Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Jul 7, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Ben's Adventures - Part 28 Sentence Review


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben and Scott seemed to enjoy their trip out to the stately home and waiting nude on the diners there. What's in store for them in this episode?


"Hey, kid, can you give me a hand here?" "Sure," Ben jumps up and over to the window cleaner. "Where do you want me?" The window cleaner laughs. "Well that'd be telling, but for now let's just say I want you to hand me up this stuff when I've climbed the ladder." "Ok," Ben grins, knowing the effect he is having on the window cleaner. They chat while he cleans windows, Ben all the while naked and chubbing up under the window cleaner's gaze. "Phew, that's us all done now. Hot work." "You want a tea, a glass of water, beer?" asks Ben. "Anything else on offer?" The window cleaner isn't subtle, grabbing his own crotch and giving it a squeeze. "Sure, that too," grins Ben, "but I might need some water first to make sure that my throat is moistened." "I can help you with that too, if you like." Ben grins, "Ok, like that eh?" Ben drops to his knees, looking up at this anonymous guy, still not knowing his name and unbuttons the fly, pulls out the thick uncut cock and puts it to his lips, licking the snout, grinning up at the cleaner, as if to say, `anytime you want'. Ben doesn't have to wait long before the hot splash of yellow hits his mouth and face, and splashing out over his body, soon covered and soaked. "You like that Ben?" Ben nods and takes the cock into his mouth, pushing his tongue under the hood, pressing at the piss slit, feeling the cock engorge and grow in his mouth, sucking on him, tasting his piss and precum, looking up at him, him smiling, pulling his tee up, grinning down at Ben. "Mmm, you got me all horned now. Need a bit of ass." "Mine?" grins Ben. The cleaner nods. Ben gets up and bends right over, presenting his smooth hole to the cleaner. "Fuckkk, def want to get inside you now and seed you." He doesn't hang back in doing just that, pushing his thick uncut cock deep into Ben, Ben bent right over, getting fucked in the back garden in the sun. Ten minutes later and the window cleaner shoots his load inside Ben, he's pulling out when Scott walks out into the garden. "Damn, have I missed out on the fun again?" "No, not quite, mate," the window cleaner gives Scott a wink, "You could always get in there for sloppy seconds." "Sloppy seconds is good with me," grins Scott and he's at Ben's ass and inside him before anyone can change their minds about the plan. "Damn that looks hot. You mind if I record you guys on my phone? For my wankbank?" "Your wankbank eh?" grins Scott, "Sure I've no problem with that, do you Ben?" "That your private wankbank? No sharing though," Ben looks round. "Sure thing." So Scott gets to fuck Ben long and hard and the window cleaner is there with his cock still out of his jeans recording the two of them at it in the back garden. The three of them are so engrossed in Scott fucking Ben that they don't realise they have company.

Himself coughs to announce his appearance, "Sorry to break up the party boys, but I've got business with these two," pointing at the joined together Scott and Ben. "You have finished, haven't you?" Himself asks the window cleaner and winks. "Erm, yeah, got all I needed." "And more, by the looks of things. Sweet, ok, so gather your stuff. You know where the front door is. And you might want to check your fly before you head out into the street." The window cleaner, looks down, his cock out and hard again, "Oops yeah, don't want to frighten my next customer." He grabs his stuff, says bye and heads on out.

"Ok, guys, sit down, I got some news for you." "News, what news?" asks Scott, knowing full-well what Himself is about to say to them both. "I've just come from the courts. There's been a review of the cases that the magistrate has given over the past three years. His sentences have been found to be illegally too lenient. He wasn't using the current tariff, as it's called, for sentencing." "So?" asks Scott, "What's that got to do with me and Ben here?" "There's no good way of saying this. It means that all his sentences have been revised. Upwards." "Fucking hell. You mean I'm not getting out in a few weeks? I have to do more than the six months?" asks Ben. Himself nods, "Quite a bit more I'm afraid to say. Your sentence was increased to two years." "WTF? How? How can they increase a passed sentence? Is there no appeal?" "Woah, don't go shooting the messenger kid, I just told you, the magistrate was using the wrong tariff. In fact, the secure house wasn't even supposed to be an option, you should have gone to prison for the two years and put on the sex offenders register for life. But I pleaded that your behaviour in the secure house has been excellent. I was able to persuade them to agree to letting you run the remaining 18 months in the secure house." "They agreed? WTF? Another 18 months? Two years of my life in here? Fuckkkk. That's crazy. just for modelling some stuff in Clone Zone. WTFs going on?" Ben starts sobbing and Scott puts his arm around him, hugging Ben. "Hey Ben, shhhhh, it's ok, shhhh." Then turning to Himself, "What about my sentence?" asks Scott. "Your's was set by a different magistrate, so you get your pass out in three months time." "So, what will happen then?" Scott asks, "Will Ben be here on his lonesome?" "No lad, it doesn't work like that, We will most likely have to transfer someone from another secure house in to keep Ben from getting lonely." "Woah, so Scott here goes in three months, I stay for another eighteen, with someone I don't even know?" "That's how it goes yes. The only alternative is for when Scott goes we close this secure house down and you serve the remaining time in prison." "Fucking hell, no way!" "Ok, so you have to get along with someone new," Himself shakes his head, "Simple as that." "Yeah, but eighteen months! I had thought I could restart my uni course, but now I'm gonna be 20 before I'm out." "Sorry lad. I argued your case and did the best I could for you. You do know that, don't you?" Himself really turning on the charm. "I guess so yeah." "It'll take a few days to get used to the idea, but then it'll fade. Promise you. Ok, I gotta go. On duty at the station in a few minutes. See you guys later. Let me know if you want anything. Pizza, massage, anything, you know."

"You ok?" Scott asks Ben. "Not really, no. Total fucking shock." "I know. Guess it sucks, you get your sentence extended and I don't, eh?" Ben nods. "No, but I didn't mean that. Well yeah, kinda, like who will this new guy be?" "I'm sure Himself will find someone just as hot, and as kind, and as horny as me," grins Scott, pushing Ben back onto his back on the bed. "Hot, kind, and horny, are you? You think so?" "Yeah," says Scott, pressing his hard cock against Ben, "See that? Feel that?" "Sex cures everything for you eh?" "Near enough. Lie back, close your eyes and let me fuck you deep and gentle. I'll even suck you off and drink your jizz," Scott grins. Ben shakes his head no, but then thinks `Why the fuck not?' They have a long slow fuck in bed, Scott delivering on his promises, cumming inside Ben then giving Ben a good long blowjob before drinking down his jizz. They collapse on the bed, and fall asleep for a couple of hours.

"C'mon Ben, wake up, you got Ned coming in to see you." "Ned? Who's Ned?" Ben asks half-asleep. "Fuck, please no, Scott, I'm not in the mood for one of Himself's mates. Can't you?" "No. Ned asked specifically for you." "Today? Of all days? I get to hear my sentence is increased by eighteen months and I still have to give out to one of Himself's mates?" Scott nods and slaps Ben's ass, "Go on. Get in that shower and clean yourself up. He's gonna be here in fifteen." Scott half drags Ben off the bed and pushes him in under the shower. "While you're busy with Ned I'll ask Himself if we can have pizza tonight." Ben shakes his head, "I dunno if that's gonna fix my mood, Scott." "I know kid, just, get under that water, washed, dried, and onto that bed. C'mon. Now!" Ben knows he has no choice in the matter. His heart isn't in it, he doesn't want sex with yet another random mate of Himself's. Like how many mates does Himself have? Near enough half the town must have been through the doors of the secure house and into bed with either Ben or Scott these past five months. Ben showers, dries himself and spreads himself out on his front on the bed. Ned comes into the bedroom, "What a fucking beauty, no, don't move, just stay like that." Ben can hear Ned strip off, his clothes dropping to the floor, Ben doesn't want to see Ned, look at his face, into his eyes, see how old he is. Ben feels the bed move, Ned on the bed, moving towards him, hands on Ben's legs, stroking them, parting his cheeks, tracing bukkake boi with a finger, breath on his crack. "Better in real life, so much better, fucking hell yeah." Ned putting his face into Ben's crack, tongue in his hole, Ben lying there, gripping the pillow, not wanting this, being tongued by some stranger, and eighteen months more of this. Fucking hell, what am I going to do, how am I going to survive this?' Ben asks himself. Ben feeling Ned move his tongue out, his cock in, pushing in, Ned's body weight on Ben, pushing, fucking Ben, and Ben's eyes watering, not with pain, but with sorrow, sorrow that he has eighteen more months of this. I just had just one month to go, but now eighteen. Can I do this? Can I even do this for eighteen more months?' Ben asking himself as he hears Ned grunt and shout and cum inside him. Ben's pillow wet with tears, `No, I don't think I can do this. Not any more. Not for 18 months. FFS. What am I gonna do?' Ben lies inert on the bed, crying gently into the pillow. Ned getting dressed, slaps Ben on the ass, "Hot, that was fucking hot boi." Ben hears the door close. Ned gone. Alone now in the room, Ben begins to sob.


Fuck, so Ben is going to be in the secure house for eighteen months more than he thought he would. He is not a happy bunny at that prospect. What will he do? Doesn't sound as if he is coping well with the news.

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Next: Chapter 29

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