Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Apr 14, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 9 - Tuesday Swim Meet

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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So now we have Ben as a full time naturist on campus for a week, no getting out of it. Ben and his tutorial mates are in a shared house on campus. Ben has arrived at the swim team practice with just a towel over his shoulder. Coach is totally cool with it and we left the last chapter with the question, Are the rest of the swim team going to be made to strip down naked for practice or is Ben the only one naked?

Thank you for your replies, readers. Now read on to find out what happened...

Andy, the team captain, coughs, Erm, it's kinda weird though, isn't it, coach? Ben naked and the rest of us in our speedos?

Coach shrugs his shoulders, Well, I guess it's that way round or you all strip off since Ben isn't allowed to be anything other than nude. What's it going to be lads?

The team look round at each other, obviously embarrassed, glad of the skimpy speedo covering their junk, unlike Ben, stood there with it all on show. Ben shrugs his shoulders at his team mates, wondering what is going to happen. Coach just lets the question hang there in the air. The team look towards Andy, their captain, for leadership.

Andy looks round, Well, I guess it's an individual decision guys. For me, I've always wanted to skinny dip in this pool.

Andy doesn't wait for a response from anyone and pulls his wet speedos down and off. His smooth torso offset by a trimmed bush above his 4 inch soft uncut cock and smooth balls.

Coach reaches out, I'lll take those off you, since you won't be needing them now. Anyone else going to join Ben and your captain for a skinny dip training session?

The rest of the team shuffle around, not looking up. After a couple of very long silent minutes, Mark pulls his speedos off and hands them to coach, revealing a shaved cut cock and balls.

Coach takes Mark's speedos, Good decision Mark. Anyone else? C'mon guys! No? Well, OK, let's get the training session started, we've wasted enough time already. Andy, Mark and Ben, show them how it's done, diving in, four lengths, crawl, back, butterfly and finish with a crawl.

The three naked swimmers take positions for the race. Coach blows his whistle and they dive in. Coach and the five other members of the swim team watch Andy, Mark and Ben. What was never so obvious to them when they watched their team mates swim before was how out of the water they are a lot of the time. Seeing the naked ass cheeks out of the water as they raced down the lane was quite a shock and the team members laugh. When they turn and do back crawl their junk is on show to everyone. Then more ass on show as the butterfly and then the final front crawl. It's a close result. Andy first, Ben second, Mark third. They climb out of the pool, water streaming down their naked bodies, all three slightly chubbed. They are made to stand on the side of the pool, totally exposed, while the rest of the team do the same race they had done.

Coach then makes the team do diving practice, crawl the lane then get out, and do it in relays. It seems that coach is determined that they are out of the water more than they were in it for the training session. By the end of the hour long training session, they are all tired, exactly as coach intended.

Coach blows his whistle, OK lads, training over. Hit the showers. See you on Friday afternoon for your gym training session.

Andy and Mark walk up to coach to ask for their speedos back.

Coach looks at them surprised, Erm, no, Andy, Mark, you don't understand or didn't read the email from Tom Roberts, Ben's lecturer, did you? You see, anyone who is happy to get naked with Ben during this week has to stay naked for the rest of the week too.

Andy and Mark look agog at coach, WTF!

Coach laughs, Well, look at it this way, you got a quiet introduction to your naked week with the swim meet and you get to stay in the shared house for the rest of the week. Can't all be bad, eh? I'll let Tom know so he can email the staff and students of this development.

The rest of the swim team stand around, one saying, Fuck, so glad I didn't pull my speedos off. Nice work! Way to go Andy, Mark and Ben. Don't show the team up, eh!

Andy and Mark are speechless. They don't know how to react and look over at Ben.

Ben is as shocked as they are, Hey guys, I had no idea. Honest. I would have said. I didn't mean to get you into this. But the house is cool! And there's beer and pizza on tap.

Coach follows the team into the locker room and takes Andy's and Mark's clothes, You can get these back next Tuesday, same time as Ben gets his shorts back.

Coach leaves them as they dry off. Ben leads a shy Andy and Mark back towards the shared house. It's dark and cooler now so they are quite cold by the time they get back. When they enter the lounge the rest of Ben's tutorial group are sat around, drinking beers.

Simon shouts over, What took you? Hi Andy and Mark, isn't it?

Andy looks at Simon curiously, Yeah I'm Andy, but we've never met. How do you know my name?

There's a snigger from the group, Simon points to the massive screen on the wall, Well, we've just been watching the swim practice. Saw it all. We were just sitting here after Ben had gone, then the screen turned itself on, showing the pool just as you guys came out of the locker room.

Mark looks over at the blank screen, WTF? You saw everything?

Simon nods, laughing, Yeah. Saw. And heard. Fucking amazing bit of reality TV, hehe.

Mark, turning round to look at the screen, You saw and heard everything on there? Fuck. That's shit crazy, man.

Simon nods, Yep, and it's on the vlog too. You already got hundreds of likes. Reckon you and Andy are going to be as famous as Ben by the morning.

Before Andy or Mark can think of a reply, the TV springs into life, Andy and Mark please go into the Red Door Room now.

Callum points, It's down the end of the hall, but it's locked. Fuck, this IS getting more and more like Big Brother House.

Ben watches as his two swim team mates go into the Red Room and the door shuts behind them, Guys, really? Is this a windup? Cos it's fucking brilliant if it is!

Callum laughs, No Ben, no wind up. All true. There was a view count into the hundreds and there was even a vote going on as to which of the three of you had the best ass. `Fraid to say it wasn't you though!

Ben can't help but laugh, WTF, who then? Has to be Andy. Right?

Callum grins, Spot on, mate. Guess you were comparing him and Mark, eh? Andy's ass was lifted right out of the water. What a sight! What a laugh! But enough of that, go bring us some beers, watching you guys exercise was thirsty work.

Ben brings the beers and sits down, enjoying the cold lager as his housemates talk more about the reactions from having the swim team meet streamed into the house.

Meanwhile, in the Red Room, Andy and Mark look at the small sofa in the room, facing a blank screen. They look at each other, wondering WTF they had let themselves in for. Suddenly the screen springs into to life, the disembodied voice telling Andy and Mark to sit on the sofa. They do so, uncomfortable in the sofa, too small, so that their thighs and shoulders touch.

The voice continues, Well Andy and Mark, seems you have decided to join the shared house. Congratulations. Good decision. Do you have any questions at this stage?

Andy leans forward, Excuse me but we didn't choose. We had no choice. Coach told us so. We're here only because we had no choice!

The voice interrupts Mark, who is just about to speak, That's not exactly true is it? Yes, Coach told you. But you could have told him "No". You could have insisted on getting your clothes back. If you had rejected the idea strongly then Coach would have given you your clothes back. You see, somewhere in your sub conscience you wanted this. You both wanted this. You both wanted to be naked alongside Ben. So, here you are. Naked. For the whole week.

Mark stammers, So if we had said no back at the pool we wouldn't be here now? Is that what you are saying? But now we're stuck naked for the week? Fuck!

The screen replies, Yes, Mark, exactly. Somewhere in your mind you wanted this. You wanted to be naked like Ben at the poolside. And now you are. For the whole week.

Neither Andy nor Mark realise that at this point if they were to say "No" to the screen, like they could have said "No" to Coach at the poolside then it would all be over for them. Their clothes had already been transported and were in a cupboard in the Red Room. They could have go back to their digs fully clothed. But they don't realise this. They are caught up in what the disembodied voice is telling them and believing it to be the absolute truth. The conversation in the Red Room is broadcast live on the big screen in the shared house lounge and onto the vlog. Andy and Mark don't realise it, but the vlog viewers are deciding their fate. They are voting on Andy and Mark's future for the week. The longer they don't assert their "No" the less likely it will be honoured.

The screen presses on, Well if there are no further questions from you to me, then all there is to say is now that you have joined the shared house, you will be sleeping in the Blue Room with Ben. I'm sure the rest of the household will answer any further questions you might have. Goodnight. Sleep well. And we will have another chat tomorrow after you return from your lectures.

Without waiting for a reply from the dumbstruck Andy and Mark, the screen switches itself off and the door to the room opens. Andy and Mark, both a bit stunned, return to the lounge. They are now in it for the duration.

A couple of beers later and the housemates soon start heading off to bed. Andy, Ben and Mark head off to the Blue Room. When they open the door they are shocked to see there is only one bed. Admittedly it's a super king size bed, but it's still one bed for the three of them. They look round the rest of the room, a couple of sofas and a wet room at the far end. They could see that it was a wet room because it was enclosed in clear glass. Mark heads off to investigate and shoutesout, At least we get a bit of privacy on the loo!

They are soon in bed. Ben in the middle sandwiched in between Andy and Mark. There's an awkwardness, an unfamiliarity for Andy and Mark, being in bed with another guy. A naked guy at that. No, make that two naked guys!

Ben wakes to feel Andy snuggling up to him, spooning him. Ben thinks that Andy must be asleep, that he wouldn't be doing this if he was awake. But Ben doesn't move, he's enjoying feeling the heat of Andy's body against his back, and feeling Andy's soft cock in his crack. Except it isn't soft for long. Within a couple of minutes, Ben is sure that Andy is chubbing up in his sleep, Andy's cock pushing past his cheeks into his crack, and then pressing against the back of his balls. Ben was by now wide awake and enjoying feeling Andy's hard cock between his legs.

Is Andy still asleep, Ben wonders, and how would Andy react if he woke up to find himself hard between Ben's ass cheeks? Ben opens his eyes to see Mark lying sound asleep facing him. Ben's own cock has grown fully hard and pulsing and he thinks to himself he could always apologise profusely to Andy if and when he woke up. Ben argues to himself, it's not as if it was his own cock throbbing between Andy's ass, now was it?

Ben feels the hard throbbing of Andy's cock and squeezes his ass around it. Damn, Ben thinks to himself, I'm never going to get any sleep with Andy's dick there. I gotta do something about this.

Ben grins to himself, and slowly starts to move backwards and forwards on Andy's dick, so that Ben is fucking his ass with Andy's hardness. Ben is listening out for Andy stirring, waking, but all he hears is a soft sigh from Andy, as if he were dreaming.

Encouraged, emboldened, Ben starts to move more vigorously. He is sure now that Andy's cock is leaking precum because he certainly feels more lubed up, down there. Ben wants Andy's cock inside him but feels that if Andy woke up he might totally freak out. Better to just get his taint rubbed by Andy's cock, thinks Ben. For tonight, anyway. Ben was sure that Andy was straight, although he had never heard Andy talk of a girlfriend. Ben can now feel a lot more precum between his legs. Ben is sure that Andy is still asleep and that his moans were all about a hot dream he was having.

Ben opens his eyes to see that Mark is staring at him. Mark whispers in disbelief, Is... is Andy fucking you?

Ben freezes, not knowing what to say, just staring at Mark while Andy's cock pulsed between his ass cheeks.

With no answer coming from Ben, Mark takes Ben's right hand, and wraps it round his hard cock, Want to help me out, too?

Ben feels Mark's hard heat in his hand. His answer is in a curt nod and a slow stroke. Ben can't believe his luck. He is wanking Mark off and has Andy hard and leaking between his ass cheeks. Life couldn't get much better than this, could it?

Ben looked into Mark's eyes. Mark looks into Ben's as Ben strokes Mark and Ben shifts back and forth against Andy's rock hard wet pole. Mark starts to moan gently as Ben skilfully strokes him. Andy, asleep, having a great dream, moaning as Ben rides Andy's hard pole.

Mark bites his lip and shoots his load, Ah fuck, I'm coming.

Ben continues to pump Mark's cock dry, Mark's cum all over Ben's hand and abs. Within a minute, Ben felt Andy's cock pulse and shoot his load, covering the back of Ben's balls, and taint with his load. The Blue Room smells of jizz. Mark grins at Ben, who grinsback. No words are spoken between them.

A few seconds later, Andy whispers to Ben, Thanks bro, that was just what I needed.

Ben is too shocked to answer. Andy had been awake for how long exactly? Ben grins and thinks to himself, Fuck, we are going to have one awesome time in the Blue Room this week.

Andy's and Mark's cum dry overnight on Ben and he has to shower it all off before grabbing a breakfast and coffee. Andy, Ben and Mark don't discuss their nighttime emissions as they head off from the shared house to the lecture halls.

The question now is what is Wednesday going to bring for Andy, Ben and Mark? And what will the life drawing event like? Let me know where your fantasy drifts off to so I can write the next chapter.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Next: Chapter 10

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