Best Buddies Equals Best Sex

By Alex Mack

Published on Mar 7, 2001


This is a story about male/male sex and male/female sex. If you are offended by this type of material do not read. If you are not of legal age in your community, do not read.

Josh and I had hell to pay when we got back from our unplanned, unannounced vacation to Florida. We got a couple of detentions from school for all the days we missed and had to make up quite a bit of work in order to secure our graduation. Our parents were none to happy either. Though we were 18 and technically adults we were advised that while living under their roofs we were to follow their rules etc. The usual parent bullshit. For a couple of weeks I was confined to my house after school... no Josh, no girls, no nothing. Josh on the ohter hand had about the same punishment but did get to work in his Dad's lawn care business and earn a few bucks while being punished.

After my punishment was over, Josh and I were together quite a bit. We played it kind of cool as we were fearful someone might find out about our fucking each other while in Florida. I was always getting a woody when around Josh since I had not had any sex except from my own hand jobs for the last couple of weeks.

Josh and I were out driving around one evening when he told me of a lucious lady, Renee, he met while working one of the jobs assigned to him by his dad. Josh was working the yard on a Saturday when the Renee's husband left on a fishing outing with some of the other neighborhood men. Renee was 23 and everybit the Playboy model. Josh was working the yard shirtless, sweating lightly, when she came to him and asked if he wanted something cool to drink. Josh said yes while admiring her body. As she walked away he sprouted some wood. The lady came back with a nice tall glass of lemonade.

While Josh drank, Renee complained about her husband who was always gone on weekend's. She came closer to Josh as she talked, enventually coming close enough to touch Josh's massive muscular chest. Then she came in and began to lick his pecs. Josh dropped his glass and swept the lady up in his arms. The lady directed Josh to the bedroom and the two engaged in some pretty lusty sex. Josh told me she came three times while he fucked her. I was sporting a might hard cock listening about my buddy dicking this gorgeous chick. Josh went into such detail that I could literally hear his cock sloshing in and out of her cunt.

"Josh, buddy, you've got me pretty damn hard," I said while reaching over to his basket. "And I can feel you're pretty damn hard too. What are we going to do about this?" I playfully asked while massaging his turgid tool.

"Well, Alex, my parents are gone for the weekend. Let's head back to my place and take care of business." I manipulated Josh's tool all the while. I lowered his zipper. pulled his mighty cock from his bikini and played with his exposed cock while he sped down the highway; a dangerous thing to do but it added to the excitement. Josh's cock drooled while I stroked. Finally we got to his house, pulled in the garage, the door lowered by the opener and I immediately went down on his hot, drooling cock.

"Fuck yeah, suck my cock Alex. Take it deep man." Josh was going crazy already, as was I. At least he had got to fuck someone recently, but now I was taking care of my stored up lust. It's not exactly easy giving a blow job in a Z, but I was doing my best. Josh used one had to push my head lower on his cock and the other hand massaged my face. Finally I pulled off Josh's cock and told him I needed to feel his entire naked body. We flew out of the car and onto his room. Josh stopped by the kitchen first to get a few beers.

I was in the bedroom getting naked when Josh came in. With everything off but my socks, I stood before him with my cock at full mast. Josh came close and moved one of the beers to my cock. He moved its long neck over my balls then up my shaft. The feeling of the ice cold bottle on the hot skin of my cock was incredible; I thought I could come from this. My cock was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum which Josh smoothed up and down with the bottle. He then popped the top and took a long slug, my pre-cum mixing with the beer.

Josh put the bottles down and shoved me hard onto the bed. I layed there and watched as he slowly removed his clothes. While taking his clothes off he danced as if doing a strip tease. The site of my buddy stripping for me was as hot as hell. His hard masculine body was the dream of every woman and a hell of a lot of men and Josh was here stripping for me.

It took, I would guess, 7 or 8 minutes for Josh to do his dance while undressing. My cock was straining the entire time. Once out of his clothes, Josh came to me. He knelt between my legs as they dangled over the side of the bed. He kisssed my inner thighs at first, then tongued along my thigh up to my cock. He raised my legs so that they came over his shoulders and he bathed my balls with his hot tongue. He took one ball into his mouth, then the other and eventually had both in his mouth. My ballsack felt like it was in an oven. One of Josh's hand massaged that sensitive part between my balls and asshole and it felt so damn good. My hips were gyrating; my cock needing to stick itself into a tight orifice. The other of Josh's hands, sandwiched between by lower stomach and rigid cock, massaged there as well; his massage was aided by the fluid dripping from my cock and pooling on my stomach.

Josh extricated my balls from his mouth and tongued the underside of my cock. Up and down he went as if doing a one sided masturbation of my cock. Finally, he quickly engulfed my manhood into his hot mouth.

"Oh, fuck yeah, Josh, fuck, suck my cock buddy, do it like you know I like it. FUCK."

Josh came off my cock, quikly threw my entire body on the bed and climbed over me in a 69 position. I grabbed and engulfed his engorged johnson just as quickly as he did mine. We were both so excited that we came very quickly. It was great tasting Josh's salty-sweet cum again.

Josh moved off me and repositioned himslef to lay by me. We embraced like two lovers. Kissing and tasting the cum from each others lips. After a while I laughed. "What's so funny?" Josh asked.

"Well, buddy," I said, "that porn star stamina of yours sure did not pan out this time. What's up, you becoming quick on the draw now?"

Josh chuckled about this as well. Embarrassed, he acknowledged a great desire to savor my body as well. His lust for me had been pent up for a long time, so he reasoned that was why he came so quickly. Sounded logical to me.

We laid in the bed and fell asleep together. The following morning Josh woke me up. He had to do a lawn job at the fishing widow Renee's house. He asked if I wanted to earn a few bucks and help out. Hell yes. And I also wanted to see this Playgirl model Josh had fucked.

After getting the needed equipment from the business, we headed for the job.

Just as we arrived the Renee's husband came out the door preparing for another fish outing with his friends. His wife followed him out the door in a skimpy nightgown, uspet that he was leaving for another Saturday. "Kirk, stay with me," she cried. The guy looked like a typical stud who would want to spend the day with and fucking his wife. But the agrument was to no avail as he packed up his gear and left.

Renee went into the house crying and Josh and I set out to do our job. We unloaded the mower and trimmer, rakes and bags and started working. The late morning sun was warm and we both stripped off our shirts. I kept ogling Josh wanting to get him back in bed and fuck and suck his brains out.

In the front of the house a large picture window looked over the lawn. We could see Renee occasionally walk by the window and spy us while we worked. She was gorgeous in that skimpy gown she wore. Josh and I kept one eye to the window and one to our work not wanting to miss any opportunity to see her. I had turned my back to trim around some bushes but became aware that, though I could here the mower running, Josh was not moving. I looked at him and noticed Josh staring at the picture window. When my eyes moved to the window I popped a quick erection... there stood Renee with her ample breasts exposed. As we watched, Renee took her hands and massaged her tits, occasionally pinching at her nipple. It was apparent from the direction of her gaze that she was staring at Josh.

Josh let go of the mower and it immediately shut off when he let go of the safety bar. He walked up to the door, turned the knob and entered. Renee stood in the window waiting for him. Josh was immeditely on her, kissing her tits, rubbing her snatch. Renee threw her head back in joy. I watched for several minutes while Josh and Renee pleasured themselves for me and the whole neighborhood to see. After a while, Renee grabbed Josh by the hand and led him away from the window.

"Fuck," I cried out in frustration.

The door remained open however. I knew I had to get in there and see what was going on. Hell I knew what was going on, I just had to see it. As I entered the door I could hear Renee and Josh upstairs. I closed the door behind me, even taking the time to lock it. I ran up the stairs and followed the sounds of lust until I found Josh and Renee.

Renee was now completely naked, kneeling before Josh and removing his shorts. She reached inside his bikini and dug out his cock which appeared to be growing to monumental proportions. Her tongue flicked at the piss slit, then down the underside of his cock, then back up, and then she engulfed his sperm gun. Now it was Josh's turn to throw his head back. "Fuck, yeah, Renee, suck my cock. Yeah suck me bitch, take it all." And that she did; Renee took his entire length down her sexy throat, her upper lip hitting his pubes. "Fuck!" Josh cried out again. She was working magic on his tool.

While watching all this I unconsciously pulled out my cock and stroked. When Renee took Josh deep, my hand slid down my cock; when she came up, my hand came up. I stroked in rhythm with her. Renee worked on Josh's cock for a while, kneading his balls also. Finally, Josh pulled her up in his arms and carried her the short distance to her and Kirk's unmade bed.

Josh laid her on the bed and then began removing his shoes and socks, the only clothing he had on. He turned and saw me pulling my pud and knodded for me to join him and Renee. Josh hopped into the bed and I walked to the other side, removed my clothes and got in.

Renee was on her side facing Josh and the two were in a lusty embrace. I could hear there tongues dueling, moans filled the room. I laid there admiring her ass. I scooted closer. My cock was soon buried in her crack. I played with her ass and hip with my free hand. My drooling cock lubricated her crack and I was soon humping that perfect ass of hers.

I saw Josh's arm come over Renee's shoulder. He pulled her over onto his now prone body. Renee straddled Josh's body; her snatch pressed against his cock. She raised herself slightly, grabbed his cock and placed it at the entrance of her juicy cunt. In one quick motion she slid down the length of his johnson and they became united. Renee fell forward squawshing her tits on Josh's muscular chest.

Josh's muscular arms held Renee close against his body. He lifted his legs slightly so that his knees were bent and slowly began to piston his rod in out and out of her cunt. His thrusts were slow, loving. This lady was being treated like a lady.

While Renee and Josh fucked, made love, I massaged her gorgeosu ass. It was a sight to behold. Occasionally my hand would "accidentally" find Josh's balls while I massaged. But fuck, I needed more, much more. I wanted to bury my cock in that gorgeous ass. I crawled between Josh's and Renee's legs. I spit on my cock to lube it up and placed it at her anal entrance. I pushed and tried to break through but was unable. Renee screamed slightly. "Bathroom..... lube" she said. I quickly got out of the bed, ran to the bathroom and found some vaseline on the counter. I was running back to the bed at the same time I was removign the lid and coating my cock with the vaseline. I dropped the jar on the floor and jumped back into position behind her ass.

I placed my cock at her entrance again. The motion of Josh and Renee fucking made my cock bounce along her crack. Finally I told Josh to stop fucking for a minute which he did and I drove it home bury my cock deep in her ass, my pubes scratching at her soft skin. The three of us had become one. Her ass was hot and tight. Her sphincter squeezed on my cock.

"Shit, yeah man... its so hot and tight," I cried.

I lay there motionless for a while. I could feel Josh begin his gentle thrusting again. This got me to begin my pump into her ass. I could feel my cock and Josh's rubbing against each others through the thin membrane separating her ass and cunt. Occasionally we would move just right and I could fell our balls hit each others.

We got a great rhythm going. Renee was in ecstacy. She was crying and moaning, begging to be fucked. Cunt juice was shooting from her hole. I could here it slosh as Josh pumped her. His slow thrusts were becoming more urgent. Harder. I had to work harder to keep up. We were all working hard, sweating, and grunting.

"Well, what the fuck do we have here?"

Oh, shit! I stopped pumping and looked over my shoulder. There stood Kirk in the doorway. I was off the bed in a flash as was Josh. Damn, we knew we were in trouble now. Kirk was huge - 6'2 and easily 220 pounds and it was muscle.

"So, you boys think it's alright to fuck another guy's wife?" he bellowed. "You think you can walk in here when I am away and fuck my wife any which way to tomorrow?" He said nothing waiting for a response from us. Soon a grin came on his face and he said, "Well hell you can!"

Josh and I were in shock. But Kirk removed his shirt and shorts and went to the bed. Renee took his semi-hard cock in her mouth and began to get him harder.

"Come on boys, I want you back where you were."

Josh and I looked at each other dumbfounded but our deflated cocks were starting to grow again. Josh went to the bed first. He laid on his back and Renee got on top again. While Josh fucked her she took Kirk's cock back into her mouth. I crawled back between her legs and reburied my cock up her ass.

We fucked like crazy. While I fucked Renee's ass hard I could not help but notice Kirk's muscled body. Kirk had a nice dark fuzz, not overly hairy, just right. I reached out and massaged his balls while Renee sucked his length. "Do it buddy, play with those balls," he said. He had a nice set.

The three us pumped our cocks into Renee's orifices. Moans were filling the room. Each moan got me hotter and apparently the others as well. I was pounding her ass harder and harder. I knew I would cum any second and finally I did. I planted my seed deep in her hot ass.

My cock grew sensitive, I had to quit thrusting. Kirk, noticing I was done, withdrew from Renee's mouth and moved toward me. "Suck it," he said. I withdrew form Renee's ass and sat on the bed. Kirk held his cock to me and I engulfed it, tasting a mix of Renee's spit and his pre-cum. Kirk had about 7 thick inches which he pounded down my throat. I tongued his cock like I had done Josh's several times before. Soon Kirk was unloading his love juice down my throat.

Kirk and I watched Josh and Renee finish up. Josh had brought her to several orgasms before unleashing his own. We were all spent.

Kirk was impressed. He offered us his wife any time we wnated and Renee was happy to let us fuck her. Additionally Kirk, Josh, and I got together for some of our own man fun. More to come about his escapade.

Hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think. Write me at

Next: Chapter 6

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