Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Mar 5, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 6 - the rugby match

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Finally, you wouldn't be reading this without the people and resources that provide. If you can spare a bit of money to support it, the price of your morning latte even, visit

So, Ben has completed the naked butler gig and stroked himself in the back yard with Mr Henderson from next door watching on. He is now on his way to the rugby match wearing only a pair of rugby shorts that have had their pockets cut out. What will happen at the rugby match? Well, strip off and find out.

Mr Henderson watched the three leave down the back lane, stood at his window, stroking himself, thinking to himself, Wow that boy is gorgeous, I need to see him closer up.

Unaware that he had a new admirer, well an admirer of pensionable age, Ben stepped his way carefully along the cobbled back lane barefoot. He got a few glances from people as he passed them on the mile long walk to the pitch. Some people were obviously taking pics on their phones. It didn't help that Liam and Derren were commenting, saying that there were going to be loads of pics of a semi-naked Ben on the web very soon. Ben was simply relieved that they had reached the pitch without bumping into any of the students in his classes. Perhaps, he thought, he could keep all of this under wraps, so to speak.

Ben heard the familiar voice of Robin, shouting over as he ran up to Ben and hugged him, Hey, there you are. So glad you came. Nice shorts, Ben!

Ben was sure glad to see Robin there, Yeah, someone's cut the pockets out. It sure feels breezy.

Robin looked round, seeing Derren, You must be the other housemate, I'm Robin.

Derren was just about to introduce himself when the whistle blew and Robin turned, Gotta go. Match is about to start. See you guys at halftime.

Ben, Liam and Derren made their way over to a very small crowd of spectators, about ten including them. Ben recognised a few of the faces from the butler gig and bore the jesting that they didn't recognise him with his clothes on in good humour. They settled down to watch the match, with a lot of eyes cast on Ben's near naked body a lot of the time.

The match, was a friendly with the other local team, was fast paced and very muddy. The rains from the past few days had left the field a mud bath and the players were soon caked in it.

Ben overheard a man he hadn't seen before talking to Greg, So this is our new mascot, Greg?

Ben realised that they were talking about him. What was this about being a mascot? For the rugby team? Did they do that? And what did that entail? Ben stood watching the match and listening to the conversation behind him. He heard Greg explain, Well, not quite yet, but if things go according to plan then yes, I hope so, Ben was very popular with the lads last night and the others that weren't there gave their thumbs up when they watched the video.

The man laughed, Oh yes, that video was very enlightening.

Ben flushed, What video? WTF were they talking about? There's a video of him? From last night? WTF! And what did the video show?

Ben could feel his heart race as he thought of two possible scenarios, one of him and Robin sucking Liam in the main room, and then him taking piss in the shower. Which video? Fuck!

The whistle blew for halftime and a prod to his shoulder brought Ben back to the present. It was Greg, Here Ben, take these oranges and waters onto the pitch for the team? Good Boy.

Greg thrust the tray into Ben's hands so that there was nothing for Ben to say, only do, to take the tray out into the middle of the field. The team gathered round Ben, taking the fruit and water, Robin asking Ben if he was enjoying the match, Ben feeling his bare feet squelch into the mud.

One guy said to Ben, Here, let me take the tray off you.

As he did, Ben felt a hand tug the back of his shorts. He heard a rip as the shorts flew off him and he was stood naked in the middle of the field, surrounded by the burly rugby players. Robin whispered across, Don't worry, Ben.

Ben felt himself being pushed down and rolled in the mud. He was getting caked in it. Totally covered. And he felt hands making sure that he was covered head to foot and everywhere else in-between. No part of his naked body remained uncovered when he eventually stood up, shocked, the whites of his eyes the only non-muddy part of him.

The ref blew the whistle for the second half then shouted at Ben, You, off the pitch!

Robin ran past Ben, Enjoy watching the second half muddied and naked Ben!

Ben ran to the sidelines and stood next to Liam and Derren. Greg came up to speak, I like the new outfit Ben. Suits you. I think the second half is going to be better viewing than the first.

It was a long forty minutes to the second half for Ben. The mud covering his body slowly dried in the November sun, forming a hard crust over him. Ben was totally on view, totally naked, yet somehow it didn't feel like that to Ben, and he relaxed into being so very visible outside in front of the teams and the spectators.

As the final whistle was blown, Ben heard Greg speak to Liam and Derren, You're welcome to stay for drinks in the bar after the showers. And you're also welcome to join us there to initiate Ben, our new team mascot.

There was that word again, Ben thought, they've assumed I'm happy to be their team mascot. I don't even know what that entails, but I know I'm not about to say no. Fuck, I wonder what it entails.

Ben didn't have long to wait as several team members scooped him up and ran around the pitch with the muddied naked Ben held high, and then finally into the locker room, where he was instructed to sit on a bench in the middle of the shower room. Ben watched as the teams stripped off.

Tim came over to Liam and Derren, You guys might want to strip off too, don't want your clothes to get muddy.

With everyone else now naked and heading for the showers, Liam pulled off his hoody and looked over at Derren, C'mon man, it was good fun last night.

Derren looked over at Liam, What was? What happened? Erm, Liam, spill!

Liam laughed pulling off his briefs, now naked in front of Derren, I'm hoping for a bit of spilling, yeah. You're not chicken are you? C'mon Derren.

Derren watched as Liam walked into the showers, leaving him alone in the locker room muttering to himself as he started to strip down, No, Liam, I'm not chicken, no way.

There was a cheer as Derren entered the showers. Ben was laid on his back on the bench in the middle of the open showers with Robin standing over him pissing on Ben, slicking the mud over his body, making it drip. Other guys then took turns pissing on Ben, uncovering his smooth naked body for everyone to see and admire. Ben was rock hard with the attention and the warm piss on his body and on his face and in his hair. There was a sea of bodies in the room, all naked and all muddy and it took a while for Ben to spot first Liam and then finally Derren, who both looked totally out of place because of their pristine clean bodies.

Ben took in what he was seeing for the first time. Liam was stood there, his uncut cock chubbing up, his thick dark blonde bush and heavy balls. Ben drank up the sight of Liam as piss fell over his body.

Ben looked over at Derren, tall, slim, ginger, white bodied, smooth except for an unruly red bush over his, wow, big soft cut marble white cock and exposed mushroom head. Ben licked his lips.

Robin noticed where Ben's eyes had been and decided to direct the action. Robin moved Ben's legs apart, revealing his ass, There's still a lot of mud here, guys. Need some cleaning piss here. Robin aimed and started to relieve himself. Ben felt the hot hard streams against his ballsac and his ass crack. It felt good. Robin was hard, his cock close to Ben's ass. Robin looked round, he could see the anticipation in his team mates eyes. Robin's cockhead touched Ben's ass crack, and rubbed along it, both Robin and Ben now getting soaked. Ben looked up at Robin, nodded, as Robin dipped into Ben.

Ben closed his eyes for a second, then opened them again, Fuck, I'm getting fucked by Robin in front of thirty guys. In front of Liam and Derren. Fuck.

Ben looked round to see if he could see Liam and Derren. There was a wall of naked men, all with hands on hard cocks, including Liam and Derren, Fuck, they are ALL getting off on this, on Robin fucking my ass in front of them.

That made Ben leak even more, Robin now fucking Ben long and slow, pulling his cock right out of Ben's ass before plunging it back in deep, all the while looking at Ben, making sure he was ok with this very public fucking. Robin picked up pace. He was close to cumming himself and needed to slow down. Yes, he wanted to seed Ben in front of the team, but not just yet. As Robin looked around the showers, at all the men jerking, he thought back to when he was in Ben's place on the bench in the showers, being initiated into the team mascot role by Tim, the previous mascot. As Robin fucked Ben he knew, as soon as he came, that his role as mascot would pass to Ben. It had been unstated for him, it was unstated for Ben. And Robin would be Ben's buddy, teaching him the mascot role, mentoring him how to behave and what was expected. But not just yet.

Robin looked over and saw Derren, and saw the lust in Derren's eyes. Robin understood that look, that Derren wanted to be where Robin was, fucking Ben's sweet smooth ass. Robin motioned Derren towards him. Derren was hesitant at first, but his brain was in his marble white cock and purple mushroom cock head by then, and he moved closer in. Robin took hold of Derren's hard cock and started pulling on it, still fucking Ben. Robin pulled Derren in closer and Derren stood astride Ben, facing Robin, who was fucking Ben. Ben could see that it was Derren astride him, and could see Robin's cock going in and out of his ass through Derren's open legs and heavy low-hanging balls.

Robin pulled Derren's cock closer to him, so that the purple mushroom head was rubbing along Robin's stomach as he stroked Derren. Robin looked up at Derren and could see that Derren was fully into it, with Derren focused on Ben's ass and Robin fucking Ben. Robin knew for sure what Derren was after.

Derren couldn't believe that he was astride Ben like this, with Robin stroking his cock, rubbing his cockhead against Robin's body, Fuck it feels so good, Ben's ass looks amazing being fucked like this.

Derren watched Robin fucking Ben, his cock going in and out of Ben's ass. His own cockhead being moved down Robin's body, from his navel, being rubbed lower and lower, until it was rubbing against the base of Robin's cock, and then along Robin's shaft as he came out of Ben's ass. Derren's cockhead was now on Ben, Robin was fucking Ben hard and fast now, holding Derren's cock close to Ben's hole. With a shout, Robin shot his load inside Ben, slowed down, pulled out and pushed Derren's mushroom head into Ben's ass.

By now, several of the guys had shot their load over Ben. His body, his face, wherever it landed. Once they had shot, they moved back, letting another group of horny guys in closer to watch, and wank, and smother Ben with their seed.

Liam was wanking hard too. Robin, leaving Derren to fuck Ben, gently guided Liam towards Ben's open and ready mouth.

Robin stepped back to watch Ben being spitroasted by his two housemates, Derren in Ben's ass, Liam down Ben's throat, Fuck, what a horny sight.

Ben was being smothered with cum by the team as he was face fucked by Liam and ass fucked by Derren. Derren and Liam had clocked what was happening, that they were on either end of their housemate Ben, both using his body as some sort of fleshlight, and too into it to stop and say, What the fuck!

Tim leaned in and took Ben's cock in his mouth. The expert cocksucker soon had Ben writhing in ecstasy on his back, and ready to shoot. Ben sucked Liam's dick harder in response. Derren started to fuck Ben's ass harder and deeper, and it wasn't long before the three housemates all shot their load. First, Ben into Tim's mouth, then Derren seeding Ben's ass and finally Liam spilling his seed down Ben's throat. They all stepped away leaving Ben collapsed on the bench, while the final round of team mates stepped forward and covered Ben in their cum.

Tim stepped forward, Three cheers for our new mascot!

There was a loud cheer, men picked up Ben and put him under the showers, washing the cum and mud off him. There were many pairs of hands all over him. Fifteen minutes later, everyone was clean and towelling themselves dry and getting dressed, with the exception of Ben, that is, who remained naked. Ben followed everyone out of the locker room and into the bar, where the pints were lined up and huge serving trays of sandwiches awaited them.

Ben was stood at the bar, pint in hand, talking with Robin, Derren and Liam when the man he had overheard talking with Greg approached, Hi Ben, I'm Jake, the club president. I just wanted to welcome you as our new mascot and to check you're ok, with everything that went on just now, in the showers.

Ben didn't know what to say, he hadn't seen Jake in the showers, and they hadn't been out long enough for anyone to tell Jake the details, Eh? what, how do you know?

Jake laughed and pointed to the massive TV that hung on one of the walls, now showing sport, We were watching sport of a different nature just a few minutes ago, thanks to Tim, our technical wizard.

The penny dropped. Derren and Liam looked over at the huge screen, realising that they had been watched on this TV, almost life-sized, spitroasting their housemate Ben, Fucking hell!

Jake laughed at their reaction, Don't worry boys, it was a private showing. This bar is only open to rugby club members. And that includes Ben as our new mascot and you two as honorary members. You're both welcome to all our future events, Cheers!

Jake then turned to Ben, Have you given any thoughts to my offer of helping out at Clone Zone? You look very comfortable in your skin stood here amongst all these men. The shop would be a dawdle after this.

Ben took a sip of beer, a line of froth on his top lip making him look even cuter, Jake? Oh, wow, you're that Jake? I, er, yeah, I'd like to, definitely. Erm, yeah, when?

Jake smiled, That's great, Ben. How about Thursday evening? Drop by at 6pm. I'll make sure to be there myself to show you the ropes and we can take it from there. OK?

Ben nodded in agreement and Jake wandered off to speak with Greg. There was a constant stream of guys coming up to say hi to Ben, saying their names, patting him on the ass or slapping his cock, saying buy yourself a pint, and putting a £10 note in the beer glass on the bar behind Ben.

The room started to thin out. It was already dark outside. There were the four of them at the bar and a few of the team in front of the TV. Ben started to wonder about where his rugby shorts were and turned to Robin who was stood next to him, My shorts, do you know where they are?

Robin laughed, Ah the shorts, did you like the velcro adaptation so they could be ripped off you?

Ben looked shocked, remembering how easily they had been ripped off him, leaving him naked on the field, Fuck is that what happened?

Robin grinned, Yeah, that's how. And the shorts, I think Tim had them, and he is long gone. I guess you'll have to run home naked. It's not far, is it? And it is dark now.

Ben's heart raced, Fuck, what? You're kidding right?

Derren and Liam both laughed as Robin replied, No, you're used to it and anyway you want it, don't you? Admit it!

But, what if I get caught?

Don't think about that, just answer the question, you want it, don't you?

Ben just nodded his head imperceptibly, Yes, I guess I do.

Robin smiled, Good Boy. Now that's all sorted, I just need your mobile number so I can sort out this life modelling class with old Mr Gridley for Wednesday evening. You're not doing anything Wednesday, right? Well weren't until now, anyway.

Ben shook his head and nodded, confused, Erm, yes, no, ok.

Robin put his phone back in his pocket, Ok guys, it's time for us to say our goodbyes, the bar is closing. Catch up with you tomorrow for a chat, eh, Ben?

Robin hugged Ben then headed out. The barman ushered them all outside and locked the door behind them.

Derren looked over at Ben, bare assed naked, Hang round here for a few minutes while Liam and I walk home. We'll unlock the kitchen door and you can run in that way. OK Ben?

Ben simply nodded, reckoning he didn't have much choice in the matter, and anyway, he was actually excited by the prospect. Ben watched as they left him outside the locked rugby club house.

It had cooled down a lot since the afternoon and Ben started to feel the cold. He ran on the spot to keep himself warm.

A voice from the dark interrupted Ben, Now there's a sight for sore eyes, don't you think?

A second voice, Definitely, who'd have thought it, eh? Looks even better in real life.

Ben peered into the dark, couldn't see anything or anyone, WTF, who's there?

Two figures came into view, Friends of Greg, Ben. No need to worry your little head. Yeah, Greg told us you might still be here. Thought we'd come by on the off chance. Not disappointed to find you still here. Not at all.

Ben could now see the two men, both about Greg's age, as they stepped up onto the verandah and came closer to Ben, cornering him.

I gotta go guys, sorry.

No you don't. Not yet, Boy. You gone and got us both horny watching that video that Greg sent us of you. We need a bit of relief and we might as well get it from the source, so to speak.

Ben felt hands on his shoulders pushing him down onto his knees. Both their cocks were already out of their trousers, rock hard with precum dribbling. They were obviously excited anticipating meeting up with Ben. Ben felt the heat of their cocks an inch from his face. He felt a hand on the back of his head pushing him towards the cocks. Ben took one cock into his mouth, then the other, sucking on them in turns, tasting their precum. One took hold of Ben's head and started to face fuck him, thrusting his cock hard and deep down Ben's throat. Ben felt the other guy behind him, pulling Ben up to his feet, and then his cock against Ben's ass. He went in easily and then started thrusting deep and slapping Ben's ass really hard. It didn't take long, a few minutes at most, before they shot their loads into Ben.

The man pulled out of Ben's mouth and zipped up, Fuck, that was good, Boy. Thank you. Now, get yourself home before you get up to any more mischief.

Ben grinned and stood up. His own cock untouched but rock hard at the unexpected encounter. He knew he was being watched by them as he jogged away from the club house across the pitch. It didn't take him long to run back to his digs.

Liam looked up at Ben, when he came through the kitchen door, WTF Ben, where you been? Was beginning to get worried about you.

Ben stuttered out the words, I, I, I erm got busy with a couple of guys just outside the club house. You won't believe it, but they spit roasted me, right there. I didn't see them until they were right there.

Liam put his hand to his mouth in horror, Oh fuck, Ben. We shouldn't have left you there. Fuck. That was dumb of us. Sorry mate.

Ben broke into a wide grin, Hey, it's ok, it was kinda horny to be honest.

Ben looked across to the kitchen table to see Mr Henderson from next door, Uh? What? What's going on? Why is he, erm Mr Henderson, here?

Derren came back to the table with four beers, Mr Henderson has brought us some supper. It's pizza time!

Mr Henderson quickly chipped in with his white-lie of an excuse, Yes, I got confused when ordering and they sent me three pizzas, not one, so I thought I would do the neighbourly thing and share them with my next door students.

Ben could see through the lie straight away, just as Derren and Liam had. Mr Henderson had simply wanted an excuse to come into their house and get a closer look at the naked Ben. Ben shrugged his shoulders, realising Mr Henderson was harmless, and sat down, That's cool. I sure need some pizza and a beer after all that exercise.

There was small talk while they ate pizza and drank the beers. It was clear from what Mr Henderson was saying that he had seen Ben head off to the match in just those rugby shorts.

Derren watched Ben get up to get another four bottles out of the fridge, Fuck, Ben, what happened to your ass? It's bright red!

Ben grinned, remembering, The guy slapped my ass really hard as he was....

Derren laughed, Woah, TMI mate, TMI.

Mr Henderson queried, TMI?

From the three in unison, Too Much Information.

Mr Henderson chuckled, Ah, you learn something new everyday. And there was me thinking you had been a naughty boy, Ben, and had your ass spanked as punishment.

Derren laughed, No, that's not happened.

Liam added, Yet.

Mr Henderson shifted on his seat, Well it looks like Ben might even enjoy it, so it wouldn't be much of a punishment anyway.

Ben's eyes opened wide, he couldn't believe that they were all talking about him like this. Especially Mr Henderson, who was old enough to be his grandad.

Derren sat forward, Well, Mr Henderson, be our guest. Put Ben over your knee if you like and show him what a naughty boy he has been for running back here bare assed naked.

Mr Henderson's mouth dropped open, Erm, well, erm, I don't know. Are you sure?

Derren looked over at Ben, Off you go Boy. You heard him. Over Mr Henderson's lap. Now!

Ben could just feel his heart racing. This was something that he never knew he wanted, but his hard cock was saying "yes" to it. Nervously. Ben moved towards Mr Henderson and put himself over his lap, and bent right over, his hands touching the floor.

Derren laughed picking up Ben's mobile, Now there's a sight you don't see every day.

Mr Henderson started to gently tap Ben's ass cheeks, slowly increasing the pressure and speed. After a good ten minutes Liam interjected and said that perhaps Ben has been punished enough. For tonight.

Ben slowly got up from Mr Henderson's lap and rubbed his bright red ass cheeks. They all noticed the damp patch on Mr Henderson's trousers where Ben's cock had leaked precum.

Liam laughed, Well it seems that it wasn't just Mr Henderson who enjoyed the spanking, eh Ben?

Mr Henderson was now a little flustered and embarrassed, Erm, yes, well, thank you boys, but I think I ought to be getting home. I didn't realise the time.

Liam got up, No problems. Ben, show Mr Henderson to the door.

Mr Henderson stepped out onto the street, I, erm, Ben, I hope that didn't hurt. Well, not too much. I think I got carried away with myself. Sorry.

Ben smiled, No, it's totally ok, Mr Henderson, really.

Mr Henderson looked Ben up and down in the street light, Call me Jim.

Ben grinned, It's totally ok, Jim, really.

When Ben got back into the kitchen, Liam got up from the table, Well, I don't know about you two, but I need some shut eye. See you guys in the morning.

So that was the rugby match. Liam has gone to bed, leaving Derren and Ben downstairs. Do they head off to their own beds alone or what? And what will Monday hold for Ben, his first day in classes since all these adventures kicked off?

Let me know how you think happens next at and I can write the seventh instalment of Ben's Adventures.

Next: Chapter 7

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