Best Buddies Equals Best Sex

By Alex Mack

Published on Jan 10, 2001


Best Buddies equals Best Sex - Part 4

This is a continuation of the above titled story. If you have not read Parts1, 2, and 3 please do so for the sake of continuity and enjoyment.

If you are offended by male/male sex please do not read. If you are under 18 please do not read. If such material is not permitted in your not read!

So, sit back, enjoy, and stroke. And in the real world..Play safe!!

I had just fucked Josh's ass. Hot and tight would not begin to explain the feeling. It was that of course, but the love that had grown out of our years long friendship made it all the more exciting. These couple of days of our youthful rebellion, spent away from school, family, sports, and local girls had opened our eyes, at least my eyes, to the best sex a man can have.

Sex, I finally discovered, was not just an act, but an emotion too. And it was an emotion I believed would always be best felt with my best friend. It was apparent that Josh and I had become in tuned with each other's sexuality. We could experience the joy and the lust of sex anytime together.

Josh and I had fallen asleep, me on top of him. Before I fell asleep in his loving embrace I felt my cock wither and slide from his hot ass. I awoke maybe 30 minutes later, Josh's arms tight around me. How he managed to sleep with the weight of my muscular frame on him I don't know. But we had experienced a lot of sex together the last couple of days and perhaps he was exhausted. Nevertheless, I managed to move which encouraged Josh, still asleep, to move his arms. I came off Josh and laid at his side. I massaged his upper body which was sweaty from the heat of our togetherness.

I rubbed Josh's body out of love, out of friendship, out of our now unbending emotional relationship. But, the hardness of his body, the sensualness of his being, had my cock rising to new heights. I wanted to seduce Josh, not take advantage of him. I wanted to make love again to the man who initiated me into man sex. I raised myself up on one arm and leaned over to suck on Josh's perfect nipple. I sucked and licked at his nipple for a long time. I could taste the saltiness of his skin from the sweat that was now evaporating. My hands stroked his six pack; a finger finding his love button and tickling him there. Through all this Josh stirred occasionally, but did not wake up. Since it seemed he would not wake up, I decided to take a shower, a cold shower. I cleaned myself vigorously, the cold water easing the tension helping my cock to deflate. I dried and crawled back into bed beside Josh.

I woke up the next morning and discovered Josh gone. Orienting myself I heard the shower running. I got up went in and greeted Josh in the steamy bath.

"Hey buddy, what's up?" I asked. "I missed you for a minute."

"Hey Alex, you were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to disturb you. You looked so handsome there though I was about to get hard again," he laughed. "Hey, how about when I'm done we get something to eat and hit the beach."

"Sounds great. But Josh, buddy, how's your ass? I remember how mine felt after you fucked it so good."

"Not to worry. I am a little sore, but not enough to keep me in this room all day. Anyway Alex, you fucked my ass just fine, but no offense, you can't go at it as long and as hard as I did with you."

I guess he was right about that. "None taken. So when are you going to get your ass out of there so we can go?"

"How about now!" Off went the water, back came the curtain and there stood Josh in all his glory. He stepped out of the tub, gave me bear hug and a kiss before grabbing a towel to dry. I brushed my teeth while he dried admiring him in the mirror all the while.

We found a McDonald's and had an ok breakfast. We really didn't have a lot of money left to be eating extravagantly. We knew we needed to be heading home to face up to missed classes and worried families. We wanted to graduate of course and if we missed too many days our graduation would be in jeopardy. We decided that if we did not find any girls to fuck today we would head back to Pennsylvania in the morning.

We got to the beach around 10 and were disappointed to find it was not teaming with many people. We feared we would be heading home in the morning. We claimed our spot on the beach, spread our towels, and took in some early morning sun while waiting for the crowds to arrive.

We had been at the beach for maybe a half an hour and though there were alot more people there by then, we did not see any girls we wanted to try to take up with. I could not help but gaze at Josh's masculine beauty as he lay there propped up on both elbows. My cock started to stir... not a good thing when wearing the brief bathing suit I was wearing on a public beach.

Josh jumped up, stated he was going for a swim and would be back soon. His swagger as he approached the water advertised that he was there to conquer. The muscles in his ass and on his back moved gorgeously as he approached the ocean. My cock continued to stir. An little wet spot was apparent up close in the dark material of my suit. I grabbed Josh's towel to cover my crotch, to hide my growing manhood. When Josh got near the water he broke out in a run. He ran into the waves as far as he could before the height of the water hindered his run and then he dove. He came up and dove again, and then again. Finally he came up shaking his head, throwing water away form his face and off his hair.

Josh frolicked in the water for a long time. It was fun watching him. Occasionally Joshtook up conversation with some guys who had similar physical qualities as us. This bothered me briefly; surely I was not jealous. But then these hunks were joined by their girlfriends and they moved on to achieve their own agenda. Josh was alone again.

Not only did I watch Josh enjoy the water, but I scanned the growing crowd on the beach. Some ways up the beach I noticed a girl with blond hair, who from a far distance appeared beautiful, make her way toward our end of the beach. I noticed her taking in the people sights as she strolled. The closer she got the more gorgeous she became. I could hardly take my eyes off her. She was near the waterline and almost in front of me when I noticed Josh coming out of the water. This beautiful blond noticed Josh and both stopped to talk.

I noticed Josh smile occasionally as they conversed. His right hand scratched lightly at his six pack calling attention to his hard body. He looked over at me and pointed and the blond acknowledged my presence. They talked a little while longer before heading over to me. Josh had a smile on his face that would light the whole world if the sun went out.

I stood up to greet Josh and the beautiful visitor. Luckily my cock had deflated but standing in her beauty it could take off again at any time. Josh introduced her as Alexis... a beautiful name befitting of this beautiful woman. And I could not help but notice how close her name was to mine. Alexis appeared to be about 20 and she had tits that could barely be contained within the confines of her bikini top. She had a golden brown tan. Alexis did not appear to wear make-up... her face did not need to be hidden.

Josh told me that Alexis worked for a photographer who was trying to shoot a calendar tentatively titled Young Florida Muscle. Well, Josh and I qualified as young and muscled, but not from Florida. Alexis explained that if we would be interested in posing so as to be considered for the calendar it did not matter we were not from Florida. We were in Florida at the time and that qualified us. Josh had already made up his mind to be given the "screen test". Alexis rubbed my chest and encouraged me to do the same. Well, with her hand on my chest what could I say but "Yes".

We had to walk to the other end of the beach where the photographer, whose name we later learned was Kent, had his equipment. Alexis also explained that Kent had scouted several areas for backdrops. We walked down the beach, Alexis between Josh and myself with her arms around our waists, as if to keep us from getting away. I could feel Alexis squeeze at my obliques and massage there as we walked. She had a hard time getting hold of much with the low body fat content I had.

We arrived at Kent's set up and were introduced. The look on his face told Alexis she had made good choices. We shook hands and started. Alexis provided different swim outfits to be photographed in. Josh was the first to go. He really seemed to be a natural at this and provided sexy masculine poses for the camera. One of my favorites had Josh in a speedo type suit with his arms behind his head exposing his pits. He winked and gave me an evil grin during these shots. Some of the shots were semi-nude, but tasteful for a broad audience. An hour later he was done and it was my turn.

I don't think I was a natural at this like Josh was but nevertheless was having a great time. Kent frequently told me how great I was doing. I noticed that even Alexis was approving of the shots. Some of my shots displayed my hard naked ass. Shots that did not involve any form of nudity were down in the open and often drew a crowd. I was slightly embarrassed by this but when it happened to Josh he really strutted his stuff. Like Josh, about an hour after starting and I was done too. Kent had us fill out some papers and explained that if we were chosen to fill the pages of the calendar we would be financially rewarded. This brought smiles to our faces. After explaining all the details to us he went about his work and Alexis came by. She talked excitedly about how well the photo shoot went, how hot we looked and more. She asked us if we would want to get together that evening for some dinner, maybe dancing, at Kent's expense. One of Alexis' perks was indulging the studs she obtained for photo shoots. Of course we jumped at the chance and made arrangements to pick her up at 7:30.

We picked up Alexis and she took us to one of the finer restaurants in the area... at least one of those fine ones that did not require a coat and tie.

We ate and had great conversation. Later Alexis took us to a night club for dancing. It was great being out there on the floor bumping and grinding with her. I would rub my hands up and down her body occasionally feeling her ample breasts. I noticed Josh would do the same when he was on the floor with Alexis. The tone of the evening was taking on a decidedly sexual quality.

Around midnight Alexis suggested we leave and go to our hotel room. Josh and I were no fools and knew what was happening; we loaded up and headed to the hotel. Once inside Alexis asked if she could shower. We both said yes at the same time...our eagerness very apparent. As she showered Josh and I sat opposite each other on the beds laughing about the way the evening was going - anticipating dicking the beautiful Alexis.

We were stripping down when Alexis called out "Would one of you come wash my back?" Josh was off the bed faster than a sprinter at the shot of a gun.

I groaned and lay back on the bed, mournful that I missed the opportunity.

I could hear them laughing in the shower. Alexis called again: "Alex, come join us!" Like Josh I was faster than any sprinter - I could have run the hundred yard dash in 2 seconds. Off came my shorts and I was in the shower with Alexis and Josh. Alexis was between us and had our hands admiring her body from both sides, kisses caressing her back and tits.

Josh had the benefit a kissing her tits, but I could happily interfere by reaching around to squeeze her mounds. Josh would reach down and play with her pussy and clit evoking squeals of delight. My cock was rigid. I bent my knees slightly and pushed my cock between her legs. As Josh played at he pussy I could feel his fingers hit my cock.

Josh and I had experienced a lot together - sex with each other, dicking the twins in their shared bed room - but we had never had sex at the same time with one person. Alexis was adding a new aspect to our sexual repoitare. This rebellious trip to Florida was turning out to be one hell of a vacation.

I slid my cock between Alexis' creamy legs - totally erotic by itself but when accompanied by Josh's occasional touch the feeling was more electric. Alexis moved her hips as if having a cock in her cunt. Her legs squeezed tight around my cock as she moved, masturbating me without the use of hands.

I loved the feeling and thrust my cock in unison with her. My cock remained tight between her legs but had enough friction to elicit pleasure every man expects when fucking a woman.

Josh bent down to suck on Alexis' nipple. Alexis moaned approvingly when Josh did this. I reached around and grabbed Josh's head pulling him tighter into her tit. This caused the three of us to sandwich together tighter.

We must have been in the shower for 20 or some minutes enjoying the groping and thrusting. Alexis finally said "Let's get comfortable," pulled back the curtain and exited the tub. We headed to the bed without drying. Alexis sat on the edge of the bed gorgeously, her beauty enhanced by her wet body. "Come closer," she said to no one in particular, so Josh and I both moved toward her. Alexis reached out and grabbed both of our hard cock's. Her hand stroked up and down the turgid length of our tools. Finally she bent closer to Josh and engulfed his cock with her beautiful hot mouth. Josh cried out when Alexis did this. "Oh baby your mouth is so hot, such my cock, suck it down." he was moaning. "Alex buddy this is so fucking hot."

I was beginning to feel left out until Alexis finally pulled Josh out of her mouth and immediately went to work on my cock. "Oh yes Alexis, let me fuck your mouth" was all I could say. She slurped mightily on my tool. "Ain't it great Alex, that hot mouth of hers," Josh said. I was in sexual heaven and could only nod my head. Alexis hoovered my cock better than and girl who has gone down on me. My hips were pistoning slightly trying to send my cock deeper in her throat. "Do it Alex, fuck her face good," Josh was saying. As I thrust in and out of her mouth, Josh sidled up to me, put his hand around my narrow muscular waist and pulled us close together. His hot skin against me added to the sheer ecstasy of the moment; I began to pump a little harder.

Alexis withdrew my cock from her oh so hot mouth and I could only groan in disappointment. We both stood before her, our cocks rigid in their glory before her beautiful face. Alexis surprised us both by grabbing both our cocks in one hand. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, as wide as only an experienced cock sucker could do and engulfed the heads and upper part of our shafts. "Oh FUCK!" Josh and I shouted simultaneously. This was the stuff of porn films and it was happening to me, to us!! The feeling of her incredibly hot mouth around our cocks was deliciously incredible. Even more incredible was the feeling of our cocks rubbing against each other as she sucked lovingly on us.

Josh and I were two animals in heat. We were wicked in our words to Alexis, but it was obvious she was loving it. The more we would talk dirty to her the deeper she would take our cocks. Her tongue ran on the underside of my cock for a while and then onto Josh's. We both grabbed the back of her head and tried to get our cock's deeper in her throat. Alexis took it like a pro. She grabbed and pulled on our balls adding to the intensity of the feeling. I knew I was not going to last long. I could feel my ballsack tighten. "OHH. Oh man," I kept saying with deep intakes of breath. "Hang in there Alex, fuck her face, man, don't lose it now," Josh said to me. "Hold on buddy. don't cum yet!" "I don't know if I can," I whimpered. Josh tried to encourage the delay of my orgasm as best he could, but I could not longer take it. Alexis realizing I was about to cum pulled us both out of her mouth and with a couple of quick strokes from her hand I exploded my jizz all over her beautiful tits.

"Fuck, oh fuck," was all I could say as I gulped air.

"Damn man," said Josh, "you really dumped a load on her tits. Look at all that cum!"

I did dump one hell of a load on Alexis. Alexis admired my load on her chest as well. She reached up with her free hand, our cocks still tight in her other, and rubbed my jizz into her skin. My powerful orgasm had somewhat overtaken me and I felt the need to sit or otherwise get off my feet. I ended up on my knees after Alexis released my cock from her hand. Alexis pulled my mouth to hers and we engaged in a long, long kiss, our tongues battling for control of the territory. Alexis broke the kiss and pulled my face down into her tits and I licked and cleaned her of my cum.

Josh stood by watching, still with a ranging hard on that seemed to swell his cock larger than his normal 8 inches. After I had completely cleaned Alexis of my love juice she released my head. She laid back on the bed and Josh followed. Josh's cock pistoned on the outside of Alexis' cunt while he kissed at her neck, then onto her tits where I had just finished my job. He was kissing her lovingly but aggressively all over her body. Down her stomach and then onto her pussy. I could see Josh's tongue slide in and out of her cunt, then he would lap at her clit for awhile. Alexis was squirming and squealing like crazy as Josh did this. Josh paid attention to her love canal for a long time. Alexis was loving it apparently as juice was shooting form her snatch and she was not yet orgasming. Alexis was one hot, wet bitch.

Josh must have tongued Alexis' cunt for fifteen minutes. Watching him have at her had me hard again. My cock never completely deflated, but it sure as hell was at full staff once again. Josh moved from Alexis' cunt and kissed at the soft insides of her legs. He began his ascent back up her body and at just the right moment he thrust mightily and entered her pussy with his love sword.

Both moaned loudly when Josh entered her. "Alex, she is so fucking hot, so tight man," Josh said as he pistoned his rod in and out of her. She was well lubricated and Josh had no difficulty humping her. I stood nearby watching this love fest, just as one would watch actors fuck on a porno. I found myself moving closer to the action. Josh was into his porn star mode and would probably pump her cunt for a long time. I could feel the sexual heat radiating up from their bodies. The air was filled the scent of sex.

As I got closer I reached out and felt Josh's hard back, the muscles contracting and moving with his humping. I also reached down and felt Alexis's soft, full tits as they rose and fell during her ecstasy. The contrasting feel of Josh's hard masculine body, and Alexis' soft feminine body was incredible to me. I had to get involved in this again. I needed to stick my dick in somebody's ass, mouth, or cunt real soon.

"Josh, move her down the bed buddy, I want to get above her head so I can stick my cock in her mouth again."

Apparently he did not hear me or did not want to move as he kept humping her. Hell what man would want to take his dick out of a snatch like Alexis had.

"Josh, come on buddy, please."

Again nothing. Josh was in his own sexual dream. But Alexis came to the rescue. She pushed on Josh's shoulders, encouraging him to move lower. Josh's cock withdrew from her cunt, he moved down the bed and pulled her to him and swiftly entered her again. I climbed up over Alexis' head. My ball sack just above her head. She reached up and pulled me down and took both my balls into her mouth at once. She sucked on my balls for awhile then took them out of her mouth. I repositioned my self, pointed my cock down and she engulfed my tool with her ht mouth. She took me deep, deeper than she did before. It was beyond belief the feeling that was coursing through my cock and up through my body.

Oh but fuck, Josh was at it with me too. Josh would kiss at my lower abdomen, at the junction where my cock and body met. Alexis had my cock in her mouth and Josh was trying to get the other end of my cock in his. Thank gawd he did not try to bite it off. Alexis opened her eyes at one point and noticed Josh kissing me there. She opened her mouth, and removed my cock. She pointed it at Josh who took it me deep down his throat. He continued thrusting into Alexis while sucking me at the same time. I moved my self forward trying to get as much of my cock into his mouth. Suddenly my ass was over Alexis's face. Her hot tongue reached up and licked at my asshole. "Fuck, oh fuck, oh yeah, baby do it, do it. Eat my ass, eat it good. I moved my ass lower so Alexis could tongue me better.

I could feel her tongue try to break through my ass hole.

Josh knew what was happening and the excitement caused him to pound Alexis' cunt harder and harder. My cock had become less of a concern for Josh and it came out of his mouth as he pumped. Alexis kept working at my ass hole. Josh pulled up Alexis' legs and raised his own body until he was on his knees all the while pistoning in and out as hard as any man could. Josh leaned over toward me and we kissed hard, both of us in an uncontrolled lust. I reached out and pinched his hard nipples. Hell, there was so much happening that I don't even remember it all.

I heard Alexis begin to squeal below me. She was on her way to one major orgasm. But knowing Josh, Alexis would have more than one. I came off her face and the sound of her squeals was almost deafening. I moved off the bed so that Josh could give her what she needed. Josh's lower abdomen was tight against Alexis' clit; each thrust from Josh sending her closer to her goal. Harder and harder he fucked her until finally she screamed with the release of her orgasm. Alexis cunt was shooting juice like crazy; I could literally hear it squirt from her snatch.

Josh himself was no where near cumming and he continued to thrust in and out. He changed pace, I could tell, so that he bring Alexis along with him again. Josh was a ture lover and knew how to take care of his women, and as I had learned his men as well. Here I stood with a hard on like no tomorrow. Josh's ass looked so beautiful as he slid in and out of Alexis - so beautiful. I climbed on the bed behind Josh, got between his knees and as close to his body as possible. On each out stroke his ass hit my cock. I pulled my cock down and occasionally could feel the head hit his hole on the out stroke. I moved closer. Closer. I soon had Josh tight against Alexis, and my cock hard against his ass. He stopped pistoning for a minute and I rammed my cock hard into his ass. Josh's head flew back, he yelled, "Oh shit yeah." The three of us had become one.

Josh and I remained still while Josh adapted to my cock in his ass. I massaged his rocks hard buns helping to relax. I could see and feel Alexis moving her cunt in a circular motion trying to get the action to start again. I started to hump Josh's ass. It was hotter and tighter than the first time I fucked him. His sphincter squeezed on my cock often, as if Josh was trying to prevent himself from cumming.

Josh started to move, slowly pumping his cock in out and of Alexis. I tried to keep pace but our movements were not coordinated and when Josh pumped in I was on an out stroke and my cock would come out of his ass. Needing to feel his hot, hard ass around my cock I would slam back in with force. After several minutes the three of us had found our rhythm and we were fucking together hot and furiously. As I pumped Josh's ass I played his hard ass cheeks. That play turned to slaps and I left my prints on his cheeks. Josh was loving it apparently. "Slap that ass, slap my ass buddy!" he would say.

Alexis was starting to squeal again and I knew she was on her way to another orgasm. Josh started to pump hard and I kept pace. My cock flew in and out of his ass. We were all sweating like crazy. Josh's back glistened before my eyes. Josh's breath started to become ragged. "Alexis, squeeze your cunt tight around my cock. Oh fuck yeah, tighter babe, tighter," He was saying between deep, hard breaths. "Fuck my ass hard Alex, do it man." Alexis was squealing louder; Josh's vulgar talked turned to animalistic moans. I too was caught up and knew I would cum any time. Finally Alexis let out a scream signaling her orgasm, and with that Josh and I both spilled out our hot seed - Josh's within Alexis, mine within Josh.

We all laid there motionless for awhile. My cock shriveled and came out of Josh's ass. Josh withdrew his tool from Alexis' cunt. I moved to one side of Alexis and Josh to the other. We lay there and went to sleep, all sweaty with the intoxicating aroma of sex around us.

Alexis got up the next morning first and showered. She kissed both of us sexily, but sweetly, before leaving. She expressed hope we would make in into the calendar. Whether we made it or not, our evening with her was reward enough.

Josh and I decided we had better head back to Pennsylvania. We needed to get back to school so we could still graduate - too many missed days would mean we were out, and of course after 12 years we did not want that to happen. We both showered, together, and played a little bit, then packed and headed north. Our time in Florida had proved to be one hell of a vacation.

I hope you have liked this true tale. I appreciate those of you who have written me about the other parts. Please feel free to write again. I hope anybody who enjoyed this series will write.

Thanks, Alex

write me at

Next: Chapter 5

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