Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Jun 29, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Ben's Adventures - Part 27 Waiter Service


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:'s-adventures/

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


In the last episode, Ben turned the tables on Scott and got Scott to shave off. Ben and Scott had some fun with Adam, the pizza boy and his flatmate Dave, then Ben had a massage and then a tattoo. So he is now parading round the secure house with `bukkake boi' on his ass cheek.


"Hey, have a look at Ben here," Scott says, turning Ben's ass to Himself. "WTF is that on his ass?" Himself asks. Ben turns round, shocked, "What do you mean? It's my tattoo, `bukkake boi'. It's awesome right?" Ben turning, trying to see it, grinning. "Awesome might be, but not what I had in mind. I got the two of you down for a Saturday night out." "Woah yeah?" exclaims Scott. "Yes but now I'm not sure if you should turn up like that Ben." "Oh please Sir," pleads Ben. "Lol you wanna go even though you don't know what it is or where it is?" laughs Himself. Ben nods, Scott grins, and winks at Himself. "Well you might need to do a lot of explaining, bukkake boi," Himself shrugs his shoulders. "So where are we going?" asks Ben, still on a high from the events of the previous days. "Out to dinner." "Dinner? At a restaurant?" asks Scott. Himself nods. "Wait. There must be a catch here," says Scott. "Oh yes, there's a catch alright." Himself pauses for effect. "When I say we're going out for dinner, I mean I'm going out for dinner. And taking you two to serve dinner to everyone who is having it with me." "What the? You mean we're gonna be serving to a whole bunch of people at a restaurant? Bare assed naked?" asks Ben. Himself shakes his head, "No, you'll be wearing a waiter's apron, so your junk will be covered, but your ass on show. You might be busy explaining that bukkake boi tattoo to your diners." Ben laughs, "Ah ok, and nobody will object to us being in just these waiter aprons? and butts on show?" "No. It's a private function, so those that are going already know your attire. All personally invited by me, so no one is going to be offended by a bit of flesh showing." "When is this?" asks Scott. "This evening. But we need to go now so the head waiter can give you a bit of instruction in waiting before the event. You boys up for it?" Himself asks, as if they had a choice. They both nod and minutes later are in the back of the car heading off. It's a long drive, over an hour and they're restless when they get out, looking at the place from the outside, a massive stately house. "Wow look at that" says Ben. "Let's get you inside before you are the sight everyone is looking at."

Himself takes them in through the staff entrance, down long corridors and into the kitchen, where there's a lot of activity preparing the food for the evening. "Where's Matthew?" Himself asks one of the chefs. The chef points to a side room, and eyes are on the naked boys as they head off there. Himself knocks on the door and enters without waiting. "Hi Matthew. Two ready and willing waiters at your service. Ben here, and Scott." Matthew feasts his eyes with them sight of them, Scott still very smooth from Ben shaving him. "Fucking hell, Trevor, these two are beauties. Them upstairs, meaning the dining room, are going to be feasting their eyes on them all night. Might as well cancel the food." "Lol. no. They paid good money for the food as well as the scenery." "Well, let's have an all round view of them. Turn for me, Ben, Scott," says Matthew. Fuck, bukkake boi, eh? Nice! Might need to educate a few of our guests as to what that means," Matthew laughs, winking at Himself.

Himself leaves Scott and Ben with Matthew. Matthew starts to explain their duties, taking them into the kitchen, everyone remarking on the bukkake boi tattoo. Matthew explains, demonstrates and gets them to practise their duties, taking plates and dishes out to the diners, clearing away, serving wine and then serving drinks after the meal in the drawing and billiard rooms. "The diners will be arriving from 7pm, sat at 8pm, that's when it all starts for you two and don't expect the last to leave until well after midnight. Any questions?" "And we'll get our waiters aprons just before 8pm?" asks Scott. Matthew looks at them flustered. "Ah yes, I just got to dig those out. Don't worry, they'll be here for you. Now you two are free to explore the house and grounds until then." "Really?" asks Ben. "Yes really, the staff and guests have been informed you'll be here and that they might bump into you, so it's all sorted. And stick together. Oh I forgot, I need to put these on you," Matthew clips electronic tags around their ankles. "This way, if you get lost all you need do is say loudly `I'm lost', and I can send someone out to pick you up. And no need to say, is there, stay in the grounds, there's over 200 acres so plenty of places to explore."

Scott looks down at his tag as they're left standing in the dining room. "They're not too uncomfortable are they?" "No but why?" "To make sure we don't run off, duh! But c'mon, let's get outside and have some fun. I think I saw an outdoor pool as we were coming up the drive." "A pool? Fucking hell yeah." It wasn't long before they were both in the water, splashing and ducking each other, having fun and making a lot of noise, which attracted some of the guests who had arrived early and were out for a stroll. "Oh my, look at these two. Don't they look magnificent?" "Stunning, just stunning. Boys, please stop, get out and introduce yourselves." Ben and Scott don't hear and the man has to shout at them. "Now, please." Ben and Scott get out. Their smooth naked bodies wet and glistening in the sun, their cocks somewhere between chubbed and erect. "Oh, my, the scenery has improved no end, hasn't it Bernard?" "It certainly has. Are you two guests or staff?" "Scott answers, "Well I suppose we're staff. Certainly not guests. We're here as waiters for this evening." "Well, we are in for a treat," the other man says, slowly looking both Ben and Scott up and down and up again. "A wonderful treat. I can't wait to see you both in your waiters' outfits." "It's not much more than this actually," replies Ben. "No? Is that so? Well I better keep my heart pills handy if that's the case. Well, we wont keep you, you seem to have a lot of energy to burn off." Ben and Scott turn and walk away, aware that there's two pairs of eyes on them for quite some distance. "Dirty old men," laughs Scott. "Fuck, you think they are all gonna be like those two?" asks Ben. Scott nods, "Probably, yeah. Just remember if..." "You mean when, don't you?" interrupts Ben. "Ok. When they start touching, close your eyes, or look into the distance and think of me touching you." "Or Adam or Dave or Gary or." "Exactly, you got the idea." "Damn the way they were near salivating at us, eyes on our cocks most of the time, hardly looked at our faces once." "God, I know, wait til we're that old ourselves." "OMG no. Don't, that's a horrible thought." "Happens to us all. Even bukkake bois." "Can we change the subject?" asks Ben. "Yes. Let's find a tree stump that I can bend you over and fuck your brains out." "Now that's a fucking great idea," laughs Ben.

The two are mid fuck when they hear a cough behind them. "Don't let us interrupt you boys having fun," one of the three men says. "What? You wanna stay and watch?" laughs Scott. They nod. Scott grins, turns to Ben and slaps his ass loudly, "You heard the gentleman, boi, they want a show." Scott near pulls out and pushes right in, fucking Ben long and slow and sensuously, the three men coming closer, watching Scott fuck Ben, them muttering. Scott reaches under Ben and tugs on his cock as he fucks Ben. They go at it like that for a good fifteen minutes then Scott pulls out of Ben and gets Ben to stand up. Both of them totally boned and precummy. "Sorry gents but we're under strict instructions not to cum right now and it's probably time we were heading back to the kitchens for our waitering duties." "You boys are going to wait on us tonight?" gasps one of them. Ben nods. "Well, well, well, I'm suddenly looking forward to dinner so much more. Thank you boys, thank you for the preview." "Preview? What fucking preview?" Ben asks Scott. "C'mon. You know. Or can guess. Seems that after dinner we will putting on a show again." "Ok. But I'm fucking you this time?" "Really?" grins Scott, "They might want to see both to be fair." Ben shakes his head, his cock still rockhard. "Guess this one here doesn't mind at all." "Mine neither," says Scott, tugging his cock as they head to the kitchens to find Matthew.

"You boys have fun?" asks Matthew, leering at their hard cocks on show. "Yeah kinda. Had ourselves a bit of exploring and bumping into a few of tonights guests." "Cool. So there's only one problem," replies Matthew. "What's that," asks Scott.
"I can't find the waiters aprons you're supposed to wear." Scott laughs, "Oh yeah, so I take it you want us to do it naked. That right?" "I wasn't going to suggest that but since you're offering." Ben shakes his head, "I think Himself probably has those waiter aprons in his car, if they ever existed." Scott laughs, "Since when did you become so cynical Ben?" "So you'll do it? Waiter naked?" asks Matthew. "Sure," Scott laughs, "Was kinda expecting that we'd somehow lose those aprons at some stage in the evening. Might as well do it from the beginning." "Fuck me," laughs Ben. "What? Here? Right now? You talking to me or to this hot thing called Matthew here?" laughs Scott. "Guys, much as I'd like to, no, love to, we don't have time, right now. You gotta grab those starters and get them to the tables." Matthew leads them through the kitchen to the dining room, laden with starters and unable to cover themselves up. There's a gasp and then a cheer when they're seen by the diners, all very touchy as Ben and Scott head round the tables serving them. Ben shakes his head at Scott, "Why did I ever think it would be any different than this? I already had my cock tugged several times and my ass slapped too." Scott laughs, "Some guy got his lips to my cock and that's just the starters served. We gotta do the wine now."

There's many opportunities for the diners to grab at Ben and Scott as they serve and then clear away and bring wines to the tables. Both of them are boned and the view is much appreciated by the diners. After the meal the diners head off to the drawing room where Ben and Scott serve brandy and cigars, and hands start to linger longer on Ben and Scott than before. "Who's for billiards?" Himself asks. A few of the men get up. "Boys, come with us and serve us some more drinks," Himself winks. "I know how we'll start, I'll play against Ben here. Strip pool, did I hear someone say?" "But Sir I'm already naked," replies the innocent Ben. "Well then, if you lose you'll have to pay a forfeit that the winner decides upon. That ok with you boi?" "Erm, yes Sir, I guess." "Good boi." Of course Himself won the match easily. "So the forfeit boi? What shall it be? I know let's make it an easy one eh? Since you're called bukkake boi, why don't we see who wants to bukkake all over you?" "Gents? Volunteers please." There's six of them immediately around Ben, pulling their cocks out, wanking over him. Remembering what Scott had said earlier, Ben keeps his eyes half-closed, strokes himself slowly and soon feels the first load cover him. By the time the fifth guy has cum, there's three more taking the place of the others, and Ben's finally covered with the jizz from ten of the diners. Himself walks up to Ben, "Nice. You like that boi?" Ben nods. "Good. So why don't you lie there til that jizz dries then you can serve us some more brandies?" Ben lies there for near an hour while Scott is kept busy serving the men, the billiard table abandoned for chatting and leering over Scott and over at Ben, watching him dry off.

Scott is sent over periodically to check on Ben, "He's dry now sir." Then Ben is pressed into serving drinks again, his body covered in dried jizz. The diners taking lots of pics of both Scott and Ben.

"My, have you seen the time," Himself says, "Past midnight. Boys, give the gents one for the road. Serve them one final brandy then Scott you can get yourself ready to give Ben one more serving of jizz. But take your time lad." Served with brandies they gather round. Scott gets Ben on his back and pushes into him, fucking Ben in front of the twenty or so diners that were still there, them all encouraging him to fuck Ben deep and hard, Ben on his back, looking up at Scott, Scott fully inside Ben, balls deep, holding onto Ben's legs, thrusting in. "Don't cum in him, Scott," Himself says, "Make sure you pull out and cum on the bukkake boi, got that?" Scott grins, "Yes sir, I got that." It's not long before Scott pulls out and starts to jerk over Ben. Himself pushing Scott to be near Ben's face, "Over his face, in his mouth and hair lad." Ben opens his mouth waiting for Scott's jizz, and then it's there wad after wad, covering his face, into his mouth, Ben swirling it round on his tongue, diners looking on smiling, cheering, taking pics and vids. "Fucking awesome Ben. You shouldn't wash for a week. Stay covered in dried jizz, Lol." Himself laughs, "That sounds like a good idea. You heard that Ben? No showering for a week." Ben grins through the layers of dried jizz on his body and Scott's recent contribution on his face and hair, "Ok Sir, you're the boss." "Yes I am, and don't go forgetting that boi. Now just lie there while I see these gents out. Scott come help them on with their coats."

Ben is left on the table with Scott's jizz drying on him, alone, or so he thought. "Fucking hell, Ben, that was hot." "Who's that?" asks Ben. "Matthew. I was watching through the serving hatch. What I'd give to jizz on you right now." "Lol, So why don't you?" grins Ben. "What? You sure that's ok?" replies Matthew. "I'm sure, yeah, I will even help you if you like," grins Ben. Ben reaches for Matthew's trouser and unzips him, pulls his cock out and brings it to his mouth tasting Matthew, Matthew growing in Ben's mouth, til he's hard and leaking. "Fucking hell Ben, you suck so well, I wont be long before I cum." Ben grins, Matthew's cock on his lips, "Make sure you cum on me and not in my mouth, not that I don't want to taste your cum, but want your mark on me too, you want that right?" Matthew nods and watches Ben suck him then pull his cock out of his mouth as his breath gets more ragged, "Fuck I'm cumming," says Matthew as Ben strokes his cock, Matthew shooting his jizz over Ben's face and hair, Ben licking Matthew's cock clean, smiling up at Matthew.

"Sorry to break up the party you guys, but Himself is waiting for us," Scott grins at Matthew, "Glad you were able to get a piece of Ben too." Matthew blushes. "Hey it's cool. I'd have, given half the chance too. You're a hot looking guy." "Thank you boys. You made my day," grins Matthew, as he taps Scott's ass. "C'mon bukkake boi, we gotta get us home now. Fuck you're dripping cum, Ben. That's gross, so gross." "No it's not. It's hot. Very hot," grins Ben through his facemask of cum.


What's going on? Did Ben just enjoy being on show, working his naked bukkake ass round that stately home and getting jazzed on by all those diners?

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Next: Chapter 28

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