Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Aug 16, 2023


Ben's Adventures - Part 34 The Reckoning


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben seems to have settled into a naked lifestyle in France with friends and extended family around him. But what does the future hold for him?


Aubin becomes more involved with the group as the days fly by, the randy dad departs and that gives Ben time to pay more attention to Aubin. Derren has his daily exploration with the German lady before she too departs. Ben hasn't taken advantage of Derren's ass, yet. That's something that is unspoken between them, and the others. The days turn into weeks and their naked bodies become more bronzed and lean.

"Ben, can we have a word?" his aunt Sheila asks at the table one evening. "Sure. Here's ok with me," says Ben. "Erm, it's delicate." "There's nothing these guys don't know about me already." Shiela shrugs, "Ok, it's about your parents, I've been in touch with them." A dark frown appears on Ben's face, he shakes his head, "I'm not sure I'm gonna like this." "Be prepared, you're not," Shiela continues, "They've near enough disowned you, Ben, they say you've brought shame on them, on their community, hardly anyone in the church and village speak to them. Your dad is so angry, and your brother too, they can't understand it. Your mum is beside herself, they don't know what they'd do if you were to return home. They don't want you to. They want you to stay away." There's silence around the table, everyone looking at Ben to see his reaction to his parents effectively disowning him. "WTF! Like for how long?" asks Ben. "For good," Sheila replies, in a whisper. "What? What the fuck are they getting off on?" "I know, I know. Ben, I was on the phone to your mum this afternoon, she said she'd rather you hadn't been born, or had disappeared completely rather than what has happened." "Fucking hell," Liam comes in, "Your parents are dinosaurs, Ben, you're way better off without them." "That's easy enough for you to say, but if they aren't there for me, who is?" "We are, we're your family now. You were our nephew, now you're our son," Jean says, looking at Sheila, who is nodding. "I needed to tell you this," Shiela continues, because some town officials have been on the phone, about you, about what happened in the UK, before you arrived. They want to come talk with you about everything, them and the police." Ben's jaw drops, "Am I in trouble?" "No, Ben, not at all. They want to help. They've been investigating." "I don't want to see them alone, my French isn't that good." "That's ok, either Jean or I could be with you." Ben nods, "I'd like that."

Ben has a restless few days and nights thinking about what is going to happen. "They're here, best come up to the house," Pierre runs into the cafe where Ben is serving with Derren. Ben looks panicked, "Hey, don't worry, it'll be ok," Pierre says, as they walk together back to the house. Ben walks into the dining room, round the table are a group of men, all turning to see Ben walk in naked and sit opposite them, Sheila sat by his side. A bald man in a dark suit starts off with introductions, tells Ben he is the notary. He introduces the lawyer, a policeman, and a border guard, and someone from the local council. The notary explains that the border guard had tipped off the police as Ben went through at Calais. Ben hadn't done anything wrong, but he was flagged as a vulnerable alien in the country. There followed two hours of intense questioning of Ben, Ben flustered sometimes, finding his French not up to the task, Sheila translating and answering questions sometimes. Ben finds it really embarrassing being questioned so intimately, questioned about if he really had thought it was a secure house, a prison. He gave his bank details, which were checked during the interview, to make sure he hadn't received any payments during the time he was there. He hadn't. As they were leaving, the notary said that he would be in touch within a couple of weeks, that Ben and his friends should at the very least return to the campsite overnight. Ben gives them that assurance. He isn't tempted to go beyond the campsite and beach anyway, there are so many pleasurable distractions there.

Ben is wiped out after the intense interview and heads back to the tent. Ben finds Liam there, the rest having gone down to the beach. Liam and Ben chat, lying side by side, Ben explains everything that just happened. "What can I do for you?" asks Liam, "To cheer you up?" "Massage perhaps?" asks Ben. "I'm no good at it but, yeah, let me try." Liam straddles Ben, his cock resting in the small of Ben's back, Liam massaging Ben's shoulders, Ben relaxing, releasing the tension there, feeling Liam bone up, his cock tracing up Ben's back. "Sorry," Liam says. "Don't be," replies Ben, You know, if you want to..." Liam doesn't need any encouragement, he slips down Ben, and pushes his cock inside, fucks Ben gently, kisses the back of Ben's neck, "You sure you're ok with this?" Ben purrs a "Yes, I'm sure." Liam has only just cum, not even pulled out of Ben, when the others return to the tent. Derren looks at them and grins, "So, how was it?" "Nice," replies Ben. "Not Liam fucking you, I wasn't asking about that. The interview?" They all laugh, "Oh that, that was intense, and not in a good way. Felt like it was me on trial again, not sure if they even believed me." "So what happens now?" Ben shrugs his shoulders, "They gone away to check out what I told them, said they would be in touch, might be two or three weeks though. And in the meantime we stuck here. All of us." "Not much of a hardship, eh?" Ben shakes his head, `No.' And it wasn't. Much of a hardship. The time flew by.

The notary returns a couple of weeks later, by himself, unannounced, to find Ben serving at the textile cafe with Aubin. "It's ok, I can have a coffee here while I wait for you to finish work," the notary explains. Jean joins him and when the rush is over, Ben sits down, not fully prepared for what might be said. "We can do this here, it is all quite simple, really," the notary says. Jean asking, "So?" "What you told us, we have confirmed to be true. We spoke with the British police, and the group of criminals, they have run to ground, as you say, their website has disappeared, there is nothing to find." "WTF," Ben cries out, "So they get away with it?" The notary shrugs his shoulders, "You are young. You have too much of an idealised view of police catching the criminals. Yes, they will get away with it, this time, but the evidence is there, and the police alerted, actively looking out for them. They have footage of them too, so their identities are now known. They seem to have gone to ground in the UK. And because of Brexit, well, that makes it harder for criminals to cross to Europe." "So, what about me? What if they find me when I go back to the UK? Cos I have to go back right? Me and my friends do. The ninety days visit will be up soon enough." The notary nods, "Yes the ninety days will be up soon enough, as you say, for your friends. They will have to leave France, but it is recognised that you might be in danger if you return. Add that to the evidence you gave about the rejection of you by your parents, well, you are eligible to make a request for asylum to stay in France." "Asylum? What? Really?" "Yes, the paperwork is simple," the notary brings out a wad of paper, "I have already taken the liberty to pre-fill the request form in with the information we gathered at our last meeting, you just need to read, confirm it is true, and sign it." "And thats it? Asylum granted? I will be free to stay in France?" "Yes, it's a formality, in this case. The panel agreed. The asylum is for five years." "Five years? So what happens after that?" "In that time, you can apply for French citizenship. As your family ties to the UK are severed, and you have a strong connection with your aunt, uncle and cousins here in France, you also speak very good French, then that should be very straightforward to grant." "So, I will be able to stay permanently?" "Take the steps one by one. First sign the asylum request. We will be able to grant that within the week. That will grant you residency in France for five years, and you can apply for citizenship, like I said."

Ben reads the eight page document, asking Jean what several phrases mean, Ben signs and hands over to the notary. The notary looks over the document and countersigns it, "So, do you have any further questions?" "So, I have to stay in France until I get citizenship? What about work?

Studying? I was at university in England before all this happened." The notary hands Ben a booklet, "This describes your rights once asylum has been granted. Essentially, you will be able to study, to work. It's all in there. Read it throughly while the request is being processed. There's also a website to get answers. Your family here will be able to help you navigate our education system." The notary stands and extends his hand, "I shall see you, perhaps, in a week?" "Thank you, thank you, thank you."


So it looks like those involved in the secure house are free for now. Ben has signed his asylum request papers and been told that the way should be clear for him to claim French citizenship and live permanently in France. But how does this fit in with any of his plans?

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Next: Chapter 35

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