Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Mar 24, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 7 - Monday lectures

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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Ben has been to the rugby match, was roasted twice after the match and then had his ass spanked bright red by Jim Henderson, the next door neighbour who is old enough to be Ben's grandfather. Liam has gone to bed, leaving a horned Derren and a red-arsed Ben in the kitchen.

Derren looks over at Ben's red ass, Isn't that sore?

Ben touches it gently, Erm, yeah, kinda. Feels hot too.

Derren laughs, So you won't be wanting to be put over my knee then?

Ben blushes, Didn't say that.

Derren pats his knee, C'mon then Boi.

Ben puts himself over Derren's knee, his cock rubbing against Derren's trakkies. Derren feels the heat off Ben's red ass, Damn, that must be sore, Ben. You want me to put some cream on it or something?

Yeah, I got some in my room.

Derren taps Ben's ass gently, K go get that cream and bring it back, Boi.

In the time Ben is getting the cream, Derren has strips off, his cock totally boned in anticipation, OK, Ben, bend over the table and I can apply the cream.

Ben assumes the position and Derren pushes his cock into the jar, covering it with cream, then brushes his hard cock slowly over Ben's ass cheeks, smothering them. Derren is soon pushing his cock down Ben's ass crack, opening him up and then slowly fucking him once again. With the cream acting as lube, it's one dream of a fuck for both Ben and Derren. Derren slamming into Ben and moving the kitchen table along the floor as he slams home. It isn't long before Derren unloads into Ben, pulls out, slaps his cock on Ben's ass cheeks, then says he is off to bed too. Ben is left in the kitchen rubbing the rest of the cream into his ass cheeks to cool them down before going to bed.

The next morning, Ben is last down into the kitchen and finds a pair of shorts on his chair. Ben looks over at Derren and Liam, What? You're joking right? Is this all I'm wearing to uni today?

Derren grins, Well you only wore shorts to the rugby match yesterday and the forecast is for it to be warmer today. Can't see the problem. Can you, Liam?

Liam looks over his coffee, Nope, no problem at all, eh Ben? And, it's forecast to be this warm and sunny all week.

Ben starts to protest but can feel that neither Derren nor Liam are going to budge and that he should just accept it without further protest, Fuck, OK then.

Derren high fives Liam, Sweet. OK let's make tracks.

Ben is manhandled out of the house barely having time to pull on the navy shorts. Ben is barefoot, bare chested, carrying his books and laptop in a messenger bag over his shoulder. The short walk to the campus goes by without incident, but when they approach the lecture halls, and there are more students around, there are a lot of calls and shouts from people they know.

Derren pats Ben on the shoulder, OK, see you in the union bar for coffee after the first lecture. They are all doing different subjects and go their separate ways into different lecture rooms. Ben feels conspicuous when he enters the room and sits down near the back, and is soon joined by Ian and Harry on either side of him.

Ian looks over at Ben, Hey, Ben, WTF, man? What's with just the shorts? I know it's warm, but no tee and barefoot too?

Ben shrugs his shoulders, Just, em, kinda dare, forfeit, you know.

What? Like Derren or Liam put you up to it? And you accepted?

Ben nods, Yeah, a bit like that.

Harry joins in, winking across Ben at Ian, So, what? Can anyone put you up to this stuff? Is that how it works?

Meanwhile, Tom Roberts, their social studies lecturer arrives, and starts the lecture. Tom is droning on, bringing up slides and talking about them.

Ian adds, Hmmm, so we can put you up to stuff too? Eh, Ben?

Ben faces front, not sure how to respond, and shrugs his shoulders, Erm, hadn't really thought about it.

Harry looks across Ben at Ian, So that's not a no. OK, Ben. I guess we need to try this out. See what happens. What if I were to invite you to pull your shorts down to mid thigh? What would you say to that?

Ben starts to blush, I err..

Ian whispers into Ben's ear, You so want to do it Ben, don't you? Go on, do it, I dare you. Go on, pull your shorts down to mid thigh.

Ben doesn't reply in words, stares straight ahead and does exactly what Ian tells him to do. There is a gasp as Ian looks down and sees that Ben is commando and shaved smooth under his shorts.

Harry sniggers and leans into Ben, OK, Ben. Now, I want you to drop your shorts down to your ankles. There's no difference from where they are now, from what we can see.

Ben's heart is racing. He can't believe he is doing this in the middle of a lecture, but he is so turned on by it. He drops his shorts down round his ankles.

Harry whispers, OK Ben, now just kick those shorts off over towards me. That way you can say you were completely bare assed naked in lectures. That give you a buzz Ben?

Ben simply nods and does what Harry says. For the rest of the lecture, Ben tries to concentrate on what is being taught, but totally absorbed by the thrill of being completely naked in lectures. Ian and Harry either side also can't believe that they have a friend bollock naked sat between them. The lecture comes to an end without further incident.

Ian grabs Ben's attention, asking him what it was like to be totally naked in the lecture. As Ben answers, he is unaware that Harry leaves, taking Ben's shorts with him. Ian keeps Ben distracted and says it was awesome for him too to witness it all and then says to Ben, Oh, and if you want your shorts back then they'll be in the union bar.

Ben looks round to see that Harry has gone, with his shorts, turns round and sees Ian leaving the lecture hall. Ben screams to himself, WTF guys, grabs his bag, covering himself with it and leaves just as students are entering for the next lecture. There are screams and whoops of laughter as they see Ben's naked, still red, ass disappear out of the lecture room.

Ben is glad it's only a short distance across the courtyard and into the union bar. When he enters the bar, there is a banging of fists on tables and shouting, so that everyone is looking at him, as he makes his way to his group of friends, Ian and Harry laughing, Derren and Liam already there. Ben's ordeal isn't over yet, as Derren tells Ben that to earn his shorts back, he must go to the bar and make the coffee order. And to leave his bag behind.

Ben approaches the bar completely naked. Nathan, the blonde barman in his late twenties, has already clocked what's going on, has seen it many times before both as a student and as a barman here, is enjoying seeing Ben bare assed naked at his counter. Nathan ignores Ben and serves other students ahead of him, extending the agony and exposure for Ben. Nathan leaves Ben there for more than ten minutes before eventually serving him, taking the order slowly and asking for payment. Ben had totally forgot about money. Nathan waits and watches as Ben goes back to his group to get the money then come back to make payment.

Nathan makes the coffees and puts them on a tray, all the time speaking to Ben, I see your friends are enjoying the spectacle. Truth is, everyone here is, even you. Am I right? Of course I am. I wonder, I think you would be a real asset to the bar during charities week. Do you think you could work a couple of shifts with me?

Before Ben knew what he was happening, he had agreed it, and Nathan asked for Ben's mobile number, which Ben gave, Awesome, I'll look forward to working with you behind the bar in a couple of weeks time. No need to dress up!

Ben walks across the union bar carrying a full tray of coffees so had no hands free to cover himself. Ben has to go back to the bar for sugar then more milk, and is made to stay naked until he returns all the empty mugs back to the bar. When Ben finally pulls his shorts on he notices that there are a few rips and holes, in all the wrong - or right - places that hadn't been there before.

As Nathan shouts a goodbye to Ben, Ben mutters to himself, Fucking Bastards!

Ben leaves the union bar and finds Ian and Harry waiting for him, Fuck, I'm dressed like this for a double tutorial with Prof Roberts.

Ian and Harry jostle Ben along and they soon enter the tutorial room. Simon, Rob, and Callum, fellow students are sat round in a circle, and stare as Ben sits down dressed only in his ripped shorts.

Tom Roberts, the tutor, taps his watch, Finally we can start. Double tutorial on social norms, expectations and behaviours. I guess we can start with you Ben. Your, erm, dress code doesn't fit in with the social norm in this room.

All eyes are on Ben as he struggles to find words to explain how he is dressed, I, erm, I....

Ian butts in, I think what Ben is trying to say Sir, is that he is a naturist but that he knows that full on nudity on campus isn't socially acceptable, so he is wearing the minimum he can get away with without compromising his principles.

All eyes are on Ben now, as the tutor asks, Is that right Ben? You'd prefer to be nude in this tutorial but thought it wouldn't be acceptable?

Confused, Ben stutters, Erm, Yes, no, I don't know, Sir.

The tutor smiles, Well let's take your first answer as the one with your power behind it. Yes. Yes, you want to be nude in this tutorial.

There are sniggers as the tutor asks the group, Is there anyone here who objects to Ben being nude?

Ben sits open mouthed as each of them shake their heads in a no objection sort of way.

The tutor looks directly at Ben, Well, that was easy enough. Pop your shorts off Ben and we can continue with the tutorial.

There is a long deadly pause, all eyes on Ben as it sinks in. Ben is expected to strip off his shorts in front of his tutor and five of his class mates. The silence hangs there. Everyone waiting, watching. Ben thinks to himself that it was crazy enough being naked in the lecture hall with the benches in front of him to hide his nudity but if he drops his shorts now there is nothing to hide behind.

The tutor looks at his watch again, Well, Ben, hurry up lad, we haven't got all day. Just another hour and a half.

Ben pulls the shorts off himself, still sat down and drops them into his bag. He doesn't want them to go missing again. Ben is aware that everyone is glancing over at him, seeing his nudity, then glancing away, then back again.

The tutor coughs, OK, class, talking about social norms and behaviours, how is everyone with Ben being in the tutorial as a naturist?

A flurry of answers from Ben's classmates, Bit weird Sir. Lol, yeah, more than a bit weird. Uncomfortable, Sir. Glad it's him, not me Sir. Don't think I'd want to stand up naked in front of this group, Sir. Lol, no. The tutor looks over at Ben, So we've heard about how awkward it is for them, and one not wanting to stand up in front of the group. Ben, as an experiment, stand up.

Ben stand up, shyly cupping his hands over his cock and balls.

The tutor continues, And, Ben, hands away, if you're a naturist then you're proud to be naked, not ashamed, isn't that right? Yes, that's better. Now, everyone, look at Ben and tell me what you see, share your reactions.

Ben stands there in the middle of the room, feeling his cock grow hard in front of the tutor and his five friends.

Ian clears his throat, Well, I see Ben in front of me, completely naked, his skin shaved smooth, his uncut cock is hardening as I speak. Erm, erm.

The tutor cuts in, Thank you Ian. Anything else, Ian, how is it to see Ben naked and hard stood in front of you? Is it socially acceptable? If not, why not?

Ian goes red in the face, Erm, it's a bit weird, Sir. I mean, I'm not gay. I've seen footy team members naked in the showers all the time sir. That's kind of acceptable. And even if one of them throws a boner, like Ben here, kind of acceptable though the guy does get teased for it. But Ben, being naked and boned stood in front of all of us clothed, it's not, erm, normal social stuff, Sir.

The tutor looks at Ben then Ian, so it would be more socially acceptable for you if you're naked with Ben? Is that what you're saying?

There are laughs around the room. Ian replies panicking, Erm, no I'm not saying that Sir.

The tutor looks around the room, Anyone else? Is Ben's nudity more socially acceptable to you if you were naked? Anyone prefer to be naked with Ben here to make his nudity more acceptable?

Callum chips in, I guess Ian has a point Sir, it's natural, acceptable to be naked in the showers and the locker room, say after swimming, I say that because Ben and I are on the uni swim team. I'm comfortable then. But not now. Not here. Not with everyone else dressed, Sir.

So if we all agreed to strip naked, then you would, Callum? Is that what you're saying? It's socially acceptable to be naked if everyone is, or most people are? And you'd join in then?

There are a few laughs and Callum goes bright red, Woah, Sir. I didn't say anything about me stripping off in the tutorial, Sir.

The tutor laughs, OK Callum, I'm not saying that you need to, if you don't want to, that is. Just asking the question, noticing reactions. Asking everyone to notice their own reactions to the situation, to the questions. Even you Ben. Ok, everyone, another question. Does anyone here feel threatened by Ben's nudity? By his shaved body? By his erection? Are you doing a quiet comparison between yourself and Ben? Or are you aroused, even? Which of your thoughts or feelings are because of social rules you have learnt?

Harry shouts out, What the fuck? Aroused? What are you saying, prof? That I've boned up seeing Ben here naked? Jeez.

The tutor turns to face Harry, Ah, homophobic reaction in seeing a naked man aroused, eh, Harry? I didn't say anything, remember. But worth noticing your reaction. So, being aroused by the sight of a naked friend isn't socially acceptable? at least not in these circumstances?

Harry gives the tutor a dirty look, Huh, yeah, no, whatever. Um, no, def not acceptable.

The tutor glances round at the group, You do all see that this is rich territory, don't you? For checking out what you think is socially acceptable and not, and in what circumstances? Simon, how is this for you? Seeing your friend Ben totally naked and aroused?

Simon shrugs his shoulders, Erm, not bothered, I guess. As long as he stays over there.

The tutor nods at Ben, and without a word Ben starts to move towards Simon, for some reason also putting his hand on his shaft.

Fuck, Ben, woah dude. That's enough already. I don't want to see you jerk off.

There is laughter from the other students. The tutor tells them to take their phones out and to take photos of Ben, So what is socially acceptable? Ben being naked in this small group? What about you taking photos? To share with your friends or on facebook or instagram? Your parents? Rob, who will you share Ben's pics with?

Rob absent-mindedly rubs his crotch and looks embarrassed first at the tutor then at Ben, Erm, I already sent it Sir, to the whole class.

Ben's mouth drops open as the tutor responds, Well, I guess that brings me onto the next step in this exploration. How are you around exploring this in the full lecture group? This topic, this way?

There were a few grunts and nods then Ian asks, What? You mean with Ben bare assed naked in front of the whole class Sir?

The tutor nods his head and Ben just stands there, not knowing what to say, but feeling his cock throb in front of the whole group.

Harry chips in, Well, I think that Ben likes that idea Sir so yeah, bring it on.

Very funny, Harry. Well, I think we have run out of time today, so, yes, let's continue this in tomorrow morning's lecture. Off you go now, and Ben, don't forget the shorts.

They all watch as Ben pulls his shorts on over his boned and leaking cock. The shorts are tenting badly and some shaft is visible through the various rips in the material. Outside the tutorial room, the friends peel off in different directions for lunch leaving Rob hanging back with Ben.

Rob's eyes are down at Ben's tented shorts, Fuck Ben, how can you do that? You know, get naked so easily in front of everyone.

Ben laughs, I dunno, but it is horny. I'm so fucking hard right now. And I spotted that you were too.

Rob answered shyly, Yeah I gotta go see to that, if you know what I mean.

Ben smiled, I know, yeah, and I can help you if you want. You want?

No further words were needed as Rob and Ben made their way to the library toilets where Rob made good use of Ben's tongue and throat before unloading. Ben remembered just in time that Liam and Derren had prohibited him from cumming without their permission, so Ben left the stalls even harder and with damper shorts.

It was a long afternoon at a couple more lectures before heading back to digs, stripping off and making supper for Liam and Derren.

Already, Ben was an instagram and facebook success with several thousand hits on each of the photos that had been taken of him at the student union bar and in the tutorial.

Ben's phone rang. It was Robin asking how Ben's day had gone, about the photos he had seen of Ben and to remind Ben about the life drawing with Mr Gridley. Ben hadn't been sure but Liam and Derren insisted that Ben would be up for it with a bit of support, say from Robin. Robin agreed to be there too and then told Ben where he needed to be on Wednesday evening.

As they headed off to bed, Derren called out to Ben that he definitely wasn't allowed to wank off tonight. He needed to be fresh for the naked lecture the following morning.

Ben has had an exciting naked and boned up Monday at lectures and tutorial. ? How will Ben cope with the lecture the following morning?

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Next: Chapter 8

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