Ben's Revenge

By Suitman Five

Published on Oct 10, 2007



Ben had been on the sportsground doing some extra drills with the leadership group after practice had finished but decided to go in for a shower while the showers were empty. He was stoked that they had accepted him after finding out he was gay but he still did not want to push it in the showers. They gave him an initiation and then realised he was gay so they had given him another. They stripped him naked after late practice when it was already dark and tied his balls to the bicycle seat and sent him off home. That was when he met Ky. He had fallen of the bike and was having trouble getting up and Ky had come along after gymnastics training and helped him up. He found out that Ky was gay too and a friendship had developed. Things were going well.

When he got in the locker room he heard the showers running and heard voices. He quickly stripped off and grabbing a towel he sauntered into the shower room his dick swinging as he walked. Then his heart sank. Jake McKay was there with Alan Heard. They were wrestlers. Alan was not too bad, cute to look at and quite nice on his own. He had a well muscled body and a massive dick that was evident even in jeans. In fact Ben had lusted after him and even gone to watch Alan compete just to see the big bulge in his wrestling singlet. It was just that he was easily led by Jake into homophobic shit. Jake on the other hand was bad news. Much more thick set, a massive bear of a guy. He was always making the nasty comment and even deliberately pushed Ben out of the way when he went to see wrestling; making sure that others including Alan saw what was happening.

Ben noticed immediately that both guys had semi hard dicks; something was going on. Jake saw him as he walked in and said, "Well here's Mr Faggott all stripped off ready for action. We oughta give him the pleasure of our bodies. You want my dick Ben dontcha? I've seen the way you drool over Alan's monster. You'd love that in your mouth. I got a better idea where my dick can go".

"Come on Alan, let's give this guy some real wrestlers pleasure." Alan hesitated but Jake pushed him and encouraged him. He grabbed Ben and spun him around and pushed him over to the massage table forcing him face down across the bench. "Get around there and get your dick in his mouth. You know he'd love to suck it."

The funny thing was that it was true. Ben did have designs on Alan's dick and he had fantasised about sucking it while he wanked off at night after wrestling matches. When Alan came around rather reluctantly in front of Ben his mouth opened. Whether it was from surprise or the closeness of that giant snake or more likely that he was remembering the fantasies that had occupied him at night, he was already salivating and ready. Alan reacted to the apparent welcome and brought his, now swelling dick up to Ben's mouth on the other side of the bench. That was it. Ben closed his lips around the monster causing Alan to shiver in pleasure. Ben slurped the hardening tool deep into his mouth. Ben's world shrunk to focus on the feeling in his mouth and the smell of fresh shampoo in Alan's pubes. It was everything as good as he had imagined.

But then it changed. He felt Jake at this butt. Jake was rubbing massage oil from the table up and down his crack, his fingers circling around Ben's hole. It was a confusing feeling. He was aroused by Alan thrusting gently in and out of his mouth and the fresh smell was turning him on. Ben loved having his holed played with and it was causing waves of pleasure to radiate up his back and around to his groin. Ben's dick was beginning to swell and his scrotum contracted with the pleasure. At the same time he knew that it was Jake causing the reactions and he really disliked Jake. He did not want to be pleasured by Jake. Then he felt Jake's dick pushing at his hole, trying to get in.

Suddenly there was a shout, "What the fuck's going on here?" It was John, the captain of Ben's team and the natural leader of the group. John grabbed Jake and pulled him out of the way before Jake's dick could get into Ben's pleasure tube. Alan froze with his dick filling Ben's mouth with still half not inside. Chuck appeared behind Alan and grabbed his arms pulling him free of Ben.

"I did not mean this to happen but Jake thought. Since I am gay that I am open to anyone." said Ben. John was rather pleased to have discovered a gay guy on the team. He was straight himself but he had a strong social conscience and he thought it was great that they had this opportunity to be open minded. He was angered by Jake's exploitation of Ben. And anyway he did not like Jake. He was loud and rude and there were stories that he cheated in wrestling, including grabbing guys' balls, squeezing and twisting to get an advantage. Then he could win with legitimate moves while the opponent was weak with pain.

"If he is interested in man sex we could give him an opportunity that he can't refuse. Let's take him across the ground and into the park. Ben, you grab your clothes. Jack, you get these wrestlers' things and bring them out. Corey, take these keys and get my tool kit out of my pickup. Bring it over to those bicycle racks in the clearing in the wood, down the western end"

They manhandled Alan and Jake, stark naked, out of the building and across the ground through the small gate and into the park. John noticed that Alan's monster had lost all of its stiffness and was now swinging as he walked, still a giant even when soft. He was not looking too happy. John looked over Jake's shoulder to see Jake was as hard as ever, obviously excited by the treatment he was getting. The thought of being abused by these guys was obviously stimulating Jake and John was not about to stop that happening.

They marched the wrestlers, one dejected and ashamed, the other stimulated and defiant, through the dark and into the large clearing that picnickers used during warm days. There were two sets of bicycle racks, one at each end, obscured from each other by some of the trees.

Corey arrived with the tool kit and took over holding Jake. John took out a roll of packing tape, the type with nylon thread running down it so you have to cut it. The threads cut into your fingers if you try to rip it off. He pulled out a bit and stuck the end on a bike rack. They were just a piece of thick steel pipe bent into three sides of a rectangle with the open ends cemented into the ground. This left a horizontal section at about groin height to lock bikes to. John pulled off an arm length of tape and cut it off with a knife. Tossing the roll into the kit, he went over to Alan and gently took his ball in his left hand. He wrapped the tape around Alan's scrotum, forcing his balls out from the base of his dick, and wound it around a couple of times. It was not tight enough to cause discomfort of to stop the flow of blood but the circle was far too small to get either of Alan's balls past. Then he manoeuvred Alan to the end of the bike rack and sat him right on the end with the majority of the horizontal bar in front of him, just supporting his pubic bone on the very end, leaving his ass hole in the open. John wound the tape around the pole a several times between Alan's balls and the base of his dick. Then he said to the two guys holding his arms, "Lift him up and forward so I can get under his butt."

As they lifted him, the tape pulled on his scrotum and the base of his dick. The handling had already started to make his dick swell and this brought on a raging hard on. He was leaning forward and his thick monster squashed the two balls to the sides, straining in his ball sack. He was starting to pant. John wound the tape several times around the steel pole and cut the end on the top. "Sit him down again. He won't be able to unwind the tape as he is sitting on the end."

They sat him back and by this time Ben was there. "He can't get away but you stay here with him so that he does not get into any trouble." John had already suspected that Ben had the hots for Alan. Hell, he knew Ben liked dicks and Alan had the biggest he had seen.

As the group took Jake away to the other bike rack around the trees, Ben had an idea and called his friend Ky to come and help entertain Alan. He thought that Ky and his friend Tony could put on a show for Alan. They were gymnasts and put on a great strength show in competitions. They also had another act that was not so widely known.

When John arrived at the other bike racks, there were two parallel to each other. He took the tape again and pulled out a length but this time he slit the tape up the middle making two tapes. Then he wrapped one around each of Jake's wrists several times. Then he took the right hand and put it on the end of the ole to Jakes right. He wrapped the taped around the pole and his hand fixing them together, leaving a bit of tape dangling. Then he fixed the left hand to the other pole, just the same, leaving Jake slightly bent over.

Jake decided to use his usual bluster to gain the upper hand. "You are just protecting that faggot cause he's your squeeze. You must be a faggot too." he sneered.

John was standing in front of Jake and he looked into Jake's eyes and said, slowly and deliberately, "Funny you should say that. I notice that your raging boner says are excited as hell at the moment. I'm no faggot but you could really be my squeeze just now." With that he stepped forward and grabbed Jake's balls. He pulled them roughly forward and slid the fingers of his other hand between the balls and the base of his dick, two fingers either side. Then he wrapped his fingers around the balls and closed his thumb around the other way. Then he squeezed, squeezed until the veins stood out on his neck. Jake screamed in agony. The John wrapped his other hand around the first and squeezed even harder. Jake's knees went weak and he began to sag.

"How do you like the treatment you give other guys in the ring?" John said with a smile. "It should give you quite a lift." That last comment made no sense at all to the guys watching though they all knew what was meant by the reference to his behaviour in the ring. Then John shifted his weight to the left and suddenly lifted his right foot up alongside him onto the pole of the bike rack. He shifted his weight onto the right and flipped his left foot onto the other pole. That left him in a deep squat position with his arms down between his legs, holding onto Jake's tortured balls. Squats in the gym were something John was known for. That was how he had developed those massive legs and glutes. He slowly stood up, lifting Jake by the balls until his feet came off the ground while his hands remained tied to the bike racks. This meant his body went horizontal and his thighs hit the underside of John's. He gurgled in agony. John held the position for a while and then dropped him to the ground.

John got the other guys to lift him up and he took the loose end of the left hand tape and unwound it from the pole. He swung Jake round and let him flop over the pole. Then he used the tape to tie Jake's hand to his left knee. He took the right tape off the pole and fixed that to his left knee. That left Jake not actually tied to the pole but still not able to escape. Even when he struggled to stand up he remained bent over, his bare ass pointing in the air with his hands on his knees.

"I think we'll just leave you there for a while and see how you get on," said John, while actually planning to stay nearby to make sure nothing disastrous happened.

"You can't leave me here with head down and ass up. This is a place where faggots meet at night. I could get done at both ends!" Jake cried.

John smiled as he looked at Jake's rock hard boner and decided that Jake was not really upset by his predicament. Jake's loud homophobia was clearly a cover for homosexuality that he would not admit even to himself. He could do with being outed.

"Oh" said John, "I already realized what this place was when I saw you trying to get your dick up Ben's ass. Could be interesting to see what happens."

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