Best Birthdays Ever

By moc.liamhsuh@19067324otua

Published on Apr 2, 2013


My Best Birthdays Ever By Antonio Green

Bb, Mb, incest, ws, mild scat, non, cons.

Author's note: I love writing these stories, but it's more fun knowing someone is reading them. If it weren't for Nifty, no one would be able to read them. So, keep Nifty strong and vital. Please donate. Nifty needs your donations to provide these wonderful stories.

Best Birthdays Ever Ð Part 6 Learning about Daddy and Uncle Mark

From Chapter 5

I heard some noise coming from Daddy's and Uncle Mark's room, but the roaring in my head muted the sounds.

Clutching my tummy, tears running down my cheeks, I pushed the door open.

A few weeks earlier I would've had no idea what was happening. But now I knew. Daddy and Uncle Mark were naked on their bed, Uncle Mark kneeling. Daddy was behind him, moving rapidly and grunting. Uncle Mark was saying nasty things like Jamie and Chrissy and I would say when we did the same thing. In an instant I knew what they were doing. I didn't care. I hurt too much.

"Daddy," I cried. "Help me. I hurt so much!"

Now onto Part 6

I was standing right by the side of their bed so it would have been impossible for me not to see what they were doing. It registered in the back of my mind, but all I wanted to do right then was get rid of the burning, aching pain in my tummy.

After crying out for help, I heard a loud, high-pitched shriek of pain. Mine. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Daddy turned toward me with a look of horror painted on his face. His sudden movement yanked his cock out of Uncle Mark's poohole. His cock was huge, red-hot, hard, and spewing. It shot thick white wads of hot cum all over my bare chest. Daddy's movement must have hurt Uncle Mark because he shot straight up into kneeling.

"Holy fuck!" he screamed. "I think you ripped me up. Fucking, goddamned shit motherfucker that hurts so good!" I don't think he'd heard me. He was wailing on his cock as hard as I'd ever seen someone jerk on one. It was a carbon copy of my Daddy's boner, and it, too, was spraying cum wildly.

None of this made any difference to me. What mattered was that Daddy was holding me in his strong arms, even as his cock kept spurting.

"Baby, baby. What's wrong. Tell me!"

"My tummy hurts so bad," I wailed. "I did something real bad. Don't be mad. Make it better."

By now, Uncle Mark was alert and out of his fuck fog (as I later learned they called it).

"What can I do," he kept repeating.

"Go get the emergency medical supplies from the closet downstairs," my Daddy directed, assuming his role of neighborhood emergency responder. Right after 911, our city had organized these responders "just in case" and since Daddy was a doctor, he was the number one responder. Since Uncle Mark was a nurse, he was number two.

Daddy laid me carefully on the bed. I was clutching my tummy and alternately crying and shrieking.

"Can you tell me what happened, baby?"

"Please don't be mad, Daddy," I cried.

"I'm not mad, baby. Just tell me so I can make it better."

Uncle Mark returned to the room as naked as when he'd left. Daddy was naked, too. I was the only one with any clothes on--but only my PJ pants. I realized at that moment that they were wet. I guess I'd wet them in my pain. My chest was wet, too, but not with pee. The goo on it was warm and sticky. It was stickier and there was a lot more of it than Patrick had.

I caught my breath and began my tale. I think Daddy just wanted to know what had made my tummy hurt so bad, but I needed to tell him everything.

As I started talking, Daddy sat next to me, stroking my hair. His penis wasn't hard anymore. It had softened to what I was used to seeing. Uncle Mark's too. I began by telling Daddy about the first time with Patrick, Jamie, and Chrissy. I wasn't going to tell him I was raped, but I think he knew almost from the beginning. So, I told him honestly. I could see his face harden to a steel mask.

"Is that why you're hurting?" he whispered.

I shook my head. The rest of the story poured out. "No, Daddy. He wasn't really rough. It was just scary. But then I liked everything they did. And I really, really like Patrick. That's why I did the bad thing. I wanted him to do it again, you know, put his peepee in my butt. But he feels so bad about the first time he won't. He acts like he doesn't even know me most of the time. And I really want him to like me. And I really want him to fuck me."

Daddy looked shocked at the word.

"Sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean to say it. OW!" A cramp ripped through my tummy. Daddy massaged it gently.

"Well, if this Patrick boy didn't hurt you, what's the matter?" He'd lost the angry look.

I explained about taking the zucchinis to bed and pretending that Patrick was poopoo poking me. I thought Daddy wouldn't mind me saying that. When I told him about them being stuck inside, a smile crossed his face.

"You're going to be okay, Trent baby. The zucchinis have you plugged up and we'll have to take them out."

That shook me up. "You gonna operate?"

"No, sweety. Don't need to. But we have to get you ready."

"Will it hurt?" I whimpered.

"A little, but Uncle Mark and I will try to make it feel as good as we can. Mark, lay out the plastic sheet on the bed."

Daddy lifted me carefully off my back. When he did, I couldn't help but notice his peepee was really hard again. Had it been my story? So was Uncle Mark's. Had it been my story? He laid me down on the large plastic sheet.

"Honey, Uncle Mark and I have to go wash up and get dressed. Are you going to be okay alone for a few minutes?"

I nodded. I knew everything would be okay now that Daddy was going to help me. Daddy and Uncle Mark.

As they reached the door, I called out. "Daddy, can you stay naked? I like seeing you naked. Uncle Mark, too."

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, I feel a cold spray right on my poohole. Uncle Mark is spraying me down there. It doesn't take long before it feels really weird. Then it just feels thick.

"That's lidocaine, Trent" Uncle Mark tells me. It'll keep things from hurting too much. I have to give you a shot in a moment, so I'm going to check to see how numb you get."

I glanced around. There's a big metal stand by the bed. A clear plastic bag with a long tube hangs from it. I've had this before but a long time ago. I feel something really dull feeling pushing at my rear end.

"Can you feel that," Daddy asks.

I shake my head. "I've got two fingers in him, Mark. I can feel the obstruction. He's ready for the shot."

I hate shots, even though Daddy's a doctor. I start to cry.

"Don't worry, Trentster," Uncle Mark says. "You're so numb back there you won't feel it. It's a muscle relaxant, so your Daddy can get out the zucchinis. Then you'll be able to poop."

I wait to feel the shot. When nothing happens, I ask Uncle Mark when he's gonna do it.

"Already done. Now we have to wait a few minutes so all your pooper muscles relax."

"Don't leave!" I cry.

"No way, champ!" Daddy says. "Do you want to talk about anything?"

By now everything has calmed in my brain if not my tummy. I can clearly remember what Daddy was doing when I barged into the room.

"You and Uncle Mark do it with each other, don't you?" I asked.

"Sure enough," Daddy answered. "I guess since you already know about some of this stuff, we can tell you. Mark and I have been having sex like you and your friends do since we were younger than you. It started out just for the fun of it, but when we were twelve years old, we both knew we loved each other. Lusted too. But it was real love. Mark knew he was gay from when he was really young. I didn't admit it.

"When I went away for college, I tried to play straight. I had sex with numerous women and refused to admit my gay side. After I finished my residency, I met your mother. Then the best thing in my life happened. You were born.

"When things didn't work out with your mother, Mark moved in with me and we decided to be lovers. I think you understand what that means."

I nodded my head. "So do you and Uncle Mark fuck a lot?" The shot was making me feel really loosy-goosy. Daddy and Uncle Mark laughed.

"Pretty much every day, champ" Uncle Mark answered. "You said you liked it, so you know how much we like it."

"What about your visitors?" I asked my uncle. "Are they men or women?"

"Sweety," Uncle Mark bent down and kissed my forehead, "only men. I like to play around. Your Daddy doesn't, but he knows I like to. But don't worry, I love your Daddy and we're going to get married soon."

I felt a dull pressure at my hole.

Daddy announced, "He's as loose as he's going to get. Hand me the speculum."

Uncle Mark handed Daddy this funny looking thing that looked like a metal duckbill. Daddy showed it to me and twisted a little knob. The duckbill started moving apart.

"This is going too stretch your anus so I can go in and get out those naughty zucchinis," he said. "It may hurt a little, but mostly it will just feel strange. You ready."

Now if you think I wasn't scared, you'd be completely wrong. But I knew everything was going to come out okay. Daddy got between my legs and slipped the thing into me. I looked up at Uncle Mark.

"Can I hold onto you, Uncle Mark?"

He nodded and reached out his hand. I lifted my hand--if felt heavy and floaty at the same time--and grabbed onto Uncle Mark's hard penis.

"You got a boner. You got a boner." I squeezed.

"Someone's flying," he said while Daddy worked at my rear. "Better not squeeze too much or you get more jizz on you chest."

I did feel like I was flying. I felt like I could say anything I wanted, so I did.

"Uncle Mark, I want you and Daddy to fuck me in my shit hole. Can you do that guys? I want you both inside me with your big, fat man cocks! I want Daddy to fuck me first. Then you. Then Daddy again. Then you. Then Patrick. Then Chrissy and Jamie and Patrick and Daddy andÉ"

Wham! I guess Daddy rummaging around in my rectum made it happen. I shrieked with the unbelievable feeling slamming through my body. I knew exactly what it was. I was dry cumming, harder than it'd ever happened before.

"Oh fuck, Daddy. I love you, Daddy. Fuck me. Daddy. Daddy. Fuck me."

During my orgasm, Daddy had stopped working on me. Once I settled down, he started again.

"One more piece of rotten zucchini, kiddo," he said. "Mark, slip the bed pan underneath him."

A little more work and then, "He's all clear now."

"Enema?" Uncle Mark asked.

"Not yet. Let's see what the little horn dog can do on his own."

Daddy stood up and removed his brown streaked surgical gloves. I felt a rumble and then let loose with a huge fart. I was very numb down there, but I could still feel movement out of my hole. It was like a train, a long, incredibly stinky train. It smelled like I was rotting down there, but it felt so good I didn't mind the smell. I don't know how long it kept going but after a while the solid feeling was replaced by a wet surge.

Finally, it all stopped. Uncle Mark switched places with Daddy and started wiping me with wet cloths.

"No wonder you were hurt, champ," Daddy said. "Want to see what you had in you?"

I nodded. He lifted my back up and showed me the bedpan. The largest, thickest piece of poop I'd ever seen sat in a mess of much looser, wetter poop.

"We have to get you cleaned out inside. Do you think you can walk to the bathroom or do you want us to give you the enema here?"

I knew it would be messy and while messy didn't really bother me, I wasn't sure I want enema spraying all over my Daddy and Uncle Mark's bedroom.

"I can walk. If you help me."

Daddy on one side, Uncle Mark on the other, I staggered to their bathroom. The orgasm had sobered my up a bit, but I was till pretty high.

I started singing, "Daddy and Marky have boners. Daddy and Marky have boners. I want to suck their boners. I want to be fucked with their boners." It all seemed okay.

By the time they'd washed me out several times, I was exhausted and ready for sleep. Daddy explained that they had a special device in me to keep my rectum open so that anything in me could pass out easily. I had this horror that I'd be pooping all over the place until Uncle Mark laid me on their bathroom floor and Daddy put a diaper on me.

Daddy carried me to my room, laid me down, and sang softly until I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up next to Daddy in his and Uncle Mark's bedroom. When I looked up, Daddy was looking down on me with this incredibly soft look in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

"Good morning, sleepy head. How are you feeling?" he asked.

I took a quick check of my body. Everything felt pretty good.

"Good, Daddy. My tummy doesn't ache anymore. My poop hole's a little sore but not too bad. I'm real hungry. And I gotta pee really bad."

I could tell I was super hard but my stiffy felt like it was covered in a thick wrapping. I reached down. Oh, yes. The diaper. Daddy noticed what I'd done.

"You can just go in your diaper if you want, kiddo. You probably defecated in it during the night since you have the anal stretcher still in you. If you'd rather not use the diaper, then I'll clean you up in the tub and you can urinate there. But I'd rather wait until Uncle Mark gets back."

Both sounded like fun. I liked the sound of deliberately peeing in the diaper. But I really liked thinking about Daddy washing me off and watching me pee.

"Maybe a little bit of both. Okay, Daddy? How'd I end up back here? And where's Uncle Mark?"

"We cleaned up in here after we took you to your room. It was pretty messy and smelly here after we'd finished. When we were done, we changed the sheets and brought you back here. I wanted to be with you if you woke up and were in pain or anything. You slept between us. Uncle Mark went to the store to get breakfast. We're both off today and wanted a nice family breakfast."

Squirt. Squirt. I let two good-sized pee squirts out to relieve the huge pressure on my bladder. It felt wonderful against my tummy! Warm and wet. I did a couple more. This time, though, I felt a slight wetness at my poohole. I'd pooped a little. It felt even awesomer. I could get used to this. Somehow, Daddy knew.

"You like going in your diaper, big boy?"

I nodded and blushed at the same time. I reached up and touched his bare chest I wondered if the rest of him was bare. I wondered. I hoped. Then I remembered a little boy yelling all sorts of nasty things the night before.

"I'm sorry I talked so bad last night. I couldn't stop. It all came out and I couldn't stop it. I promise I won't say those words again."

I noticed a sudden, quick jerk under the covers, right where I thought his penis would be.

"No problem, kiddo. The muscle relaxant we gave you was strong. You were pretty stoned, something I hope never to see again. I do want to talk to you seriously about what you were saying, but Uncle Mark and I both think he should be here."


"Yes, son?"

"Am I gay?"

Daddy shrugged "Don't know, sweety. Eight's a little young to know for sure, but most gay men will tell you they knew when they were that young even if they didn't know the words. I don't know if you remember, but I told you Mark knew from before he was eight. He tells me he felt gay all his life. And I know I knew it when I was your age but I just didn't admit it."

Right at that moment, I let loose with a huge fart and another wet gooshy in my diaper. Man, it stunk. Daddy started laughing and the door to room opened. Uncle Mark walked in and immediately squinched up his nose.

"Oh man, something died in here!"

Through his laughter, Daddy choked out, "I think it's time to get this little horn dog cleaned up. You ready to help?"

`Horn dog.' I liked that.

"And see this yummy boy's naked body again?" my uncle asked. "Damn right, I'm ready to help."

"We're going to do it in our shower, so you better get naked, too," Daddy said.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Uncle Mark pulled off his sweatshirt and stepped out of his track pants as Daddy slipped out of bed.

Hooray! Daddy was naked as I'd hoped he would be. Naked and hard. Not super hard like I remembered him from last night. Or was it just a dream? Uncle Mark wasn't hard, but his penis was really firm and starting to firm up even more.

Daddy pulled the covers off and lifted me out of bed. With the covers off me, I could tell why I smelled awful.

"Looks like we got some serious leakage," Uncle Mark said. I looked back at the bed. I guess the diaper hadn't held as well as I thought it had. A large wet spot with a yellow-brown inner circle marked where I'd slept. "No worry, though. We'll get you clean, Champ, and we've got a pad on the bed."

Daddy lifted me up and held me like a baby. His hard 8" cock brushed against me as he did leaving a little snail trail on my tummy. I rubbed the slickness and tasted it. If this is what my Daddy's drippies tasted like, I wanted more of the real stuff!

"Like that, kiddo?" Uncle Mark asked.

I just smiled and giggled.

Daddy shifted me in his arms as we moved toward their bathroom. As he did, I could feel his arms rubbing through the mess behind me. All of a sudden, I went from really happy to totally embarrassed.

"Sorry about getting my poopies on you, Daddy," I whimpered. "I couldn't help it."

"I know, honey. No problem at all. Your poopies are just part of you and I love all of you. Even your stinky poopies."

Daddy was always really sweet to me, well unless I did something bad. Then he was strict but never mean. But right now, he was being super wonderful and sweet. He usually didn't talk about poop that way, using grown up words like defecation' and bowel movement' and stuff like that. But I think he knew I needed to have him talk kinda babyish right now.

When we got to the big bathroom, Daddy sat on the toilet. Still cuddling me against him. You know what? I stank. Bad. But Daddy and Uncle Mark didn't seem to mind.

"Mark, honey, could you put the mat in the shower."

Uncle Mark left the bathroom. Daddy cuddled me, kissed and rubbed my hair and spoke softly.

"What are we going too do with you, baby?" I could barely hear the words. "I know you were high on the muscle relaxant last night so that made it easier for you to say what you did. But I know you meant all those things. What are we going to do?"

Hearing the words, I felt tickly inside. Part of me wished I'd never said those things. Part of me soared at the thought that now Daddy and Uncle Mark knew how much I wanted them both. The soaring part won out. I twisted a little on Daddy's lap and reached behind me to grab the hard cock that was squished against my back.

I sighed. "You can let me play with Daddy's peepee," I said as softly as Daddy had spoken. "And you can let me do all the things I said last night. That's what you can do."

Right then Uncle Mark came back in. I'd forgotten he was naked, but I was glad he was when he came back in. Just like Daddy and me. He had some new stuff when he entered.

The first thing I noticed was a big brown plastic mat -- the type you see in doctor's offices -- rolled up under one arm. The bestest new thing he had was a boner. A huge one and it was dripping. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Uncle Mark unrolled the mat and put it on the floor of the shower. Daddy lifted me up and settled me on back on the mat. Now let me tell you something about this shower. I bet it's not like most showers you've ever seen. It's not like most showers that are like little rooms. It's just three showerheads along one wall and is as big as most bathrooms. The toilet's across from the showerheads and the tub is at the other end of the room. I love that bathroom.

Anyway, I must have leaked a lot because his chest and tummy were smeared with my loose poops. Daddy got between my legs and lifted them so they sat on his shoulders.

"We got some clean up to do, Mark. I'll rinse our baby boy and me off once I get the diaper off him."

Uncle Mark handed Daddy a plastic garbage bag and unhooked one of the shower hoses. Daddy kind of lifted my butt up and undid the diaper and pulled it out. Yack! It stank really bad and was an awful mess. He dumped the messy diaper in the bag and took the hose from Uncle Mark. I leaned up and watched as he hosed first himself and then me off. All that water! It reminded me that I had to pee--a lot. My little dickie was so hard and it stood straight up from my tummy like a flesh birthday candle. It squirted pee out all on its own without me making it. I had to go really bad. Had to go, but didn't want to do it in the shower spray, so I grabbed myself and squeezed really hard.

Daddy finished hosing me and the mat off and handed the hose back to Uncle Mark.

"Looks like our little guy needs to piss," my uncle said, chuckling. "Why didn't you go when your dad was hosing you off?"

I just shrugged. I knew but didn't want to say.

Uncle Mark seemed to know everything I wanted. "If you go to the toilet, you'll get water all over the place. Why don't you do it here? I know what you want to do. You want to piss on yourself, don't you?"

I nodded `yes.'

"And maybe do something else, too?" How could he know so exactly?

Uncle Mark continued, "Well, baby, I think you like that full feeling, given that you fucked yourself with vegetables." Daddy and Uncle Mark both laughed. I giggled. "You're a lot like me when I was your age. I liked the feeling of having to piss so bad my little peener squirted piss out all on its own. I also liked the full feeling of having to poop so bad I thought I'd explode. And I loved the full feeling of having things up my butt, things like marbles [wink], hairbrushes [wink], carrots--but I never got them stuck. And I loved enemas. Still do. I especially loved enemas. Started them at 9. Your dad helped me with them but he never got into it like I did."

Daddy cough/laughed. "Not that you knew! I was doing everything you were but not where you could see. Don't forget, I was trying to deny what I was while you were embracing your weirdness."

I couldn't hold back any longer. Even though I was squeezing my dickie really hard, little spurts of pee squirted out.

"I gotta go, Daddy. Here goes, Uncle Mark."

I loosened my pinch. My pee rushed out, forming a high arc and splashing on my chest. It smelled really strong and I knew if I did what I wanted to it would taste bad. So I did it. I moved my little peepee around until the pee splashed on my face and in my eyes. I closed my eyes tight and moved my hand just a little and got my pee into my mouth. I'd done this many times in the bath, but somehow my pee tasted super rank, super salty, and absolutely awesome.

Next thing I know the pee stops spraying into my mouth even though I can still feel it rushing out of my dickie. Then a wet feeling engulfs my dickie and I jerk my eyes open. Daddy! Daddy's got his mouth on my peepee. My dickie. He's drinking my pee. Then he squeezes the flow off and pulls his head off. Uncle Mark moves his head into position and sucks my hardness into his mouth. Daddy releases his grip and I'm pissing into my uncle's--my wonderful uncle's--mouth.

Daddy leans over my face and plants his mouth over mine. He's forcing it in! Forcing my pee into my mouth. I push it back into his and he swallows all I've given him just as my flow sputters to an end. Uncle Mark replaces Daddy's mouth with his own and we swap piss back and forth several times, then he swallows. And pulls away.

Daddy and Uncle Mark crawl into place on their knees near my face.

"Oh my sweet, sweet, little piss baby," Daddy says. "Hold our cocks and open wide."

I grab Daddy's semi-hard 8-inch pole and Uncle Mark's 7-incher. They start almost at the same time. Hot, wonderful, strong piss gushes from the two men I love the most. I wash myself with their wet heat and aim toward my mouth--two man cocks. Two gushing, fat man cocks. They lean forward and press the tips of their cocks into my mouth. I gulp as fast as I can but I'm not fast enough. Piss washes from my nose and oozes from around my lips. But I drink and drink more piss than I've ever had in my almost eight years. My feast goes on for a long, long time. But it's over all too soon. My two men--Daddy and Uncle Mark--both sit back on their feet.

Uncle Mark looks at me. "I think this changes a lot. Don't you, Jim?"

My Daddy grins and nods his head.

"Daddy, will you please fuck me?" I begged, my blond hair lying in a large puddle of pee. "Please. I need it so bad. And you, too, Uncle Mark. Please?"

Daddy sat quietly for a minute then shook his head. "One day, Trent, we'll both fuck you. But you're not ready yet. If we did it now, we'd damage you. Have patience. We love you and don't want to hurt you. But trust us, we'll get you ready. Someday we'll do it."

"But when, Daddy? When?"

Next: Chapter 7

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