Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Jul 27, 2023


Ben's Adventures - Part 31 The Long Wait


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben has found out even more about the scam that he is caught up in. And now he has to keep his mouth shut, and hope and wait that he will be sprung from the secure house by his friends. But when exactly?


Ben lay in bed that Sunday night, awake the whole night, turning in his mind what he'd learnt about the secure house. Scott, who was lying behind him, spooning Ben, his hard cock pressing against Ben. `Fuck, I've been so fucking gullible and trusting and WTF! Look where it's got me. Locked up in this place, and fuck knows how much money made from me. Pervy old sods watching me, jerking off, as I've been kept here naked and fucked by fuck knows how many of Himself's mates. Or were they in fact mates? No, Anthony said something about how much it cost for guys to appear in their own porn show. So was there anyone genuine in all this time? Adam? The pizza guy. Fuck, no, he wasn't he even a fucking pizza guy! Shit. And then I went and got myself permanently smoothed, my face as well as from the neck down. I will never have body hair. Ever. Fuck. And then the bukkake boi tattoo on my ass. Just how many pervs watched me as I got that inked onto me?'

Ben's a complete wreck by the morning. "You look crap," Scott looking over at Ben, "You ok? Well? Ill?" "I dunno," Ben says, hiding, editing his thoughts, "Guess I was just replaying the weekend over and over in my mind." "Yeah? That hot, eh? Didn't think you were into geriatrics like Anthony." "Lol no, but Luke was hot." "Yeah, now, he was your sort of guy, eh, another twink. Saw the chemistry between you when you were making out on the lawn. So fucking hot to watch. I almost creamed my jock." Ben shakes his head, thinking, `Yeah, you and how many others?' saying, "Guess I need some strong coffee and a long shower." "Well, you get in the shower and I'll make the coffee for once," Scott says. Ben, in the shower thinking it all through, realising he's probably being watched here too. He stands there, just letting the water run off him, until he hears Scott shout up saying the coffee's ready. Ben pats himself dry and goes downstairs.

Trying to act normal, Ben asks, "What's on today?" "Not sure," replies Scott, "Nothing much, think Himself said it might be a quiet day. Just you and me." "No visitors?" asked Ben, hoping, then realising it wouldn't be James anyway because the recording had said he would turn up early morning, and it was later now, too late for today. So, another day in hell. Ben pulls a face. "Coffee ok?" Scott asks, watching. "Hot, that's all." Scott laughs, "Duh! Perhaps you need to get back to bed for an hour or two. Catch up on some shuteye." "You trying to get rid of me?" "Lol. No. Just looking after you. That's my job, remember?" `Oh yeah. My prison warden, more like, but no, not prison warden, my captor. Fuck. Yes my captor. Me being held hostage and being used by you and Himself and everyone else too. Fucking cunts. You're all fucking cunts.' "Yeah. I better get some shuteye." Ben takes his coffee upstairs and sits in bed, thinking, 'I gotta keep my shit together. I can't let them know I know or they might move me or do something crazy. C'mon Ben, wise up.'

Ben lies under the duvet, unsure if there's cameras in this room, lying still, pretending to sleep, eyes shut, so that he's got time and space to think. He must have fallen asleep at some point because when he wakes up, the duvet is pulled fully off him. Ben shakes his head. Fuck, Scott must have come in and uncovered me, for the cameras, for the pervs watching.' Then Ben thinks perhaps Anthony or Luke might have watched him this morning. Are they pervs, or are the looking out for me, checking I'm ok?' the thought helping to change Ben's mood a bit.

Monday is a long day, and Ben has to bite his tongue several times, wanting to ask Scott if there's a morning appointment for him or not, but even asking that would or could raise suspicion. So Ben keeps quiet, the waiting eating him up. Monday night is much the same as Sunday night, sleep-wise for Ben, so he has real bags under his eyes come Tuesday morning, Ben finally giving into exhaustion and falling asleep after Scott had got up. "C'mon, shake your ass, you can't lie in bed all day." "Uh, why what time is it?" "Lunchtime!" "Fuck, no way!" "Yep, you were well out of it. Looks like you needed it, though. But strictly speaking, that ain't no morning wood, its high-noon wood!" "WTF," Ben, laughing, looking down at his boner. "Yeah 36 hours without cumming, what's got into you?" "You saying I can beat off?" Ben asks grabbing his shaft, shaking his cock, momentarily forgetting about all the cameras. "No, that would be a waste, Ben, anyway you got Ned this afternoon, so get in that shower and don't go beating off!"

Ben tries to hide his disappointment, near disgust, but thinking, `Fuck I gotta go through with this, I can't not let this happen cos then they'll get suspicious. But Ned! Oh yeah, he didn't want me to do much, just be there and let him fuck me, I guess I can manage that, but it's gonna be so strange, now knowing there's gonna be a bunch of guys watching and wanking over him fucking me. WTF. How the fuck am I gonna face my friends when I get out of here. They're gonna know, probably already know, what's been happening here in this fucking secure house.' All these thoughts going round in Ben's head as he showers then lies down on the bed in the guest room. Waiting for Ned to turn up and use him. Ben thinking all these thoughts, as Ned arrives, strips off, touching Ben in much the same way as last time, Ned rimming Ben, then fucking him, Ben on his front all this time, Ned cumming inside Ben, then flipping Ben over onto his back and wanking Ben off, Ben with his eyes closed, trying to think of himself in some other situation, with someone else, Luke maybe, anything to get away from the reality of the fact that it's Ned's hand firmly grabbing his cock and wanking him off in front of the cameras. Ben is so very glad when he shoots his load over himself, it's over, hardly hearing Ned saying his thank you, Ned getting dressed, walking out, leaving Ben alone on the bed on his back covered in his own cum, Ned's cum leaking out of his ass. Ben gets up and showers and scrubs himself clean. And then it's Tuesday night. And still no early morning appointment for Wednesday.

Wednesday sees Ben worried, Perhaps the escape plan can't be worked out, how long is James in the UK before he heads back to the States? Fuck they're running out of time, they won't be able to rescue me and I'll be stuck here for the next eighteen months. How long do I give it? Perhaps I should argue for a cut in the money? Tackle Himself about it, saying I know all about the secure house, how it's all a sham, and I want out now. Or a cut. If I get a cut, then at least, I'd have some money to my name if they said I had to stay longer but would cut me in. I wonder how much Scott is making out of all this? Damn." These thoughts going through Ben's head as he gets fucked by Scott in the garden and then later by some random guy he's never seen before. And then it's Wednesday evening, and Ben is holding his breath, biting his tongue, thinking Please, please, please.' But nothing. Ben has yet another sleepless night.

Thursday morning, Ben sleeps in again, Scott demanding Ben's throat then ass in the lounge in the late afternoon. And in the evening, just before they turn in, Scott says, "Oh, you've got a morning visitor. 7am. I mean, what are these guys on, eh?" Ben suppressing his joy, OMG tomorrow. It's gonna to happen tomorrow!' Saying, "I dunno. iI'm hardly gonna be awake." "You fucking better be. I don't want to have to answer the door for you." "No, it's ok. I'm sure I'll be awake for the door." "Good. Make sure you are. I need my sleep." Ben lies in bed, awake for hours, Fuck. Tomorrow. It's gonna happen in a few hours. I will be out of here in a few hours."


Ben has had to keep his mouth shut, waiting to be sprung from the secure house by his friends. And now it's going to happen. Tomorrow morning, 7am. Ben doesn't get any sleep.

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You can get in touch with me at to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life.

Next: Chapter 32

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