Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Feb 7, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 3 - Naked 24 hours with housemates

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Finally, you wouldn't be reading this without the people and resources that provide. If you can spare a bit of money to support it, the price of your morning latte even, visit

We left Ben at the end of part 2, totally naked boned and shaved smooth by his housemate Liam. Liam has an obvious boner that needs attention after shaving Ben Boy, as Liam and Derren have now decided to call him.

So, did you think that Ben should offer to help Liam out? Or, should Liam ask Ben to help him out? And does Derren catch them? Let's find out, and what else happens.

One piece of excellent advice from a reader is that you should read Ben's Adventures naked, so that you can feel exactly how vulnerable he feels too. If you're anything like Ben then you've already stripped off. Good Boy! And if you want to email me proof that you read the story naked, then that's Very Good. You can be sure that I won't share your pic with anyone.

Liam hesitated, he knew he needed to release some tension, and hearing about how Ben had sucked off the stranger in the woods before getting fucked had really turned him on. Liam hadn't had much sex in the past week or two, if you discount the twice nightly hand-shakes he gave himself.

Ben, looked at the bulge in Liam's trackkies and unconsciously licked his lips, If it won't freak you out, I can give you a hand, or whatever.

In answer, Liam stepped closer to Ben, and pulled off his tee. Ben could hardly breathe as he dropped to his knees and stared at the damp patch at the end of Liam's covered shaft. Ben looked up at Liam to check if he had interpreted correctly, to see Liam nod and close his eyes. Ben took that as a "yes", and put his lips to Liam's still covered cock, kissing the shaft through the material. Liam moaned gently, Ben felt on safer ground and boldly moved his hands to Liam's waistband and pulled down both trackkies and boxer shorts past Liam's powerful thighs, knees and towards his ankles. Ben looked in lust at Liam's seven inches of hard uncut cock, heavy balls, and thick ginger bush and let out his own moan of desire.

Liam gasped as Ben's lips touched his wet cock head, Ben's tongue on his piss slit then over his head, tongue darting under his hood, whispering, Mmmm, Ben, that feels so good.

Ben looked up, his own cock in hand and stroking, and took Liam's cock deep into his mouth, swirling his tongue around Liam's shaft. With his free hand, Ben cupped Liam's ginger balls and rolled them as he swallowed Liam's cock down his throat, feeling Liam's thick ginger bush against his face.

There were no words now, only lust, only sex, only the mad urgent desire for release. Liam took hold of Ben's hair and starting thrusting himself deeper down Ben's throat. The tension rose, the cocks grew harder and before too long, Liam cried out, Oh fuck, I'm gonna shoot Ben. Catch my load.

Ben nuzzled down on Liam's cock, ready to take Liam's seed. Stroking his own cock, Ben started shooting a moment before he felt Liam's cock jettison his seed down Ben's throat. Ben guzzled greedily, not spilling a drop, as Liam leant back against the bathroom wall, breathing heavily, Fuck, Ben, that was awesome. Thanks Bud.

Ben cleaned Liam's still hard cock with his tongue and smiled, licking his lips, looking up at Liam, My pleasure Sir. Anytime. Anytime.

As Ben stood up, he couldn't believe he had just sucked off his straight housemate's cock.

Liam looked over at Ben as he pulled his boxers and trackkies back up, tucking away his now semihard cock, Yeah. Our secret, yeah?

Ben nodded. Anything to ensure that he would have another go at Liam's cock, Sure, of course, Sir.

Liam, pulled on his tee, and left the bathroom. Ben followed Liam downstairs and into the kitchen.

Derren looked up from his laptop, What took you guys so long? I was going to send out a search party.

Ben looked guiltily at Derren and scuttled off to the kitchen sink to start washing up. Liam sat down quietly next to Derren, flush faced, Were we a long time? I had to check that Ben cleaned the bathroom after his shave.

Derren grinned, Ah yeah, we got Ben to do all the housework now. Naked, of course. Get us a couple of beers for us, Boy, while you wash up.

Ben had just handed Liam and Derren their beers when the doorbell went, and they heard a key in the lock.

They heard the familiar singing tone of the landlord, and they all eye-rolled each other, Only me! Oh, wow, Ben did you forget something?

Before Ben could say anything, Derren answered, Hi Chris, Ben here has gone all naturist on us. It was a bit of a shock for us too but we are starting to get used to it. Trust you're not offended.

Chris, the landlord, looked at Derren then over at Ben, No, not me, but that explains these photos and a video that three of your neighbours sent me a couple of hours ago.

Chris showed the three lads the photos of Ben running from his car bare assed naked to the front door and Liam letting him in, Look, I don't mind if you are into bouncing your bits around the place inside the house, but not out in the street, Ben, ok? It took me quite a while to calm them across the road, they wanted me to serve you all notice. I said I'd go and have a word. So here I am, having a word.

Derren and Liam were struggling to stifle their sniggers as Chris told Ben off.

No more showing your bits off out front, Ben. It's ok in the backyard, but not out front ok. I don't think you will get any complaints from Mr Green in 23 next door, and Mr Graham in 27 is hardly ever here, so you won't give him much trouble either.

Chris was already on his way down the hall to the front door, Anyway, enough said. Enjoy your weekend, lads!

The three lads burst into hysterics after Chris closed the door.

Liam looked over at Ben, Well it's official now, you're a naturist, Ben. No more clothes for you when at home.

Derren added, Yeah and you are going to have to be told what you can wear out of the house too.

Derren and Liam started making up the rules, taking turns, No socks, ever. No boxers, commando all the time. Shorts only, no long trousers ever. No tees, just a zipped hoody. If it's pissing down you can have a coat, but no hoody. And we need to adapt your speedos for your swimming training. Yeah, and your running gear too.

Derren got up, C'mon Liam, we got work to do clearing out Ben's clothes.

Ben followed them up to his room and they were already there, pulling out clothes that he would no longer be allowed to wear. Ben watched silently, didn't object to any of this, and noticed that his cock went rock hard again as he saw two huge bags of his clothes being removed from his room. The only items left on his bed were his light grey zipped hoody, his running shorts and vest, a pair of board shorts and a pair of navy jersey shorts, and two speedos.

Ben's cock twitched, he wasn't sure but it seemed that his cock was telling him he liked the idea of being controlled about what to wear. He didn't even think to say no or stop or anything. Down at the front door, Liam and Derren added two of Ben's coats to the black bin bags and two pairs of trainers.

Derren looked at his watch, Hey if we hurry, we can get these lot down to the charity shop before it closes. Ben, get your hoody and jersey shorts on.

Ben felt nervous in the navy shorts, grey hoody, and trainers, commando and no sox, as he left the house with Derren, carrying the majority of his clothes in the two black bin bags. He was glad that the shorts were navy as they didn't show the boner he had quite as obviously as his light grey pair might have done.

Derren led the way through the streets to the charity shop, shouting over his shoulder from time to time, C'mon Ben Boy, keep up.

When they got to the charity shop, Derren took control, Hi, Ben Boy here has had a good clear out of his clothes. In fact, most of his clothes. hope they will be useful for you.

The man in the shop nodded, relieving Ben of his wardrobe, Why, thank you Ben, that's very kind of you.

Derren grinned, Thank the man for taking all your clothes from you, Ben, and leaving you with the shorts and hoody you have on.

The man picked up on the dynamic between Derren and Ben and winked at Derren, Well, not all his clothes, Ben is wearing nearly brand new shorts and hoody. We could do a swap, if you like, for Ben to give us those and he takes some older ones in return.

Derren grinned back, Yes, Ben would like to do that, wouldn't you Boy?

Ben didn't dare move a muscle, his cock was straining at the blue shorts, hoping it wasn't noticeable.

Not waiting for a reply from Ben the man moved towards the clothing racks, Let's see what we can find for you.

He held out some very tatty old shorts and finally selected a lightweight light grey pair. He soon picked out a black zip hoody that Derren agreed with. Both had seen better days.

The man pointed to the changing cubicle, Why don't you take off your extra donations Ben and I will clear these two items off our system.

As Ben walked to the cubicle, Derren called over, Don't close the curtains, Boy, there's just the three of us here.

Ben felt a rush of excitement as he entered the cubicle and took off his hoody and then his shorts, with both Derren and the man watching him strip.

Derren called out, Bring them over to the kind man, Boy.

Ben, naked and boned was forced to walk to the till and hand his clothes over. Ben had to wait in full view of Derren and the man, who seemed to be taking his time taking the items off the system.

The man handed Ben his replacement clothes, There you go, Ben you might just as well get dressed right here. No point going back to the changing cubicle now that we've seen everything you've got.

Derren and the man watched as Ben pulled on the shorts. They were at least one size too big and very baggy which meant that his boner had plenty of room to show up and tent the light material.

The man looked on at Ben, Ooh, they fit very well indeed. Here, try the hoody for size.

Ben pulled the hoody on. It had one or two small rips in it and barely came down to the waistband of his shorts, which were now being tented by his leaking boner.

Ben looked at the man then Derren in horror, But I can't wear these to uni, Derren please!

The man interrupted, Boys, I can see you're new to this game. I thought these were just for Ben walking back home. You, Derren, need to push Ben's limits gently, gradually. And you both need a safe word, to use when Ben really means no, instead of OMG no but, fuck, yes! Here, take the shorts and hoody Ben came in for uni, and use what he has on for the walk back.

Derren and Ben looked at each other, then at the man, and somehow mumbled a thank you between them.

The man grinned, That's ok Boys, well the way you could thank me would for Ben here to come help me in this shop on a Saturday afternoon for a couple of hours. What do you say, Ben Boy?

Ben nodded, Yeah I could do that, sure.

Good boy, and I can always sort out a change of shorts and hoody for you when you are here next.

Ben smiled, Thank you Sir.

When they got back to the house Derren stopped Ben from stripping off, Shoes only, then go show Liam your new outfit, Ben.

Ben did as Derren said, and walked into the lounge, where Liam was sat, scrolling through the TV channels.

Liam looked up, Why aren't you nude, Ben? Hey, WTF, what happened to your clothes? Those are so... erm... revealing.

Derren told Liam all about the visit to the charity shop, that it was him that suggested Ben change his clothes, and that Ben was bullock naked in the middle of the shop, and that the man had cottoned on to what was happening and told them about a safe word, so that no simply means fuck, no, yes, yes. Liam laughed at that and agreed that a safe word was needed. They had a long discussion about it, and came up with pomegranate. That's a word that none of them would ever used in day to day chatting.

Derren looked at his watch, Fuck, is that the time? Ben, time for you to strip and bang those pizzas in the oven and bring me and Liam some beers. Chop chop, Boy.

The evening went by uneventfully, Ben jumping up to every order that Derren and Liam gave, beginning to feel more used to being naked all the time in the house. Doing the dishes, getting the beers wasn't a burden for him. In fact, he kind of liked it. As they watched a film all sat on the sofa, Ben's mind drifted to wondering what tomorrow night's butler gig would be like, what Sir's place was like, how many people would be there, all those questions and no answers.

After they had all gone to bed, Derren flicked through the photos he had taken of Ben freshly shaved by Liam, Fuck, Ben's ass is so smooth and pert, just like Lizzie's.

Derren started to stroke himself, thinking of how he missed Lizzie since they broke up, and the only sex he had recently had was this, jerking off to porn, except this time, for the first time, he was jerking off to a guy, and that guy was Ben. What the fuck was he thinking? Derren shook his head, disbelieving, yet continuing to stroke himself as he enlarged the pic on his phone to examine Ben's pucker in detail, imagining to himself again that this was Lizzie he was looking at.

Derren recalled Ben in the charity shop. He couldn't believe that had happened, that Ben had been naked there and that the old man had worked out what was going on between him and Ben. But what was going on, Derren wondered as he stroked himself.

Derren closed his eyes, dropped the phone and threw off the duvet. He grabbed his balls and tugged on them with one hand as he stroked himself harder with the other. His cock was leaking precum and lubing his hand as he stroked, He could feel the urge to shoot but held back, edging himself, replaying in his mind the photo on his phone, zooming in, imagining his hard and ready cock pushing that pucker open, and entering. At some point, Derren stopped thinking about this being Lizzie's pucker, and more about it being Ben's, thinking that there can't be any difference between fucking his ex girlfriend up the ass, which he had done a lot since she was so freaked out about getting pregnant, and fucking a guy, a guy like Ben. Fuck, Derren wasn't gay. It can't be gay to fuck a guy, surely? It's the same anatomy for a girl and a guy. It would only be gay if he let Ben fuck him, and no that wasn't going to happen, Derren was not jerking off to an image of him being fucked by Ben, rather one of him fucking Ben. Derren, he told himself, was straight.

Derren felt his leaking cock in his hand, rubbing the precum round his purple cockhead and down the shaft, lubing himself up, Fuck yeah, fuck Ben, mmmm.

Derren quickened his pace, edged himself a couple more times, and then shot his load all over his chest, some of the cum hitting his chin. He lay back, satisfied, pulled the duvet up over him, his cum soaking into the duvet cover and he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of having shot his load into Ben's smooth ass.

The following morning, all three of them in the kitchen, Derren was quietly observing Ben making the coffee and burning the toast, checking out the naked Ben. and remembering what Ben had looked like when he first put on those baggy shorts and how his cock looked.

Liam tapped the breakfast table with his mug, Earth calling Derren, hello, hello. Jeez mate you were off somewhere else. I asked you three times already what your plans were for today.

Derren shook his head from his daydreaming of putting Ben over the kitchen table and fucking him hard, Erm sorry mate, I guess I need a strong coffee to wake me up. Today, erm, nothing much. Gotta get the Boy ready for his butler gig, yeah?

Liam laughed and shouted over to Ben, Yeah, it's your big day Ben Boy. Are you nervous?

Ben brought the coffee over to the table and poured it into their mugs, A bit yeah. A lot, actually, but it's too late to change my mind right?

Derren, taking a sip of the coffee, Yeah, def too late, Boy. You had your chance yesterday when you first walked through the door naked. You could have run upstairs and put some clothes on but you didn't. You could have simply not told us about your fun in the forest, but you did. You could have refused to be shaved smooth from the neck down, but you didn't. You could have denied that you were a naturist to our landlord but you didn't. And you could have refused to be our naked house boi yesterday, but you didn't. You WANT to do this. I'm sure of that. Your fate is sealed, Boy, one hundred percent.

Liam grinned over at Derren, he couldn't have put it better himself, Yeah, Boy, no way you can change your mind now, that ship has sailed.

Derren leaned in, Are you saying no, Boy, or are you saying pomegranate?

Ben thought for a second, No.

Derren smiled, Good Boy, Good Boy!

Ben felt a warm glow inside him and felt settled. Today was going to be fucking awesome.

Hey guys, I know this instalment was supposed to be about the nude butler gig, but as I said last time, Ben gets distracted and sidelined easily in life. Derren and Liam aren't too much of a help either. Sorry!

But today, Ben will get to the butler gig, it's now ten am, he has yet to hear from Sir where and when the gig is, and there is a buzz at 25 Diptford Lane.

What will happen in the next few hours before Ben has to show up at the butler gig?

Let me know how you think the next few hours unfold at and I can write the fourth instalment of Ben's Adventures.

Next: Chapter 4

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