Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on May 27, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Ben's Adventures - Part 22 - Cam Abuse


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben is now in the secure house that will be his home for the next six months. Ben and Scott have been playing on cam now for a couple of weeks, getting their limits stretched, giving fun to the guys watching.


"Grab his hair. Pull him onto your cock. That's right, yeah, face-fuck the bitch. Make him gag. Push that big cock of your's down his throat and make him gag. Awesome." Scott was doing what Derek was telling him, Ben gagging on Scott's cock, tears rolling down his eyes, Ben looking up at Scott, as if to say, I can't take much more of this, really, truly.' "Pull out of him and slap the bitch's face." Scott does Derek\'s bidding. Ben feels the sting of Scott's hand across his cheek. Ben recovering his breath, saliva mixed with Scott's precum dribbling down his chin on to his chest. "Fuck him in the ass. Doggy style. Do it. Give him it rough." Derek relentless in instructing Scott and Ben. Scott pulls Ben round, and plunges his cock into Ben's ass. "Faster. Deeper. Harder. Slap his ass. Wanna see it red raw", shouts Derek into the room from the laptop speaker. Ben yelping at the stinging ass, wanting the moment for Derek to cum so this can stop and he can go shower and recover a while. It's been hard, relentless, heavy sex with Scott the past hour. Ben's throat and ass sore from the pummelling Scott has given him. "Scrunch his balls again. That's right. Real hard. Wanna hear the bitch yelp." And yelp Ben did. Fuck, it hurt. Scott squeezing his balls so hard, Ben thinking to himself that Scott didn't have to squeeze so hard, that he didn't have to do everything that Derek said quite so vigorously and so hard. Bugger. I need a break from this', thinks Ben to himself, aware that he mustn't voice it though, because that would set Derek off like a few minutes ago. "Fuck him hard, yeah. Damn it, Scott, ride him hard, you got me close here, get his ass shiny red for me. Do it. Ram your cock right up inside him but don't cum. Not yet. And not inside him. Wanna see him take your seed down his throat, yeah. Oh fuck yeah, switch now. Pull out and wank yourself, cockhead on his tongue, his tongue stuck out of his whore-bitch mouth. Yeah, make the bitch beg for your cum. That's right, c'mon bitch, lick the precum off Scott's cock. Yeah." This was about the only bit Ben enjoyed. His ass throbbing from being fucked so hard and deep and his ass cheeks throbbing from being spanked for near an hour. This was gentle for Ben, having Scott's hard cock on his tongue stuck out, Scott leaking his precum onto it, Ben drinking the precum, waiting for Scott to cum, catching his breath.

"Fuckkkkk", Scott and Ben hear through the laptop speaker. "That must be Derek cumming. Thank fuck' thinks Ben. Ben looks up at Scott and nods. Scott throws his head back and shoots his load onto Ben's tongue and down the back of his throat, wad after wad. Ben greedily licks Scott's cock clean, pressing his tongue into Scott's piss slit. "Yeah bitch, clean the cock that feeds you. Damn you two were great. Wait til I tell Himself how pleased I am with you. Now fuck off the two of you, I got stuff to do."

In the shower, the hot water streaming down their aching bodies, Ben snuggles his face into Scott's shoulder, "Fuck Scott that was too much, I'm really sore. Throat and ass and ass cheeks. I'm sorry." "Hey babe", Scott kisses Ben on his cheek then on the lips, "I know, that was a bit crazy, yeah, it should be me saying sorry. I don't like treating you like that. You do know that, right?" Ben nods, "Can you talk to Himself? Tell him that was too much. That we're ok doing stuff on cam, but just not that heavy? My balls really ache. You squeezed them way too tight." "I did? Shit. Sorry again. Let me kiss them better". Scott drops to his knees, Ben's hard cock in his face as he kisses Ben's left ball then his right, then back to his left, then the base of Ben's shaft, kissing all the way up to the cockhead, taking Ben's cockhead into his mouth, looking up at Ben. Scott saying, "Cum for me Ben, on my tongue, like I did just before." "You sure? I can cum?" "Yeah", nods Scott. So Ben rests against the shower wall and lets Scott give him a deliciously slow awesome blow job. Scott taking his time to bring Ben to climax and then drinking up Ben's cum. Scott stands and kisses Ben, pushing some of Ben's cum into Ben's mouth, their tongues intertwining, slippery with cum. "That better?" asks Scott. "Certainly took my mind off what just happened for a few minutes, yeah", grins Ben. Scott turns off the water, "Ok back to work for you, time to dry me off". Ben does the task willingly, drying Scott down completely before drying himself and then heading to bed to collapse.

Later that afternoon. "Hey how's Ben?", asks Himself to Scott, looking concerned. "Not good. He is sore as hell and there was some bleeding too. He's crashed out upstairs." "Fuck. I been onto Craig. Banned him. It looked too much what he was asking you to do. You were really hammering the boi, weren't you?" Scott nods, "I tried to hold back but Craig could see that I was, and said he wanted me in harder faster deeper." "Yeah, I know. I was watching, monitoring. Some of the guys who were watching were commenting how hard it was. Too hard. They didn't wanna see the boi hurt. It was obvious to them how much it was hurting." "Wow really? Like how many were watching us live?" "Over three hundred", replies himself. "Fuck me", grins Scott. "Lol no. They were watching cos you were fucking Ben. Ben fucking you gets much lower viewers but they did appreciate how tender you were to Ben in the shower afterwards". "Lol. Always helps that I was a porn start in a previous life, don't it?" "Sure does. That's how and why you got the job of looking after our boi." "Well it's hardly been work. And been a total pleasure until that Craig session", answers Scott. Himself says, "Ok, let's go see how the boi is, and how we can make him feel good and safe again."

Ben wakes to see Himself and Scott leaning over him, looking all concerned. "What? What I done? I'm not in trouble am I?" "Nothing boi. Nothing. No you're not. Just here to check up on you. Scott told me you're hurting after that last cam session. How bad is it?" Ben frowns, "Fucking hurts lots still". "Scott given you any painkillers?" asks Himself. Ben shakes his head no. Scott leaves the room and brings some back. "Those should kick in soon enough. But hey I'm sorry you were subjected to that. I totally banned Craig now. And I've warned all my mates that that won't happen again. Ok? And I'm wondering what would cheer you up?" "I dunno. But my ass is sore. I need a rest", replies Ben. "Lol. I'm sure you do. How about I give you a treat? A massage perhaps? When was the last time you had a professional massage?", Himself asks Ben. "Never", replies Ben, "What? You mean I could have a massage?" "Yeah. You like that idea? I could sort something out. I know a local guy who gives the best massage in town. You would love it. Why don't you leave it with me and I will see how soon he can come over?" "Cool", is about all Ben can manage. "Ok. You rest and I will text Scott to give him an update later."

"Massage, eh? Damn, that's a good idea, boss", says Scott. "Yeah, well if the boi's ass is out of action then we can still put on a show for the punters". "From all angles?", grins Scott. "Yeah. The laptop will be in another room. We can use all the hidden cams around the house to give the punters a real show". "Fucking hot", grins Scott, "and Ben will think he is getting the massage in private. Sweet." "Yeah and you could put on a show in the lounge, jerking off and with a big dildo up your ass." Scott nods, "Sounds hot, I'm cool with that. You're the boss." "Yes. I know I am" says Himself, as he slaps Scott's cheek lightly and then leaves.

"Is Ben ready for his massage?", Will asks Scott. Will had set up in the guest bedroom, black silk sheet on the bed, oils to the side, Will has a towel around him, freshly showered. "Let me go get him", Scott replies. A minute later Scott brings a sleepy Ben into the guest room. "Hey Ben, I'm Will, your masseur. You look real sleepy. Why don't you flop down on the bed, on your front, and I will send you to heaven with my oils and my touch." Scott laughs, "Ok, I will leave you two to it. I'll be down in the lounge if you need anything, ok?" Ben crawls onto the bed, spread out. Will drops his towel, both of them naked. Will whispers in Ben's ear, "Let me know if the pressure is too hard or too soft. This is your massage for you to enjoy. I'm here to give you maximum pleasure." Ben grins, "Mmmm sounds good. Just remember I'm a bit - no, a lot - tender round my ass." "Ok, good to know. I will be very gentle with you when I get there", grins Will. Will starts stroking Ben's hair, his fingers in deep, massaging his skull, Ben already murmuring his approval, purring like a cat, and that's before the warm oil is spread over his shoulders and back. Will spending a long time relaxing those big muscles. Will massages Ben's arms spreading them out on the bed so that Ben is spreadeagled on his front. Will's right knee between Ben's legs, up against his crack, Ben purring away, half asleep, deeply trusting Will. Will works Ben's legs, his fingers and hand drifting up Ben's crack, and the back of his balls. "That ok Ben?" "Mmmmm yeah", says Ben, as Will works Ben's glutes, Ben lifting his ass off the bed to meet Will's hands, Will's fingers tracing over Ben's bruised hole, lightly touching him, arousing Ben, Ben's cock hard and leaking precum onto the sheets. "Ok Ben time to turn you over, do the rest of you." Will manhandles Ben over onto his back, Ben's rock hard cock now on show, leaking precum onto his abs. Ben opens his eyes to see that Will is as naked and as hard as Ben. Will straddles Ben, Will's cock resting on Ben's chest as Will gently massages Ben's face and plays with his ears, then his neck. Ben's cock resting in the crack between Will's glutes, leaking precum down his shaft. Will working Ben's arms, placing Ben's hand against Will's chest, Ben's hand against Will's hard nips, Will looking into Ben's eyes as he drips precum over Ben's chest and massages his arms. "Everything ok Ben?" "Fuck yeah. This feels awesome." Will leans forward as Ben starts to play with Will's nips. "That's nice yeah. You can touch me too if you want. No need tho. No pressure. You can just lie back and let it all happen. Either way is good - very good for me", says Will, moving his body up Ben's chest, his cockhead a couple of inches away from Ben's mouth and Ben's cock touching Will's hole. Will sliding froward and back on Ben's oiled chest and abs, as Ben's cock slowly enters Will. "You want that Ben? You want to fuck me? You want to suck me? Or both?", Will grins. Ben leans up, Will's cockhead on his lips, looking up at Will, whispers, "Both". Will grins, he holds Ben's head in place as he rocks back and forth on Ben's cock, pressing onto Ben then up off Ben's cock and his cock into Ben's mouth, and back again. "Damn those lips of yours are real sweet Ben." Ben grins, what started out as a massage session was now turning into hot sex with Will. Something that he wanted. It felt gentle and good and so very different to being in front of the camera with Scott, and Craig telling them what to do. Ben pleased he is having this private time with Will. Will riding Ben's cock, Ben sucking on Will for a good fifteen minutes. "Much as I am so enjoying this, I gotta finish this massage, don't want to neglect your legs now, do we?" Ben feels a little sad as Will moves down, but begins to enjoy Will's hands on his thighs and balls and gentle stroking of his very hard and leaking cock.

"Bit of stretch yeah?", as Will lifts Ben's legs up. "Hold them there Ben", as Ben holds his knees, his legs fully bent up, his ass totally on show. "Damn that is one of the finest coin slot boi pussies I ever did see", grins Will. "You want some gentle attention on there?" Ben is nervous, "Yes. But very gentle yeah?" "Sure. Just let me know if you feel any pain you don't want to feel", and Will bends down and puts his tongue against Ben's coin slot, "That ok?" Will asks, looking up at Ben over Ben's hard cock. Ben nods. Will goes down again and stays down for a long time. Ben holding his legs up to his chest, head back, eyes closed moaning as Will eats him out. "Fuck that feels so good", moans Ben. "Tell you what will feel better", grins Will. "What?", asks Ben, but Ben knows, really. Ben knows Will is meaning his hard cock. Ben nods. He wants this, "Gentle though." "Of course", replies Will. Will takes hold of his own cock and guides it around Ben's slot, dribbling precum around it. Ben's slot already open from Will's tonguing. Will presses in gently, his cockhead in, and out, around the slot, and back in. "That feel good, Ben?" "Mmmm", Ben nods, looking at Will, "More." "More? You want more?", laughs Will. "You can have more. You can have it all". Will slips gently into Ben and rests his cock there. "That feel good Ben? Just that? No fucking you hard or deep, though, eh? Just let me rest and soak inside you". Ben nods. Feeling full with Will's cock. Will takes hold of Ben's cock and starts to stroke it. "You wanna shoot?", Will asks, "While I'm inside you? Watching you shoot, I might just seed you without thrusting. Just gotta warn you", grins Will. "That'd be more than ok", replies Ben. "Yeah? You shoot all over yourself and me seed that sweet boi pussy of yours?" "Mmmm, yes please", replies Ben. "Damn Ben. Yes", as Will moves slowly and gently inside Ben and strokes Ben's cock. It builds, Ben writhing under Will. "Fuckkkkk", as Ben shoots his load over his chest and neck. Will pushes in deep and unloads his seed into Ben before pulling very slowly out of him. Ben's slot open, and Will's cum running out onto the sheet. "How was that for you Ben?", asks Will. "Hot. Seriously hot. And definitely what I needed." "That's good to hear. How about I carry you to the shower and clean us both up?" Ben grins, "That sounds awesome."

Down in the lounge, Scott putting on his show, jerking and fucking himself with a dildo, all the while watching Will and Ben on the big tv screen, Scott shoots a massive load over himself, reading all the comments on the screen, appreciations for the show he had put on, as well as the show that Will and Ben had put on. Over 500 watching live.

Scott comes into the bathroom just as Will is drying Ben off, "Good massage?" "Fucking awesome yeah", replies Ben. "Shame I missed it", replies Scott. He hadn't. Missed it. That is. "Well, there can always be a next time", puts in Will. "Yeah?", asks Ben, "How?" "Sweet talk Himself, I guess", replies Will, "I'm thinking it might be cool if I taught you some of the techniques. I could show you on Scott. Then you could practice on me. And then Scott and me could give you a four-hands massage" "That'd be fucking awesome", grins Ben. "K, well talk to Himself about it. I'd be up for it", replies Will. "Me too", says Scott. "Fucking hell. Yeah", grins Ben.


The secure house doesn't seem to be what Ben thinks it is. It's clear that Himself and Scott have a completely different view. They don't seem to have Ben's interest at heart, even if they arranged for Will to give Ben the best massage of his life. What's going to happen next in the secure house? Wait and see!

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Next: Chapter 23

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