Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Apr 5, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 8 - Tuesday lectures & swimming practice

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

And you wouldn't be reading this without the people and resources that provide. If you can spare a bit of money to support it, the price of your morning latte even, visit

On Monday, Ben was naked in the lecture hall, the student union bar and the tutorial. He also gave his class mate Rob a blow job in the library toilets. Ben has also become quite a success on facebook and instagram. How will Tuesday unfold with a promise of him being naked in the lecture and a swim practice in the evening?

As they head off to bed, Derren calls out to Ben that he definitely isn't allowed to wank off tonight. He needs to be fresh for the naked lecture the following morning.

Ben lies awake a lot during the night, thinking about these developments over the past few days. It had all started with the forest hike on Friday, and it was now only Monday night, yet his life had been turned around in such a short time. Ben stares at his bedroom ceiling for hours before finally drifting off to sleep.

The walk into university on the Tuesday morning in his cut and ripped shorts is uneventful. Ben thinks to himself that he must be getting used to being barefoot, he is finding it less painful walking on the pavement. As he walks into the campus with Liam and Derren, more students are looking over at him, as if in recognition. They've seen his photos and videos on facebook and instagram so are not surprised. Some shout over and say Hi to Ben. Ben grins and shouts Hi back. Ben is becoming a minor celebrity, or curiosity on the campus. Ian and Harry sit next to Ben in the lecture hall, Big day for you, eh, Ben? Social experimenter, you. You excited?

Ben nods his head, Excited, but nervous too. Bricking it really.

Ian laughs, Good job, man. Means you are so looking forward to being naked in front of the whole class. All forty of us, hehe.

Before Ben could respond, Tom Roberts, the lecturer, walked in and brings the class to order.

OK, we have a change of plan for the lecture today. In one of the tutorials yesterday, we explored social norms and expectations, what is socially acceptable and not, how different people react to certain circumstances. So, I want to expand that out today in the lecture, and we are going to start with exploring how socially acceptable nudity is.

There is an embarrassed laugh or more through the lecture hall. Tom calls Ben down to the front of the lecture. The whole class knew Ben was in shorts so the big surprise comes when Tom asks Ben to remove his shorts in front of the class. There are a few gasps and titters as Ben does just that, pulling his shorts down, stepping out of them and placing the shorts on a table to his side.

Ben's heart is racing as Tom continues, So, here we have Ben, a confirmed naturist, standing in front of you all in his birthday suit. Is this socially acceptable to you? If so, why? If not, why not? Let's explore this. Questions. Comments. Responses. Anyone?

From someone near the back of the lecture hall, Didn't realise how cold it was, Sir, until I saw Ben there.

That raises a few laughs. Everyone was now checking out Ben, the size of his cock and balls. It is a bit cold, Ben's uncut cock resting on his tight balls with the snout pointing straight at the class.

Tom looks over at Ben then to the class, OK, so from that comment it's socially acceptable for Ben to be naked here and for you to make comments about the size of, how do you say it, his junk?

There is more laughter but no direct answer to that comment. Linda, on the front row, puts her hand up to speak, If he hadn't shaved we might have missed it completely!

This brings the whole room into laughter. Some of the students were now getting out phones and taking photos.

Tom tries to shush the class, What? So it's socially acceptable to humiliate Ben like this? It's socially acceptable to take photos of Ben without asking his permission? And who are you going to send those to?

Callum replied, I don't have a problem with Ben being naked, Sir. If he is naked in private then he can expect his privacy to be respected but if he is naked in public, what can he expect? It's fair game isn't it? He's asking for it.

There were a few grunts and nods in the class to Callum's comments.

Tom picks up the point, So it's ok to you all for Ben to be naked?

There is silence as Tom scans the room, all nods, no dissent at the proposal.

Tom clears his throat, this was going better than he expected, So Ben is naked right now. What if he weren't to put his shorts on at the end of this lecture? What if we agreed to him continuing to be naked, say for the rest of the day, or the week? How would that sit with you? Is that socially acceptable to you?

Ben just stands there, his jaw open, unable to speak, his fate seemingly in the hands of his classmates.

Ian put his hand up, Well if Ben was ok with being naked in the union bar yesterday and then in the tutorial, and now in front of the whole class, then I guess he is totally up for it, Sir. The longer the better, eh?

There is a general shout of yeah from the class, and Tom hushes them, Well, my question wasn't about how Ben feels about this but about how you feel about it. It seems that you would be in favour of Ben being naked for longer. That it would be socially acceptable to you. Am I right?

There are many nods and shouts of Yes, totally, Sir.

Tom looks round the class then to Ben, Good, good. Well, I think we are in agreement, Ben. We're all happy, all find it socially acceptable for you to continue your studies as a naturist, unimpeded by clothes. Shall we say, for the rest of this week?

Ben is dumbstruck. He just stands there and watches as his class decide his fate. And he realises that he is enjoying it. For them to decide. To take the decision away from him. He watches as his classmates say, For sure, a week, why not more?

Tom Roberts, the lecturer, laughs, No, no, no, let's keep it at a week. For now. It's awesome that you agreed this so very quickly. I can formalise arrangements later this morning. Just a couple of admin points. We have done this social experiment in a previous year. We found that it worked best if Ben, in this case, together with his tutorial group, stayed on campus for the duration. We have a house that we can set aside for this, rent free, and I took the liberty to book this for the remainder of the week before the class. I'll email the tutorial group immediately after this lecture. And, Ben, we just need you to sign this statement, so that everything is above board.

Tom hands Ben a twelve page legal document, masses of small print, Just sign there, there and there, Ben, then it's all agreed that no one is forcing anyone to do anything.

Ben scribbles away, not reading any of the small print, making the massive mistake of trusting his lecturer, and hands it back to Tom, who takes the original and hands Ben back a copy.

OK, class, one final thing. I will email you all the app for this experiment. This is for you to record your reactions during the week, and also give you the links to the vlog and blog. I will be sending an email out to all tutors and students describing the purpose of this experiment, too. Any questions?

Simon raises his hand, So, Ben is now naked until when, Friday afternoon lecture or Monday morning? And this is just on campus, right? If he needs to go off campus he is allowed to put some clothes on?

Tom replies, Good questions, Simon. The answers are all in the document Ben has just signed. It's for a full week, so Ben is now naked until this lecture next Tuesday morning. If Ben needs to go off campus, and still be in town then he still needs to be naked, but needs to be accompanied by at least two of his tutorial/house mates. If Ben needs to go out of town, say, to go home on compassionate grounds, he needs express permission from me. Does that answer your question?

Simon nods, then asks, So if Ben goes off campus naked, two of us has to accompany him? We're not naked though, right?

Tom laughs, not unless you want to be Simon, but, actually, the document Ben has signed states two clothed tutorial/house mates. OK, that's the end of the class, now. And Ben, you can pick up these shorts in exactly a week's time, ok?

Before Ben could open his mouth to say a word, Tom stuffs Ben's shorts into his bag and leaves the lecture hall. There is no going back now.

Tom is as good as his word and sends out an email to all the students, so Ben is soon greeted with jibes and laughter from his fellow students and requests for selfies with him. Ben groans and realises that the internet would now contain photos of his junk forever and a day. Ben soon gets accustomed to the celebrity status that unfolds and is welcomed in the union bar at lunch time with a huge cheer, slaps on his back and his ass from students that he had never seen before or spoken to.

Mid afternoon an email from Tom comes in, describing where the shared house that would be the home for him and his five tutorial mates for the next week. After his last lecture, Ben makes his way over to the house to find the five of them, Ian, Harry, Simon, Rob and Callum already there, slouching out over the sofas in the living room.

Simon looks up as Ben entered the room, Well, here he is, finally. Nice pad you've got us for the week, Ben, sweet. Much better than my digs. We've already sorted rooms. You're sharing with Rob. That's cool, yeah?

Ben looks over at Rob briefly to check, they hadn't really had a minute to talk about Ben giving his friend a blowjob in the library toilets the day before, Yeah, fine with me. I'll crash anywhere.

Ian asks, Hey Ben have you read that document you signed? Do you know what's in it? Anything unexpected?

Ben rummages through his bag, No, not had a chance, here's my copy though, if you want to look. I've just been a bit in shock about it all to be honest.

Ian takes the document and starts to read it and is engrossed in it for a few minutes, Fuck, have you seen this? It says there are cameras dotted around the house and that clips will be shared on the vlog from time to time so that our classmates can see what's happening here and respond to it!

Calum shouts, What the fuck? Does it say where the cameras are? Like, they won't have cameras in the bathroom or bedrooms, will they? Jeez, it's like Big Brother!

Ian scans the document, It doesn't say. I guess we need to check this out with Tom! And in the meantime let's not do anything we wouldn't want the whole of the university staff and students to see.

Simon just sits there, Erm, guys, I don't feel comfortable with this. Any chance we can get out of this? I don't want everyone to see me in the shower! What does the document Ben signed say?

Rob laughs, Why, is your's smaller than Ben's, Simon?

Simon goes beetroot red and stammers, No, no, it's just...

Rob laughs, Well I guess you can shower at the gym locker rooms. There won't be cameras there, that's for sure.

Ian adds, grinning, Erm, no, there's no way out. It seems Ben has signed us all up to be here for the whole week. We gotta make the best of it. I'm hungry. Is there anything in the fridge, Ben?

It's as if Ben is back in digs with Liam and Derren, and Ben jumps up and goes across to the fridge, opens it, and shouts back, Wow, the fridge is packed with food. And beer. This is getting more like Big Brother all the time! There isn't a fucking Diary Room in here, is there?

Callum interjects, Well there are a couple of locked rooms. Perhaps it's in one of those.

The group looks round at each other, stunned. Then around the room and ceiling, looking for cameras. They are all now thinking what the fuck have they let themselves in for. Then they realise they are hungry, order Ben to sling some pizzas in the oven and hand out the beers, and soon forget about the possibility that they are being watched.

After the pizza, Ben just has enough time to put the plates in the dishwasher and switch it on before he picks up his towel and heads out across campus for the male swim team practice in the university pool. He realises that speedos aren't necessary, or even allowed, with the nudity agreement that he had signed in the lecture that morning.

It feels strange as he stands around as his team mates strip off in the locker room and put their speedos on. Then all of them showering and going poolside where coach is waiting for them.

Coach takes one look at Ben, So, Ben, you're the famous naturist, yeah? Don't worry. It's ok, I've seen the email from your lecturer, and the reason for the social experiment. Totally happy for you to be naked during practice. It's a good job though that we don't have a meet this weekend or that might have been kind of embarrassing for you, eh?

Coach looks round at the rest of the team, all in their wet speedos, I trust none of you have a problem with Ben being naked eh? I mean, you've all seen each other in the showers, right?

Andy, the team captain, coughs, Erm, it's kinda weird though, isn't it, coach? Ben naked and the rest of us in our speedos?

Coach shrugs his shoulders, Well, I guess it's that way round or you all strip off since Ben isn't allowed to be anything other than nude. What's it going to be lads?

That's a fucking brilliant question, right? What's it going to be? Are the rest of the swim team going to be made to strip down naked for practice or is Ben the only one naked? Let me know which scenario you like the sound of best so I can write the next chapter.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Next: Chapter 9

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