Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Aug 3, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Ben's Adventures - Part 32 The Great Escape


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben knows that he has an early morning appointment. Will it be James? Will he be rescued? Will he finally be free?


Ben didn't sleep that night, yet he's wired and ready to go in the morning. He's stood at the front door waiting for the doorbell to go, because he knows from experience that he cannot open it, it doesn't unlock until the doorbell is activated from the outside. Ben is nervous. Will it really happen? Is it a mistake? A different James coming this morning instead of the American James who will help him escape. All these thoughts going through Ben's head.

Ben doesn't hear the car draw up outside, or the footsteps approaching the house, so he near enough jumps out of his skin when the doorbell goes. Fuckkkk.' Ben shakes his head, out of his thought trance, and opens the door. Ben gets a glimpse of James, the real American James, before a blanket is thrown over him and James hoists Ben up over his shoulder, fireman-lift style. "You're coming with me boy, back to Atlanta." Ben is winded and cannot say anything as he feels James running away from the house, his balls being crushed against James' shoulder, Ben trying hard not to squeal or yelp out in pain. "In you get, careful now," James' voice much more tender, much more caring, as James drops Ben to his feet, and then helps him gently up into the cab of the van. "Hit it." And Ben feels the van speed away as the blanket is pulled from his face. "You ok, Ben?" Ben, in the middle, looking round first at James to his left, and then to his right, to the driver, a Who are you?' question appearing on Ben's face. A smile breaks on the driver's face, watching Ben look at him, "Derren's big brother. That's who," Derren's big brother replies. Ben nods but still doesn't speak. "It's ok. We got you now. You're on your way. Just sit tight. We got a rendezvous to make," as the white van picks up speed and zips through a red light.

They speed out of town and soon go down a country lane or two before turning into a lay-by, pulling up behind a blue car, parked, waiting, engine running. James jumps out, "Off you go, Ben. Second part of your journey." Ben's bare feet touching the lay-by gravel, the cold morning air on his legs where the blanket doesn't quite cover him. "Thank you, James." "You're welcome kid, but just go, and be free." James touches Ben's cheeks, and hugs him. Derren's big brother toots the horn, "C'mon you two. Get your asses in the car and van. Let's go." Ben rushes to the open door of the car, not knowing exactly who to expect in it, or where they're going to take him, trusting them. James watches and gets back into the van.

"Fuck. Guys!" Ben finds himself sitting next to Derren on the back seat, Liam in the passenger seat, Robin in the driver's seat. The blanket only half covering Ben now. "Belt up and let's go," says Robin, grinning away at Ben through the mirror. Robin sets off and the van follows them until the first roundabout, the car going straight on, and the van turning left. Ben watching, mesmerised by the lights, the traffic. "Guys! What? Where we going?" In answer, Liam waves passports, "Away from here. Out of the country. Lie low for a while." "What the? You got hold of my passport?" "Of course, yeah." Ben speechless, unsure what to ask first, too many questions, but his head pounding from a sleepless night. Despite himself he yawns. "Oh dear, we got you up too early, eh? Just have a nap, Ben, we got a long drive down to Dover for the tunnel to France." "Dover? Eurotunnel? France?" Ben thinks but doesn't say anything as he crashes into a deep sleep, his head finding a restful place against Derren's shoulder.

"Wake up. Coffee and pee break time," Derren nudging Ben awake. "Huh, where?" Ben confused, "What the? Where am I?" "It's cool. It's not a dream. You're free. But we're at a motorway services. Robin's already gone to get the coffees. Pee time. Nip out of the car, pee by it, then get back in." Ben, blanket round him, does as he's told, still half asleep, the cold air hitting him, looking round as he empties his bladder, seeing they're in a quiet section of the car park, not many around, glad of that, a couple of curious glances at him from a distance, trying to work out what's going on. Ben shakes his cock and gets back in the car. "That better?" "Yeah, def needed to empty myself. Hey, but did you guys bring me any clothes?" "Sure, they're in the boot. We'll sort that out later," as Robin returns to the car with the four coffees, "But we need to make some distance between us and that fucking secure house and make sure we get across the channel." "Uh, yeah, sure," is about all that Ben can muster, as he's handed a coffee and they rejoin the motorway. Now alerted to the danger, Ben spends half his time looking behind him, looking for a car that might have Himself or someone else chasing after them, but any car that does zoom up behind them, overtakes them and heads off into the distance.

As they cover the miles, Ben questions his friends, they answer. They cover things like how much they've seen? Lots. What they think of him? Nothing wrong, but love the tattoo on his ass. Where are they going? To his uncles campsite. How did they manage to pull all this together? Who alerted them? It was his cousins, Pierre and Louis. Which is where them going to the campsite came into being. Abroad, away from big cities and prying eyes, where Ben could recover, rest, work out what to do.

It's mid afternoon when they approach Dover and follow signs for the eurotunnel. "Guys, you've thought of everything. Thank you. How can I repay you?" "By being yourself and getting even with those fukkers." "Lol yeah. But, but how? I don't even know where to begin." "Don't matter too much about them really," adds Liam, "The main thing is you're free, You're here with friends and we got your back." "But you better pull that blanket up and stop flashing your flesh at the border guards," says Robin, as they edge slowly towards the front of the queue. The border control guard's doing his job. It must have been late in his shift, because he barely looks into the car, barely checks the passports, waves them on down the ramp, and their car enters the carriage of the train, the last one in that section, the bright lights of the train, people in front getting out of their cars, stretching their legs, eating a sandwich as the train loads up and heads off out under the channel.

Less than half an hour later, an announcement tells them to get back into their cars, to get ready to disembark. Ben had never got out, still naked under the blanket. So used to being naked that he finds the blanket irritating next to his skin. They`re soon on their way, waiting to go through the French side of customs and passport control, most cars ahead being waved through, and then just as they are at the head of the queue, they are waved to the side. "Fuck, a random search." "Shit. OMG. Really?" "Yes. Just chill guys, ok," Robin hisses. Robin rolls down the window. "Passports." Robin hands them over. The guard inspecting them, "What's the purpose of your visit? How long are you staying? Where are you staying? Your documentation please?" "Holiday. Two months, at his uncle's campsite," Robin says, pointing to Ben. "Documents", the guard holding out his hand. "What documents?" "You're students, yes? Don't you know about that Brexit that your parents voted for? All this extra paperwork! Ok, you," pointing at Ben, "Since you're staying with your uncle, you need to come with me and fill in the residency documentation." The guard waits while Ben gets out of the car, the guard holding the passports, the others watching, wishing they had got clothes out for Ben, they'd had plenty of time during the crossing, watching him disappear into the booth with the guard. "Oh fuckkkk,' says Liam, "I hope this works out, ok." "Sure it will," says Robin, "No problems, ok?" Robin not sure himself if he really believed it, but not wanting to think of the alternative.

"Ben, is it?" the guard asks, looking at the passports. "Yes sir." "Ok, where are you going exactly?" "My uncle's campsite. La Terriere." "And where's that?" "La Tranche Sur Mer, just south of Nantes." "La Terriere? La Tranche? You mean Jean Gireau's place?" "OMG, yes. How the? You know him?" The guard nods, looking more closely at Ben. "You are English, he is French, so how is he your uncle?" "He's married to Sheila, my mum's sister." "That right? So, you will be able to tell me the names of their boys?" "Pierre and Louis." The guard nods slowly, "So you and your friends and staying there for the summer?" "Yes," Ben nods, feebly. "Ok, you just need to fill in this form and you can be on your way," the guard hands Ben the form, who takes it with his hand absentmindedly, and the blanket drops to the ground leaving Ben naked. Ben reaches down for the blanket. "No need to be shy, I take it you will all be staying in the naturist section of your uncle's campsite eh? Or will it just be you there and your friends in the clothed section?" "I don't know," stammers a blushing Ben, "We haven't talked about that." The guard smiles and nods. Ben fills in the document, naked and exposed, the guard watching him. Ben hands the guard the document, who scans through it briefly then nods, "Ok that's all in order," and hands Ben the passports, "You can go now." Ben is nearly at the door. "Wait! Stop!" Ben's heart near stops, "Fuck, that was too easy. What now?" Ben turns. "You forgot this," the guard holding out the blanket. Ben laughs, "Oh jeez, sorry. It's just that I'm so used to being naked recently." "Is that so? Well, that is a good thing for staying at your uncle's campsite. You do know it's ok, you're allowed to travel naked in France, if that's what you want. That way there can be no confusion about where you will be staying when you arrive. Just for your friends, eh?" Ben nods. The guard takes the passports from Ben and opens the door, Ben still naked and motions for Ben to leave. Ben is self conscious stepping out of the booth naked in broad daylight, cars passing, others waiting behind, as he walks the few steps to the car and gets in. The guard hands the passports to Robin through the open window, "There you go boys, have fun at the campsite, if I remember correctly the naturist beach there is very nice there." Liam looking at the naked Ben, chubbing up. "He only fucking knows exactly where we're going. Even knows my uncle, FFS!" "OMG, really?" "Yeah. C'mon guys. Let's go." "You in a hurry then, Ben?" asks Liam. "What happened to your blanket?" asks Derren. "I forgot. It's ok, he said, to travel naked." "What? You gonna stay naked the whole journey?" "Yeah. WTF. Why not, eh? I'm free and can do what the fuck I want." Derren turns towards Ben and laughs, "Ok, Ben, totally cool with it." The others laugh, "Yeah, us too." And they leave the terminal and join the autoroute. The guard looks over at the blanket on the back of the chair, picks it up puts it to his face and breathes in, "Mmmm, nice, yes, now I know where I want to spend my summer vacation, back at La Tranche Sur Mer. So nice to meet the Ben the bukkake boi in the flesh. Now I know why the login house was offline this morning."

"Fuck guys, I can hardly keep my eyes open. We gotta stop soon, rest up for the night," Robin says through a wide-mouthed yawn. It's early evening when they pull in ,and stop at the Aire de Quincampoix. Liam runs over to the food stall, the others sit round a picnic bench table near to the car, Ben naked. Liam comes back with beers, bread and cheeses, "It's all they had, they were closing up for the night." "Hey, no one's complaining," Derren says, as he grabs a beer off Liam and twists the bottle open. They eat the bread and cheese and drink the beer, others looking over at them but none bothered by the sight of naked flesh, Ben feels liberated, naked and free, and warm. "You guys should try it," Ben teases them. "No way,' replies Liam. "Well, what about when we get to the campsite? Are we staying in the naturist section or the textile section? What was the plan?" Ben asks. Robin coughs, "Well, admission time. When I spoke with Pierre he said they only had space for us in the naturist section." "WTF," is the joint response from Derren and Liam, "I hope you told him that's way out of order." "Lol, I did try guys, even splitting us up if they could, you two with the textiles, me and Ben with the nudies, but Pierre said no, you'd have to find another campsite." "Fuck, that'd be no fun," Derren replies. "So it's all of us naked then?" grins Ben. "Yeah. Fuck, but def not til we get there," answers Liam. "Agreed," Derren comes in quickly with his response. "Aw, c'mon guys," says Robin pulling off his tee. They watch in silence as Robin then stands up and drops his shorts. He'd been freeballing so was now naked. Ben grins, looking at Derren and Liam, "C'mon guys. Strip time!" "No fucking way," replies Derren, looking nervously at Liam for back up, and looking round, seeing who is watching them. "I agree with Derren," says Liam, "We'll strip when we get to the campsite, not before," which isn't exactly what Derren had said, but they were now committed to all being naked at the campsite. Ben grins, thinking to himself, `Fuck, this is going to be an amazing summer.'

They sleep overnight in the car at the Aire. When they wake early in the morning, there's a quick naked dash to the loos there for Ben and Robin, before more driving. They stop for a breakfast-lunch at the Aire do la Chapelle, parking in a remote wooded spot. Robin and Ben relieve some of their naked tension with each other in the woods with Derren and Liam watching on, encouraging them both, not that they needed any, encouragement that is. A couple of hours later, they approach La Tranche Sur Mer. It had been a few years since Ben had been to the campsite with his parents and brother Ralph, so Robin had to rely on google maps, but they eventually arrive at the campsite gates, hot and tired.

"Fucking here," Ben grins. "Yeah, but now what?" asks Derren. "We need to go into reception and find the family." Ben steps out of the car, bare assed naked, and heads to the reception. "C'mon guys," says Robin, following Ben, Robin as naked as Ben. Derren and Liam follow, clothed. When they enter the reception, Ben is being bear-hugged by his uncle, there's lots of excited, fast flowing French being spoken that they can't understand, uncle Jean calling into the back for Sheila, Pierre and Louis. Then there's lots more kisses and hugs when Shiela and the naked Pierre and Louis turn up. Derren, Liam and Robin included in all the hugs and kisses. "Ok, so you boys are ok staying in the naturist part of the site?" Jean asks. Derren coughs, "Erm, are you sure there's no space in the textile section?" "C'mon," Ben says, "You agreed!" Derren blushes, "Yeah, but I'm just checking. Like, if there's been a late cancellation or something." Jean shakes his head, "No. The textile section is all fully booked, so it's naturist for you all. Not to worry though because after a day or two you will wonder why you ever wore clothes. Ask these two," Jean pointing to Pierre and Louis. Derren looks over at Liam, "Fuck, we got no choice then, really." "Not unless you want to go down the road to my competitors, no," says Jean. Liam jumps in, "No, it's ok, just ignore him, it's been a long journey. We're tired and all that." "True, now why don't you boys strip down, put your clothes in the car, and then Pierre and Louis can show you round the site and to your tent? Then you can all come back for supper with us. No need to dress for dinner as our house straddles the two sections of the campsite."

The six of them emerge from the reception, four naked. They stand watching while Liam and Derren strip down at the car and Robin locks their clothes in the boot. "Ok, let's leave the car here for now and we can show you round," says Pierre, dropping the car keys off at reception for safe-keeping, and grinning at Derren who is cupping his cock and balls, obviously hiding a chubbed cock. Derren looking bashful, Liam letting it all hang out. The six lads walking round the site, all naked and Derren soon completely boned, Ben looking over at Derren, remembering seeing his cock for the first time, the first time he tasted Derren and Ben soon starts to chub up too. "Guys, c'mon. Stop boning up," laughs Louis, himself chubbing up. "Let's go to the beach, yeah?" asks Pierre, and without waiting for an answer, breaks into a jog. The rest have no choice but to run after him. By the time they get to the beach they're nearly all boned, all apart from Pierre. "Guys, please, this is a family campsite and beach," laughing, yet enjoying the view. "Volleyball then a swim? Yes?" Louis suggests, Ben nods a `yes' so that's what they do. They're not very good, not hitting the ball over the net very much, but the sight of them with their cocks bouncing against thighs as they jump up is appreciated by the other naturist beach goers. There's a lot of precum on thighs by the time Pierre calls time and they run into the water. Derren hoping that the water will cool his ardour but no, after a lot of manhandling and horseplay in the water, they are all still very much boned up. "C'mon guys it's getting late. A quick run to dry off. We can show you your tent. Then it's back to the house for supper." "But, what about this?" asks Derren. "Lol my parents are no prudes," says Louis, "They see erections all day every day. I think mama really likes it, you know, makes notes, compares. All the women on the campsite do. And some of the men also." "Fuckkkk. You're not helping here," says Derren, as Ben looks over and laughs. "You want me to help you there?" asks Ben. "Ben, no, we don't have time," laughs Pierre. Derren goes bright red, even brighter red than already, "WTF, so I gotta rock up to dinner with this thing?" pointing at his throbbing boner. Pierre nods, "Don't worry, my mum has seen both me and Louis boned up. Many times. It won't phase her." "It's not her I'm worried about being phased." "Lol, well don't worry about it then."

When they arrive at the house, Derren sits down quick at the dinner table, Ben on his right, Sheila opposite. Jean describes that he wants them to work in the kitchen and serving, mornings and lunchtimes, in exchange for their accommodation, food and beer. This, he explains, will leave them free for afternoons and evenings. "Of course, I cannot pay you in cash because of all this Brexit nonsense. You're officially here on holiday, not for employment, but a friendly exchange is possible, yes? Labour for food. Under the radar of course. But, tell me, who can speak French? Obviously, Ben can, but any of you others?" Derren explains that he had lived in Quebec for a while in his teens, which is how his brother got to know James. James being Canadian, not American. "Ah good, so you can serve with Ben out front." "Erm, yes, and what do we wear?" Derren realising his mistake and trying to back-pedal. Jean laughs, "What you're wearing now. You will be serving in the the naturist section, so you will be naturist too, naturally." Pierre laughs at Derren's discomfort, "Oh dear, you walked right into that one." "But, but, please." "No, no, it's all settled. You and Ben out front, Liam and Robin in the kitchen washing up and helping prepare meals. Thank you boys."

When the meal is over, they help clear up, Derren glad his cock is now only chubbed, not fully erect. The six head off back to the tent where Pierre is all bossy, explaining that he and Louis will sleep with Ben in one sleep compartment, leaving Liam, Derren and Robin to sort themselves out in the other two compartments of the big tent. With no clothes to get out of, they soon arrange themselves, Ben finding himself squished in between his two cousins. Its' not long before all three of them are fully boned against each other, and Ben wide awake. Pierre whispers in Ben's ear, "Shh, the others are asleep, fancy a midnight swim?" Ben nods and the three of them sneak out of the tent without disturbing the others, and run down to the beach and into the warm sea. They duck each other under the water, grabbing hard cocks, stroking them, then come out, standing in the moonlight, kissing and jerking each other off until they cum. The warm air drying them, they return to the tent, quietly crawl in under their sleeping bag and snuggle down, content. They don't know that Liam had been awake, saw them leave, and saw them return an hour later. Liam holding his hard cock in his hand, gently stroking it, realising just how much he had missed Ben, and needing some release before they all got up and had to do a full morning and lunch stint at the cafe, totally naked. Liam comes quietly, but not quietly enough for Derren, awake beside him, to not hear him. Derren thinking, `Fuck, I'm just so boned,' and cracks one out too. By 2am everyone had cum except Robin, well, as far we know, and the tent air is musty with the scent of drying jizz.


So Ben has been sprung from the secure house and is now in France with his university friends Derren, Liam and Robin. And with his cousins Pierre and Louis. And is having fun with them all, living a naked life. But is it all a dream?

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Next: Chapter 33

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