Bens Exposure

By Suitman Five

Published on Jun 23, 2005


Ben was a worried about how things were going to go today. The night before he had been at practice with the new team and he had been spotted perving on the other guys. When they saw his boner he had been taken outside and tied to the fence by the ball with electrical cable ties. Harry had put one tie around his balls, not so tight that it stopped the blood flow but tight enough that it prevented a ball from being squeezed out. They took him out and pushed him up against the chain link fence near the back road. Harry looped another tie through the first and poked his gear through the fence with the tie then he reached through Ben's legs and looped the tie to the wire one loop below his balls. When the guys let Ben go he was on his toes, so when he dropped down to flat feet, the wire he was draped over dug into the base of his dick and pulled severely on his scrotum. He soon had a raging boner.

The guys left him there and it was not long later that a car full of girls came and took pictures with a digital camera. They had obviously been tipped off and Ben knew the pictures would soon be emailed around the town. How was he going to face the taunts?

His friend Jake had come back later and cut him off the fence and gave him a ride home. He suspected that when Jake was cutting him free from the fence Jake had fondled his balls more than it was necessary to cut the cable tie but nothing had been said and he wondered.

Anyway when Ben got to college he saw several girls look his way and giggle together. He was sure the photos were all over. Jane went past and said, "You got initiated last night. You certainly got excited. That is a mighty fine boner you had."

Ben went instantly red and looked at the ground, but just then Jake came around the corner. He saw Ben and rushed over. He through an arm around him and calmly started to walk toward the hall like nothing was special.

"Oh I've been busy this morning," whispered Jake, "I have spreading the story that you got hung out to dry in a team initiation. The story seems to have gone down OK and the boys have not said anything about your boner in the showers. Everyone is excited about the story of the team hazing. It's such great gossip and no one seems to remember the real reason why the guys took you out there."

Well it seemed that he had got past the worst part of the embarrassment although he had still to cope with the taunts from friends and even those he did not know. He was pleased that no one seemed to be suggesting he might be gay so he was able to cope with the teasing. By the end of the day he was laughing along with the others and a bit proud of the notoriety.

The following day at practice he expected things to go either one way or the other. Either he would be shunned or he would be accepted. He made sure he got there just in time to change after most of the others had left the change room. Only Charlie and little Johnnie were in there and they were more interested in talking about Charlie's new pickup. It was a dual cab so it could take 5 people in the cabin with all their luggage in the tray.

Ben said "Hello" and they both replied with a laugh. Ben thought the laugh was just a bit too hearty, and they looked at each other like there was something up. But apart from that there was nothing special. They went out to training and Ben hurriedly put his things in his bag and ran out after them.

The coach was calling them all together to map out the plan for the night so Ben quickly joined the group moving in alongside big Christian. He is a big ball of muscle with a killer smile, enough to make Ben go weak at the knees. Ben was so surprised when, as casually as you like, Chris put his arm around Ben's shoulders and gave Ben one of those devastating smiles. Ben knew that Chris often put his arm around a mate at a team meet and he thought it was probably nothing special but his mind screamed at the thought that he must be accepted by the team. He hardly heard what the coach was saying as he stood there feeling the warmth of the body next to him, drinking the manly aroma.

Then they got underway and through the practice Ben noticed that there seemed to be a slightly different attitude to him. The week before he was definitely a new boy and he was often ignored in the plays that he was trying to learn. This week they were much more aware of his presence and when he accomplished some complex manoeuvre he was more likely to get a word of support. Jake even patted him on the buttocks as he ran past at one stage.

"Way to go!" he cried as he gave Ben a quick pat. Ben was feeling more relaxed and he was sure he had passed some sort of test. He put a lot of effort in the practice and was feeling dry so at a break in activity he dropped to go to the water fountain. Tom was there ahead of him and so he waited for the gorgeous hunk to get a drink first. When it was Ben's turn Tom stayed really close and spoke to him quietly so that no one else could hear. As he drank Ben could feel the heat coming from Tom's body and his aroma was making a swelling in Ben's shorts. He stayed bent over so that it would not show.

"That time on the fence got us some great creds with the girls. They loved the pictures and some got right horny so it worked for the boys. Karen said that you have a great dick and that it must be nearly as big as mine. She said she envied me seeing you in the shower. I told her to get knotted but she only laughed. Anyway the guys have decided to accept you into the team but we need to give you a real initiation. The fence episode has given us an idea." With that he gave Ben a saucy leer and ran off to the group.

For the rest of the practice, Ben was intrigued. The lads seemed genuinely friendly but he could now detect that something was cooking and that he was the focus of the interest. He was wondering what Tom meant by the idea that came from the fence episode. Were they going to tie him to the fence again so that his dick pressed down on the wire, pulling on his balls and causing a raging boner? Or did they have some other idea?

After the practice they trooped of into the shower as usual and there was plenty of horseplay. There was towel slapping and ball grabbing and whoops and yells. Several times guys said not to get a boner of you'll be cable tied to the fence. Ben hesitated in the shower for the rest to leave, hoping they would forget Tom's idea but no such luck. When he had dried and came into the main locker room most of the guys were dressed and none had left. Worst of all, his locker door was open and Jake was stuffing Ben's clothes into the bag he had brought his sports gear in.

Harry called, "You rode your bicycle today, didn't you?" Ben had so he nodded, wondering what that meant.

Harry called to Jake, "Leave his trainers out." A hoot went up from the boys. Ben was sure that Jake's pants were tenting so whatever they had in mind was exciting him. Ben took a quick look around the room and he could see that Jake was not alone.

Jake pulled out the shoes and the socks from the bag. "Put them on." Christian said, taking the towel and giving it to Jake. That went into the bag as well.

It was then he noticed that Harry had things in his hand and among them were cable ties. He wondered if the fence was back in the picture as he took the shoes that Luke handed to him. Ben's dick began to twitch. Luke was fairly short and that made his horse dick seem even longer in the shower. Several times Ben had tried to put himself in a position where he could see Luke's snake sway as they mucked around in the shower. He had fairly small balls, unlike Chris whose balls were legendary. Even the girls knew about them but then the bulge they made in his shorts was not easy to miss.

"Come on", said Tom, "Let's go and find the bike." He grabbed one of Ben's arms and Johnnie grabbed the other and they joined a general exodus outside into the dusk. Jake carried Ben's bag in the rear of the group. By this time Ben had quite a swinger between his legs.

Ben had left his bike leaning on the side of the locker room so that it would be easy to get after practice. They took him over to it but stopped beside it. Then Tom spoke to the group.

"Ben seemed to get real excited giving the girls a show on the fence. Just lucky Karen got Anna to bring her camera. She got real horny when she got the pictures and I had a great Saturday night." With that he thrust his pelvis forward several times. A cheer went up from the guys. "Some of you guys got lucky too. Well it got around that it was Ben's initiation. But we decided that no one is going to decide what we do for an initiation. So we are going to give him an initiation tonight! Harry, get the ties. If Ben enjoys having the girls seeing his boner, we'll give him something really to enjoy."

Harry rushed forward with his bundle and pulled out one tie. He gave the rest to Charlie to hold and grabbed Ben's balls and gave them a squeeze. Ben winced and the guys laughed. Ben tried to stop it but his dick was already swollen and lengthened and now it started to rise. This caused hoots and whistles. Ben was embarrassed but at the same time he felt thrilled by showing off. Then Harry looped the tie around Ben's balls like the other time, not tight enough to stop the blood flow but snug enough that no amount of pushing would get even one of his balls free. Ben thought this was going like the fence episode. He felt another stirring in his dick and it rose almost to full stretch. Before he could think of something else to force his dick down, Johnnie call out so everyone would notice. Johnnie was right next to him and holding his arm and the physical contact with Johnnie and Tom on his arms and Harry playing with his balls was too much.

"He's wooded up!" cried Johnnie to the hoots of the team. Ben thought that embarrassment should make his dick go down but the more they concentrated on his predickament, the harder it got.

Harry took a long flexible plastic band and another tie from Charlie, threading a tie through the loop on the end of the band. Then he fixed the tie to one handle bar of Ben's bike.

"What's that thing?" asked Jake indicating the band.

"It's a dropper. We use them to hold a loom of cables down from the floor above in the ceiling space where there are false low ceilings. They come in different lengths. We want Ben to be able to reach the brakes and stuff."

He put a similar band on the other handlebar. While this was happening, Luke had taken a longer cable tie and was threading it under the bike seat, over the support rails. Tom pulled Ben close to the bike. Luke and Jake took hold of the bike and held it firm. Tom said,

"Get on the bike." Wearing just his shoes and socks and a cable tie around his balls under a raging boner, Ben got on the bike with the help of Tom and Johnnie while the two others held it firm. Then Harry took the long tie on the seat and threaded it through the one around Ben's balls and joined it together pulling it to make a loop that was not really restrictive but together with the loop around his balls he was tied to the bike.

Then Harry took another tie, threaded it through the other end of the band that was fixed to the handle bar and then attached the tie around Ben's wrist. He did the same with the other wrist and the other handle bar. He produced a cable cutter and snipped off the loose ends of the ties. Ben was securely fixed to the bike in three places, loosely at the wrists and firmly by the balls, stark naked except for shoes and socks and with a boner that was so tight it hurt.

Tom addressed the group. "We know that Jake cut him off the fence before he had been there too long so tonight we are going to stay with Jake to make sure Ben has the time to get home. Ben you are going to ride your bike home like that. We know your parents are away for the week so you will be able to get inside and cut yourself free without them seeing. We'll drop your bag off before we take Jake for a nice game of pool. This will be a great initiation." Lots of cheers. "We'll make sure that we get to decide what is an initiation to the team and what is not."

Ben was horrified and thrilled at the same time. He was pleased that they seemed to accept him. There seemed to be no bad feelings. Every one was laughing and shouting wild comments. Some were about the size of his dick which he knew was bigger than Toms, despite what he said. It was probably bigger than anyone's except for Luke's. His balls were nice oval orbs with skin pulled smooth over them at the moment. But Ben was worried how he was going to get home in the nude. He lived clear over the other side of town in the poorer part on the other side of the river. He could go through the back streets part of the way but there was no avoiding the bridge. He would have to ride across the bridge and it was likely that there would be cars about even at dinner time.

Harry turned on his bike lights. Then Tom gave him a pat on the buttocks and cried "Off you go! Take that prong out onto the street. It will make a great display for the girls if they happen to see you."

Johnnie pushed him forward so he had to grab the handle bars to avoid falling off. Then he was thrust along and he quickly got his feet on the pedals and he was away. To the cheers and catcalls of the team he pedalled out of the gate and down the road. He was intrigued about the comment Tom made about the girls. Perhaps this time he was not going to tell them what was happening.

Ben pedalled along the road by the sports field and crossed the main road when there was a gap in the traffic. He thought that he got through without being seen. He pedalled down a side road and then between rows of houses, people inside and the lights on. The thrill of possibly getting caught excited him and he kept on through the back streets hoping not to meet cars. When he came around a corner he saw two hunky guys in running shorts jogging towards him. They stopped to look and one whistled. The other called out,

"Did you lose a bet?" Ben replied, "Yes, and I have to ride all the way home."

The whistler called out, "Great boner man. You sure are game." Ben thought they probably could not see the ties and so he pedalled on before they caught on.

He knew that he had to cross Morphett Road as he lived on the other side. The best place was at the bridge. He had to cross the river and the bridge was the only place in miles. But that would mean going along at least that part of Morphett Road. He wound his way along until he reached Riverside Drive near the bridge so that he could approach the main road from the cover of roadside trees. At this time of night most people would be home for dinner and there was a chance he could dash across and then veer off up into the riverside park. He stopped by the last tree, breathing quickly with anticipation and holding on to the trunk, not easy with limited freedom in his hand. Though he did not notice, his dick had gone soft again and was just resting on his balls.

The only cars in sight disappeared over the bridge and hearing no others coming, he launched out onto the approach to the bridge. He pedalled as quickly as he could, sitting down, and he got half way across before he heard a car coming from behind. If he pushed hard he thought he could just make the other side and turn off the road onto the grassy rise and climb up the slope into the park. As he neared the end the car lights were all around him. He swung the wheel onto the grass and instinctively went to stand up to power up the slope.

He felt like his balls were being ripped off, he had forgotten the tie around his balls in the panic to escape. He was jerked back onto the seat and his left hand automatically went to grab his balls. Another error. That caused the dropper to spin the handle bar around and the front wheel went sideways. The bike jack knifed and rolled over. Ben and the bike came down in a tangle on the grass. It was lucky it happened there where the grass cushioned his fall. The car quickly pulled over to the side and an elderly woman got out of the drivers side and a guy about nineteen from the passenger side. They rushed up to him.

"Are you all right?" she asked. "Why are you in the nude?" she added taking in the display of young masculinity.

"Come on", the young man said, "Let's get you up." He took Ben's hand and attempted to lift it but it would not come far because of the tie. There was nothing for it. Ben had to offer some explanation and he decided the truth was best.

"A team initiation prank. They've tied me to the bike by the balls and I can't get up" The lady looked at his balls in the dark and she felt for the ties with her hand to see what she could do.

"Granny!!" shouted the hunk, shocked by his grandmother's action. "Leave his balls alone."

"We have to get him free." she explained feeling around, looking for a connector or some point where the tie could be undone. The stimulation provided by granny fiddling around his balls and the scent of the hunk who was trying to lift him up was too much and he sprung an instant boner.

"You can't undo them. You have to cut them off." he explained. "If you get me up, I can ride home. My parents are away for the week but I'll be OK if I can somehow cut the ties. It's going to be difficult getting into our workshop to get a cutter."

Granny was more interested in what she was holding. "He's a randy devil Ky. He's just like your grandfather used to be at this age; gets a stiffy at the slightest provocation. And a pretty big one it is too." mused granny.

"Geesus Granny! What are you doing?" shouted Ky, amazed at granny's openness. He squatted alongside Ben, wrapped his arms tightly around him and pushed himself up like a weightlifter, lifting Ben and the bike together to an upright position.

"We can't get you in the car strapped to the bike like that and we don't have any cutter with us. Granny was just bringing me home from gymnastics. I could get a cutter from her house. Grandpa used to use things like that and there will be one in the workshop. Where do you live?"

"Right out on the edge of town, on Meadow Avenue," he explained.

"I know that. I've cut the lawns at number 34." said Ky.

"I live almost across the street at number 37, the one on its own, backing on to the farm." Ben explained.

"Yes, I remember. Well, you get going and I'll go get a cutter and meet you there. Granny leave his balls alone."

"I was holding them against the seat while you lifted him so they would not get stretched or squashed as the bike swung." she explained. Perfectly reasonable idea but it did nothing to take the pressure off Ben's boner. Ky's arms around his chest, his face so close he could smell Ky's aroma and granny holding both his balls and the seat; he did not stand a chance.

He noticed that Ky was not looking at his face but at his dick and he thought he could see Ky's track pants tenting. He wondered if Ky would come back but hoped he did. Ky moved around to help Ben get started and as he did, the bulge brushed Ben's thigh and he was sure. That bulge covered a rigid pole in Ky's groin. Ben wanted to stay with Ky but he was being pushed along by Ky's calloused gymnasts hand on his arse. and he had to put his feet on the pedals and start to ride. Just as he was taking off he felt Ky's hand slip and one finger went deep into his crack.

Was it his imagination or did Ky mean to push the tip of his finger against Ben's hole? It was just a fleeting thrust then it was over and Ben was climbing up the grass bank and into the riverside park. It had got Ben excited and as he settled himself down to ride home his dick was rigid and impatient for attention. He found that he could slide back a little and his balls would be gently tugged. Then sliding forward and leaning a little he could put a stimulating pressure on the base of his dick. Working back and forth he was increasing the pressure in his dick. It was getting so urgent that he had trouble continuing to work the pedals and work his dick at the same time. He was panting quickly as the tension was building. His balls churned with excitement and he lifted himself from the seat tugging on his scrotum. Then he pushed forward and down, putting all his weight on his dick. The muscles in his dick clamped tight and he began to spasm. First one white spurt of fluid shot up and snaked down to the ground. Then another followed the first. All the time Ben worked the base of his dick on the seat. And then the third spurt and four, and about six in all. Ben went all weak and wobbly. If he was not riding along a wide path in the park he would have probably crashed. Fortunately not much cum ran don his dick as it was swaying in the wind. He could not reach it with his hand to wipe himself so the little that there was would just have to dry there. The weather was warm and dry so in a few minutes there was nothing to see.

He rode out of the park on the other side and entered the residential streets. A couple of cars passed him. He just kept his head down and tried to pretend everything was normal. As a pickup rolled past him going the other way, a guy about twenty looked out of the window and shouted,

"Faggot! Get some clothes on!"

Ben wished he could. He did not want to have to cope with louts with his hands tied, literally. To his horror he heard the pickup do a U-turn behind him and it came back. He was glad his dick had shrunk down. It was lying over his balls which were tied together underneath making a big enough mound as it was. What was he going to do if they stopped? His mind went into overdrive thinking of bashing and rape. As the vehicle came alongside the passenger leaned out with a sports drink bottle with a plastic tube through the stopper. He roared with laughter as he gave Ben a long squirt aiming first at Ben's face and then at his dick. The driver revved the engine and away they rushed. He had trouble seeing for second, till he blinked the water from his eyes. What a relief! They seemed content to squirt him and leave.

A few more cars passed him one with girls in. They took a picture of him but he did not know them so he hoped that picture would not get around his friends. That made his dick thicken so he tried to concentrate on riding to make it go down again. He was getting less uptight about being seen stark naked as long as he could keep a floppy dick. Soon he was coming along his own street.

He hoped to see Ky in his grandmother's car but there was no-one around. Perhaps Ky would not come like he said. He turned into the drive and rode around the back. He remembered that the cutters were in the workshop and he realised he had a problem. The land sloped down away from the road and there was a small staircase up to the back door. He had to take the bike with him up the stairs while still tied to the seat. It took some doing and he nearly fell sideways a couple of times. The tie around the seat was cutting into his sack now and beginning to hurt. He managed to slip a bit and crush them at one stage. The pain was mixed with the exertion of getting up the stairs.

When he got to the top he realised he was stuck. With the front wheel between him and the door and no room to turn the bike around, there was no way he could reach the door. It was hard enough getting up the slope pushing forward, supporting the bike and not getting his balls stretched or ripped off. He was afraid that he would overbalance going backwards and crash in a heap down the stairs.

While he was standing there wondering what to do he heard a car come into the drive. He hoped it was Ky. Soon he heard a voice call out and he recognised Ky's voice so he called Ky around the back. When he rounded the corner of the garage, Ky said,

"What are you doing up there?"

"Trying to get into the garage where our workshop and tools are. I can't get to the door or open it with the front wheel in the way. And I can't get back down. I think I'd fall"

"Let me get up there with you. I'll help you down and then get a cutter. We could not find Grandpa's." With that he came up the stairs alongside Ben and held onto his arm to steady him. He put his other hand on Ben's buttocks to support him down. They managed to get almost down when Ben's foot slipped on the step and he fell back, pulling the bike with him. Ky pushed on Ben's arse to stop him going further down and again the middle finger pushed into his crack, quite roughly this time, the tip jagging on his opening. Ky realised where his finger was but did not move it as he was supporting Ben's weight. His arse crack was moist from perspiration from riding and his finger slipped a bit, just sliding into the hole.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean it said Ky. It's just that I'm holding up your weight." He said with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it. You're saving me from collapsing in a heap and perhaps injuring my balls. I do not want them ripped off. Any way, well's quite nice."

Ky looked straight at Ben eyes. His head was already pretty close and Ben could feel Ky's breath on his face. They stared at each other for a while. Then KY moved his mouth to Ben's and they began to kiss passionately. Ky pushed his finger in deeper while still supporting Ben's weight.

And the rest is history.

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