Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Feb 16, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 4 - Ben finally arrives at the naked butler gig

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Finally, you wouldn't be reading this without the people and resources that provide. If you can spare a bit of money to support it, the price of your morning latte even, visit

We left Ben at the end of part 3, with just the morning and afternoon to get through before he was due to appear as the naked butler for Sir. Ben didn't yet know who Sir was, where he lived, or anything else about the gig, other than he was to be there, naked, serving.

One piece of excellent advice from a reader is that you should read Ben's Adventures naked, so that you can feel exactly how vulnerable he feels too. If you're anything like Ben then you've already stripped off. Good Boy! And if you want to email me proof that you read the story naked, then that's Very Good. You can be sure that I won't share your pic with anyone.

Ben felt a warm glow inside him and felt settled. Today was going to be fucking awesome.

Ben's phone pinged, message from Sir, Hey, how is The Boy this morning? Is he still on for the naked butler gig tonight?

Derren picked up Ben's phone, looking across at Ben, Yeah, he sure is up for it.

The phone pinged, Good, now I want my Boy well rested for tonight, and I want him super-smooth, hear? So Ben needs another shave today and no exertions. Oh and definitely no cumming.

Derren laughed, Yeah Liam can shave him again, if you like.

The phone pinged again, What about you? Will you shave Ben today? What's your name?

I'm Derren. Erm, OK, I reckon I can do that.

The phone pinged, Excellent. I want Ben there at 7:30pm exactly. I want him to travel naked and arrive naked at my door. If either you or Liam want to come too then you'll be very welcome. See your housemate in action. I'll text my address later on.

Derren relayed the message from Sir to Ben and Liam who were sat around the table, So you get a day of rest Ben before your big adventure tonight. Just need to schedule in your second shave.

Ben wasn't sure how he felt. Nervous. Excited too. He had the whole day to hang round naked in the house, the only thing he had to do was let Derren shave him, When do you want to shave me, Derren?

Derren grinned back at Ben, After you've made me my breakfast and some more coffee, Boy!

Ben made their breakfasts, they all ate, Ben washed up, then Derren took Ben into the bathroom for his shave. It didn't take very long. There was only a day's worth of stubble, most pronounced above his cock, and a few stray hairs missed from yesterday too. Derren was quiet, distracted. Ben enjoyed Derren's touch on his body, holding his cock as he shaved around him, and the scrape of the blade between his ass cheeks, bent right over. Ben thought Derren was being very careful here, slow.

Derren sighed, his face close to Ben's ass, Ben feeling his breath there, I think that's you all done.

Ben stood up, thanked Derren. There seemed to be a strangeness between them, as if there was something Derren wanted to say, or do, but was holding back. Derren's boner was obvious when he stood up. Before Ben could say anything, Derren mumbled something and left Ben alone. Ben got into the shower to wash himself down. He had hoped that perhaps he could have helped Derren, as he had helped Liam yesterday, but shrugged his shoulders, wondering when he might get to taste Liam again. But that wasn't helping his hardon, and he wanted to obey Sir's orders about not cumming before tonight. Cold shower time! They had a quiet day. Ben tried to study but his thoughts frequently turned to the evening. It was a great relief when Sir sent his address late in the afternoon. Liam said he was curious about the event and wanted to go, Derren already had something arranged with other friends, so Ben replied to Sir, Liam and I will be there at 7:30pm sir.

Liam pulled into the underground car park to the flats where Sir lived and switched off the engine. He turned to Ben, naked, beside him, Are you ready for this, Ben? Very last chance to use the safe word and get out of here!

Ben's heart was racing, stating straight ahead at the white-washed concrete block walls of the garage, Yes, erm, no. Yes, I'm ready, I want to do this, Liam.

They got out of the car, and Liam locked up, pocketing the car keys, Stairs or lift, Ben?

Ben stopped in his tracks, he had automatically set off for the lifts, Ah, stairs, Sir said the stairs would be the safest bet, hardly anyone used them.

They climbed the six floors to Sir's floor without event, Ben ahead of Liam, and Liam checking out Ben's smooth ass. Liam had to adjust himself when they got to the apartment door, Ok, Ben, ring the bell.

Sir opened the door to them within the minute, Ah there you are Ben Boy, in all your glory. Very nice. Well you do look better than the pics that were sent over. You must be Liam, one of his housemates, welcome. Come on in, both of you.

Ben went in first followed by Liam, and Sir closed the door, Right Ben, instruction time. It's just a drinks gathering, twenty or so of my friends. Kitchen here, glasses, prosecco in the fridge, beer too, whisky and brandy over there. Trays of amuse-bouche in the oven. Your job is to make sure everyone's glass is never empty. Guests will all be starting to arrive in fifteen minutes or so, and you will be answering the door to them, taking coats etc, put them in the bed in this room here. Any questions?

Ben shook his head, it all sounded simple enough, No Sir, all understood.

Sir looked over at Liam and added, Oh, and Ben, Liam is drinking, so stay on the soft drinks yourself or you will both have to walk home tonight.

Ben nodded yes and looked over at Liam, who shrugged his shoulders as if to say, I'm very happy having a few glasses, I'm not arguing.

As Ben checked out the layout of the flat and in particular the kitchen, the doorbell went. Four men, all older than Sir, eyed Ben up and down, entered the flat, and made various comments about the state of undress of the Help these days. Ben took it all in good humour. The guests arrived in quick succession and nearer thirty were in the flat, when Sir whispered to Ben, I think that's everyone.

Ben served drinks and food, taking on the role of naked butler awkwardly at first then with more ease. Having Liam there, seeing him watch every move that Ben made, made Ben horny and he was soon sporting a rock hard boner, which didn't go unnoticed or uncommented on. As Ben went round the room a second time, offering refills, he realised that he recognised a few faces, Fuck, he thought to himself, that's one of the university lecturers, I'm sure, and isn't that the guy from the charity shop? What's he doing here?

A man took a refill from Ben, Ben is it? My you do look so much better in the flesh than in the photos. We thought Greg was getting us here on false pretences, but you are a delight to the eye, young man.

Ben blushed, thinking photos, what photos? Ben nodded, erm, thank you Sir.

The man replied loudly so more around could hear, Ooh, the Boy has manners everyone.

And then addressing Ben, So, Ben Boy, how much is Greg paying you for this gig, here?

Ben looked confused, Erm, nothing, he asked me if I wanted to do it and I thought it sounded like a hot thing to do.

In response, the man shouted over Ben's shoulder, Greg, you're impossible, getting this young innocent boy to butler for you for nothing. Indeed, I've never heard of such a thing.

Greg came over smiling sheepishly, putting one hand on Ben's left buttock, squeezing it playfully, Oh, yeah, sorry Ben, I forgot to make the necessary arrangements.

Greg turned to talk to the men in the room, holding a beer glass, which he put three £20 notes into, Guys, this is Ben's first time being a butler, so if you appreciate his service then be generous and don't forget to tip him. He's a poor student without a stitch of clothing to his name.

There was laughter at Greg's comments as the beer glass was passed round and it was soon half-full of notes.

A familiar face came up to Ben, You don't recognise me, do you Ben? I saw you in my charity shop yesterday, remember? Yes, it's a small world, isn't it. So glad to see more of you. I hope you will still come help me in the shop next Saturday.

Ben assured the man he would and before he could turn, there was someone else whose face looked familiar.

A student at the university, eh? Studying.....

Ben finished the sentence, Social Sciences, Sir.

Ah, so not an Art student then? Hmmm, We're always on the lookout for new life models for our courses. Have you ever? You have a perfect body for it.

Ben stammered, Erm, no I haven't, I never thought about it. Do I?

The Art tutor slowly looked Ben up and down, Oh, you do, you do, definitely. Yes, be a shame to hide that gorgeous body of yours away from my students. Tell you what, I'll put my card in the beer glass over there and you can message me when you're ready to say yes.

Ben was left open-mouthed and speechless at the Art tutors cheek. He had spoken as if Ben had always wanted to be a life model. Ben continued to serve more drinks. As the evening progressed, hands touched his arm, his back and even a light touch on his ass as Ben served the drinks. He enjoyed circulating freely and being flirted with. He was beginning to give as good as he got and the hands began to tap his ass, or squeeze his nips and even his cock and balls. Ben soon saw that there was a direct link between a touch and another £10 or £20 going into the beer glass, so he relaxed and let the hands linger for longer before moving on. He was soon rock hard and had precum on the tip of his cockhead. And that meant more touches and more tips.

While Ben was becoming very popular with the majority of the group, Liam was also an attraction for a group of the younger rugby lads. They were pumping him with questions, Was Ben Liam's boyfriend? Didn't he mind Ben being groped by all the others? Did he shave Ben? How long had they been in a relationship? Was it open? Did Ben give good head?

Liam answered most of these questions quite evasively until it came to that last one, Did Ben give good head? Liam nodded and grinned, The best. The best I've ever had.

The rugby lads looked round at each other and then to Tim, the captain, who searched out Robin, Hear that Robin? You've got competition. You're the best cocksucker on the rugby team. Liam here says Ben is the best he has had. Wonder who is better? Robin or Ben? Now, how do we find out?

There was a roar of laughter within the group amid shouts of, What's going on over there?

Tim took centre stage, Well we all know Robin is the best cocksucker on the rugby team and Liam here says Ben gives the best head in town. Sounds like competition time, don't you think?

In answer, a circle formed around Ben and Robin, men watching, waiting for Greg and Tim to direct the fun.

Greg took charge and explained, OK, gentlemen, this is how it will be. Ben and Robin will give head to those of us brave enough to volunteer as judges. We need an odd number of judges so that there can't a tie-break, so to speak. If you don't want to judge then take one step back now.

Liam felt two hands behind his back, preventing him from stepping back. He wasn't sure he wanted to have to judge, but now Greg looked straight at Liam, Well, and we even have Greg, Ben's housemate, as one of the judges. Excellent, that's seven of us, myself included, of course. Robin, you need to strip off too.

Ben watched as Robin quickly stripped off, showing a lean, muscular and also very smooth body underneath his clothes. Ben had been wondering if there would be any action at the party, and now he knew. He was going to be central to it, with Robin by his side.

Liam, Greg, and five others were all standing around in a wide circle. Tim handed out blindfold to the judges and blindfolded Ben and Robin, Each judge will be blindfolded when it is his turn. Ben and Robin won't know who they are sucking so that will encourage them to give each judge their best.

Ben and Robin were guided to the first judge, whose trousers and pants were dropped to his knees by Tim. Tim guided Ben onto the ready cock, Right cocksucker one, you get three minutes to demonstrate your skill, then its the turn for cocksucker two. The judge was sucked by them both, watched on by all, and announced the second suck was better.

Tim continued around the circle of judges, making Ben go first one time, Robin the next. Both Ben and Robin were eager in the task. Robin knew all the cocks in the room except for Liam, Ben recognised Greg's cock as the third cock he had sucked, and it wasn't until the seventh and last cock that he recognised Liam's. Ben gave of his best to Liam for his three minutes. Robin had worked out that this last cock belonged to Liam also worked it hard. When Robin's three minutes were up and Liam admitted he couldn't judge between them, Tim announced, Well we do have a tie break after all. So, tiebreak rules, this last judge remains blindfolded, as are the cocksuckers, the judge is stripped naked like the cocksuckers are, and the cocksuckers take it in turn in 15 second bursts, so to speak, until the judge bursts. The cocksucker who makes the judge shoot is the best cocksucker of the evening.

Liam felt his clothes being taken off him, he was in too much shock to protest or resist, and too horned up by the cocksucking for it not to happen. He was soon as naked as Ben and Robin, all three of them totally boned up.

Robin and Ben worked Liam's cock alternately for 15 seconds for several minutes. They were looking into each others eyes, either side of Liam's shaft, lips open, wet. At one point, before Ben could move his mouth away from Liam's shaft, Robin joined him. They were both sucking Liam at the same time, facing each other, one set of lips on each side of the shaft and taking it in turns to take Liam's head into their mouth. Soon, too soon, Ben and Robin were rewarded with Liam's precum and then his cum.

Tim took the blindfold off Liam the moment after he came. He looked around at all the men in the room. He had only just shot his load in front of them all. Fuck... And there was Ben, and Robin, was it, naked on their knees licking his dripping dick clean. He could see that some of the older men were leering at him in a way that reminded him of that time he was with his granddad at the beach. Liam had been totally embarrassed at the letching of the old man and had ran off a couple of times that day. And now he was the subject of the leers. He looked down his naked body again, Ben and Robin cleaning his shaft with their tongues then kissing in front of him. Fuck, they seem to be so cool about being naked and horned in front of this group.

Ben got up as Robin gathered up Liam's scattered clothes, Fuck that was hot, Liam, you were awesome. Shall we get you cleaned up and dressed?

Liam nodded as he was led down the hall into the bathroom. Robin turned on the shower and told Liam to get in. When Liam was under the hot water, Robin winked at Ben and they then both got in with Liam. Liam tried to protest, but was stopped by Robin saying, It's all part of the service. Relax, enjoy.

So that's what Liam did, let the two boys sud him up totally, hands everywhere, feeling their bodies against him, Liam got aroused again, and hands found him, and then lips, Robin's lips circled Liam's cock head. Ben washed Liam's chest, exploring his nips and pits, face close to Liam's, mouth open, concentrating on giving Liam pleasure as Robin worked him. Liam reached over and kissed Ben, hesitantly at first, then, as tongues met and played together with more vigour and strength, Fuck, this felt good, he thought to himself. Robin stood up, the three of them under the running water, exchanging kisses, heat of their bodies, Ben and Robin smooth, Liam, his dark blonde hair of his head, bush and legs. Robin slowly stroking Liam, I want something from you, I want your yellow. At this, Robing kneels down in the shower in front of Liam, holding Liam's cock in front of his face, nodding yes, do it, now. Ben, curious, knelt down too, beside Robin, with Liam towering above, Yes Liam, please, shower us. Liam couldn't believe that Robin and Ben wanted him to piss on them, but something clicked in his brain, I can give them that, if that's what they want. As Robin held Liam's cock, Liam started to piss, Robin aiming the hot yellow flow at his own face first, then at Ben, then taking some piss into his mouth, kissing Ben as Liam's piss cascaded over their faces and then gently moving Liam's cock into Ben's mouth, letting Ben take the full force of Liam's waters. Robin and Ben kissed and licked Liam's cock clean and then quickly rinsed off. Ben and Robin towelled Liam down before drying themselves and helped Liam dress, themselves still naked, finally opening the bathroom door a good twenty minutes after they had gone in. Some of the guests had already gone, and the rest were seated round facing the large TV screen. Greg turned round winking at Robin, There you are. You guys took your time. Ben, Robin, one more round of drinks for the guests before we call it a night, eh? Ben and Robin hurried off to the kitchen to open more bottles of prosecco before topping everybody up. Greg raised his glass, To Ben, and Robin, the two best cocksuckers of the night. There was a cheer and a clink of glasses. Robin seemed as relaxed being naked as Ben was now and not in a hurry to get dressed, taking it as normal to be naked now for the rest of the night. Ben took the chance to take a closer look at Robin, perhaps an inch or two taller than Ben, cut to Ben's uncut, though about the same six inches hard. And somehow Robin looked smoother than Ben, even though he had been shaved only this morning. Ben wondered if it was simply because Robin was lighter coloured hair than Ben. As the crowds left, there was only Robin, Tim, Ben, Greg and Liam left. Robin was pulling on his clothes finally, and Greg handed Liam Ben's rucksack and the pint glass stuffed with notes, Look after these for the Boy, looks like he doesn't want to put clothes on ever again. Robin invited Ben and Liam to the rugby match that they were playing in the following afternoon, then Robin and Tim left. Greg ushered Ben and Liam to the lift, Ben still naked, Thank you Ben for everything, you were amazing. Hey and thank you Liam for the show you put on. Totally hot. You guys have got an invite to the party next weekend. And bring your housemate Derren along too. Ben nodded enthusiastically. Liam blushed with a quiet, Thanks. Ben, naked, sober, chattily talked to Liam all the way down the lift, into the basement carpark and into the car. When they got back to their street Ben parked up, he saw some curtains twitching even though it was gone 2am. Ben got out of the car and ran up and down the street bare assed naked before making his way indoors. Derren was either out or asleep. Liam said it was late and he was turning in. Ben jumped up and hugged Liam, kissing him, Thanks for being there. I had an awesome time. Hope you did too. Ben was totally buzzing as Liam left him on the landing without saying a word. Liam needed time to process what had happened.

So that was the naked butler gig. I hope you enjoyed it. I've left quite a few threads open for Ben to explore. Does he chase Derren for some cock play? Has Ben fallen for Liam? Does Liam regret the very public blow job he got from Ben and Robin? What happens when Ben goes to the rugby match the following day? Does he follow up on the Life Model? What other notes have been left in the beer jar in his rucksac?

Let me know how you think the next few hours unfold at and I can write the fifth instalment of Ben's Adventures.

Next: Chapter 5

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