Ben's Fantasy

By Steve Thomas

Published on May 18, 2007


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be very pure either! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between men, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - - ENJOY!

Cast of characters:

Ben Hastings -- That's me!

Bill "Bubba" Hastings -- My Dad

Veronica Hastings -- My Mom.

Reyna -- My Best Friend

Ranj Kumar-- Another friend

Jared -- A football whore.

Rex Majors -- Ranj's roommate.

Everett Majors - Rex's younger brother

Mick and Mack Majors - The twins

Kirby and Wyatt -- the youngest Majors

Etienne Croissant -- Salesman

Alan Randall -- Dad's friend

From Chapter 31:

"You clean up tres bien ! Tres sexy, le garcon !"


"You clean up very well. Very sexy, Boy!" He grinned. He looks very young when he grins like that! I knew I shouldn't, but I grabbed him and kissed him! Just as we were getting into it, I heard my door open.

"Dang! Dad is gonna be -- well surprised -- disappointed - " I was thinking as I turned around and saw Everett standing there with his mouth open and his eyes as round as pie tins!

Chapter 32:

I was relieved it was not Dad. But I was embarrassed and even felt a little shamed -- like I had cheated on Ev or something. I knew it was irrational, but that's the way I felt. I saw hurt in his face, after the initial shock.

I remembered how I felt walking in on him and Jared. As ifon cue, he seemed to communicate to me it was okay, but there was still a pained expression.

"Hi. I just was -- um -- on my way to the bathroom. Didn't know you had -- erm -- company. Sorry!"

"That's okay. You know Etienne." I said -- nervously reintroducing them to fill an awkward moment.

"Hey." They both greeted each other.

"Tell Dad you're eating breakfast with us, Bro." I said.

"Naw. I'm just gonna go back and crash for a bit more. It was hard sleeping last night."

"Well, if you'd stay in your own bed, it wouldn't get so hard!" I quipped. We both laughed nervously. Etienne looked from one of us to the other and back, with a bemused look on his face -- like he didn't quite get the entire joke.


He backed out and closed the door. I turned and took inventory: Both our boners were gone. It wouldn't take long to re-engage mine, looking at his six-pack abs, but -- the moment was gone and -- it was time we should be going to the kitchen. We put on our shirts and went to breakfast.

"So, I'm guessing it's pretty nice working together with -- um -- all you have in common." Dad said.

"It does make it easier, Mr. Hastings."

"I told you that you could call me Bill, Etienne."

"Sorry, Bill. Old habits die hard. My dad would still be having me call all his friends Mr. or Mrs. Or rather, Monsieur ou Dame!"

"That's right, you're from Quebec. Is it true that most there want to become independent from Canada?"

"I don't know about most. My father sure doesn't. He says that's about as likely as France becoming independent from UK or the U.S.!"

"Haha! Good joke!" said Dad.

"Well my pere doesn't see it that way. He doesn't think France could stand independently without you guys there to back them up."


"Pere -- my Dad. I don't get to involved with politics, but I think I agree with him. That's why I moved here. To get away from the arrogance in Quebec."

"This is a long way just to get away."

"It had to be a large city -- to sell my product -- and here, there are a lot of gens abondants - affluent people. Well, mostly Hommes abondants !"

"Yes -- affluent men!"

"Oh you know some French?" Said Etienne excitedly.

"Um -- I've just about exhausted mon vocabulaire -- oh, and there is, oui, oui ! And Non, non ! I learned a few words in Viet Nam. Oh yes, also, Le vagin et les seins - les mesanges ! Oh, and a few more cuss words."

"Of course! A G.I. couldn't get along without them, could he?"

Etienne chatted very easily with my dad. Soon it was time for us to go. With my appointment, we had four for the day. Etienne's first blew us off, and his second was very shrewd and there was not much left for us when we agreed on a price. His last talked to us awhile and said he's get back to us.

I didn't hold too much faith in mine after our first attempt. He was not very engaging in the first place on the phone, and I was almost afraid to approach him. But he was true to his word. He really did need a car soon. And within 40 minutes we made the sale. Etienne let me do most of the talking, then helped with the close and paperwork. We made 2500 in commission, which I tried to split with Etienne.

"No you don't!" He said. I gave you 3/8 of the take yesterday! You can give me - "

"I'll give you 3/8 plus a tenth -- your usual percentage of my commission."

"Aw, that's not fair, Ben, I - " We were sitting in his car at a gas station away from out last appointment.

"Etienne!" I stopped him cold. "Look, I -- I really like -- what we've been doing -- when we're not working! But I can't justify it if you keep giving me too much! It's like you're buying me! Etienne -- you're making me feel like a whore!"

"Oh mon Dieu !" He said. "Okay -- I'm sorry. I never want you to feel that way! I didn't mean it that way!"

"Um -- how soon do you usually get your pay?" I asked.

"As soon as the car is delivered. Until that time, the buyer can back out -- same as at a dealership. About two weeks in our case. Sorry! I can front you some money if - " He stopped when he saw my look.

"I'll survive." I said.

"You -- you really do?"


"You really like -- what we've been doing?"

"I'm a little lost."

"You said you like what we've -- done -- when we're not working. I'm assuming your not talking about the meals we've shared."

I turned red. "I -- yes! I like you -- more and more. I like that you are more -- um -- settled -- than other guys I've - - um known."

"How many have you known?"

"I've been `acquainted' with several. I have only had -- two boyfriends. I just want to get to know you -- and go slow. No promises at this time."

"Perfect!" He said.


"If you have had two boyfriends -- you've had one more than I have -- if he could be called a boyfriend."

"Why wouldn't he?"

"He's maybe the reason I have taken so long to want to get involved again. I was about your age. He was a little older and very abusive."

"Omigosh!" I exclaimed. "Did he hurt you?"

"Sometimes. He was a lot bigger and a hockey player. He was afraid I would blow his cover. Hockey players are NOT gay!" He said, seemingly watching the strange look he was getting form me. He continued, "Ben -- the really stupid thing is -- after all these years -- more than ten -- I still think -- and dream -- about him."

"Yeah. I know." I said, chagrinned.


"I have been through the same -- geez! Almost the same exact -- thing!"

"I thought that by coming out, I was doing enough - proactively -- to help me meet other guys. I was hit on by one bimbo after another! And sad to say, most were older than I."


"So -- Ben -- when you ask me to go slow -- it's exactly what I want to do."

"You're -- um -- a little confusing - - sometimes."

"I -- suppose I am." He said. "Why do you sat that?"

"Well it seemed to me that -- at first -- you were coming on strong and fast. But in the last few days -- you have -- held back -- or something."

"Ben -- I know I haven't `got' you -- but I was afraid of losing you if I didn't act. Sorry I freaked you out. And then there's the -- age thing."

"I think that mostly freaks YOU out."

"You never cared about it? It seemed at first you did."

"I did because you made such a thing about it. I asked myself if I wanted to be with a guy that old. Seriously, I couldn't think of a reason why not.

I'd be happy if it were never mentioned again. Well, except on your birthday, I'll make fun of you!" I laughed.

I thought about how we met. It seems somehow like -- we were SUPPOSED to meet. Maybe we're supposed to meet lots of people.

"You can make fun of me -- as long as I can make fun of you too!"

"Good luck with that!" I taunted.

"Can I take you out to dinner tonight?"

"Lemme call home and make sure Mom isn't expecting me - for some reason." I pushed home on my cell phone.


I expected Mom. "Who's This?" I asked.

"Duh!" Now I recognized Everett's voice.

"Is my mom there?" I asked.

"Yeah -- her hands are both busy."

"Ask her if she needs me home for dinner."

I heard him ask. I heard her say either way was okay. And thanked me for calling. "You -- going out with Et-yen?"

"Um -- yeah."

"K. Have fun." He said, but didn't sound like he meant it. I was about to say g'bye when he hung up.

"What's wrong?" Said Etienne. I guess it showed on my face.

"Everett is having trouble letting go."

"Oh. Why did you break up?"

"I really feel bad. I sort of caught him being -- screwed -- by someone else."

"And YOU feel bad?"

"It's complicated."

"O-kaaay." He drawled.

"Ev's been abused -- severely -- by his father. We were stupidly doing a group thing with this other guy, and right in front of me -- he let Jared screw him. We weren't supposed to do anything like that. But -- he sometimes gets -- mixed up. He asked my dad last night if he was going to come to bed with him. He was tired and thought Dad was his daddy."



"Um -- group thing huh?" He said, looking at me as of I came from outer space. "I -- I've never done that."

I felt something cold when he said that. Well, maybe it was good to get it out in the open now rather than - - later.

"Where would you like to go for dinner?' He asked me.

Well, I still wasn't in any position to treat both of us to dinner, and I wasn't going to suggest something extravagant -- was I? "I dunno -- Mc Dougalls is fine with me. I said.

"Where's that?"

"Mac's -- you know, McDonalds!"

"Oh. Um -- I don't feel like a hamburger right now. Actually I'm not very hungry. I guess McDonalds is as good as the next -- um -- how about Taco Bell?"

"That's fine." I said. I felt sick. I think I really blew it with the group sex thing. I again told myself that he should know something like that up front.

When we pulled in to the Taco bell -- in Etienne's Maserati -- everyone stared at us. I guess it was a little strange. But I don't know why. Taco Bell is good stuff. Why shouldn't a couple guys in a Maserati like it?

I thought he was going to pull in o the drive up window lane, but he parked, and we went in. The sudden chill I felt between us felt so thick I think I could have chipped at it with an ice pick.

Dang! Yesterday, I was looking for an excuse not to be with him and now all I wanted was to return to our fun, sex-starved-boy-talk!

Neither of us ordered much of anything. We sat, both of us picking at our food in silence. Finally he spoke.

"Ben -- I'm having a hard time with - "

"- the group sex thing!" I said.

"On one hand, it is something I always fantasized about but - - on the other -- I would never have done it. Now -- finding out that you have done it -- I feel really strange."


"Well, like -- in the short time I've known you, I kind of put you on a pedestal."

"And now I've fallen off -- is that it?" I said, completely crestfallen. I had eaten half of my double-decker and wanted to puke.

"I -- I -- dunno -- if that's it. I still -- I mean -- it makes my insides all warm and cold at the same time - - "

"Huh?" Now I am confused.

"Look, I hate to keep bringing up the age thing, but -- I guess I'm just immature for my age and -- it's so amazing that you have done so much more than I have -- at an age that I had done almost nothing. Hell, I STILL have done almost nothing!"

I forced back tears. I didn't even know why I should feel this way. "Etienne -- I haven't -- I mean -- I'm not that experienced -- really. I - "

I didn't know what else to say.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me.

"I guess."

Neither of us ate more than half our dinner. He started toward my house, driving in silence, then he did a u-turn just before he got to my street.

He stopped the car. It was almost dark. He turned to me and said, "Ben -- I feel really stupid, but -- would you just - " He couldn't go any further.

"You want me to walk the rest of the way home?" I asked. I felt as if someone sucked all the warmth out of me, leaving me feeling cold and dead. "I can do that. It's not that far. I've - "

"NOoo! What? No!" He cried. "Ben! I feel empty -- cold -- I just wondered if -- before I take you home -- would you just hold me for a moment? I know you wouldn't want to in front of your house. Could you? Like I said, I feel stupid, but - - please?"

I tried to hug him over the top of the center console. That didn't console either of us much. He got out and leaned on the car. He didn't ask me, but I got out and walked around to his side of the car and hugged him, leaning on the car. It was nearly dark, but I don't think I would have cared if it was bright daylight.

"Etienne -- can we go to your -- place?" I heard myself asking him. He squeezed me and kissed my cheek.

He sighed long and deep. "Yes." He whispered.

I walked around to my side of the car. Etienne followed me and opened my door, and this time he kissed my lips sweetly after I was seated and then closed the door.

Again, we drove in silence, but this time it was a warm, almost electrically charged silence. When we got to his motel -- it was just before 8:00 PM -- I followed him into this room. Once in the room, we both felt strangely shy.

"Uh -- you wanna go for a swim?" He asked me.

"I don't have a- "

"I have a swim suit you can use."

"Okay." He threw me a suit from a drawer, and we both stripped down to nothing. He was quicker than I was and as he started to pull up his suit, I stepped quickly to him and pulled him into our first naked hug.

Etienne quickly drew in a deep breath and let it out in a whistle. "Ooohhh, Ben! You don't know how -- how -- how much I have dreamed of this moment."

"Oh, I think I do!" I said, laughing. He caught that emotion and we laughed and laughed and - - - Kissed! And kissed! He stepped out of the swim suit that was around his feet and pulled me onto the bed.

We reveled in each others' warmth and each others' vastly different bodies. His was much more hairy than mine. And of course he was much more buff than I. I have hair all the places a guy is supposed to -- but my chest, tummy, back and butt are all smooth with almost no hair -- and what there is, is very fine.

"Mon dieu, you feel so Merveilleux ! He crooned. "Your smooth baby like skin makes me - - um -- Well, Je l'aime ! I Love it!"

I felt the hair on his neck and back and I think it made me even harder. And his chest hair on my nipples -- I felt like I was somewhere in heaven. "I'm sorry about the French, Ben. I can't help it."

"You're sorry?" I exclaimed.

I didn't think most Americans liked Frenck very much!"

"Etienne, the French is so -- so -- um -- sexy! I love it when you speak it - - and when you translate it for me!" I said, and I kissed him deeply.

"Ho ho ho!" He said as only a Frenchman can, "Vous me faites me sentir comme un garcon !" He exclaimed. "You make me feel like a kid!"

I laughed. "You ARE!" I said.

Etienne rolled over on top of me and he got suddenly serious. "Ben -- I said that I have dreamed of this moment. But -- this is more than my dream could have ever been!" He looked deeply into my eyes -- and seemingly into my soul. And I could see into his.

"Etienne -- have you -- ever -- um -- Etienne - ?"

"What, Ben?

"Etienne -- I want you -- to -- f -- I mean -- I want you in me. Have you ever - ?"

"No, Bien-aime. Troie only did it to me. I never -- um -- Baby -- I don't have a condom. We can't!"

Everything in me screamed out it doesn't matter. We both know we are clean!

I said, "I know. Etienne -- I never have either. And I was only -- fucked -- once -- by that guy I told you about."

"The football player?" he asked.

I nodded. "Is Troie your Hockey player?"

"Yes." He said. "You know -- you're even more beautiful close up, Ben. You skin is -- perfect! Didn't you ever have acne?"

"Not much." I said.

"I have a few scars from it." He said. I felt both of our woods softening.

"Where? I don't see any." I said.

He touched his face. "Here, I think, is the worst."

I looked closely and then saw it. It was nearly impossible to see. I kissed it. Etienne melted. A tear fell away from his eye. "Sorry -- I really didn't expect that, Bien-aime."

"What does that mean?"

"Something like darling or -- sweetheart, really." He said, his voice purring."

"I really like it!" I said. "It almost sounds like Ben of mine -- My Ben."

"Then it is my name for you!" He said and he kissed me deeply and we started to warm up again. He was still on top of me and he moved from kissing my mouth to my neck and then to my nipples, which were already sensitive from his hairy chest. He sucked on them both, making them stand up hard. I couldn't help my hips' thrusting motion.

He then kissed down the middle of my chest and tummy and licked my belly button. He stayed there and kind of French kissed it in a way that made me finally spurt out some precum. By this time we were again both hard as oak.

When he got down to the little trail of hair leading from my navel to my pubes, he stopped to pet my hard dick. This time it was I who was sucking air.

I tried to change positions -- so I could duplicate what he was doing. He stopped me. "Let me just do this for you. Vous me permettre de donner le plaisir. Let me pleasure you -- for now. Close your eyes, Bien-aime."

I did as I was told. He blew gently all around my dick and on my balls. Then he licked the space between my balls and my anus. I let out a little high pitched shriek. He sucked on and then slathered my balls with saliva, and ran his wetted finger around my anus. I wanted so much for him to take me -- even if by force. I knew he wouldn't, but that's how I felt. Then I felt his wet finger pushing at my hole. I couldn't help tightening. I looked down and one of his hands was on my dick and the other on one of my butt cheeks, both hands caressing. It was his tongue at my door!

"Etienne -- no -- I -- not now! I need to clean it first." I said.

He said, "Sorry -- I got carried away." Then he encircled the corona of my dick with his mouth and teased the whole thing at once with his lips. I could tell he had done this before! I again closed my eyes and let my head fall back. He went down further and mouthed and tongued the sensitive remnants of my foreskin. I ran my fingers around his hair -- on his head.

He then went down on me all the way, then came up and started to bob slowly on it. I started to breath in short quick breaths in no time, and he started to go faster and his lips got tighter. In no time, I was shooting my load into his mouth.

He swallowed as fast as he could, and with his hand squeezed out as much as he could. When I was finished cumming, he kept sucking on it until it got soft in his mouth and he chewed on it.

He lay his head on my lower abdomen, still sucking on my soft dick. I noticed his sucking to relax and when he stopped, my dick still fully in his mouth, I looked down and his eyes were closed.

"Put you to sleep, Huh?" I said, quietly.

"No. I just like this -- a LOT!" He purred.

I pulled him up to my face. I could smell the strong scent of my semen on his breath. It made me start to get hard again. "Oh -- you want more?"

"No!" I said. "I mean -- yes, but I want you first. My turn!"

"Oh, you don't have to do that!" He said.

"I don't HAVE to? Etienne -- I WANT to. Do you think you're the only one who liked to pleasure your man. I want to taste your skin, smell your body and drink your nectar too, Etienne."

"O man, you know how to make me feel -- wanted!" He said. "Let's go swimming first!"

"Nope! I want you while I'm still hot and bothered!" I kissed him deep before he could answer. I then did pretty much everything he did -- except for the tongue at the anus thing. As I was sucking his dick, I felt something with my tongue - something odd -- under the bottom side of the head. I squeezed his butt cheeks and slowly let his wood slip out of my mouth and I licked the hair and kissed the skin where his thigh meets his balls. A deep intake of air told me he liked it.

Then I looked closely at the underside of his dick. Then I could see it. Someone -- probably the doctor that circumcised him -- completely removed all of his frenulum, under the head of his penis. I was careful not to let him see I noticed. It was replaced by scar tissue.

I then took him in - all the way down to the base. His length was enough to push its way through my throat valve. I relaxed as much as I could to overcome my gag reflex, and pushed my nose deeper into his pubes, burying both my nose and his wood deeper. I swallowed, came close to chucking it out but forced myself to relax again. He moaned loudly.

Then I came up and started to bob, twist and turn on his very hard dick. It was much more curved than mine, and longer than anyone's I had ever held in my mouth. I was surprised how long I kept sucking and bobbing, faster and faster, and he didn't cum yet. I stopped for a moment.

And rested.

"Yeah, when you get s couple years older, you won't cum so fast either!" He giggled.

He may not have cum yet, but all the precum that had mixed with my saliva was thick and slippery. I spit it into my hand and started to run my slippery finger around his hole. It tightened. "Wait." He said. He willed himself to relax and my finger easily slipped in. "Put two in, Bien-aime."

I did as directed, and he said "Deeper. Ohhh yeah -- you found it!"

I knew what he wanted, and I easily found his prostate and started massaging that while I again started to quickly pump up and down on his dick. This time, it was not many moments before he started to breath very quickly and then I felt his warm, slightly bitter liquid, shooting into my mouth. I Swallowed as fast as I could but I think he must have shot twice as much as I did! When he was finished, I kept sucking, as he had done, feeling cum dripping from my chin.

"Now can we swim?" He said.

"Now we can swim!" I said. "But first, I want to make a call."

"Yeah this is me. Dad, we finished kind of late and we still have calls to make -- you know -- phone calls -- so I'm gonna stay here tonight. Yeah. Okay. Love you too, Dad. I will. G'night."

Etienne grinned. I knew I didn't have to ask -- this time.

We put on our swim suits and went to the pool. No one else was there, so we played like a couple of little boys, splashing and dunking each other and of course a few underwater attacks were in order. We kissed each other under water and -- when we were sure no one was watching -- we pulled our suits down and hugged each other. He went down and sucked me under the water, but not to orgasm. I did the same.

When we got out, Etienne stopped by the office to tell the manager something. When he came back, I had just enough time to shed my suit. When he came in, I walked to him, naked, and he said, "Wait -- gotta piss!"

I grabbed him. "I really gotta go bad!" He said, trying to pull free.

I followed him into the bathroom. "Don't do it, Etienne. Wait until we're in the shower."


"Just trust me!" I said

When I ran the water to get it hot, he grabbed and squeezed his rigid dick so he didn't pee on the floor, and did a cute little dance as well. "This better be good!"

When the water heated up I told him to come to me under the shower. He did as I requested, and I pulled him into a very close hug, kissing him deeply. "I really gotta peee bad1" he said.

"What? You haven't done that yet?"

"You KNOW I haven't!" He said, giving me the smiley-frown look.

"Then do it -- now!"

"I don't wanna pee on you!"

"Go ahead -- it'll wash off!" I said. He looked at me as if I were insane. "JUST DO IT!" I commanded -- "and kiss me too!" And I kissed him.

He moaned and I felt his hot pee on my tummy between us. As he let it go more and more and I kissed him deeper and more passionately, he started to moan like he was having an orgasm. When he finished, he just stood with his mouth open and shook his head.

"Yeah," I said, "It's almost like that -- isn't it?"

"Mon Dieu! Where did you learn that?! Never mind! Maybe I don't what to know!"

"Maybe you don't" I agreed.

"Aren`t you gonna - - ?" I nodded and he kissed me deep and I let my own go. It was amazing -- As I knew it would be.

We washed each other and I sucked him off again, on my knees in the shower, while the water cascaded off his back.

"I have a treat for you too." He said.

After the shower we were both refreshed.

We went to the bed, neither of us covering anything -- we sat naked on the bed and he popped in a video -- a porn video. Gay porn! "Whew!" I said, after a few minutes. "Is this my surprise?"

"If you like it." He said.

"It's okay, but I like the real thing best. This dude was being seduced by his teacher in the video, and Both of us were squeezing our dicks. "Wait." I said. I took his hand and put it on mine and grabbed his and started to jack it. Before long we weren't watching the video any longer, but looking into each others' eyes and picking up speed.

I started to take deep sucks of air and he stopped. "Now for the real surprise!" He said. He walked over and took from his wallet a condom.

"You're kidding! Where did you get it?"

"The manager."

"Did you get two?"

"He only had one. We'll have to make do."

Notes: Are you as surprised as I am? I had myself convinced not to like Etienne. But now he's growing on me. (Did anyone figure out what Etienne means in English?) Comments welcome! To Steve at Thanks and - - Love! Steve

Next: Chapter 33

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