Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Aug 9, 2023


Ben's Adventures - Part 33 First Days of Freedom


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


So, Ben has been sprung from the secure house and is now in France with his university friends Derren, Liam and Robin, and with his cousins Pierre and Louis. Ben is busy having fun with them all, living a naked life. But is it all a dream?


Ben wakes up sandwiched between his cousins, Pierre and Louis, and thinks to himself, `No, it wasn't a fucking dream, I am free!' He feels Louis' cock hard against his back and smiles, remembering the midnight swim and the circle jerk with his cousins. He looks at the sleeping Pierre in front of him and kisses him on the lips ever so softly. "Uh, what?" Pierre wakes up, "Dude, consent yeah? You can't just go round kissing guys without asking first." Ben pouts his lips. "Just kidding, right. It'll always be cool for you to kiss me." They kiss. Hard cocks rubbing against each other. Then Pierre's phone alarm goes off, "Fuck, time to get up and get to work, the four of you at the cafe and me and Louis at reception." "But this?" Ben, pointing to his boner. "Mine too," laughs Pierre, "Just gotta work round it and hope it goes down soon." Pierre gets up and shakes everyone awake. Then they all head off out of the tent.

Liam and Robin head off into the kitchen and are soon put to work washing a whole load of glasses from last night's evening bar. Ben and Derren stand by the bar, in the morning sun, waiting for their first customers to turn up, enjoying a coffee and croissant. Jean is there, briefly, telling them how to take orders, give them in through the hatch, "It's a tab system, so you need to take tent, caravan, or mobile home number from people. Check by looking at their key. The menu's simple enough." Jean waves the menu at them and leaves them to it, just as a first family arrives. "You take it, Ben, yeah?" Derren asks. "Sure, but I'm not gonna do it all myself. You'll have to get out there sometimes and show cock, I mean, willing." Derren laughs, "Haha, funny man."

"You're new here, yes?" asks the man. The wife and two young boys watching, listening, as Ben takes their order. "Yes, that's right." "English?" "Yes, it's my uncle's campsite. I'm here on a holiday, helping out too." "Nice." "Daddy, what's that writing on his bum?" "I don't know, let's see. bukkake boi'," the father taking a long time reading what's on Ben's ass. Ben blushes, seeing the awkwardness, the man obviously knowing what it means, but not wanting to explain it to his seven year old son. Ben explains to the boy, "It's a Japanese word. Erm, I'm not sure what it means, really, but it sounds fun, bu-kak-ke, don't you think?" The boy and his younger brother repeat bu-kak-ke' several times, getting louder and louder, the dad shushing them. "Sorry, I thought I was being helpful," blushes Ben. The mum and dad exchanging glances, shaking heads, hoping their sons would soon forget the phrase. Ben gets back to the counter, puts the order in, and tells Derren what happened. Derren laughing, "Fuck, yeah, we're just gonna have to call you the `bu-kak-ke boi' now, aren't we?" "Thanks. Not." Ben shakes his head, the order is ready. "Here, you can help me carry this lot across to them." "Fuck, ok." So they both approach the table, the two boys start up with "bu-kak-ke, bu-kak-ke." "Shhh," says the mum, the dad clearly comparing between Ben and Derren, both their cocks on show. "Daddy," says the younger boy, "Why does one man have hair around his willy and the other not?" The mum hides her face in embarrassment, mouthing "Sorry," to Ben and Derren. "I don't know," dad replies, "Perhaps you should ask them." Derren splutters, "Well, I, erm, decided to leave the hair thats grows as it is, and Ben here, he got it taken off." "Ok. So will he grow it back some day?" Ben replies, "No it's permanent. I will be smooth all the time now." The dad raises his eyebrows, "Really?" Ben nods. The man smiles, and winks at Ben. "Any more questions, boys, or shall we have breakfast?"

"Woah, that was kinda weird." "I know." "But did you see the way the dad looked at you when he heard you were smooth permanently?" "I did, yeah," Ben grins. "You're not thinking..." "Yes, I am. He might be interested." "Fucking hell, Ben, not every man in the world is after your ass." "Not everyone, no, but I'd bet you anything he is." "Anything?" "Yeah." "So, you want to wager on that?" Derren asks. "Do you? And what do you want to wager?" "I dunno,' Derren shakes his head. "How about if I get it on with him you have to let me fuck you?" "WTF Ben, no way!" "And if he doesn't you can have me anywhere anytime." Derren just stands there, open mouthed, the thought of having Ben at his beck and call making his cock twitch, "Ok, so here's the deal, you get it on with him, you can fuck me. But once only, and if you don't, then you're basically my bitch for the rest of the time we're here." Ben nods and grins, "Deal." They fist bump in agreement. "Ok, I served the first lot, your turn now," as Ben looks down at Derren, all chubbed up. "Fuckkk, how did I get myself into this?" Derren mutters as he walks over to the table, cock bouncing.

The rest of the morning and the lunchtime shift goes much the same, with Derren in various states of excitement. After their shift the six of them are treated to a free lunch, before heading down to the beach for some cooling off in the water, and then some lying on the sand and getting some sun on their naked bodies. Later in showers, all of them chubbed up, Ben drops to his knees, the others gather round him and start stroking themselves, then grabbing hold of each other, finally cumming all over the bukkake boi. Ben covered in cum, still on his knees looks up pleadingly. Robin is the first to piss all over Ben, the others taking their cue and starting to cover Ben in their yellow. As they are covering Ben with their piss, the father from breakfast time walks in with one of his sons, smiles, and immediately chubs up on seeing what's going on. "Daddy, what are they doing?" the son asks in a very loud voice. "Just messing about, having fun," the dad says, catching Ben's eye and winking. "Can we join in too?" "No, son, it's big boys' games." "Awww, I wish I was a big boy." "You will be one day, soon enough." The father and son shower quickly, the dad near fully boned when they leave. Ben glancing over at Derren, as if to say, `See, I already got this in the bag, man." Ben gets up off his knees and washes the piss off him before they head back to the bar for a free beer before supper.

On the second day, it's just the father at breakfast, Ben flirting openly with him, the dad interested, they arrange to meet up later on. Derren, boned again, greets an older German couple, shows them to a table and waits while they take a long look at him, pretending to think about what they want for breakfast, Derren hard and cockhead wet with precum. Ben laughs at Derren when he returns from delivering their breakfast, Derren's cock rock hard and leaking. Derren pleads with Ben. Ben laughs and gives Derren a bj, deliberately half-in view of the couple and the dad, so they can see exactly what is going on. Just as Derren blows, Ben still on his knees, the German woman comes up and asks for more cream. She puts her finger to Derren's still hard cock, gets cum on it and licks, "No, never mind, that's the cream I really wanted." She smiles and leaves Derren and Ben speechless. When Derren goes to clear the table, her husband has already gone, the woman asks Derren what time he gets off, and then tells Derren to come to her mobile home for 4pm, prompt.

So, at 4pm Derren arrives at the German woman's mobile home. She doesn't spare anytime taking Derren to the bedroom and getting Derren to lie down on the bed. She blindfolds him then proceeds to suck his cock and balls, pushing his legs apart, fingering his ass. Derren tries to protest, but she barks at him to shut up, telling Derren that she knows he will like it, to trust her. Derren is surprised he is liking it, as she massages his prostate and licks all the precum off his flowing cockhead. Derren's cock has never been so hard, and then the woman mounts him, cowgirl style, riding his cock, still with her finger up his ass. Derren doesn't last very long like this and cums loudly and strongly. Panting, thinking it's over, that he should leave, she sits there, his cock still inside her, softening, then her riding him slowly again, 'til he is hard, cockhead tender. The ride, slower, gentler, more sensual, she brings Derren close several times, resting in between, tweaking his nips in those intervening moments, squashing his balls, before riding Derren again and again. Finally letting Derren cum inside her a second time. Derren soaked, exhausted, with a silly grin on his face, as she takes the blindfold off him. "Fucking hell!" "You didn't like?" she asks. "Didn't like? You kidding right? That was the best, ever." "Good. We older women can teach you boys a trick or two. If you want to come tomorrow, we can play more." "What? Really? But what about your husband?" "Don't you worry about him. He will enjoy me telling him how I rode your beautiful strong young cock, how hard you came, how much we both enjoyed it. You won't deny him him that, will you?" "I guess not, not if I'm getting this," Derren still on his back, grinning. "Good. See you tomorrow, then. But now, it's time for you to go." Derren leaves, unwashed.

Meanwhile, as Derren is getting to know his German lady friend Ben meets up with the dad in dunes, the dad already there, lying, sunbathing, cock chubbed up nicely. "That looks tasty," Ben quickly down on his knees, sucking on the dad, they move into a sixty-nine, with the dad sucking on Ben too. They soon progress, the dad entering Ben, Ben getting fucked on his back. Robin walks past, seeing them just as the dad pulls out and covers Ben's face with his jizz. Robin drops to his knees, cleans up the dad, then licks all the jizz off Ben's face. Robin looks between Ben and the dad, asks "You around for much longer?" The dad nods. "Tomorrow afternoon? The three of us?" "Can't make any promises, but that'd be awesome, yeah." The dad gets up and heads off, leaving Robin and Ben. "Fucking hell, Ben, you sure can pick them out." "Lol, yeah, and now Derren owes me a bit of his ass." "WTF really?" "Yeah, we bet on it. And you're a witness now, to me getting it on with the dad." "Does that mean I get to see you fuck Derren too?" Ben laughs, "I'm happy with that, not sure how happy Derren will be, though." "Well, if you do it in the dunes, then anyone can walk past." "Especially if they're tipped off about when and where, that what you mean?" "Exactly. Like your thinking, man."

Robin and Ben are back at the tent when Derren returns with a huge grin on his face. "So, c'mon, what was she like?" Pierre and Louis, looking round, Louis asking "Like? Who? What's happening?" Derren telling all, how he'd had the best sex ever. Robin telling the group about him walking through the dunes, cruising, if truth be told, when he bumps into Ben and the dad, dad jizzing all over Ben's face, Ben on his back, clearly been fucked by the dad. Derren's face goes white, "Fuck. No, no way." "Lol yeah, was witness to it," says Robin, "I heard you had a wager on." "Wager?" asks Liam. Robin continues, "Yeah, if Ben and the dad hooked up, Ben could fuck Derren." Laughter all round, except for Derren, sat there shaking his head. "OMG," says Pierre, "This I gotta see." "No, guys, no. Please no. I don't want any of you guys watching." Ben grinning, thinking, `Fuck, he's gonna keep his word on this, I'm gonna fuck Derren!' Robin laughing, "Yeah, c'mon guys, let Derren lose his cherry to Ben in the privacy of the dunes." "Tonight?" asks Louis. "Let them work it out between them, but let's say it's gotta happen before midnight tomorrow," replies Robin. "Fuck," Derren mutters under his breath. "Fuck, it is," Ben chuckles.

That evening, after another naked supper with Pierre and Louis' parents, they get back late. Someone has taken down the tent dividers, so it's now one big sleeping area, with sleeping bags zipped together to make a huge cover. They lie there for ages, chatting, talking, hands beginning to explore and its not long before they're wanking each other off, then sucking and then it ends up a total fuckfest for the six of them. Like the previous night, the air is filled with the scent of cum as they finally fall asleep.

The next morning, they rock up to the cafe again, not quite awake. Jean there, waiting for them. "We're not late, are we?" Ben asks. "No, not late, it's just that we're a bit short staffed in textile cafe, so I need one of you to help out there." Derren and Liam look round at each other, thinking, `Not me.' "I could do that," Ben volunteers. "You could?" Jean looks relieved, "And perhaps Robin, you could help Derren cover the naturist section?" Robin nods, "Sure, why not?" "That leaves you, Liam, in the kitchen, that ok?" "Sure, much better than being out on the front, on display." Ben walking along with Jean to the textile section, "Erm, aren't I a little underdressed for waiting in the textile section?" Jean laughs, "I never thought you to be shy, Ben. We call it the textile, but many are clothing optional, it's much more mixed than the name implies." "So they're not gonna be shocked by seeing me naked? Erm, that's cool, I think." "Good lad. It's only for today, someone called in sick. You'll be back in the naturist section tomorrow." Of course, when Ben gets there, he is helping a clothed French lad, and Ben is near enough the only one naked in the cafe for near enough the whole shift, just a token other naked body at times, all eyes on Ben. He's very popular and makes a lot of tips, which he shares with the clothed lad, who has been eyeing Ben up the whole time. "You ok? You been watching me, like the whole time. Like, there's no need to stare. Haven't you seen a naked guy before?" The French boy blushes, "No. Well, yes, but not for so long." "Fuck, you need to come over to the other side, meet my friends, hang out naked with us." "No, no, I would..." "What? Get hard? Bone up? So? We all do at times. It's part of the fun. And it's ok, you wouldn't be working, it would be in your time off." "I don't know." "Hey, the invite is there, if you want to, that is, I mean, you really have been staring at my cock and balls all morning. I think there's something there that you like, am I right?" The boy blushes, smiles, bites his lip, and nods, "Yes, there is." "Well, c'mon over. You can keep your shorts n tee on until we get there."

End of shift, Ben rocks up with the shy, new to naturism, local French boy. "Hi Aubin," Pierre says. The boy blushes, "Oh fuck, I didn't know you were going to be here." "Lol, it's ok, what happens in the campsite stays here, no telling school friends, yes?" Aubin sighs in relief. "So you staying in those or stripping down?" Pierre standing up naked, proudly. Six pairs of eyes on Aubin as he strips off, red-faced, sitting down quickly. "That better?" Aubin nods. "Not really feeling it though, yet, eh?" asks Ben. Aubin shakes his head, no'. "Let's go to the beach, take the heat of Aubin, here." They spend a couple of hours on the beach and in the water, Aubin feeling more comfortable, in the crowd, people looking over at them, not just him, his cock going hard at times, like the others, but no big deal, no one pointing him out, embarrassing him. Liam checks his phone, "Hey guys, don't you two have appointments to keep?" looking over at Ben and Derren. "Oh, fuck, yeah." "And me," Robin says. The three of them head off, tanned asses, Ben and Robin to meet up with the dad, Derren his German mistress. "That leaves the four of us," says Pierre to Louis, Aubin and Liam. Pierre cupping his hard-on, "Not sure why those three should have all the fun, right?" Aubin looks wide-eyed at Pierre, then around the others, "What you saying?" "Aww, you had the hots for Ben, eh?" Aubin blushes bright red. Pierre laughs, "Why don't you stay for supper with us, then you can hook up with him later? It's cool right, if you have a fancy for Ben." Aubin nods shyly, "Can I ask, what is bukkake boi'?" Liam laughs, "You need to ask Ben that." Louis adds, "Better still, we can show you later." "I'd like that, yes," Aubin replies.

Derren returns a while later, face flushed, huge grin on his face. "Good times?" asks Liam. Derren nods, "Fucking awesome times." Ben and Robin rush in, cocks slapping, "What's up?" Liam replies, "Aubin here wants to know what `bukkake boi' means!" They burst out laughing. "We said we'd show him later, after supper, yeah?"

Supper that night is a rushed affair, and they are soon back in the dunes, Ben dropping to his knees, everyone, including Aubin, jerking off, taking it in turns to shoot their jizz over Ben, Ben's mouth open, taking it in, his smooth body covered, Ben making eye contact with Aubin, Ben going round the still hard cocks cleaning each with his tongue, ending up with Aubin's in his mouth, for much longer than the others. "Ooh, I think Aubin is ready to cum again," shouts Louis. Ben sucking on Aubin, hands cupping his balls, Aubin centre of attention of this group of horny naked lads. It's not long before he shoots again, his cock on the edge of Ben's lips, Aubin watching his jizz shoot into Ben's mouth, Ben swallowing, his tongue on Aubin's cockhead, cleaning him. "That was hot," Aubin says, breathlessly, taking a step back. "More to come," says Pierre, as he stands close to Ben, starting to piss on Ben. The others joining in, one by one, including Aubin. Ben totally soaked in cum and piss, grinning away, "Thank you, guys."

They head to the beachside showers and wash down in the cold water. Some heading off back to the tent, leaving Aubin and Ben last to shower off. "Sorry, we got carried away there." "No, I liked it, I like your friends. And you know Pierre and Louis." "Yes, they're my cousins." "Oh wow, ok, but..." Ben grins, "It's not like I'm gonna get them pregnant or any of them are gonna get me pregnant!" Aubin laughs, nods, "I like you." Ben moves in and kisses Aubin on the lips, "Me too. I mean I like you too." "It's late, I better be getting home." "Ok. Hope your coworker is ill tomorrow and we have to work another shift together." Aubin laughs, "Me too."


Ben is sure at home on the campsite, naked, making friends, making out with friends, and campsite guests. and there's still Derren's ass to tap.

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Next: Chapter 34

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