Best Birthdays Ever

By moc.liamhsuh@19067324otua

Published on Oct 6, 2014


My Best Birthdays Ever

By Antonio Green

Bb, Mb, incest, ws, mild scat, non, cons. anal, oral

DISCLAIMER (Thanks, Wolf):

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between boys and men discovering their sexuality. It contains graphic scenes of sex between consenting underage boys and adult males... If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

If it is illegal to read such material where you live or if you find the topic distasteful the please leave now.

I'm sorry it has taken so long to get this chapter out to you. I hope to do better with Chapter 13, but life (and real work) have a way of getting in the way.

CHAPTER 12 A Wish Fulfilled


We played Portal for a few more minutes and then got out and dried off. We were heading into the main playroom when the intercom clicked on.

"You've got a visitor, Trent" Papa Marks voice squawked. "He said he has a birthday present for you. Should I send him down or do you want to come up here?"

My stomach dropped. Could it really be Patrick? And he had a present for me? At first I got really excited, then I wondered if his present was going to be doing something mean to me. Then I thought of how Jamie and Chrissy said that Patrick really did like me. Plus, with Papa Mark right upstairs, he couldn't do anything really bad.

"Okay, Papa. Send him down but I'll let you know when." I didn't care that I was naked. All I wanted was to see the boy I loved so much. Even if it meant it was the mean Patrick who came down the stairs.


My tummy was all agrowl. I wasn't sure it was Patrick, but who else could it be? I was excited that Patrick was here but scared that the wrong Patrick, the mean Patrick, had come to screw up my sleep over. I asked Chrissy and Jamie what I should do, explaining my concerns. They both thought it weird that Patrick would show up so late, especially since he hadn't been at school the day before or at the party. But they thought it would be safe to let him come down. I called to Papa Mark on the intercom and told him to let the new visitor come down stairs.

It was Patrick! But boy did he look messed up. His hair wasn't combed. It looked like he's gotten dressed in the dark, and his eyes -- his beautiful blue eyes -- looked wild.

He kind of stumbled down a couple of stairs and then stopped to look around. When he saw me, he dropped his head down and started back down. Patrick walked slowly like he was scared or something. Maybe even like he was hurting. But his face did look scared, I'll tell you that. Papa Mark was right behind him. When they got down to the lower landing, Papa Mark whispered to me that he knew this was Patrick so he'd left the room monitor on. If there were any trouble, he'd hear it. Papa Mark turned and left.

Patrick had a big drawing tablet in one hand. He extended it to me.

"This is your birthday present," he mumbled. His words were a little bit slurred. "I didn't have nothing to wrap it in, but I want you to have it. It's for you. Happy birthday." His voice was soft. As I started to open the drawing pad, he grabbed my hand a little hard and held it so I couldn't open it. I squealed from the squeeze he gave me.

"FUCK!" he yelled. "I didn't mean to hurt you. When I'm like this I sometimes don't know how hard I'm doing stuff.

"Anyway, don't open it yet. I gotta say something. Hey you two, come on over here. I want you to hear what I'm going to say to Trent."

He took a deep breath and looked around. He beckoned Chrissy and Jamie to come over. When Papa Mark had called down about there being a visitor, they'd slipped their undies back on. Patrick put both of his hands very gently on my face, and looked me straight in the eyes. They glistened with tears but the pupils, you know the little hole part in the middle, were huge. That made him kind of wild looking and it scared me a bit.

"Trent, I have been a complete awful, motherfucking asshole with you. I raped you then I ignored you and I was mean to you and I acted really nasty with you and I'm so, so sorry." He was crying now. "I don't got an excuse. I know why I did it, but it's not an excuse. From the first time I saw you I fell in love. But there ain't no place for love in my life so I turned it into hate. And that fuckin' sucked. It made me miserable. And it made you miserable. Jamie told me you were. He kept telling me how much you liked me. I kept telling him I hated you. And he told me I was fulla shit. He was right, too."

Patrick's words gushed out almost too fast to understand. But I did understand them and I started crying as well. Patrick's hands dropped from my face and his arms wrapped around me. He pulled me in tight for a hug.

"I love you, little guy," he whispered in my ear. "I don't know if I've ever really loved anyone before. But I love you so much. And I know I've blown it with you and you'll never be able to love me. If you want, I'll leave, but I want you to open your present first."

I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say so I said nothing. Looking back on that evening, I realized later that Patrick must have thought I did hate him.

"I'm sorry I couldn't buy you nothing. This is all I could give you." He unwrapped his arms and pulled me toward the bed.

Jamie had told me that Patrick liked to draw and was a good artist. But when I opened the drawing pad, I was shocked. The first picture was of me standing in front of the climbing structure at school. I was smiling in the picture. He'd done it in colored pencils and it looked just like me. I couldn't believe how good it looked.

"This is awesome," I said in a low voice. "When'd you do this?"

"A long time ago, I guess. About two or three days after I first saw you. I couldn't get your face out of my mind. I did it from memory. It looks kinda like you. I hope."

"So I can keep this?" I asked.

"The whole book is for you. You can show this one to your dads, but I don't know if you should show some of the others. Wanna see them now?"

I turned the page. It was me again in the same pose, my arms on my hips and looking all smiley and happy. This one was a pencil drawing. I was on a mountaintop this time. And I was stark naked.

"I'd done one like this before but then after I saw you naked for real on the day I ..." Patrick choked back a sob. "I did this the night after I raped you. I knew what your boy parts really looked like so I did the picture again. And the next one the same night."

The next picture was almost identical to the previous one but I had a boner. My pipi stuck up tight to my tummy just like mine did when I was really hard.

"I did this one the night after we did stuff in the clubhouse that time. Not when I ..." He took a deep breath. "...raped you."

"You don't have to keep saying that, Patrick. It's okay. I forgive you."

"Yes I do gotta keep saying that. I raped you and that was fucking wrong. I wanted to make love to you but I'm too chicken shit to do that so I raped you."

The room was silent for several minutes. Patrick's head sagged against his chest. Finally, he muttered, "You wanna look at the other pictures?"

When we looked at the next one, Jamie, Chrissy, and I all burst into laughter. I was standing on the same mountain with a boner. Only this boner was so big and fat it stuck up near my mouth. In the next picture I was sucking on myself.

"I wish," I laughed.

We continued looking at the pictures. Most were pencil drawings but some were colored pencil. Patrick had drawn ones of him kneeling at my feet and sucking on my real sized boner and of him sucking on my huge boner. One even had the tip of the boner stretching the back of his neck out. He had numerous drawing of me fucking him in various places and positions. Some with my real-sized boner and some with the huge one. One picture had us doggy with me in back and the tip of my monster boner sticking out his mouth. That was funny and sad at the same time.

I was about to turn to the last picture when Patrick stopped me.

"I'll leave after you see this one cuz you're NOT going to want me around after you see it. It's a watercolor and I'm not very good at it." He turned the page.

The picture shocked me. Patrick was lying on his back on the floor. A large barbed hook pierced his penis and a rope stretched upward so that his penis was stretched really long. His nipples were pierced the same way and were stretched as well. A huge dildo protruded from his poo hole. His penis, nipples, and the dildo were covered in red. I was squatting right over his face and a long, brown mess was dropping from my poo hole onto a pile of poo on his face. The top of the picture was lettered in really cool lettering "Patrick Gets What He Deserves." The picture saddened me tremendously. But it also excited me. Seeing the picture -- all of it -- made me so hard. I punched Patrick as hard as I could in the arm.

"Stupid asshole," I said. "You don't deserve this. But this part..." I pointed at the poo mess " kinda cool."

I kissed him on the lips, then stuck my tongue in and moved it around. His mouth was hot, dry, and tasted funny.

The four of us sat on the bed looking back over the pictures for another ten minutes, talking about them, pointing out the sexy parts and the nasty parts. I was totally boned and Jamie's and Chrissy's underpants stuck out in front so I knew they were boned, too.

Patrick shifted a bit on the bed, gave me a really quick kiss and stood up.

"I guess I gotta be going. Happy Birthday, Trent." His voice sounded sad and a little scared.

"Hey," I said, "You can't go yet. I love your birthday present, Patrick. And I love you. But I want another birthday present now."

Patrick looked at me funny like he didn't understand me.

"I want you to FUCK me." I said the nasty word loud so that there was no doubt what I wanted. And I'd said it all loud enough so Papa Mark could hear. I wanted him to know that whatever happened down here, I wanted it and wanted it badly.

"I don't know if I should," Patrick muttered.

"You're going to fuck me because it's my birthday and I get what I want on my birthday. I want your cock inside my shitter and I want you to pound me hard. You're going to give me what I want and you're going to stay tonight." Saying the nasty, big boy words sounded so wrong and so good.

"Stay tonight? You didn't ask me to the sleepover."

I glared briefly at Patrick then smiled. "Only because I thought you'd laugh at me and you wouldn't come anyway. But I want you to stay with us tonight so we can play sexy and dirty and not get to sleep until really late."

Tears rolled out of Patrick's eyes. "Thank you so much. I don't got no place to stay. I ran out on my dad's party and if I go back he'll hurt me bad. Real bad." For the second time in half an hour he had me in his arms, squeezing me in a hug that crushed the air out of me.

"You really want me to fuck you? I mean really, really want it?" Patrick asked.

I answered by grabbing him by the crotch and squeezing his dick. It was already hard, and I could feel it twitch inside his pants. With my other hand I pulled his head down and pushed my mouth against his and thrust my tongue in. Like the time I'd kissed him before, Patrick's mouth was dry and tasted funny. I explored his mouth with my tongue, his just lying quiet for a moment. Then he pushed his tongue roughly into my mouth. I salivated and let the spit flow into his dry cavern. My spit seemed to stimulate his and his mouth filled with spit.

We frenched and swapped spit for several minutes. I pulled away for a moment and without thinking what I was doing, I hocked a loogie from deep in my throat. I'd only recently learned how to do it. I could feel its sliminess on my tongue. I stuck my tongue out and showed Patrick.

"That's fucking awesome, dude," Chrissy whispered. "Are you gonna do what I think you're gonna do?"

I'd forgotten about my two buddies, but they were standing right next to us, naked once again.

Patrick engulfed my slimy tongue with his mouth and sucked the loogie into his. He pulled away and stuck his tongue out. My greenish, gooey slime rested there. He closed his mouth and visibly swallowed. He showed his now dry tongue.

"Open your mouth, Sweet Stuff," he said. He hocked deeply and let a long, slimy loogie drip from his lips into my mouth. I caught it on my tongue. Nice taste! I swallowed, of course.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked. "I want you inside me. Get naked!"

Patrick winced. "Please. I don't wanna be naked?"

"I want to see you naked!"

"Not this time, okay? Please? I'll fuck you as hard or as soft as you want. But I just don't wanna take my close off. Please?"

"Okay," I answered. "This time. But you owe me a naked fuck soon. Where you wanna do it?"

"On the bed, Trent. I want it to be nice. As rough as you want but I want to do more than just fuck you. Know what I mean?" I knew what he meant. I wanted it, too. He looked at me and said, "I wanna make love to you. Never done that before. Not for real."

I grabbed Patrick's hand and started over to the bed, pulling him with me. He pulled back as I pulled forward.

"Sorry, Trent I gotta piss real bad first. I haven't gone like for hours and hours. I'm dripping, dude."

I glanced down. The denim on Patrick's dirty jeans bulged just enough that I could tell he had a really hard bone. A small wet spot marked the jeans at about five inches down his leg at the tip.

"That your restroom in there?" he asked as he headed toward the bathroom. I followed right behind him and Chrissy and Jamie followed me. When he got to the door, I pushed past him and dropped on my knees in front of the toilet. Patrick stood in the doorway, his mouth gaping.

"Fuck. Your restroom's bigger `n my room at home. Hey dude, please move out of the way. I'm gonna wet my pants if you don't."

"That'd be okay with me," I answered. "But I want you to pee here." I pointed at my mouth.

Patrick struggled to unbutton his jeans. I knew how he felt. You gotta pee so bad your hands are shaking and you can't get it out in time. Patrick was having even more trouble since he was so hard. He just got it out and a big spurt of pee squirted from the tip, splashing on my face. He grabbed his hard on and squeezed the flow shut.

"I can't piss on you, Trent. I love you."

I answered by opening my mouth and pointing to it.

"No way, man. I can't do that to you."

Jamie spoke up. "He's serious, dude. He really likes it like that."

I crawled forward on my knees and took Patrick's cockhead in my mouth. I looked up at him with my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fuck, man. I can't hold it," Patrick gasped, letting go the grip he had on his cock. His stream erupted. Hot! It was so hot. And more bitter than any pee I'd ever drunk. I closed my eyes and swallowed as fast as I could, but I couldn't keep up with Patrick's flow. The pee flowed so fast, it ran from my mouth and wet my chest, my tummy and my underpants. The flow shut off suddenly. I opened my eyes. Chrissy had a steel grip on Patrick's dick.

"My turn, Patrick. Me then Jamie. Right, Jamie?" Jamie nodded enthusiastically.

As much as I loved Patrick and his hot pee, and as much as I wanted to take all of it, I was happy to let Chrissy have a turn. Honestly, Patrick's piss was nasty tasting and I wasn't sure I could finish it.

Still gripping tightly on the Patrick's penis, Chrissy knelt down and took my place in front of him. He slipped his lips over Patrick's 5 inches, getting almost all of it in at one time. I swear I could hear Patrick's pee flowing into Chris's mouth. I could see him swallowing almost frantically trying to keep up. Then I guess it was just too much for him. He grabbed Patrick's hard dick around the base and squeezed really hard, cutting off the flow.

"That's nasty ass shit tasting piss you got there, Patty," Chrissy said frowning. Now nobody ever called Patrick Patty, but the big guy didn't seem to mind. He grabbed his dick from Chrissy, spilling only a few spurts.

"Can't believe I got so much piss in me," he said, turning toward Jamie who was now on his knees.

Did you forget that I told you that Jamie didn't like piss play? At least at first he would tell us that. But I think he was the biggest piss pig among us all. He grabbed Patrick's still hard dick instead of putting it in his mouth, he put it right up to his face and let go of it so that Patrick pissed into his hair and onto his face. When the stinky pee was dripping from his chin, Jamie aimed the spewing dick into his open mouth.

I don't know how long Patrick pissed. It seems like a long time, and at the same time it was over really fast. By the time he was finished, there is only one thing I wanted. That was Patrick's hard, 5 inch boy cock slamming into my little poop hole. I grabbed him by the hand and led them to the mattress on the floor the other room. I turned to look at my other two friends. Through the door into the bathroom I could see Chrissy licking piss off of Jamie's face and chest. It was incredibly horny looking. And if it was possible----and I'm not sure it was----it made me even hornier for Patrick's cock.

I wanted him to fuck me so much. But I wanted more than just to be fucked. I didn't know it for what it was at the time. I knew I loved him. Just like I loved Daddy and Papa Mark. More than I loved Jamie and Patrick, but I thought it was the same type of love. Love for a brother. That sort of thing. But as I knelt on the mattress, head down, butt up in the air, cheeks pulled wide apart, I felt a depth of emotion I'd never felt before. I looked up at Patrick, kneeling behind me. His eyes, pupils barely visible, shone with that same emotion.

Leaning down over me, he put his mouth right by my ear. I could feel his breath, his oh so hot breath, stir the hair dangling over my ear. He spoke so softly, I could barely hear him. "I love you, little guy. You know that don't you? So much it hurts at times."

My insides felt like they were going to burst. I wanted to jump up and down and shout at the top of my lungs. Instead, I started crying, and all I could squeak out was a pathetic little "me too." There was so much more I wanted to say, wanted to tell him. But I knew he got it. I knew he knew exactly how I felt.

"Get naked, please," I whispered.

"Don't wanna. Can't. Please don't make me," he whispered back. "Let me just do it with my jeans on. Okay?" Sadness tinged his words. His cock stuck through the dickie hole and looked huge. Beautifully, sexily huge. I wanted my boyfriend -- I guess he's kind of my boyfriend -- I wanted him naked. But right then, the important thing was getting that beautiful so, so hard cock in my hole.

"Okay, but like I said, you owe me."

"Hey Jamie or Chrissy," he said over shoulder to the two boys who were standing next was watching. "Either of you got slippery stuff?"

"You won't believe this, dude," Jamie said, "Trent's Daddy and Papa Mark got him some for his birthday. And other shit like dildos and stuff. Do you believe that?"

I interrupted before anybody could say anything else. "Don't want slippy stuff. I want to feel it really good when you fuck me." I put extra emphasis on the word `fuck.'

"Then I'll use the slippery stuff God gave all us horny boys," Patrick giggled. He kissed my left cheek. That one. Back there. Not the one on my face. He then swung over and kissed my right cheek, and took a little nibble from it.

"Youch!" I yelped.

"Aw, sowwy Twent, did I huht you?" The last person I'd expect to hear using baby talk was baby talking to me. He didn't seem very concerned about hurting me though. He knew he really hadn't done so. And showed it by taking a nip out of my left cheek.

"There, now they're even!"

Patrick leaned in really close and started licking backside of my ball sack with his tongue. It tickled! Tickled so much. I started giggling. Funny thing though, so did Chrissy and Jamie. They must have thought what was going on was pretty funny. Patrick reached his hands between my legs and pulled my incredibly hard dickie back between my legs. He licked the tip. And nibbled on that, too. He sucked it's full-length into his mouth, slobbering all around it.

Okay, you're going to think I'm a little bit crazy. In fact, I was getting a little crazy at that time. But it was really crowded between my legs with Patrick's heads shoved up there against my butt crack, his mouth and tongue playing with my boy parts. Patrick radiated heat like a never known a person to radiate before. His head felt so hot and his hair tickled my butt hole. That's when the crazy thought hit me. I didn't want Patrick to put his penis in me. I wanted him to shove his whole head inside my little boy poop hole. Everything. His head, his neck, his whole body. Right at that moment I didn't want Patrick's penis to fuck me; I wanted him to fuck me.

As crazy as the thought was, it also seemed pretty funny and I just increased my giggling. Which increased Jamie's and Chrissy's. Patrick was the only person who wasn't laughing. He was too busy taking care of me. He pulled out from between my legs trailing his time along that part I've since learned is called the taint. I've never felt anything so sexy that wasn't my penis or my rear end. He poked at that part with his tongue and then trailed it up, licking from the bottom of my butt crack right to the bottom of my poop hole. My hole twitched in anticipation of Patrick's tongue touching it. But Patrick had another idea instead. Using the underside of his tongue, he licked from the top of my crack down to as close to my hole as he'd been before. Close, but no contact.

I was going crazy. "Lick it, damn it!" I yelled. Patrick was not about to give me my way. He will repeated his tongue's journey from the back of my ball sack, over my t'aint, and back up to just below my twitching little hole. Then to the top and down again. He must have done this 10 times. I needed something on my little butt hole, and if he wasn't going to use his tongue there, I'd have to take care of it myself. I reached over to poke my finger inside, but Patrick swatted my hand away.

"What's my little baby want?" Patrick asked. It was sweet the way he spoke, not teasing. I knew he wanted to give me what I wanted. But I also know he wanted me to enjoy it in ways I've never enjoyed sex before.

"Lick my hole please," I pleaded. Instead of doing what I asked, Patrick pushed my hands away from my cheeks and pulled them apart himself. He kissed me all over my butt cheeks, all over my butt crack, in wide circles that got smaller and smaller until finally, mercifully, he kissed me right on my hole. You might think that it's sexy having a 13-year-old boy kiss the place where I poop. And it is sexy. But right at that moment, what I felt was love.

"Patwick wuvs Twenty's poopoo pwace," baby boy Patrick said.

He kissed it again. Then he licked it like a cat might lap up spilt milk. His licking became harder, more deliberate, wetter. Then the stab of his tongue right in the center of my most intimate place. And another stab. And another. Each time, his tongue got a little deeper. Then he stops stabbing with this time and started pushing steadily forward with it.

I know it was my wild, crazy imagination--an imagination released by circumstances I didn't know or understand at the time----but I felt like his tongue was as long as his dick. Longer even. It felt like it was crawling deep inside me. It was a snake. It was going to crawl all the way up my tummy, pushing aside anything that got in the way. If I weren't in the crazy state I was in, I might've been embarrassed he would feel poop inside me. But that didn't matter to me. I wanted Patrick's long, thick, snake of a tongue to devour me entirely.

Wet. Oh so wet. Patrick's snake was drooling inside my rectum. Making me ready. Patrick sensed it at the same time I did.

"Are you ready for me, baby boy?" I could barely hear Patrick's raspy voice. My answer was a grunt, but my lover could understand.

"I know you want me to fuck you," Patrick whispered. "But I'm not going to do that. There'll be plenty of time for fucking later. I promise you. But I'm not going to fuck you. I want to make love to you."

A tinge of disappointment hit. I don't know why, but I really wanted Patrick's first real fuck after the rape to be a hard one. I knew he loved me -- maybe as much as I loved him. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I wanted it hard and fast and I wanted it to hurt. But I loved him and wanted him to be happy. So I was willing to have him be gentle and make love to me.

Patrick hocked deep down into his throat and spit onto my hole. Wet and gooey. I could feel his loogie pooled right on my hole. Another hock and another spit. I didn't feel anything so I guessed Patrick had spit it on his cock.

He leaned over me and whispered in my ear, "You ready for my love, sweet little baby boy?"

Patrick pressed the head of his hard-on against my hole. He pushed gently for a brief moment then WHAM!

"OWWWWW!" I screamed. Patrick had jammed his cock all the way inside me. His soft pubes tickled my cheeks but that's not what I felt. I felt hot, searing pain slam up my poop chute. It hurt so much and felt so good. It's just what I wanted.

"Everything okay down there?" Papa Mark called over the intercom, his voice shaky.

"I'm okay," I called out, my voice as shaky as his. "I just stubbed my toe."

I turned my head to look at Patrick, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Don't you fucking stop. Fuck me hard," I yelled at my lover, my raper, my attacker.

I knew Papa Mark could hear me. He was monitoring us for my safety. He knew I hadn't stubbed my toe. I'm sure he knew I was being fucked hard by the boy I loved so much. I kind of expected him to charge down the stairs, but I didn't care. All I wanted was to feel Patrick fucking me hard, deep, and fast.

And Patrick didn't disappoint me. He pounded in and out of me so hard, I could barely hold myself from falling forward. His cock was huge inside me. It stuffed me so full I felt like I had to take a huge dump. But I knew it wasn't poop inside me. It was my lover's cock.

"I...LOVE...YOU!" Patrick cried out, each word punctuating a hard slam into my poo hole. All I could do was grunt.

I'll tell you, it made me feel weird that I loved how much it hurt. Oh man. It really hurt a huge amount. But I loved it. My poo hole was on fire with Patrick's slamming in and out. My insides were on fire with the wonderful feeling of Patrick's cock in me. Only it really didn't feel like his cock. It was like all of him filled me up inside.

Then he reached underneath me and grabbed my boner. That's all it took to send me into that hazy area I visited when I dry cummed. My poop chute must have been squeezing Patrick's cock because he started grunting, "So tight. So tight. Squeezing so hard. Fucking shit, little man."

After that, I lost all track of time and all sense of everything around me except what was going on inside me. Patrick pulled his cock all the way out so the head snuggled against my hole. Then WHAM. Once again he slammed inside me. This time no yell from me. Just another cock-squeezing dry cum. Patrick didn't fuck in and out this time, though. He slammed forward as hard as he could.

As I write this, I've been having anal sex for four years now. A lot of it. I figure I've been fucked at least two times a week for four years. That's gotta be 500 times. But I know it's lots more cuz a lot of times it's more than once a day and many times I get fucked almost every day. I can tell you honestly that most of the time you don't feel cum squirting in you. You can feel the throbbing, but not the cum. Usually. Just sometimes. This time, though, I could feel Patrick's cum unloading in me. He had tons of it. His cock jerk and twitched and spasmed and I felt like he was pissing in me there seemed to be so much.

I don't know if I ever came down from dry cum number two, but Patrick's jizzifying my pooper started cum number three. Or maybe his sperming just wound number two back up. It doesn't matter. I almost blacked out I felt so great feeling his spewing inside me. I felt so good I lost control of my bladder and peed. It's a good thing we have a pad on the mattress.

I collapsed onto the wet spot underneath me. Patrick stayed stuck to my back and his cock stayed inside me. Hard. He finished off pushing softly in and out of me.

When I caught my breath, I looked over my shoulder at the boy I loved.

"That was so wonderful. But I thought you said you were going to make love to me, dude. You were rough fucking me!" I loved using the big boy bad words.

"Hey, little guy, I been fucked more times than I can count. My asshole dad been doing it since before I can remember and he's been sharing me since I was like five or six. All those times, I don't never think anybody's made love to me. Some guys were gentle and said gooey, lovey things to me. But they weren't making love to me for real. Way I figure, making love is giving the guy you love what he wants. Exactly what he wants. So that's what I did. I wanted to be soft and gentle to show how sorry I was about rapin' you. But you didn't want it that way. So I made love to you by doing it rough and hard like you wanted."

He turned slightly and began licking inside my ear. No one has ever done that to me before. I don't know if anyone's done it with you, but it sure got me hot.

"Can you fuck me again, Patrick? Please? When you get hard again?"

"Can't you feel me, baby boy? I'm still hard. The guys at my asshole dad's gave me pills that'll keep me hard like forever. Want it hard or soft this time? My fucking?"

"I want you to do it like you want." He went back to licking my ear and my neck. Lying flat on my tummy, I turned my head to get his lips against mine. He pushed his hard boy cock slowly into me. His tongue mirrored his cock. Slow in. Slow out. Tongue. Cock. Rubbing against my by place inside me. I tingled all over. Shivered. Jerked. Another hard, dry cum hit. Patrick didn't stop. He didn't pick up his pace. Steady. Slow. Loving.

Another shiver. Another eye-rolling dry cum. More pee squirted out. A lot this time. My dickie wouldn't go soft. It rubbed gently into the warm wetness of my pee. From my right I heard a squeak then a yell. I glanced over. Jamie was folded over Chrissy's kneeling body pushing into his brother's eight year old boy hole faster, rougher than I was experiencing. In their own way, they were making love.

Patrick was licking my cheek. His pace in and out of my boy hole picked up ever so slightly. His tongue found my nose and traveled inside. Faster, deeper he drove into my rectum. Another shiver. Another cum. Faster, deeper, but never rough. Soft, deep, lovingly deep.

"AHHHHHHH!" Patrick yelled and pushed as deep into me as his cock could go. Patrick and I shivered and cummed at the same time. Me very dry. Him very wet.

We slowly descended into reality, a reality where Jamie was calling his little brother all sorts of nasty names.

"Cum sucker. Mother fucker. Cocksucker. Shit eater. Piss drinking dog shit eater." And worse. Better. I laughed. Chrissy grunted and shook, pulling on his hard little spike. I grabbed my own hard two inches and pulled on it watching my two best friends fucking madly.

I realized then that Jamie and Chrissy were indeed my best friends. Patrick . . . well, Patrick didn't fit into that category at all. He was so much more than a best friend. He consumed me totally. He was my . . .

I gasped, "I love you so much, Patrick." He had me pinned beneath his body, his hardness still moving softly inside me. Under my tummy I grasped my hardness -- damn! I was still hard, too.

Jamie yelped, slammed once more into Chrissy and collapsed on top of him. After catching their breaths, they rolled onto their backs. Jamie was still hard. His penis looking fatter, longer than it ever had. Chrissy . . . he was hard still too.

"Fuck! If you was a girl, I think I woulda made you pregnant I cummed so much in you. Want anymore, lover baby?" Patrick asked. I did want more but I was way sore back there.

"Can I have it later, please? I'm a little sore back there. I really, really want to make love to you, Patrick. But first I got a favor and I don't want to think I'm weird if I ask it. Please?"

Patrick nuzzled his head against my hair, rubbing it gently.

"I don't know about the making love thing, Trent. I mean, I want you to, but it's because of something else. And I already think you're weird. But you can't ask me anything that'd make me not love you."

"Yeah, dude. You are weird!" Jamie said. He and Chrissy had scooted right next to us.

"I wanna do something I never did before." I muttered, gulping. "I wanna eat your creamies. I wish I could eat it out of my poop chute but my tongue's not long enough."

I felt really weird, nutty, sick, and perverted saying it, but this is what I really wanted to do right then. It's like it would finish up the wonderful two fuckings I'd just gotten if I could swallow Patrick's cum. I knew where it was, but that only made it sexier for me.

Patrick's hardness twitched inside me.

"That's called felching, dude. Where'd you learn about that?" he asked.

"Made it up myself. You mean other guys do it?"

"Not only other guys, but Jamie and Chrissy've done it with me. And I've done it when my asshole father tells me to. How you wanna do it?"

I hadn't really given that part any thought. I just knew I wanted to taste his cum.

"Dunno. Maybe squeeze it out onto my hand and lick it?"

Chrissy jumped up. "I got a better idea. Poop it out into my hands."

Patrick smiled and slowly pulled his dick out of my butt. I felt so empty with him gone. I rolled onto my back; Patrick's cock looked so big . . . and hard. Damn! All of were still hard. I don't know how many cums Chrissy and Jamie had, but Patrick had just had two big ones and I'd had like a million. All of us still hard.

Patrick's cock glistened with some of his cum. The skin on the tip was pulled all the way so it looked a lot like my Daddy's and Papa Mark's. He held it and looked at it carefully.

"No blood," he sighed. I could tell he was relieved. I couldn't see any blood either, but some poop stuck to the part right under the head. Some also streaked his shaft. Not a lot, but I thought it was cool that I'd marked him that way.

"Can you hold on letting my cum out?" Patrick asked. "I wanna go clean off my dick. Okay?"

"That's NOT okay," I snarled trying to sound bossy and like a big boy. Only it really didn't come out that way. "I'm gonna clean that for you AFTER I get to eat your cummies."

My two best friends and my lover all laughed. I slowly rose to my knees then stood gingerly. I didn't want to lose any of Patrick's precious semen . . . at least not yet. Plus, I was really sore. Maybe there wasn't any blood, but I knew I'd hurt when I pooped for a few days.

Patrick held me up under my arms. Chrissy crawled behind. I glanced back there. He was on his knees, both hands open about a foot under my butt.

"I'm ready when you are," he said.

I took a deep breath and pushed my tummy a little. A huge fart erupted from my hole. Patrick, Jamie, and Chrissy all giggled. Man, it stunk awful. For some reason, I was embarrassed.

"Sorry guys," I muttered.

"Don't worry, baby boy," Patrick said rubbing his head against mine. "It happens to me a lot when I get fucked by big cocks."

I pressed again. Another fart, but this time my hole felt like it was way big. Gooey and wet stuff oozed out. Once it started, it didn't want to stop. It felt a little like diarrhea coming out, only thicker and way more wonderful. It was Patrick flowing out my gaping hole.

I looked back. Chrissy's face was scrunched up.

"That's a fucking lot of jizz, man," he said. Another fart. Another quick gush. Then my hole slowly closed. "You done, Trent?" I nodded.

Chrissy stood and came around in front of me. It WAS a lot of jizz . . . tan colored with streaks of darker brown.

"Yeah. A lot of cum," Patrick said. "I wasn't allowed to cum for like five days. The asshole had my dick locked up in this thing so I couldn't jack off. Couldn't even get hard in it. It drives me nuts when the asshole won't let me cum. When the `party' started, if they thought I was getting close to cumming, they zapped my dick and balls with this electric thing. So I guess I stored a lot up . . . for you, baby boy. Jokes on them. It's pretty nasty looking. You sure you want it?"

I wanted it and I wanted it right then! I started to bend over but I could get it, Jamie stopped me.

"You're gonna want to see this," He ran to his pants and got out his iPhone. He had one of those where you can take pictures of yourself and see what you're doing. He started filming.

I leaned over and was about to slurp it all in my mouth, but I stopped. This was the very first time I'd eat my lovers cum from my pooper. First time but not the last. I wanted it to last. So I sucked up maybe half of it. It was salty like Daddy's and Papa Mark's and little bitter. More bitter than cum usually is. Bitter like, well, like poop though not as strong.

I opened my mouth and let my friends see my lover's cum on my tongue. I closed my mouth, swirled it around inside, swished it so it got frothy. A tee-tiny bit went down my throat, but I didn't want to swallow it. Not yet. I blew bubbles though my lips. I looked at the screen on Jamie's iPhone. I got to admit it looked pretty funny, but kind of sexy at the same time. It was time, so I swallowed it all. The slimy, foamy, frothy mess felt so good sliding down my throat. I opened my mouth to let my friends see I'd swallowed Patrick's precious cum.

I pulled Chrissy's hands to my face and slurped in the rest of the gooey mess.

"Don't do anything with it yet," Patrick said. He pressed his lips against mine and slid his tongue inside my mouth. Slurp! He vacuumed the jizz from my mouth into his. Then, slurp again and the gooey mess pushed back into my mouth. Back and forth, back and forth we passed his semen. Creamy. Bitter. Foamy. Salty. Frothy. Delicious. Then he pulled away, his mouth now full. He pulled my mouth open from my chin and leaned over me. A long, thick strand of cum oozed from his mouth to mine. Just as it touched my tongue, Patrick touched my boner and began gently stroking it. That's all it took to send me into my one-million and first dry cum. It's a good thing he was holding me up with one hand because I'd have collapsed on the ground jerking around like a fish on the shore. I swallowed everything. Everything. I was swallowing my thirteen year old lover.

Patrick pulled me to him and squeezed me in a huge bear hug.

"I've always loved doing that," he said, "but that's the first time I didn't feel like a sicko perv. It felt so good doing it with you."

I looked up at Patrick and said, "I wanna make love to you now. Please. Anyway you want it. But I want to be inside you."

Tears formed in Patrick's eyes. "I look kinda bad back there, guys. They been kinda rough with me. Promise you won't freak out. And promise you won't tell nobody."

What could I do but promise? And so did Jamie and Chrissy cuz they both knew I wanted to do this so much.

Patrick took a deep breath, put his hands on the top of his Levis and pushed them down. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Patrick's skinny legs were covered in bruises and red welts -- half inch wide stripes crisscrossing his legs. His jockeys were yellow stained and dingy. But we all were used to seeing that since he'd told us he only had one pair of underpants. Another deep breath. His hands paused briefly at the jockey's waistband. Then he pushed those down, too. I wasn't surprised by the thick brown skid marks. We'd all seen those before, also. But the skid marks were overlaid with a large circle of lighter red-brown I recognized as dried blood.

"Oh god, Patrick," I whimpered, "what did they do to you?"

Patrick pushed the underpants around his ankles. Anger flashed in his eyes. He slowly shuffled around so we could see the back of his legs. More welts. More bruises. Only these not only covered his legs, they crisscrossed his cheeks. His once pale white beautiful cheeks were barely visible under them.

Patrick bent over. "You asked for it," he mumbled.

He pulled his cheeks apart. It felt like all the air went out of the room as he exposed himself. We all gasped. Gone was his tight, brown wrinkle. A bright red, thick inch long tube of flesh protruded from where you'd expect to see his poop hole.

"You happy now?" mean Patrick snarled. "No way you'd want to fuck that nasty piece of ass is there?" Then in a flash, mean Patrick disappeared as he straightened up and pushed his face in his hands.

"I'm so embarrassed. So fucking embarrassed," he sobbed.

I grabbed him and hugged so hard he stumbled backward and almost fell.

"What'd they do to you?" I asked. Patrick just stood there, clutching me, his head resting on mine, tears dripping onto the back of my neck. I don't know how long we stood there like that. Finally he snorted and stood erect.

"Sorry I got angry. It's not you. It's me. I let them do this to me. I let the asshole do this."

I looked in the face of the boy I loved so much. I know I'd promised not to say anything, but I couldn't keep that promise. No way. I spun around and dashed up the steps calling out for Papa Mark. I knew he had the room monitor on and I hoped he was listening.

When I got into the kitchen -- that's where the door from the playroom is -- Papa Mark was just coming in.

"I heard you calling, Trent," he said. "I wasn't worried about you guys anymore so I didn't think I had to . . . " As soon as he got to me, he grabbed my chin and held my head up and stared into my eyes.

"What'd he give you?" he snarled.

He pushed by me and took the steps down to the playroom two at a time. I had no idea what he was talking about but he was angrier than I'd ever seen him. By this time, Patrick had his pants all pulled up. Jamie and Chrissy stood behind him, still naked, still in a state of shock over what we'd all seen.

Papa Mark covered the space from the bottom of the stairs to Patrick in one second. No kidding. He grabbed Patrick's chin and tilted it up like he'd done mine.

"What fucking drugs did you give my boy?" he screamed at Patrick.

Patrick sputtered and muttered and couldn't get a clear word out.

"He didn't give us anything," I pleaded. "I promise." Then my anger exploded. "I hate you. How can you think I'd take anything. Patrick is hurt bad. Real bad." I was so pissed I was crying.

Papa Mark calmed down a bit. He let go of Patrick's chin, which dropped to his chest.

"You're on something, aren't you boy?"

"Yes, sir," Patrick mumbled. "They made me take these little yellow pills and ecstasy and coke and crank. Sorry, sir, but they made me take it."

"Answer me honestly. Did you trick my boys into taking anything? Trent's eyes look like he's on speed."

Patrick gasped. "I swear, sir. I would never. I know I was mean to Trent before but I really love him. I wouldn't do nothing no more that could hurt him. I swear."

Papa Mark looked closely at Chrissy's and Jamie's eyes.

"I'm not judging anybody, guys, but I know how much Trent loves to drink pee. Did you guys drink Patrick's pee tonight?"

That was it! Drinking his pee gave us some of the drugs he'd been forced to take. It was the reason we all felt so horny, well besides just being horny boys, and why we had boners that wouldn't go down is that we got a dose of everything Patrick had been made to take when we drank his pee. Weird, no?

But that wasn't what was important.

"You gotta look at Patrick's butt. Please Papa Mark. He got hurt real bad." I was bawling by then.

Patrick tried to refuse, but when he wants something, Papa Mark gets it. He took a close look at my lover's legs and then at his rear end. He pulled out his iPhone and took a bunch of pictures. Then he switched to video and asked Patrick to tell us what happened.

Patrick started crying. Quietly he spoke . . .


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Next: Chapter 13

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