep into my bowels. He stopped shooting his load and rested a minute, staying hard within my ass. Incredibly he began to thrust, my cock feeling the pressure of his body pressed hard against mine. I knew what he was doing, masturbating me with our lower abdomens, trying to get me off. He thrust harder, bringing me closer. Sweat dripped from his body onto mine. Finally I could take no and my cock shot quarts of love juice onto Greg's chest and my belly. After I came, Greg fell completely onto me spreading the jizz all over our upper bodies. Our breaths were deep and our chests pressed hard against each other with each intake of air.

We lay there for several minutes. It was glorious feeling his hard body tight against mine. His cock shriveled and withdrew from its hiding place. The sun was setting and we knew we should get back. We walked a few hundred feet to the reservoir and washed off, lovingly help each other. The experience was just as I had imagined. It was an act of love not just an act of sex.

We reached the swim site and saw the others were gone. We went to the cabin and heard no noises from outside. We went in and saw no one. I headed to the bedroom where my gear was, opened the door and got more than an eyeful....

I hope you enjoyed this. Please let me know if you have. Write me at I have tried to make sure I answered every one's e-mail, but if I missed you I apologize. Many of you have shared chance encounters and other exciting situations and I appreciate hearing from you. I also really enjoy hearing from straight men who have had a rare occasion of man/man sex. Take care and let me hear from you, and whether you want me to continue this true story.

Next: Chapter 8

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