Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Feb 26, 2021


Category Section Gay authoritarian

Ben's Adventures - Part 5 - the morning after the night before

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Finally, you wouldn't be reading this without the people and resources that provide. If you can spare a bit of money to support it, the price of your morning latte even, visit

So, Ben has completed the naked butler gig. Ben was totally buzzing by the time he got back to digs. What is his next adventure? Well, strip off and read.

-------------------------------- It was after 2am, after Ben had kissed Liam and then went into his room alone. Ben was totally buzzing, wired. No way could he sleep right now. He sat on his bed and emptied the contents of his rucksac onto the duvet. His rugby shorts, tee and trainers were there from the forest hike the other day. Ben sniffed the tee, remembering his forest fuck with Sir. The contents of the pint glass had spilled everywhere. Ben grinned from ear to ear when he had counted out £450, WTF, so fucking awesome, wow! £450 for doing what he so amazingly enjoyed. Ben's attention turned to the cards and notes that had been in the glass. He knew about the one from the Art tutor, and he wondered to himself how difficult would that be? Ben had certainly felt comfortable being naked in front of thirty guys at the party, but what if there were women in the art class? He wasn't sure about that. Ben thought to himself that he needed to find out more about it before committing. There was a business card, Clone Zone, with a note written on the back from Zack, the manager, We could always do with a new boy helping out in our store in town. The job is yours if you are interested.

Ben could not remember Zack but that didn't matter. Clone Zone, Ben had been in it a couple of times since the start of term. It had been intimidating that first, time especially all those bearlike men eyeing him up. Ben had blushed and ran out of the shop without buying anything. But now he had spare money to buy some of the things that he had been attracted to. Yes, Ben was interested.

There were some cards with just a name and number saying, Call me. Ben felt a bit creeped out by those, and put them to one side. He couldn't quite put their names to faces.

One last card, was from Robin, Hey Ben, had so much fun with you and your housemate, Liam. Want to get to know you better. Here's my number. Call me. Robby xx

Ben kissed this last card and lay back on his bed. Robby xx. Ben's hand went to his hard cock as he closed his eyes, replaying the scene in his mind of Robby and him taking turns sucking Liam's cock, looking into each others eyes, then Liam cumming and them drinking his cum, then in the shower, washing Liam down, kissing each other, the Robby taking some of Liam's piss, then Robby putting Liam's cock into Ben's mouth, making Ben drink some of Liam's piss, then, then, then Ben shot his load all over himself. Fuck, he needed that, he thought as he drifted off to sleep, cum drying on his smooth body.

Ben woke to find Liam sat on his bed, looking unsure of himself.

I brought you a cup of tea, Ben. We need to talk. About last night. Before we go downstairs and see Derren.

Ben sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eye, Uh, sure, what time is it?

Liam looked over Ben's cum-encrusted abs and chest, It's past nine. Last night, that got way out of hand. I never meant for any of that to happen. I'm sorry. I, erm.

Ben looked over at Liam who looked as though he hadn't slept, There's nothing for you to be sorry for. I was happy with everything that happened. Everything. Was it too much for you? Is that what you're saying? It was, wasn't it?

Liam nodded, I got so carried away. I didn't mean for it to happen and in the end I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry. I'm sorry we kissed and, Ben, I'm so ashamed I pissed over you and into your mouth. Can you forgive me?

Ben smiled, There's nothing to forgive, Liam. OK, I had never taken piss before, but I found it a total turn on to be honest. I didn't do anything that I didn't want to. I guess it should be me apologising to you. I had asked you to come with me, and you were subjected to much more than you could cope with. I'm the gay one, not you. I know that.

Liam laughed, That's true. Not sure how much of this I want to share with Derren, you understand?

Ben nodded, Sure Liam. I'll take the lead from you. What happens on tour, stays on tour, as they say. Talking of Derren, I better get downstairs and make us our coffee and breakfast, eh?

The smell of freshly made coffee brought Derren downstairs in trakkies, tee and barefoot, So, c'mon guys, spill the beans. Tell all.

Liam looked at Ben then Derren, I erm, it was good. Ben did us proud.

Derren looked at Liam, That it? That's all you've got to say? Jeez, man, I want the details.

Liam, more confident, Well, you should have been there instead of wherever you went to instead!

Derren looked over at Ben, What have you got to say for yourself, Boy?

Ben, taking his cue from Liam, Like Liam says, you should have been there. What happens on tour stays on tour, and all that shit.

Derren half-closed his eyes in frustration, looking at Ben, What the fuck is that on your skin? Eww, that's dried cum isn't it? Fuck, yeah but question is, whose?

Ben blushed, It's mine, don't let your mind get overactive. I was horned up when I got back and needed some release. That's allowed isn't it?

Derren's eyebrows raised, Well. now that you mention it, I'm not so sure. I don't think it's allowed, for you to cum by yourself. You're our Boy, and you need permission to cum.

Liam burst into laughter, Woah, Derren, that's too much. Really, Ben has to ask permission to cum?

Ben could hardly catch his breath, Woah, guys, no, please, I mean...

Derren interrupted Ben, See Liam, the Boy says No. He even says please. He's begging us. Note how he doesn't use the safe word. So that means he is happy with the new arrangement. Don't it Boy?

Both pairs of eyes on Ben, who is silent for a minute before stuttering, Em, em I guess so.

You guess what, Boy?

Ben could hardly believe the words falling out of his mouth, I guess you're right, Sir. I'm happy with the new arrangement.

Derren grinned, Good Boy. Good Boy. Now go make us some fresh coffee.

As Ben was making the coffee his mobile pinged with a message from Sir, Hey Ben, just want to thank you for last night, make sure you're ok, and that you're up for another gig next Saturday. How are that throat and those lips of yours?

Derren read the message and replied, Derren here. Ben is doing good, naked serving up some coffee here. He is definitely up for next Saturday. What happened to his throat and lips?

Greg messaged back, That's awesome news. I will tell the guys. Let's just say Ben did quite a bit of sword swallowing last night.

A confused Derren replied, Sword swallowing?

The reply came within seconds, AKA cocksucking. So, are you all coming to the match this afternoon? Looks like it's going to be a warm sunny autumn day and the rest of the rugby team want to meet Ben. They already heard so much about him from Robin.

After a brief conversation at number 25, Yeah, we got nothing on this afternoon. You got me curious who this Robin is. We will all be there.

Ben's phone pinged again, Ah yes, talking about having nothing on, make sure Ben wears his rugby shorts and nothing else. No tee and no trainers. After all, it's not far from your place to the rugby pitch to walk.

Derren replied, Hehe, I like your style, yes, Ben will be there in just his rugby shorts, barefoot and shirtless. See you later.

Ben's cock was throbbing at these new developments. Somehow, he had agreed to only cumming when he got permission AND he was now going to the rugby match through the streets in just in his rugby shorts, nothing else. Damn, he needed to knock one out, then realised he can't, he's not allowed. Fuck. Frustration. He was going to be so boned and horny by the time of the match.

After the flurry of texts, Liam asked, Hey, Ben, how much money was in the beer glass from last night?

Derren looked round quizzically, What glass? What money?

£450. In unison, Derren and Liam uttered, £450 WTF!

Ben laughed, Yes, £450. Fucking awesome eh? For something that wasn't even work. Covers my rent for the next month, lol.

Derren coughed, Erm, kinda, yeah, but if it wasn't for us then you wouldn't have earned it. Reckon your tips belong to your Sirs, not you.

Fuck off! No way, that's my money. You can fuck off!

Derren leaned in towards Ben, You haven't used the safe word, Ben Boy!

Ben leaned towards Derren, barely a foot between them over the table, Pomegranate. There. Pomegranate. Pomegranate. Pomegranate!

Liam sniggered, I think you reached the Boy's limit there, Derren. The money is his. But perhaps the Boy will be generous to his benefactors eh, Boy?

Ben, relieved that he had stood up for himself, Yeah, sure, I will share some of it, but not all. OK?

Derren sat back in his chair, Well that clears that up. Good to see that you can state your boundaries, Boy. We all know where we stand if you can do that.

A few minutes later the phone pinged, Hey, make sure Ben is used to being naked outdoors for this match, throw him out in the back yard now for half an hour.

Liam grinned as he relayed the message to Ben, You heard the Boss, go on get out there Ben and show your stuff to the neighbours.

Ben looked shocked but simply moved to the backdoor in agreement without saying a word. He stood barefoot, and bare assed naked in the back yard of the terraced house that they rented off Chris, their landlord, and looked nervously at the windows of the adjoining properties. As Ben stood there in the sun, Ben asked himself, Were they in? Could they see him? Did they mind? Were they getting off on seeing him bollock naked outdoors?

All these thoughts whirled around inside Ben's head and he realised he was enjoying it and more importantly, he was warm enough naked outside in the sun. It was November already but it was warm in the strong Autumn sun and windless day. Ben grinned at the thought of him walking to the rugby pitch in just his rugby shorts and nothing else, wondering what people might say or how people might react. He looked around the yard. Probably not very much had changed in the past 100 years since the row of terraces had been built for, and lived in, by the coal miners and their families. The backyard walls were all whitewashed, with broken concrete slabs covering most of the yard. There were a couple of brick outhouses that they kept their bikes in. On the back wall there was the gate into the back lane that also served for the row of terraces on the other side of the back lane.

Ben was enjoying the sun, it actually felt strong. His mind wandered back to the butler gig the previous night, to sucking all those cocks, to him and Robin both sucking on Liam and then in the shower, Liam pissing on them both and Robin guiding Liam's pissing cock into Ben's mouth. No surprise but Ben was now rock hard again at the memory. He couldn't tug one out here could he? What if the neighbours were watching? Ben remembered how Chris had said that Mr Henderson wouldn't complain if he saw some naked flesh in the yard, but did that include Ben tossing one off? The thought aroused Ben even more and his hand went to his throbbing dick and started to slowly tease himself. Ben leaned against the whitewashed wall, closed his eyes and slowly started to stroke himself with his right hand, his left hand moving up and squeezing his nip.

Ben was totally unaware that Liam and Derren were watching him from the kitchen window and filming him on his own phone. There was a silence and tension between Liam and Derren, both caught up in their own private fantasies about Ben. Fantasies that they hadn't shared with one another.

Ben wasn't aware that there was a third pair of eyes on him, Mr Henderson had spotted Ben from his back bedroom window, and was now watching Ben enjoying himself in the sun, while he felt his own cock harden in his trousers. Watching this next door neighbour student stroking himself just yards away in the back yard was better than any porn he had watched this past month or two.

Fuck, this boy was a treat to look at, Mr Henderson thought to himself I wonder what his name is. I must go round and say hello. He licked his lips as he watched Ben stroking in the sun and unzipped himself.

Ben stroking, Mr Henderson stroking, Liam and Derren were hard in their trakkies but not touching themselves in front of each other, neither daring to show how turned on they were by the sight of Ben

Liam looked over at Derren and coughed, I think we need to head off to the pitch soon, should I call him in?

Derren laughed, Fuck the Boy is going to be badly tenting his shorts on the walk there. Yeah. No. We can go out and catch him stroking, then get him to put his shorts on out in the yard and we can head off down the back lane.

Liam laughed, Nice one, humiliate him a bit, let him know we've seen him stroking and tweaking his tit, and then get dressed in front of us. Do you think we should send Greg the video?

Derren grinned, picking up Ben's shorts, Fuck, awesome idea Liam. Let Greg see what Ben is really like. Yeah, sweet.

They opened the kitchen door quietly and stepped out into the back yard, into Mr Hnederson's vision. Ben hadn't yet noticed anything, his eyes still closed and still stroking.

Liam coughed, Ben looked up in shock. Fuck guys, what are you doing here? How long have you been here? Fuck.

Ben's cock pulsed in his hand, precum dribbling down from his cockhead.

Derren threw the shorts at Ben, time to go, Horny Boy. Nice show. Let's see what Sir thinks of your performance, shall we?

Liam pointed the phone to Ben's face, Smile.

As Ben pulled the rugby shorts on he looked up past Liam and Derren and saw movement at the window next door and grinned wildly, Fuck, so Mr Henderson did see me, wow.

Ben was tenting the shorts real badly so he put his hands into the pockets to adjust himself and felt his hard cock, Fuck, who cut out the pockets of my shorts? Was that you guys?

Liam and Derren laughed, Not us, no, must have been Greg. Nice treat for you, Ben. Gives you plenty of fresh air eh?

Derren opened the gate to the back lane, No time for that now, we need to head off to the pitch. Don't want Ben to be late for the match do we?

Ben headed out onto the back lane, in just his rugby shorts, barefoot, barechested, his hard cock tenting the shorts and leaving a damp patch in front of him. He had forgotten that he hadn't showered that morning and that his dried cum from last night's eruption was still flaky dry on his abs and chest.

Mr Henderson watched the three leave down the back lane, stood at his window, stroking himself.

So that was the morning after and now Ben is on the way to watch the rugby match with his housemates Liam and Derren. We'll find out what happens at the match in the next instalment.

Let me know how you think the next afternoon at the rugby match might unfold at and I can write the sixth instalment of Ben's Adventures.

Next: Chapter 6

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