Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Jul 11, 2023


Ben's Adventures - Part 29 A Helpful Hand


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben is reeling from hearing that his sentence has been reviewed from six months to two years.


Ben is miserable the next few days. Scott telling him to sort himself out, get over it, get on with life, but Ben is stuck in it, stuck with another eighteen months of being in the secure house and he doesn't like it. "You're no fun to be with anymore," Scott complains one morning. Ben shrugs his shoulders, "I can't fucking help that can I?" "Well, yes you can. It's up to you to get over it. No one else can do it for you." "Fuck off." "Hey don't take it out on me, Ben." "Why not? You're fucking off soon enough." "True but I don't like it that you got your sentence extended like that. Guess it sucks." "It sucks yeah." "But not as good as you." "No. You're not getting round me that easy." Scott laughs, "Ok, but try and be a bit more cheerful with the guys eh? You got one coming in tomorrow morning. Early." "Early? Like how early?" "8am" "WTF is anyone doing up at that time of day?" "Lol I don't know, I'm gonna still be asleep though, so you need to sort him out yourself." "That's easy enough. Do you know anything about him?" "Just that he's on holiday over from America and, well I think that's all Himself knows too." "Oh, a friend of a friend of Himself's then?" "Or more like friend of a friend of a friend!" "Ok. Best get some shut eye if I've got to perform before dawn tomorrow." "K Ben," Scott leans over, kisses Ben and they slowly fall asleep.

"Hi, I'm James, you must be Ben." Ben yawns, the door open, his naked body in the door frame, "Uh yeah. Way too early for me." "Yeah sorry about that. Just needed to fit you into my schedule. Heard all about you." "You have? Like what?" Ben asks. James just grins and nods. "Ok, so no problems really. You American?" Ben asks, taking in James' accent. "Yep. That a problem?" Ben laughs, "No, not at all. Just you're the first American to visit here." "Really, eh? That's cool." Ben closes the door and they go upstairs. James asks, "You mind if I take a quick shower before?" "Sure. You want me to give you a rub down?" "Is that part of the service?" laughs James. "Sure." Ben watches as James strips down and they head to the shower, Ben letting James get under the shower, get wet, then soaps James up and rinses him off. "Mmmm, that was good but I think I should return the favour." Ben grins, "Sure, why not? That'd be a nice change for me." So Ben stands there as James takes his time soaping Ben up and rinsing him down. They're both more than chubbed by this point, a certain anticipation building between them both. Ben dries James off then himself, and leads James into the bedroom. "So?" Ben asks, "What's next?" "Well, what I really want to do is get my hands on your body." "That sounds good," Ben grins. "Yeah? As in a massage." "You want to give me a massage?" James nods. "Cool. Def up for that." "Ok. I want you on your front. And to listen to some music to help you relax totally, James pulling out his phone and some earpods. Ben lies down and James inserts the ear pods, telling Ben to just let it flow. James gets out his oils as Ben lies down, shutting his eyes, James' big hands on his back.

"Shhhh. Don't move. Don't react. Don't talk to James about this. It's Derren here. Yes Derren, your flatmate. Shhh. Don't move. You're being watched. Every move. Remember that. Don't move. Just listen. Carefully. Ok? Cool. We've been worried sick about you. You disappearing like that without a word. Had no idea of where you were or what had happened. No until your French cousins got in touch with us, that is. Told us where you were, what was happening, so we've been following you, signed up to the website to see how you are. Thought you were doing good til the other day, when we saw you crying. That's when we decided we needed to check in with you. That's why James is here, and you're listening to this recording from me. We want to double check with you that you're ok being here, or if you want out. If you want out then we will help you escape. All you have to do is say to James one word. The safe word. But since we know Scott and Himself know your safeword, we want you to say it in French. To James, in a whisper. You know the word don't you, for pomegranate, in French? It's grenade, just in case you can't remember. Whisper to James grenade when he takes the ear pods out. Then we'll help you. And how? James is a friend of my brother, over here for a holiday. We thought we needed someone that wouldn't be recognisable by Himself, and luckily James agreed to help. If you say grenade to him, then he will make a return appointment. Early morning again. But listen, when you open the door to him you need to put up a bit of a pretend struggle as he `kidnaps' you, but the plan is he will grab you and take you to a waiting car. Fuck we missed you Ben. Hope to see you again real soon. We gotta finalise the plans for getting you out of there and away from harm. Remember, do not say anything of this to anyone, especially not Scott. You must pretend that you haven't heard this ok? You were just listening to some whale music or something equally weird. Ok. Enjoy your massage with James. James is straight. Well, as straight as me, if you get my drift. Bye.'

Ben is lying there, James' hands working his bare skin, his head racing, `WTF, I got a way out of here?' Whale music replacing the words from Derren, his uni housemate. Ben feeling his boner under him, and James on top of him, "Fuck, he isn't gay but he's here helping me, woah what a mate." "How are things eh?" James whispers in Ben's ear. "Grenade," whispers Ben. "Grenade eh?" whispers James, "That's good to hear, you ready to turn over now?" Ben nods as James manhandles Ben, getting Ben on his back, Ben checking out James' boner, James smiling at Ben, "You liking that?" Ben nods, "Is there anything I can do for you?" "I feel I could bust a nut here," James replies, looking down at his boned cock, "But I've never, you know." "Shhh, that's cool. I can help with that. With my hand, lips or ass. Your choice." James grins, "Hand is good, lips too. I've never fucked a guy." "You can have all three if you want." James laughs, "All three sounds fun." Ben takes James' cock in his hand, aware that it's the cock of Derren's big brother's friend. His straight friend. Ben watching James as he strokes him, James cock hard and leaking and hot in his hand, his cock not knowing whether it's a girl or a boy stroking him, or caring, so it seems. "Fuck that feels good," says James. Ben takes that as encouragement to replace his hand with his lips and he's soon rewarded with the taste of James' precum. "Oh yeah, wow Ben you're fucking awesome with your lips." Ben grins and sets to work, getting James close to cumming several times with his tongue, greedily drinking down James' precum before taking James' cock out of his mouth, kissing it one last time and moving himself under James so that James' cock is at his ass, Ben rubbing James' cockhead against his hole, the precum lubing him, James pushing gently in. "Oh fuck you're tight. I was told guys were tight but I didn't realise how hot it would feel. Fuck". Ben grins as James pushes inside him, deep inside, feeling James' bush against his ass, "Mmmm fuck me James, fuck me, seed me." Ben looks up, as James pushes in deeper, fucking Ben slowly, gently, pulling out and pushing back in, nice and slow and deep. Ben's cock leaking precum over his abs, James looking down on Ben, James knowing full well that him fucking Ben is being shown live to hundreds of men, knowing that this was part of the price to pay to help his best friend's little brother get his housemate out, willing to pay the price for that, but only just realising how sweet boi pussy is. James catches his breath and starts to shoot inside Ben, James resting inside Ben as he pumps his seed into Ben. "Oh fuckkkk," James sighs, looking on as Ben strokes himself, and shoots over his chest and face. "Damn that was so hot," grins Ben, lying on his back, as James pulls out, "Reckon you need another shower after that eh?" James nods. They shower, Ben cleaning James up then himself, then James leans in, bites Ben's ear, "Grenade, right?" "Grenade, yeah." Ben has tears in his eyes and pushes his head under the shower to hide them. James kisses Ben on his cheek, whispering, "Ok bud, grenade it is." Dried down, dressed and at the front door, "Ok bud, I gotta go. Might catch you again before I head back to the States." "Yeah? I'd like that," says Ben, "I could return the massage, perhaps?" "Maybe maybe," James winks and leaves.

Ben stands by the closed front door, absorbing the information. 'I'm going to be rescued from this place. But when? OMG When? And I musn't say anything to Scott or anyone or.' Ben jumps on the spot in excitement. "How was that?" Ben turns to see Scott behind him, "Uh? I didn't see you there." "Well, that was obvious. How was that? Your American fuck?" That was. What do I say, keep it simple,' "Erm that was nice. Bit of massage, gentle fuck. Nice yeah." "Cool. Have to admit, I was worried about you. And all you needed was a really good shag with a hot Yank." Ben shakes his head, not wanting Scott to catch on what had actually happened. "I guess you're right." "You do? Of course, I'm always right. Ain't that so?" "Suppose so yeah." "Ok. Get into that kitchen and make me my breakfast." "Coming up," Ben glad to be alone with his thoughts again, Fuck. When is it going to happen? When am I gonna be out of here? Fuck, really can't believe it's gonna happen!'


So James delivered a message from Derren, Ben's uni flatmate that they were making a plan to bust him out of the secure house. Ben is fired up with the thought of his rescue but when will it happen and will it all work out ok? Only one way to find out.... keep reading!

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Next: Chapter 30

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