Best Buddies Equals Best Sex

By Alex Mack

Published on Dec 31, 2000


This is a continuation of the above titled story. If you have not read Part 1, please do so for the sake of continuity and enjoyment.

If you are offended by male/male sex please do not read. If you are under 18 please do not read. If such material is not permitted in your not read!

Sit back, enjoy, and stroke. And in the real world..Play safe!!

Josh had just sucked me to the most amazing orgasm of my life. My best buddy of 18 years, a masculine, no holds barred, heterosexual male had just taken me on the most intense sexual experience of my life. I have never had such an intense orgasm with any of the girls I have fucked.

I lay on the bed gulping air. The orgasm left me drained in one sense, but exhilarated in another. I had just had the most intense orgasm (I keep saying that don't I... so you know it was great) of my life. As I was gaining composure Josh edged up my body, licking at lower abs, cleaning my navel, then giving my chest another tongue bath before coming to my face and kissing me. I could taste my jizz as we kissed. It had a salty sweet quality to it that was different from anything I had tasted before, but it was not unpleasant.

We kissed for a minute or so before Josh moved to lay beside me. His strong hand massaged my chest and abs as he had done earlier leading to this sensual experience. Again no words were spoken. We laid there in a sort of sexual afterglow. Our years long friendship had taken on a new dimension. Words would have only spoiled the moment.

Josh's hand moved lower down my body and eventually found my rigid member. I have been lucky in that I can remain hard or get hard again rather easily. A youthful advantage I am sure, but one I hope not to lose. His manipulation of my tool was getting me aroused again for more physical adventure. I knew I would need to express my loving friendship for Josh as he had done me.

I began simply enough, rubbing his chest, his shoulders, as much of his body as I could from the position I was in. I turned to my side to more easily feel my buddy's hard body. Josh is a true man in every sense of the word. He has very low body fat and his muscles are well defined. He is athletically muscled without looking like a steroid freak.

Josh turned his head and looked me in the eyes. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, a love pat if you will. I urged Josh over to the center of the bed and quickly moved over him as he had done me earlier. Again our hard johnson's were in a loving dance. I leaned down to kiss Josh's chest. Kissing his hard muscles had an excitingly different feel from the bodies of the girls I have fucked. His skin was smooth but taught from his muscles. The sensuousness of the situation had our dicks leaking like crazy. How does that song go about the girl cried a river of tears and almost drowned the whole world... well that's what our dicks were doing with the pre-cum flowing copiously from them.

I continued to lick at Josh's chest, suck on his perfect nipples. As I licked at the side of his chest, Josh lifted his arm. The heady aroma from his pit was intoxicating, not sour, not dirty, but the aroma a real man. The hair under his arm was sparse. I decided to come in and lick his pit, enjoy the heady aroma of my best friend - something I probably could not have done had his hair been real dense. Nevertheless I dug in. Josh spoke the first words since our encounter began - "Oh yeah, do it buddy." His hand moved to the back of my head to pull me in tight.

I sucked and licked Josh's pit for several minutes. This was truly an erogenous zone for Josh. He squirmed all over the bed and moaned profusely as I made love to his pit. I jacked his cock as I did this. The was virtually no friction because of all the pre-cum he was oozing. My hand moved almost effortlessly up and down his love muscle. Josh used his other hand to massage by back, occasionally reaching down to my hard ass, trying to squeeze and knead it as if making bread.

Finally I took my tongue out of Josh's pit. I know he was disappointed, but better things were to come. I uprighted my body, moved Josh's legs together and straddled his body. I was in such a position that my ballsack was in contact with the underside of his cock. I leaned down a little and massaged Josh's hard chest with both my hands. The pressure of my ballsack on his cock got him to making slight humping movements.

I moved up Josh's body a little. Initially I though I would place my cock on his chest and try to bring his pecs together and fuck his chest like I had done some of the girls before. What a ridiculous idea this turned out to be of course. Josh's pecs were rock hard and would not move. I guess the lust of the moment did not have me in the right frame of mind. Apparently Josh knew what I was thinking as he laughed after I gave up trying to squeeze his pecs. So did I, but I did notice the love juices left on this chest so I humped his chest anyway. On the upstroke Josh would stick out his tongue and lick the head of my cock.

This was really getting nowhere and I laughed again as did Josh. I moved back on my haunches and, unintentionally, lodged Josh's manhood between my ass cheeks. All the laughing stopped... Josh looked at me in lusty amazement. I knew where he thought this was going; I was certainly unsure about trying this. I sat there with Josh snugly ensconced between my cheeks. Soon Josh began to gyrate his hips, pumping his rigid tool between my sweaty ass cheeks. Josh was definitely enjoying the anticipation of what was to come as I could see a small sweat break out on his forehead and chest. I lifted slightly to give him more room to pump his cock between my cheeks. My hands were pressing hard into his chest. Josh's slow movements were becoming more furious. Finally I lifted myself a little more. With the intensity of the moment I had made up my mind to give Josh the access to my ass that he desired.

Josh was pumping his dick between my cheeks with abandon. After a while I wondered if he was going to take the opportunity that I had signaled him. But no sooner had I thought this than Josh stopped pumping and looked at me for permission which I gave with a nod of my head. Josh reached under me and grabbed his cock in one hand and awkwardly searched for my hole with the other. In the position we were in, it seemed it might be impossible for Josh to zero his cock onto my asshole. I reached back, moved Josh's hand from his cock and guided his sperm gun to my entrance. Once poised for entry I leaned back a little to add a bit of pressure to hold his cock in place.

Now I was sweating, fearing what was about to happen. Josh understood my concerns and did not aggressively proceed to invade my ass. I loved him for this. Truly his willingness to accommodate my fears and concerns demonstrated his love for his best friend. He stroked my turgid cock, trying to provide me with some pleasure to ease my mind. Josh remained perfectly still as he stroked me. Finally I said "Do it".

I leaned into Josh's cock a little more to help him with his entry. He continued to hold onto my cock but his manipulations slowed as he prepared himself to enter my ass. I hoped that his cock was still oozing large amounts of pre-cum to lubricate his entrance. He raised his hips trying to force his cock into my ass. My sphincter muscle naturally tightened denying him his goal. I knew I had to relax. I began taking a few deep breaths while Josh began to jerk my cock with more vigor. I leaned harder onto Josh's cock and he simultaneously raised his hips and finally the head of his cock broke through.

When Josh's cockhead broke through my sphincter I let out a scream of pain, possibly unlike anything you have heard before. Shaken by this Josh immediately withdrew. He apologized profusely, wanting to stop. I said nothing to this, but reached back and placed his cock at my entrance again. He asked if I was sure. I said yes and added that he should not withdraw unless I asked him too. Give me the chance to adjust I told him.

Again we worked together and Josh's cockhead entered my ass. I was in obvious pain with his cock shallowly in my ass. Josh asked if I wanted him to come out. I shook my jead no. We stayed like this for several minutes at least. The pain was subsiding and I righted myself and lowered onto Josh's cock. The trip was not easy with only the lubrication from his pre-cum. Finally I made the effort to complete my journey onto Josh's cock and at the same time he thrust upward burying his eight inches of manhood into my ass. With his dick buried in my ass, Josh was moaning how hot and tight my ass was. Hotter and tighter than any girl he had ever dicked.

We remained like that for awhile. Josh laid there with his eyes closed muttering over and over how hot and tight my ass was, how good it felt over his cock. Involuntarily my sphincter squeezed and Josh moaned loudly. I lifted myself a little and Josh began to pump his cock in and out of my ass. Occasionally Josh's dick would hit my prostate sending shivers of exquisite pleasure though my body. When he would hit my prostrate I would shove my ass down on his dick hard. My ballsack would land in his pubes giving me a little tickling sensation. My nimble athletic body offered me lots of flexiblilty and I leaned down to hug Josh, to bring our bodies in total contact. When I did this his cock almost came out of my ass. Josh quickly brought his knees up pushing his cock deep up into my love canal again. I lay there, my cock tight between our bodies, the underside aware of his treasure trail, dropping pre-cum into his navel.

Josh pumped his johnson in and out of my ass. Josh has the staying power usually afforded only to porn stars. I learned this when we dicked the twins together. Josh fucked her in every way imaginable for almost 45 minutes. She enjoyed it immensley as well cumming several times. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would have chalked talk like this up to usual male bravado, but Josh was the real thing. And I had him, my best friend, doing me.

Josh withdrew from my ass wanting to change positions. He lustily told me to lay on my back which I did immediately. Josh lifted my legs onto his shoulders bringing my ass up as well. He positioned his cock and this time entered my ass in one quick motion. With my legs on his chest Josh licked at my calves and my feet while he pumped. I could feel almost imperceptible increases in his thrusting, losing control, wanting to justly satisfy himself as he had done me earlier. Josh leaned down onto my body bringing my ass up higher, forcing my thighs to touch my chest...thank gawd my athleticism helped here as this was not uncomfortable.

Josh was pounding my ass, harder and harder. I would squeeze my sphincter occasionally to add to his excitement. Josh's pumping also provided stimulation to my cock from his stomach gliding over my I managed to stay hard in this position I don't know, but I too was in ecstasy.

Josh pumped harder and harder. His breathing was becoming ragged. I knew he was going to blow his load up my ass very soon. The stimulation to my cock had me on the brink again and finally I yelled at Josh that I was cumming. Josh kept pumping, hitting me deep, as hot jizz exploded from my cock coating both our stomachs. Josh continued to pump my ass, breathing harder and harder, sweat forming all over his body and dripping onto mine. He was moaning hard and loud and said with authority "Alex, I love you buddy!!" And then he exploded. I could feel shot after hot hard shot of jizz being dumped into my ass. Josh continued to pump my ass, not vigorously like before but soft and gentle and he continued to tell me he loved me.

Josh finally stopped thrusting and lay on me for a while, his cock still hard and still in my ass. He looked me in the eyes, leaned down and we kissed lustily but lovingly for a few minutes. Josh withdrew from my ass, moved over and laid at my side. He brought his head up and laid it on my chest, listening to my heart thump wildly.

If you are interested in a part 3, let me know, there is more to this story. Write me at

Next: Chapter 3

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