Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Aug 24, 2023


Ben's Adventures - Part 35 Asylum Granted


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben's settled into a naked lifestyle in France with friends and extended family around him. And now, he has been granted asylum.


There's mixed reactions to Ben's news when he gets back to the tent. Pierre and Louis are really excited by the prospect of Ben living in France with them. Liam, Derren and Robin are unsure how they fit into the picture. Of course, they don't. That's the problem. Ben will be staying in France and they will have to return to England without him. "Aren't you happy for me?" asks Ben. "Sure, erm, yeah," replies Liam, "But what about us? Your university course? Us sharing digs together, you know? We won't be together." "I know, but it's not safe for me to return, you know that, right? And you can always come visit." "True, but it won't be the same." "So true, yeah, I get that, and, well, I don't know what the future holds, none of us do." Robin butts in, "That's true, none of us do. As the oldest here..." "26 is oldest?" asks Pierre. There's laughter. "26 counts as old here, yeah. We can make plans, but they're going to be broken, that's for certain, and then we gotta make different plans. So, I guess it's time to make different plans, now. Liam and Derren, what are your plans? And Ben, what are yours?" asks Robin. Liam answers, "Well, I guess we gotta make the best of these last couple of weeks of our stay here then it's time to head back and do second year at uni, coming to terms that it's without Ben." Derren slowly nods in agreement, "Gonna miss you, bud." "Thanks. Gonna miss you both, but..." "This is reality right now, yes?" asks Pierre. Robin comes in, "Yeah, and I've finished my PhD now, so I'm applying for associates and research positions around the UK universities. Got a couple of interviews lined up, none in Durham so far." "You didn't answer Robin's question, Ben. What about you?" asks Liam. "I dunno. It's all so fresh right now. The notary gave me a leaflet about studying in France. Once my asylum has been granted then I can start to look and apply." "Yeah?" asks Louis, "You could always join me and Pierre in Cap D'Agde." "Where? What you doing there?" "Cap D'Agde. The famous French naturist resort. You must have heard of it?" Heads shaking `no'. "Basically, naturism is the norm, clothes are rare there. Anyway, that's where we are off to in September, to learn all about hotel management and catering." "And massage," adds Pierre. "Yeah? That sounds so cool, guys," Ben replies. "So, you could join us, if you want? We could see if there are places left." "Woah, woah, hang on a minute." "What are you waiting for Ben?" asks Robin, "Sounds fucking amazing. You get to be with Pierre and Louis, you get to be naked, you get to study something really practical skills. What's not to like?" "I guess you're not wrong. I should check it out. But I gotta get that asylum granted first." "No, we can check it out now, you can see if you want to come with us, and then when your asylum comes through, you can apply. It'll be awesome," replies Louis. "But, what's it all about?" Pierre and Louis interrupt each other, excitedly describing the training to Ben, "This isn't university but a skills based, third level education... as a legal resident of France, once asylum is granted, you're entitled to a grant to go... first year there, it's study full-time... hotel management, catering, massage as an extra... then in years two & three, it's part time study, part-time working... trainee accommodation provided... we will be living in a naturist paradise...for three whole years... what more could you want, Ben?" Liam cuts in, "Sounds amazing, Ben, you should do it." Derren agrees, as does Robin. Ben browses the details that Pierre has brought up on his phone, nodding, "Fuck, does sound amazing. I could totally do that. Would be awesome to be there with you two. You sure I can get in?" "Let me ask if there are any last minute spaces, first," Pierre replies, typing furiously on his phone, dashing off an email to the course admin.

"Wow, that's amazing," Shiela says at dinner that night, "That would be so great if you get into that Ben, your future would be sorted." "Yes, I was concerned about what you would do when Pierre and Louis leave next month," adds Jean. "I'm not in yet. I haven't even got asylum yet." Jean shrugs his shoulders, "No problems, yes, that's what you boys say?" Jean raises his glass, "Here's to your asylum being granted and to you joining Pierre and Louis on the course at Cap D'Agde." They all drink to the toast.

Ben had been in touch with Luke a few times already. Luke, as in Anthony's personal assistant from the auction weekend. Well Ben and Luke had been exchanging messages near constantly since Ben arrived at the campsite. Luke is so jealous of Ben's encounters in the French dunes, but also telling Ben that the website had been closed down, and that Anthony had been discretely passing tips onto the police telling them what he knew of the organisation, the website, some of the contacts he had, and that the police were actively acting upon those leads.

A few days later, the notary returns to speak with Ben, "There you go. Asylum granted. Here's the papers, your documentation and ID. Do not lose them. This means you can stay in France for five years. You are now free to apply to study any third level course in France, and of course, to apply for French citizenship in the meantime." Ben can't speak. He's so happy he's crying. The notary smiles, "Good luck, young man," gives Ben a hug, and leaves. "I've got it," Ben says, waving his papers around. Liam grabs them and has a look, "Who the fuck is Benedict?" Derren nudges Liam, "Shut the fuck up, dumbass!" "What? What did I say?" Liam returns. "Me. I'm Ben. Benedict. That's the name my parents gave me," explains Ben. "Benedict? I thought Ben was short for Benjamin," Liam continues. "Well, I wish it was, but it isn't. I didn't get to choose." "Fuck, but Benedict? I'm sorry, I just didn't..." "Realise you were such a dickhead, Liam?" asks Derren. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," Liam mutters to himself. Pierre comes in with, "Yes, Benedict, it means well dicked, yes?" Louis laughs, "Ah, yes, now we know this to be true, yes, Ben?" Ben shakes his head, "Lol, I guess yes, I've been well dicked this summer." "And for the whole year, starting at uni and then in the secure house." "Can we change the subject, guys?" Ben asks. "Yes. Changing the subject, I've got a reply from Cap D'Agde. There is a space. Someone has dropped out of the course just a couple of days ago. They want to interview you this afternoon on zoom." "What the? OMG, right. I, erm, fuck, I'm not ready..." "There's nothing to be ready for," Pierre assures Ben, "Just be yourself, and do tell them you've done waitering!" Ben blushes, remembering the waitering he did while he had been in the secure house, "I don't think I should admit to that." "Lol, they don't need to know where, just as a uni job, stretch the truth a bit! Anyway, you've been waitering here for the summer." Liam and Derren sniggering, beside them, "Yeah, and you don't need to tell them about how much cock you sucked as part of your waitering either." Louis adds, "Though it might help?" They collapse in hysterics. "Fuck, guys, be serious for once, yeah?" Ben adds, tears running down his face too from laughing so much.

Ben uses Jean's laptop in the dining room for the interview. "Good luck," Jean says, as he closes the door behind him. Ben is surprised when the zoom starts and the interviewer is sitting there in his office bare chested, then remembers of course, the interviewer is at Cap D'Agde, and therefore naked? This is confirmed when the interviewer has to move away from his desk to get some papers and Ben catches sight of his bare ass. "OMG, so you are naked. I was wondering," admits Ben. "Well, of course. I'm at Cap D'Agde, after all. And here, the classes will be run clothing optional, something like 80-90% of students are naturist for the classes, aprons on in the kitchen for hygiene reasons, naturist in front of house at reception, in the restaurant etc. I take it you're comfortable with that? Being naked with others?" "Yes. Totally, I've been doing some waiting on tables here at the campsite, naked. I'm naked now," Ben says, standing up to prove it, giving the interviewer a good view of his tanned body, cock and balls, before sitting down. `Oh, right, yes, so I see. Erm, very nice, erm, good," the interviewer coughs and smiles. They cover questions around Ben's asylum, his cousins Pierre and Louis, accommodation, he would have to share the one-bedroom apartment with Pierre and Louis, was Ben happy with that? Yes he was, totally. They talk about Ben's experience, Ben tells him he has done a bit of waitering while at university and also on the campsite. "Don't worry about that too much, we are taking you all from zero. And I see that you want to do the massage training too, like Pierre and Louis? What experience do you have there?" "Well, I like having a massage, and I've been taught a few of the techniques but I'm a total amateur right now." "That all sounds good. Don'y worry. You sound bright, keen, and you will be with your cousins, so you won't be lonely. Am I right that you get on well with them? Pierre speaks very highly of you in his email to me." "Really well, yeah, we're very close." "Good, well then, I think I'm happy to accept you onto the course." "Wow, really? Just like that? You don't have to check with anyone else?" "No, you are speaking to the boss right now!" "That's amazing. Thank you. OMG, thank you so much," replies Ben with a supersized grin on his face. "Good. Excellent. I like to see the candidate's reaction when I offer the place to them. Your reaction, it's not something that can be faked. I can see that you genuinely want to come on the training. That's excellent." "Totally, yeah. Totally want to do this." "Great. If you have any questions, then get in touch. I will confirm everything by email later this afternoon. And we will see each other in the flesh in two weeks." "Awesome."

"That's amazing, you got confirmation, just like that?" "Yeah the email has just arrived," Ben jumping for joy, Pierre and Louis hugging him. "Fuck, so it really is the end for us," Liam says. Ben goes over and hugs Liam, Derren too. They end up in a puppy pile, they all make out gently, sadly, kissing tears away, then falling asleep.

The next few days, there's mixed emotions, Liam, Derren and Robin each spending time alone with Ben, chatting, making out in the dunes, saying their goodbyes. "You never tapped me," Derren says, them lying in the dunes, sunbathing. "No, I, err," Ben surprised that Derren is bringing this up, "You, erm, sounds as if you want me to" Derren nods, "Just be gentle, yeah? And you don't need to tell the others, ok?" Ben grins. And is very gentle with Derren.

"That's fantastic news," Luke messages Ben, "So happy for you, and more than a bit jealous, if you're ok with that." "Jealous? Why?" "Why? C'mon Ben, being amongst all that naked flesh. I bet more than half the guys on the training will be gay. And then there's the tourists there all the time. Damn!" "Lol, well you will have to come visit, either with Anthony on one of his trips or by yourself on your holiday." "Would that be ok with you and your French cousins?" "Sure, it would be." "Ok, let me know how you get on. Oh, and I nearly forgot, there's been some developments, some arrests, Anthony was telling me. Scott and Himself, thats's what you called him, right? They've both been taken in for questioning." "WTF, really?" "Yeah, just a couple of days ago." "Fuck, I hope they get what they deserve." Yeah, but it might mean you need to testify." "I'm not coming back to the UK." "That's not a problem. Anthony told me it should be ok for you to testify from a French court of law." "It would be so good to see them go down." "Yeah, to a real prison this time, not a secure house," Luke adds. "Totally, yeah. Wait til I tell the guys. Thanks for that, Luke, you made my day." "Keep in touch, yeah?" "Yeah, and visit us in Cap D'Agde!"

There are whoops of joy when Ben tells the group the news from Luke. Then there are tears all round the following morning, the car packed, them all hugging by the car, Pierre, Louis and Ben naked, Liam, Derren and Robin clothed for their car trip back to England, university and work. "Gonna miss you, Ben. Keep in touch, yeah?" "Will send pics." "And vids?" "Sure. Never know, you might visit us in Cap D'Agde next summer." "Might do, might do," says Liam, grinning over at Derren. "Yeah, def up for some of that," says Derren, winking at Ben. "Awesome. Invite is there for you too, Robin, you do know that, yeah?" Robin nods. Ben watches, holding back tears, as they drive off, Pierre and Louis giving him a bear hug, well, more like a puppy hug. "Ben, what was that wink for?" Pierre asks. "What wink?" Ben replies evasively. "The one Derren gave you? C'mon, Ben, spill." "No. I promised." "Really?" Pierre grins, "OMG, Ben, you fucking tapped him, didn't you? You got to tap Derren." "What happened in the dunes, stays in the dunes." Pierre laughs, "OK, OK, I'm hearing the truth, already."

Pierre, Louis and Ben are kind of lost in the huge tent, and wandering round the dunes and campsite without the familiar Liam, Derren and Robin with them. "Missing them, eh, Ben?" asks Pierre. "Yeah, totally. They messaged that they arrived back ok, but yeah, kinda sad I won't be with them at uni for the second year." "No, but you will be with me and Louis for our first year in Cap D'Agde, and we will all be naked all the time." "What? You're not packing any clothes?" Pierre shakes his head, "No, of course not, why would I want to do that? Better to say I haven't got anything to put on!" "Fuck, I totally get you. Wait, so like, we're gonna travel there in the car, naked?" "Sure, why not? It's only like a seven or eight hour car trip. And mum and dad will be totally cool with us being naked." Ben breaks out into a huge grin, "Fuck, yeah, bring it on. No clothes for us!" "Not for the next three years, anyway," replies Pierre.

The following week, they head off on the car trip, Jean driving, Shiela in the front, the three well tanned naked lads in the back, hardly any luggage in the boot, notebooks, laptops, books, etc, but no clothes. The journey to Cap D'Agde goes without a hitch and they arrive at their student accommodation mid afternoon, sign in, get shown round the accommodation. "This is very nice," Shiela says, looking round, "Only one bedroom though, how are you three going to manage?" Jean shakes his head at Sheila, "Let them be, I'm sure they can figure it out. The sofa must make up to a bed, no?" "Don't worry, papa," Louis says, "We'll sort it out. We've all been sleeping in the tent together all summer long so there's nothing we don't know about each other." Pierre adds, "And it's not as if we have anything to hide from each other. We've have been naked together all of that time too, and will be for the next three years." "Yes, I keep forgetting," Shiela laughs, "Ok, love you and leave you before I make a scene and burst into tears. Keep in touch, yes? Or we will be driving over to check up on you all." They all go down to the car to wave Sheila and Jean off, then the three have a group hug. "Wow, here we are, let's explore, yes?" They agree and head off, all three of them naked, passing naked people everywhere. "This is the fucking life, isn't it?" "Yes," Ben nods, in agreement, "This is the fucking life."


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So that's where we leave Ben and his cousins Pierre and Louis, granted asylum in France, and with the prospect of living completely naked for the next three years, at least. I hope you've enjoyed reading about Ben's Adventures.

You can get in touch with me at to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life.

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