Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Jul 20, 2023


Ben's Adventures - Part 30 Auction Night


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben is fired up with the thought of his rescue but when will it happen and will it all work out ok? Can he trust James, whoever James is? But, in the meantime, Ben has to act as if nothing has changed.


"What the fuck has got into you?" Scott asks Ben, "You're acting so weird all of a sudden." "Am I?" asks Ben, thinking, `Fuck, get a grip Ben!' "Yeah. Just chill. You're making me nervous with all your jumping around." "Lol, ok." "Himself is coming round later. I think there's another outing in the offing." "What? Like the dining at that big posh house?" "Possibly," Scott watches as Ben's head spins with thoughts. "Jeez, Ben, just chill bro."

Later, Himself arrives, "OK, I got an amazing trip lined up for you, not just an evening but a whole weekend. Starting this afternoon, finishing Sunday evening." "Woah, what?" Ben, curious but anxious, thinking `Fuck, that means if I'm away from the house then I can't be rescued.' "Trip to that big house again. Actually, that's all I'm gonna say, let it be a big surprise to you both. Pick you up in the afternoon, ok? Be ready."

"Woah, what's going down?" asks Ben. "No idea, Ben. Don't worry though. Himself isn't going to put us in any harm." "True. I guess. But a whole weekend? WTF is gonna happen?" "Lol, just chill. Go with the flow." replies Scott.

And thats what Ben has to do. Go with the flow. Although it's doing his head in, trying to work out what might happen, if James would still be here next week. That would be the earliest he could be rescued now. Fuck. Ok ok. It's Friday now. Next week, say next Tuesday, that's four days. Only four days. Easy enough to do after five months. C'mon, Ben, you can do it,' Ben giving himself a pep-talk. Unless of course, James arrives Saturday or Sunday morning to rescue him!'

Himself comes by in the afternoon, and they get in the car, driving off, soon at the big mansion, and enter through the same staff entrance, Ben half-expecting to see Matthew. Instead, Himself says, "Scott you stay here, Ben you follow me," and Ben is led down into the basement where he is surprised to see four other lads, all naked. "This here is Ben, first time at the auction, so teach him how to behave, to respond, what the rules are. Ok?" The lads nod and Himself is gone before Ben can say anything. "Auction? What auction?" Ben asks. "A heavily tattooed lad laughs, "OMG, they get more innocent every time. You mean you don't know why you're here, that right?" Ben shakes his head, "He only just said auction just now." "Don't look so worried Ben. It's just a weekend auction." "Weekend? A weekend auction?" l "That's right. You get bought by one of them upstairs for the weekend, get used as their plaything, here in the house." "And gardens," says another. "And gardens, yeah. Dead simple, really." "Woah, but who are you all?" Ben looking round. "Same as you Ben, just been locked up for longer than you, that's all." "You mean you all in secure houses too? Fuckkkk." "Yeah, fuckkk. Though you're more likely to get fucked. Again and again. All weekend long. You'll be worn out when Sunday evening comes round. You just gotta hope you catch the eye of one of those guys who can't get it up, lol." "Nah," says another, "Cos they're mean, with the paddling." "Lol, so true." "Woah, guys, this is not what I was expecting." "Lol, so, last time you were here you waited on them, eh?" Ben nods. "Jeez, the programme doesn't change, does it?" "What do you mean? Programme?Doesn't change? I don't understand," says Ben. The door clatters open, "Shhhh, just shhh, Ben."

The five of them stand watching, as Scott and four other lads walk in, all dressed in black leather jocks, nothing else. Scott walking up to Ben, the others walking up to their own naked lads, putting collars and leads on them, then leading them out of the basement, upstairs and into the ballroom. Cheers from guests as the five naked lads are paraded round by their jock-strapped housemates. Then they're tied to posts in the centre of the room. "Examine the goods, gentlemen, the auction starts in 30 minutes." Ben hears everything the men are saying about him as they examine him and the other four tied up lads. He sees Scott and wants to talk with him, but Scott is ignoring him, deliberately, he thinks. In a lull from the prodding and ass-slapping, he turns to the inked guy who had spoken to him before, "WTF is going on? C'mon, help me, I'm out of my depth here." "Nothing serious Ben, you'll get used to it, happens every few months, all us lads are brought together for an auction weekend." "What do you mean? All of us lads? You in a secure house too?" "FFS, you don't still believe in that story do you?" "Story? What do you mean?" asks Ben. "Fuckkk. How come you're so fucking innocent. No, never mind. It's not real. Not really a secure house. There's no law behind you being there." "But, but, what about sergeant Strange? He's real isn't he?" "Oh, you got Strange eh? Heard he's one of the more easy going ones. You're lucky. Shhh. Auction time!"

Ben has no time to work out what all this means, as he watches as each of them is led up onto the stand, up high, hands tied behind back, totally on show, as bids are made and won. The lads are taken away by their owners for the weekend, out of the ballroom. And then it was Ben's turn. Scott is watching on as the bidding starts. The bidding is fierce, he's the last of the five and there are many men who won't get to use a lad this weekend. The bidding finishes in a flurry and Ben can't work out who has won the bidding until someone comes up to collect Ben. His owner for the weekend is an ancient looking guy, snow white hair. "Let's get you upstairs, then." Scott takes Ben's lead. Ben aware of all the eyes on him as he's led out and up the stairs, Scott chatting with the old man, helping him along. "Do you want me to stay? Make sure the slave here does what you tell him? The old man licks his lips, "No, you head off and have some fun. I will call for you if I need you." "If you're sure, Sir," replies Scott. "I am. And no need to call me Sir. Call me Anthony." "Ok, Anthony." "That's better."

Anthony closes the door, leaving just Ben and himself in the room. Ben has no idea what's going to happen next and is relieved when the suite looks like a master bedroom suite, no whips or cages or crosses to be tied up to and whipped from. "You're my slave for the weekend. Ben, is it? So, let's get you to work." "What do you want of me, Sir, sorry Anthony?" Ben asks. "Well, I've heard you very good with your hands, and tongue, but first, I just want to check with you. You did enter the house and this auction of your own free will, didn't you?" Ben looks puzzled, unsure what to say, but decides to tell the truth, "Not exactly, Sir, you see, I'm detained in a secure house, sentenced to do my time there, and well, I get told what to do, and most of it's ok, sometimes not, but I've just been told," but Ben can't continue, he's sobbing as he speaks. "Told what, Ben?" "That my sentence has been increased to two years." Anthony coughs, "You mean, you're not yet cut into the deal?" "Deal? What do you mean?" "I think you would find every boy, your Scott included, has a deal." "Deal? You already said that, but what do you mean? "A deal. A cut. In the proceeds." "What?" "In the proceeds, from all the takings for the viewings." Ben shakes his head, "I have no idea what you're talking about." "I thought so. I was afraid this was the case. Listen, the house where you're staying, this secure house, is full of cameras, showing and picking up everything you say or do, and it's all broadcast on a private network to thousands of subscribers." "Fuck off. No, sorry, Sir, Anthony, I mean, no way. That's crazy. Can't be." "I'm afraid it is. You see, I'm one of those subscribers, so I do know what I'm talking about." Ben is shaking his head in disbelief, "No, I don't believe you. It can't be true." "I can prove it. Go get my laptop, it's over on the desk there." Ben retrieves the laptop, Anthony opens it, clicks a few tabs and turns the laptop towards Ben. "Here you are, when that lovely American gave you that massage just a few days ago." Ben watches in disbelief, the close ups of him and James, James massaging Ben, Ben with the earpods in. Ben turns up the sound on the laptop but `No, thank fuck', Ben thinks, there is no leakage from the EarPods. "I don't know what to say. You've watched me like how many times?" "Lots, you're very cute, and I truly thought you were a willing participant, like all the other lads I've seen in the past," explains Anthony. "OMG, like how many?" "Tens, scores, over the years." "What? All of them, sentenced like me?" "Not so, Ben. That's a story thats been spun to keep you in place. There was never a court. Never a sentence." "But, but what about sergeant Strange?" Ben watches with an open jaw as Anthony shakes his head, "No, he's not a policeman, that's a theatre costume he wears." "But the police raid?" "Oh, that was fun to watch, but no, all actors, no police at all." "But what about the police cell, and the court room?" "All actors." "No, no, no, no. That can't be. You're telling me I've been living in some sort of lie bubble these past five months? And everyone of you who were watching knew?" "No. No one knew. At least, I didn't, not until I saw you sobbing after James left. That's why I had to come to the auction tonight to check it out. There's nothing wrong with watching lads have sex, if it's consensual, if they know they're being filmed, and being paid well for it. But if it's not consensual, or they're being taken for a ride, pardon the pun, and that's what you're telling me, then no, it's not ok." "It's not consensual, it's not ok," Ben can hardly get the words out. "No. I see that now. but the only problem is I don't know how to do anything about it. I'm stumped." "Wait. This room. There's no cameras here? Right?" Ben asks, looking around the room. "There never have been in past auctions. The website confirmed screening of what happens in the lead up to the auction, the auction itself, and the departure on Sunday evening. Previous auction weekends, there's been highlights of favourite scenes from the various houses." "Scenes? OMG, you mean like when Adam turned up with the pizza?" Anthony nods, "Adam is such a favourite of mine. In other houses he appears as a plumber or an electrician." "WTF? You mean he isn't, wasn't, a genuine pizza delivery guy?" "Heavens no. OMG, Ben, oh you are such a sweet innocent, aren't you? Oh god no, Adam is in on it, getting a cut, for acting in these scenes, just like you should be, just like everyone else is." "WTF. So you're saying everyone I've met while I've been locked up has been paid and I've received zilch? You're fucking kidding me, aren't you?" "Not quite, but nearly, I'm guessing there are some recent lads in other houses, they're called lodging houses on the website, that might be in the same boat as you." "Lodging houses? Fuck. That makes it all sound so very fucking innocent, don't it?" Anthony nods, "I thought you needed to know. I don't know what you want to do with the information, but I thought you needed to know."

There's a silence as Ben closes his eyes and tries to digest what he has been told, that the last five months of his life, his life in the lodging house, or secure house, or whatever it is called, has been a total lie, "Fuck." "I know. Sorry, son." "I just can't believe it. But who are you? How can I know what you're telling me is the truth." "There's the website. I'm a signed-up member with full access to the houses, your's included, and others. Have a look. Take your time. It's all there. Meanwhile I'm starving. I'm going to get Luke, my personal assistant, to order room service. What do you want to eat? Drink?" "Not pizza, that's for sure." "Lol, I'm sure it wouldn't be Adam delivering it. Not tonight anyway. I'm having steak and some red wine." "That sounds awesome. Same for me please."

Ben browses the members website as Anthony gets on the phone, then goes off to take a shower. He returns in a dressing gown, and a few minutes later there's a knock on the door and a trolley is rolled in. A fit young lad delivering it, not Adam, taking in the sight of the still naked Ben and the freshly showered Anthony in his dressing gown, he looks at Ben questioningly. "Thank you Luke," Anthony says, "That'll be all for tonight. Bring in breakfast at 9:30. For the three of us." As soon as the door closes, Anthony laughs, "Did you see Luke's face? Wondering what you and I have been up to, no doubt." Ben laughs, "I did yeah. I tried not to give anything away." "Lol, don't worry. I'm 83, FFS, isn't that how you young ones say it? That hasn't happened in a very long time." "I'm..." Ben starts. "There's no need kid, it's all good. Just having you in this room is enough for me, but it feels so wrong, me looking at you now, knowing that you're here against your will." "Hey, you're telling me the truth. I've not heard that in a very long time, so it's ok." "Really? There's another dressing gown in the wardrobe if you want." "I've not worn anything for over five months, it would feel weird and awkward." Anthony laughs, "Ok. Your choice."

They eat the steak and drink the red wine. Ben smiles, "That was good. Now what?" "You can rest. Watch a film or something." "But." "But nothing. There's nothing here for you to do. Sleep, rest, have bath, anything. You're here for the weekend, and afterwards, well, just say I swore you to secrecy." "But you paid so much and you told me what I needed to hear. I need to do something for you. Anything." "You don't give up, do you? Ok, there is one thing, I want to feel the heat of a body next to mine as I fall asleep." "Ok. I can do that." "No sex though. I don't want you to think you gotta stick your dick in me or anything like that." Ben laughs, "I might bone up though. My dick don't know you're 83." "Well, I think I can cope with that." Ben looks down at his chubbed cock, thinks, `Now why am I chubbing up at the prospect of getting into bed with someone old enough to be my grandad?'

Ben did chub up totally in the night and wakes up with a complete boner on Saturday morning. "Erm sorry. It's just that I haven't cum for like 36 hours or something." "Wow, I can't remember the last time I was hard. Perhaps we need to help you out with that." "Like how?" Ben frowned, `OMG, he's not gonna offer to give me a bj is he?' "Well, perhaps Luke could give you a hand." "Luke?" "Yes, the lad who brought in our supper last night. he is my PA. Sometimes he calls himself my houseboi. "PA? Houseboi? What the?" but before Ben can ask anything more there's a knock on the door and Luke comes in with a breakfast trolley. Anthony laughs when Luke spies Ben's throbbing cock, "Ben here was asking about your position, Luke." "Position?" Luke's eyebrows rise, "What do you mean?" "As in PA, or houseboi, or whatever you want to call yourself."

As they eat breakfast, Ben naked and still boned, Anthony in a dressing gown, Luke in formal in white shirt and black trousers, Luke explains how Anthony employees him as a glorified houseboi, that houseboi usually entails sexual favours, but there's none of that happening, really, so PA, personal assistant. "Isn't that like slavery?" asks Ben. "Not really, no. Any job is slavery if you mean working for someone or some company for x hours a week for a salary." "So, like how much you get paid?" Ben very aware that Anthony is part of the conversation." "Very well. £25k. Plus I get my accommodation and food paid, and uniform/clothing allowance, and a car for my personal use, work five days a week, like about 5-6 hours a day max, six weeks holiday a year, plus I get to accompany Anthony on all sorts of trips abroad and to his friends all over the place." "Wow, ok." "It's not for everybody of course, and you can't do this job forever. Anthony is paying for me to learn at open university so I can be an accountant for when I'm too old for this job." "Wow, you thought of everything." "Not me, Anthony did. I could introduce you to the agency if you're interested," Luke adds. "Woah, hang on," says Anthony, "That might be a great idea, Ben might really like it, but I would recommend, Ben, that you take some time out after you get out before you take up Luke's offer. The close working might remind you too much of where you are right now." "The secure house, you mean?" asks Luke. "You know about that?" asks Ben. "I've seen you, yes, Anthony has shown you, erm, in action, so to speak." Ben blushes and Luke looks embarrassed. "Sorry." Luke gets up and starts to clear the table back onto the trolley, Ben gets up to help, feeling awkward. "You intending on walking around with that thing throbbing away all day?" Luke asks Ben, Anthony now out on the balcony. "Lol, I dunno. I'm not sure I'm gonna get any satisfaction from Anthony." "He is gay, of course, but he just likes to look, never gets into it himself. As far as I know." "Looks? You mean on the website?" "Also when I'm swimming naked in his pool. Or working out naked in his gym. Did I tell you I had access to his pool and gym?" "So, he checks you out but doesn't touch?" "That's right, and one of the company perks is me hooking up with all the hot waiters and other PAs on our travels." "Fuck, you make it sound like a dream job." "Lol, no luck so far though this trip." "No?" "No." Luke's eyes drop to Ben's rock hard leaking cock. Their eyes meet. "Erm, do you think Anthony would mind you helping me out here?" "Helping you out how, exactly?" asks Luke grinning. "I dunno. What do you have in mind?" Ben asks as Luke takes hold of Ben's cock and starts to slowly stroke it, then dropping to his knees, taking Ben in his mouth and tasting Ben's precum. "Fuck, I'm so horny," Ben says, looking down at Luke with his cock in his mouth, "You sure this is ok with Anthony?" Luke responds with a nod, his mouth unable to say anything, occupied with Ben's hard cock.

"Luke. I, erm, no mind," Anthony walks in and takes in the sight of Luke on his knees with Ben's cock down his throat. Anthony stays, watching, Luke continues to suck. "Woah, I'm so horned and close to shooting," Ben says. Luke nods, as if to say, yes I'm ready, and wraps his tongue harder round Ben's shaft. Ben shoots his load down Luke's throat, wad after wad. "Oh fuckkkkkk." Luke looking up at Ben, cock still in his mouth. "Looks like you needed that Ben," says Anthony, "And you too, Luke. Greedy boys." Anthony laughs and goes back out onto the balcony. Luke cleans Ben's cock with his tongue and stands, kissing Ben, "That was exactly what I needed. Damn, you tasted good." "But," Ben says, pointing to the balcony. "Lol, probably made his day, seeing you cum in real life." "And seeing you on your knees sucking my dick too?" "Probably yeah. We've never talked about how much he has fantasised about me. Bit of a no-go topic for discussion." "Damn, that was hot though. Just what I needed." "Me too. I best get this trolley to the kitchens. See you both at later. Have fun." At that, Ben was alone in the room, drained, Anthony out on the balcony, wondering how the day would pan out. It had already started really well.

Ben joined Anthony out on the balcony, "I, erm, sorry." Anthony looks round at Ben, "Sorry? Whatever for?" "For you walking on me and Luke like that." "No problem. Actually it was hot. Really hot. To see the two of you together." "Wow, really?" "Yes. Really. Perhaps, oh no." "Perhaps what?" "I, I was just wondering, if you fancied Luke, wanted to make out with him, and if you did if, well, if it, you, were ok with me watching?"
"Sorry? You want me to make out with Luke, and you watch?" "Only if you are ok with it. Or you could make out with Luke and I could take a stroll in the gardens." "I dunno. Duh, actually, you already seen me make out, as you say, many times through the website and just seen me shoot my load down Luke's throat. So there's nothing you ain't seen about me." "No. That's true, you've got a point there, Ben." "But, what about Luke?" "Luke, well he's a bit of an exhibitionist on the side. He even likes to swim and workout nude." "That's him doing that, not you making him do it?" "Absolutely." "But you haven't seen him make out?" Anthony shakes his head, "So, if Luke were to say yes, you would be ok with it?" Ben thinks for a minute, "Yeah, I'd be ok with that." "Good. I will put the proposition to Luke and see what he says."

The Saturday afternoon goes by with Ben and Anthony watching a couple of films, sat side by side on the sofa. Late afternoon, Luke turns up, looking and feeling a tad nervous. Anthony leaves the two of them and heads out onto the balcony with a book to read, leaving the doors open. "So, he wants to watch us make out," Ben says to Luke. "I know right. Fuck. I've never done anything like that." Ben reaches over to Luke and grabs his crotch, feels Lukes hard cock, "No? But you seem to like the idea!" "Lol, I dunno." "Well, you could always just give me a massage. that'd be ok, right?" "I guess, so, yeah, that feels less intimate, and less, oh fuck, but I just remembered that American guy, James, giving you a massage and we know how that ended." "You do?" Luke nods. Ben grins, "Well, perhaps that might be nice too." "Massage. That's all I'm offering." "Cool. But you might need to strip down. Don't want to get oil all over your smart clothes." Ben watches as Luke strips, his cut cock bouncing out of his briefs. "You sure you just want to massage me?" "Shut up and get on the bed," Luke replies. Ben grins and shouts, "Yes Sir." Loud enough for Anthony to pop his head round into the room, "Everything ok, boys?" "Yes Sir," Ben repeats, with Luke blushing. Luke gives Ben an ok sort of massage, not as good as James, but Ben lies there, enjoying the touch of Luke's hard and leaking cock against his skin. Luke asks Ben to turn over but before he does, there's a knock at the door. "Can you answer that, Luke?" Anthony shouts. Ben turns over and sits up to watch Luke open the door fully naked and fully boned. It's Scott, in his jock, "Hi, I'm just here checking everything is ok with Ben here." Scott grinning at the naked and boned Luke and then looking over at Ben, naked and boned on the bed. "Sorry. Well, looks like everything is going well here. Leave you to it." Ben and Luke erupt into laughter as Luke jumps back onto the bed, Luke dying of embarrassment. "Lol, that was so funny," laughs Ben. Luke finishes massaging Ben and the two of them head off to the shower to wash down.

When they come out, dinner has been delivered and Luke and Ben sit down naked to dinner, with Anthony clothed, them all drinking champagne to start with. Anthony says he has a couple of phone calls to make and Luke and Ben take this as their cue to get back onto the bed. They start kissing, stroking, and when Anthony comes back in an hour later, he sees Luke on his back with Ben deep inside him, Ben fucking Luke deep. Anthony stands there watching for a few minutes then Luke sees him, gasps, and Ben turns round, Ben still inside Luke. "Don't stop, boys, not on my account anyway." Ben laughs, "Wasn't intending to Sir," and looks down at Luke, who is coping with the situation by closing his eyes. Ben takes Luke's cock in his hand, stroking and fucking Luke, deeper and harder, Anthony comes closer to see. Luke jizzes over his chest, abs, neck and face moments before Ben shoots inside him. Anthony watches as Ben pulls out and then he moves in closer and takes Ben's hard cock into his mouth and cleans it for Ben. Then Anthony slurps up all the cum on Luke's abs, chest, neck and face. All this happens in stunned silence, Ben and Luke looking at each other as if saying `WTF!' to each other. Anthony stand up, licks his lips, "Damn tasty dessert, boys, thank you. But it's late and time for bed, don't you think?"

They do get some sleep and in the morning are awakened by a knock on the door. "Go get that Luke," grunts Anthony. Luke, naked and with morning wood goes to the door, opens it, and is greeted by the breakfast boi with a big grin on his face, "Nice to see you're up." Luke responds, "Haha, very funny. Over there." As the breakfast boi rolls in the trolley Ben gets out of bed, equally naked and equally boned and goes over to them, to help set the table. The breakfast boi cant keep his eyes off the two boned cocks in front of him. "Not disturbing anything am I?" Ben laughs, "No. You weren't. But you are now. How about you just leave that breakfast on its warming plates and give us some attention?" The breakfast boi, looks between the two of them and doesn't hesitate to drop to his knees, taking Ben's cock into his mouth, as Luke stands beside Ben, cock ready for the boi's mouth. Anthony sits up in bed watching the action. As the breakfast boi sucks Luke, Ben helps the boi out of his clothes and then lays the boi on his back on the table. Ben takes position and starts to fuck the boi's ass, Luke takes his throat. The breakfast boi being spitroasted, Luke and Ben both hard and leaking inside him. After a few minutes of this, Anthony stands behind Luke and taps his ass. "I want some of this," and motions Luke out of the boi's throat. Anthony whispers, "Go give that Ben a good fucking now," as he pushes his hard old-man cock down the breakfast boi's throat. So, soon Luke is fucking Ben from behind, Ben fucking the breakfast boi and Anthony face-fucking the boi. Anthony is the first to cum, then Luke, then Ben, then finally, the boi.

Anthony is grinning away, "Boys, I sure need that but I'm telling you I now need my breakfast and some coffee. So get this table cleaned up and let's get on with it. You can clean yourselves up after." That's how they had breakfast. All four of them naked, and leaking cum, the breakfast boi covered in his jizz as he serves up. Breakfast over, "Ok boys get in that shower and clean yourselves up." They're a long time in there and Anthony goes in to check on their slow progress. As they dry off, the breakfast boi says, "I better get going or my boss will fire me." "Don't you worry about that boi, I already sorted that. And here's a thank you from me," as Anthony hands him a wad of £20 notes. "Wow thank you mister," he grins, and turns to Ben and Luke, "Thank you guys too. Been fucking fab." They watch as the breakfast boi dresses and leaves.

In the afternoon Anthony declares, "I'm going for a stroll round the grounds. I'd like some company." "Sure, let me get dressed," says Luke. "I think it might be better if you're naked. Both of you. Put on a bit of a show for the benefit of making the auction appear authentic, showing that Ben is being used for what I paid." "Woah, so naked in front of some randoms out there?" asks Luke, pointing to the door. Anthony nods, "Just to make sure people know that Ben is here and being used for what i paid for." "Is that really necessary?" Ben chips in, "Can't you just take me?" Luke sends a `thank you' look to Ben. "No, I think it would look best if both of you come with me. And then get it on, in a semi-secluded spot." "WTF? So you want me and Ben to have sex, so you and others can watch?" asks an incredulous Luke. Anthony nods and grins, "And it looks like there's part of you who likes that idea, Luke. So c'mon guys, dont be shy." Ben looks down at Luke's throbbing cock, "He's got a point, you know. You do look pretty excited by the prospect." "But I've never done anything like that in my life," pleads Luke. "So here's your chance," replies Anthony. "C'mon, I dare you," adds Ben. "Fuckkkk, guys, ok, ok."

And that's how so many eyes turned as they walked the corridors and into the lobby and out into the grounds, eyes on the naked and boned Ben and Luke, Anthony dressed of course, chatting idly away to them both. Luke's face was flushed bright red, he was so embarrassed at being seen naked and hard in public like this, but Ben was much more used to it, whispering to Luke, telling him it's ok, they're all just jealous anyway. It was good to be out in the sunshine, feeling it on their naked bodies as they walked across the lawns, then under some trees, and then near a small lake. "Ok boys, here looks good. Why don't you kiss?" Ben faces Luke, "You gonna direct us, like in the movies?" "Lol no, just start like that, see what turns up, but keep your eyes closed til you shoot, ok?" They kiss, as their cocks press into each others abs. And its not long before they are horned and ready to go, totally turned on. Their eyes closed, they tongue each other for a while before dropping to the grass, Ben on top of Luke, them rolling around, cocks hard and leaking. They move into a 69, sucking each other, then push round further, tongues in asses, rimming each other, before Luke fucking Ben on all fours and then Ben fucking Luke on his back and finishing off with Ben riding Luke's cock, Luke seeding Ben seconds after Ben shoots all over Luke. They open their eyes and there must be a good dozen men all round watching them, Scott included, Ben scooping up Luke's jizz with his tongue and feeding it to Luke, "Fuck, I can't believe I just did that," Luke whispers to Ben. "Me neither, but it was hot yeah?" Ben grinning at Luke. "Hot. Very hot, yeah." They're cheered and clapped as Ben pulls up off Lukes cock and Ben helps Luke up. "Great show, boys."

The rest of the afternoon flies by. It's soon the evening, the end of the auction, people all leaving. Ben naked, Luke and Anthony dressed, Ben thanking and kissing Anthony and Luke goodbye. Scott at Ben's side as he watches Luke drive Anthony away. "Hot time?" asks Scott. Ben nods a yes. "I heard you had a really hot time with that houseboi of Anthony's," adds Himself. Scott grins, "Yeah, the two of them put on a real hot outdoor performance." Himself and Scott laugh. Ben blushes and is quiet, thinking to himself, `Fuck, show, performance, does that mean me and Luke fucking on the lawn, is that on the website now? OMG. I mean, there's already enough of me on there that I cant do anything about, but, Luke, FFS, now he's up there too? Shit.' Ben looks round at Scott and Himself, and grimaces. He closes his eyes, in the back of the car, pretending to be exhausted, thinking, thinking, thinking.


Woah, so Ben seems to have had a good time with Anthony and Luke and the breakfast boi. He sure got lucky being won by Anthony at the auction. but now he knows for sure about the nature of the secure house and he barely said a word to Scott and himself on the way back there. Will he be able to hold his tongue until he is rescued, assuming that will happen, of course....

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Next: Chapter 31

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