Best Buddies Equals Best Sex

By Alex Mack

Published on Dec 29, 2000


If you are offended by male/male sex, do not read. If you are a minor please do not read. If this material is prohibited in your area please do not read.

Otherwise, sit back, enjoy and stroke... and play safe in the real world.

Josh and I had been best friends for as long as I can remember. We played the same sports, starred in football, dated the most gorgeous chicks, and did just about anything two normal guys could do together. Occasionally our families took vacations together and during these times we would scour the beaches looking for the hottest girls to hopefully stick our dicks into. Josh and I once had the pleasure of fucking twins at the same time in their shared bedroom.

Late in our senior year of high school, both of us 18 and tired of school, we indulged a rebellious streak and took out on an attempted cross country trip that ended up going south and into Florida. Josh had a 98 Z that was to take us to parts unknown. We loaded in supplies most 18 year olds would want... a few changes of clothes, some snacks, beer, and a little weed.

Our first night was uneventful having traveled about 200 miles after a later than wanted start and wanting to get as far from Pennsylvania as possible. We found a rest stop to spend the night. We enjoyed some of the brew and weed and talked about the great times we had had together. We talked about some of the girls we had fucked in his car... difficult to do in a Z. The conversation had me a little horny but there was nothing I could do about it right then.

The next morning we were on our way again, heading south and hoping to get to Florida as soon as possible. Passing through Georgia we stopped ouside of Atlanta wanting a good meal. We found a Cracker Barrel and decided to partake. Not only did we eat heartily but we had a good laugh as our waiter made it clear in as many ways as possible that he was interested in us. Here we were, two muscled hunks being chased by an obviously gay man. He seemed more interested in Josh as he would pat Josh on the back or shoulder everytime he came to the table saying "Is there anything I can do for you hun?" Neither Josh nor I were the "beat the fag" type of guys but we did get a good laugh out of the situation especially knowing that this waiter guy had no chance in the world of getting what he wanted from us. We high-tailed it out of the restaurant after our meal, but we did leave that gay guy a good tip not only for his service but he fun he gave us.

Later that night we made it to Daytona Beach. With no place to stay we parked on the beach and hoped the police would not chase us out. We swam in the ocean to wash away the days grime. The full moon provided enough light for us to see. Out of the water I could see Josh's body glisten. Josh is gorgeous... I have always appreciated his muscled body. Not in a gay sense, but in a way any man appreciates the hard work of another man taking care of his body. Josh stands 6 feet, 190 pounds. The moon highlighting his body made him look like a Greek Adonis.

Luckily we were not rousted that night by the cops and slept that evening in Josh's car again. The following day we sunned ourselves on the beach and enjoyed the female sights. Later in the day two really hot girls introduced themselves to us and we spent the remainder of the day together. Lisa, who I paired up with, was gorgeous and I knew I wanted to spend the night fucking her tight little pussy. Josh later told me about his desires to do the same thing to Heather. We all had a great afternoon; Josh and I expressed interest in getting together with them for the evening. Arrangements were made and I could feel my dick start to get a little hard.

Josh and I found a hotel so we could get ourselves cleaned up for an evening that we hoped would lead to some great sex. Josh laughed that we could fuck each of them in our own beds and not only enjoy the girl we were with but enjoy the view of the other in the next bed, just as we had done with the twins. Well, things did not work out as well as we wanted. For a reason we never found out, both girls were bithcy all evening. Knowing we would never get anywhere with them that night we dropped them off at their hotel and returned to ours.

Totally pissed we dug out the weed and the beer once back in our room and proceeded to chemically alter our perceptions. Josh never seemed to calm down and complained that he would get a case of blue balls if he did not get himself off. I was feeling a little more mellow than him, but agreed that I too was in need to get off. Laying in his bed in only his navy blue bikini underwear, Josh finally said "Fuck it!" and whipped off his bikini and started to manipulate and stroke his somewhat turgid cock.

Watching him stroke and seeing his cock grow to what I would estimate to be 8 inches got me hornier too. I don't know why this excited me so as I had never had interest in having sex with another man before, but I was enjoying the fuck out of watching Josh stroke. Josh looked at me watching him. I was manipuating my tool through my tighy whities as I watched. I knew this was not going to last for long and that they would need to come off. Reaching under the waist band I pulled my undies down my taught legs and threw them on the floor.

I was really confortable with the situation. I imagine the weed and brew helped with that, but at the same time I had seen Josh naked in the lockerroom shower literally hundreds of times. I imagined that this was just another extension of our friendship. And we had seen each other fucking a girl upclose before.

As I pounded my pud I looked at Josh and noticed that he was pinching and pulling at his nipples while he stroked his cock. This really got to me and I could feel the glory of pre-cum starting to leak from my 6 inch cock. As he stroked and pinched Josh emitted low guttural moans of pleasure. This situation was becoming so fucking hot I didn't know how I was going to handle it. I knew I would need to eventually send my juices flowing out of my cock, but I wasn't sure I could do that in front of Josh. For some reason this seemed a little different than fucking the twins together. Getting off with another guy in the room but no girl present seemed too.. gay.

As I stoked my cock with my right hand I cupped my balls with my left... this was my standard j/o session. Occasionally I would allow my left hand to leave my balls and massage my muscled chest and six pack abs. For awhile I was in my own world, eyes closed, imagining Lisa from the beach sucking on my cock. My left hand returned to my balls again and in my mind I could feel Lisa massaging my chest. Damn this was exciting listening to my best buddy pleasure himself while I imagined Lisa pleasuring me. But wait... what the fuck... I didn't hear Josh moaning any more. I opened my eyes to look over and was startled to see Josh kneeling by my bed massaging my chest and abs!

"Josh, what the FUCK are you doing?" I screamed. He looked me in the eyes, said nothing but continued massaging. Incredibly I was not turned off by this as I imagined I might be had a man made a sexual advance on me. But here I was mildly stoned with my best bud on his knees running his hard hand over my hard body. We looked at each other for a while.. a few minutes, a few seconds, I don't really know... and Josh never said anything but continued to massage. I really had nothing to say myself, and I laid back on the bed and tried to let my inhibitions go.

Apparently sensing that since I did not send him away I was not rejecting his advances, Josh climbed onto my bed and over me. I removed my hands from my cock and balls. His muscular frame hovered over me, his arms positioned on the outside of my upper arms, his knees between my legs. Josh leaned his head down to me. Fearing initially that he was going to kiss me I turned my head. His lips landed on my neck and kissed gently. I did love the feeling his lips were sending through my body.

Undaunted by my rejection to kiss him Josh kept nuzzling my neck, and fuck was I enjoying it. But could I kiss him, could I kiss another man? Hardly, I thought as I enjoyed his ministrations. After a bit Josh lowered his hips and I could feel our hot, hard cocks begin to dance together. Josh lowered his upper body by resting himself on his elbows in a classic missionary type position and our bodies were now completely meshed together.

The heat radiating from his body was incredible. Josh made slight thrusting motions with his hips. His cock would rub mine and then move along digging ever so slightly into my lower abs. Pre-cum leaking from both his johnson and mine made that slide along my abs smooth and comfortable. Josh was gentle but determined as he pistoned, like he was fucking the finest piece of pussy on this planet.

I finally was coming to grips with the situation and moved my hands to embrace my best friend. Trying to have a rational thought in a situation like this is difficult but it finally seemed logical to me that two best freinds such as we have been over so many years could enjoy each others bodies with no recriminations. I gave in lustily to my intial reluctance. I moved Josh out of my neck and over my face... we kissed like any two lovers would. With this I could feel Josh piston his johnson just a little bit harder.

As we continued our tongue fest I moved my arms to Josh's back and could feel the strong muscles labor as he supported himself over me. I kneaded those muscles lovingly, feeling each hard one all over his strong back. I moved my hands lower and felt his hard ass as it gyrated, pushng his manhood with masculine thrusts into my hard abs.

Josh broke our kiss, raised his head slightly and looked me in the eyes. It was, I could tell, a look of friendship, a look of love. No words needed to be exchanged; the emotions were honest and reflective of our long friendship and the experience we were now sharing. Josh and I weren't gay but we loved each other at that moment like no two men ever could.

Josh raised his entire body so that he was sitting/kneeling looking at me, at my body. He reached down and lovingly took hold of my cock. He stroked ever so gently wanting to give me pleasure. I closed my eyes again enjoying this electric experience. I could only hope that this would last forever.

As I enjoyed the attention Josh paid to me, I realized that my best friend need the same attention I was receiving. I too got onto my knees. We were face to face, chest to chest. I took hold of Josh's cock as he did mine and stroked. A slight intake of breath signalled that he enjoyed my hand on his cock. With my other hand I reached to his back and pulled us closer together. Our hard muscled chests pressed strongly together. Again we kissed.

Josh again broke our kiss. He removed my hand from his cock and, ever the innovator, took both our cocks into his hand and stroked them together. Now it was my turn to moan and I did so unabashedly. I am sure I moaned louder than at any time I have ever had my dick stuck in some girl's snatch.

Josh, letting go our hard cocks, pushed me back on the bed. He leaned down to my chest and chewed and nibbled on my nipples. I was in sheer ecstacy amd was writhing all over the bed. He reached for my cock again and massaged my balls and stroked while chewing on my nipples. I could take no more and feared this would send me to the brink of a major orgasm so I pushed on Josh encouraging him to stop chewing on my nipples. He did, but apparently thought I wanted somethng else and he began to move lower giving a tongue bath to my lower chest, then my abs and onto my lower abs. As he bathed my lower abs my dick would hit his cheek. I could feel my dick slide along his cheek with the help of the lubrication from my pre-cum.

Josh bathed my lower abs for a long time... a terribly long time. Finally he stopped, repositioned his body, and his face hovered over my cock. I watched as my buddy opened his sexy lips and engulfed my manhood. Again I let out a moan, one so loud that it had to have let the people in the next room know what was happening. Josh's silky, hot, hot mouth bobbed up and down my cock. His mouth was indeed hotter than any pussy I had ever had before. I thrust my cock trying to get it deeper into his oral love canal. As I thrust I could feel Josh's hand reach to my ass and play with my crack.

I thrust and he ran his had along the crack stoping occasionally at the entrance of my poop chute. He massaged my hole and it was incredible. While withdrawing from his throat after a powerful thrust, I could feel his finger enter my nether world and that was all it took. I exploded into Josh's virgin oral love canal, spilling my seed which he greedily ate.

I lay on the bed gulping air. This was indeed the best sexual experience I had ever had. I don't know if it was the combination of booze, male sexual needs, and my best friend, but it was without question the best experience I have ever had. The best.

No doubt you are wondering at this time why I left Josh without satisfying his needs. Well there is much more to this story. If you liked this part let me know and I will write more detailing Josh's experience from me. Write me at

Also see other true and inspired stories I have written: "Rick and Me" and "Brad" in the Nifty adult friends section, and "Marc in Corfu" in the encounters section.

Next: Chapter 2

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