Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on May 22, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Ben's Adventures - Part 21 - From Phone Calls To Cam


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to the whole series:

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.


Ben is now in the secure house that will be his home for the next six months. Ben is now very smooth after Elliot's attentions and has quite a few of horny phone calls under his belt - if he was allowed to wear one, which he isn't, because he's totally naked, all the time, as you already know.

Now read on to find out what happened next...


Scott was stroking Ben's body, and in particular, his ever so very smooth crotch. The hair removal had been very effective. Elliot had called to make an appointment to go over any rough patches. "Damn, you sure are smooth. You got any regrets about Elliot doing his thing on you?" Ben shakes his head, "No, it's amazing. I don't have to shave my face every morning now and I don't have to shave my body twice a week, either. It's awesome." "Though I do miss helping you with those awkward parts. Like that pert ass of yours", laughs Scott. "Lol, well there's nothing stopping you from just checking it out, anytime you want", says Ben, bending right over and spreading his cheeks. "Damn, that looks real tempting", replies Scott.

"Nice view", says Himself, walking in on Ben, who is still in position, "Not interrupting anything, am I?" "Lol no, just checking Ben ain't got no hair down there, that's all", replied Scott. "Ok. I believe you. Thousands wouldn't. And anyway, why shouldn't you have a look?" Ben and Scott join in the laughter with Himself. "Anyway, that's not why I'm here. My friends have been onto me, about the chats they're having with you, how great they are, but what they'd really like is to expand the experience. To see you, as well." "What the? OMG. Fuck", says Ben. "It's not as if either of you are shy telling them what you get up. Either with each other not on the phone, or when you are on the phone with them. You wouldn't need to do anything other than what you're already doing. You'll just make the experience that bit more entertaining for them", explains Himself. Scott asks, "What? You want us to perform on cam? That what you're saying?" "Not perform, no. Just be yourselves. Your cheeky, horny selves, that's all. No performance. Do what you feel like doing. Nothing more." "I dunno, boss", Scott says, looking at Ben for support. Ben shakes his head, unsure, too. Himself carries on, "I brought this laptop for you to use. To have the cam calls." "So they'd see us as well as hear us?", asks Ben, "Will we see them?" "Not if you don't want to, no", replies Himself. "WTF, Ben, are you up for this or something?", asks a confused Scott. "I dunno. But it's like Sir says, it's not as if we will be doing anything different to what we do when we've been chatting with these guys, is it?" "I guess not, no, but now they will see us. See us, you know...", stops Scott. "Sucking and fucking", adds Ben. "And getting you over my knee, smacking your ass red", says Scott. Ben bones up at the thought. "Lol, I think Ben likes the idea more than you Scott", says Himself. "Damn, I dunno, boss. Can you give us sometime to think about it?", replies Scott. "Yeah, sure, why not. I'll leave the laptop here in case you do want to go ahead. Text me later, Scott, and I can let you know the password to get in, ok? Oh, and boys, don't do anything I wouldn't do", says Himself as he walks towards the lounge door. "Ah, Scott. A quick word, eh?"

Scott and Himself stand in the hall, the door to the lounge closed, whispering conspiratorially. "That was well played, Scott", says Himself. Scott grins. "Though it was close, your strategy, saying you were doubtful, getting Ben to say yes before you. What if it had gone wrong?" Scott replies, "I'm sure you would have thought of something. After all, it's all in the plan, right". "Too right. And, yes, it's all going really well. Too well, almost. You sure Ben doesn't suspect anything?" "Nothing. The boi is such an innocent. Kinda weird that he is so gullible, so trusting. Like taking candy from a baby". "Well, don't worry too much on that and remember how much your cut is in all this". "I do, yeah. I'm gonna be so flushed when this is over. Nearly half-way through the six months already", says Scott. "Shit. You're right. Perhaps I need to think of a way to extend Ben's stay in the secure house", grins Himself. "WTF. You wouldn't. Would you?", Scott exclaims, "Oh fuck. You fucking well would and all!" Scott pauses for a few seconds. "Erm. Fuck it. OK. I'm in. But I will need an increase in my cut", bargains Scott. "OK. Leave it with me and see what I can come up with. You've done great work breaking him in, Ian", says Himself. "Shhh. My name in here is Scott. Remember? We agreed not to use my real name", whispers Ian/Scott. "Ok, Scott. Slip of the tongue. Sorry. I gotta go. Just make sure Ben doesn't change his mind about being on cam". Scott closes the door after Himself leaves and goes back into the lounge, where Ben is watching some trashy programme on the TV.

"So, how are you with all this Ben, really?", asks Scott, "Feels kinda sudden, eh? Weird even? Don't you think?" "Like I said, I'm not sure there's much difference in what we been doing". "Except they will see you sucking my dick rather than hearing it, and seeing your red ass as I spank it, and seeing me fuck you hard and deep, and seeing you lick up your cum off the leather sofa", adds Scott. "Ok, I get the picture", laughs a blushing, boned Ben. "Yeah, and so will they", says Scott. "You dead against it, then?", asks Ben. Scott is silent for a while, "I dunno, part of me thinks it will be ok, part not. Just dunno". "Suppose we could try it? See how it goes? And if we don't like it, tell Himself we don't want to do it anymore?", asks Ben. "Erm, poss, yeah. But you sure about this, yourself?" Ben just shrugs his shoulders, "Can't see why not". "Damn, boi, you're crazier than I took you for", laughs Scott. "Ok, I'll do it with you, but only cos you wanna give it a go, ok?" "Seriously? Wow, that's so cool. Thanks Scott. Text Himself, yeah? Get that password off him then we're good to go", grins Ben. "Damn, you really are keen, ain't you boi?", as Scott sends the text. "Good decision, boys", replies Himself within seconds, and sends the password in a separate text to Scott.

Later on, Scott gets a text from Himself, "Turn the laptop on. I got Craig who wants to chat with you two". "Fuck, it's happening", shouts Scott to Ben. Ben runs into the lounge from the kitchen, "Yeah? Oh shit. Got what we wished for, eh?" "Lol, seems like it, yeah". Scott opens up the laptop and there's a pop-up invite to join a conversation with cam on. Scott accepts. "Hey boys. Looking good!", comes the disembodied voice. "Craig here. You two look hot. Very hot". "Erm, thanx", Ben blushes. "You're Ben, right? The smoothie. Do a turn for me, eh? Nice and slow." Ben stands up and turns. "Yeah that is really nice. Very nice. How about your friend here does a turn too". Scott stands and does a turn."This the first time either of you done this?" Both nod a `yes'. "Sweet. Very sweet. So, you're gonna be good boys, right. Don't want me to have to go tell Himself that you didn't do what you were asked, now do we?" "No Sir", replies Ben. "Sir eh? How sweet. Yes, you can call me Sir. Both of you can". "Yes Sir, thank you Sir", Ben and Scott say in unison. "Damn. We gonna have ourselves a real good time, I'm thinking. Now, why don't we start off simple? You two kissing, french kissing. Wanna see tongues, boys." Ben and Scott look at the screen, then each other, slight shrug of shoulders. "What you waiting for, boys?" "Erm, nothing Sir", replies Scott for them both. "Good. Then get on with it. Like your life depended on it. Start kissing.

Ben and Scott embrace and kiss. Craig watching them, telling them to break off, Ben to lick Scott's face, his eyeballs, his ears, neck. Then telling Scott to do the same to Ben. Then get his tongue up into Ben's nostrils. "Fuck, you are two horny boys. You're both so boned already. Nice. Now, let's see Scott's tongue on Ben's cock. Get down on your knees, Scott, and give Ben some attention". It was kind of weird to Ben that Scott was the one being told to suck. In all the chats, it had been him on his knees first. Not that Ben was complaining, though. Scott's tongue on his cockhead felt real good, and Ben was already dripping precum, and Scott was licking it up. "Ok. Scott, Spin Ben round and eat his ass for me. Yeah, that's great. Get your tongue right in there. Taste Ben. Open him up. If you do this good, I will let you get inside him with your cock. Spread his cheeks, Scott. That's right. Fuck. You two boys are a pretty picture. You got me so horned up". Ben and Scott were doing exactly what Craig was ordering them to do. It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order. They didn't have much time to process what was going on, just responding. But they were doing what the had done many times before, by themselves, or in chat with guys, so it wasn't a real problem. They were not performing. But this was the first time in front of someone who was telling them what to do, what moves to make, and seeing them do it. Ben and Scott were both lost in the moment. Both horned up.

"Ok Scott, flip the boy on his back and ram your cock up his cunt. In real deep, now. The bitch is ready for you. On heat for your cock inside him. Wanna see you fuck the bitch real deep and fast." Scott does what Craig tells him. Entering Ben, pushing in deep. Thrusting deep into Ben, coming right out, then thrusting back in. Time and time again. Ben slipping on the sofa with each thrust. Ben yelping as Scott's cock rams home hard and his balls swing and hit Ben. "Fuck. Scott, not so hard eh?", whimpers Ben. "Ignore the bitch, Scott. Fuck the bitch harder. If he can still speak you're not fucking him hard enough. Scott. You got that? And if he speaks again, slap his face to remind him, no speaking. Just want to hear the bitch moan." Scott looks into Ben's eyes, as if saying, `You OK with this?'. Scott ramming in hard, Ben yelping in pain as his ass is pummelled by Scott. Ben nodding. Craig shouting at them now, "Yeah. Fucking hell. So hot. Give it to the bitch, Scott. Give him your seed. Seed the bitch." Scott thrusts in deep and hard, shooting to order, filling Ben's cunt with his cum. "You cum boy?", Craig asks Scott. Scott nods, and pulls out his hard and cum-covered cock. "Nice. Very nice. How about you give the bitch a lick of your protein bar?"Scott scuttles up Ben, his legs astride Ben, crouching over Ben's chest and feeds his cock into Ben's mouth. "That's right, bitch. Eat up your superior's cum. Lick him dry. Lick your lips. Eat it all up. Enjoy it, bitch. You got every last drop of that? Yeah? Turn to the camera for me. Smile. Blow me a kiss. Open your mouth.. Let's check that you swallowed it all. Good bitchboi." Ben's cock is throbbing, leaking precum, Can I cum, Sir?" "Can you cum?", Craig laughs, "No. Bitch. You can not cum. Not this time. Next time maybe. You got that?" Ben nods, "Yes Sir". "Good boi. You both been good boys. Wait til I tell Himself about how good you been. Himself will be pleased. Ok, I gotta go and clean myself up after your show. You take care and I'm sure I will be seeing more of you real soon." "Thank y....", Ben started to say but the screen went dead, the window closed, the conversation stopped.

Scott looks down on Ben, "You ok? That was a bit fierce. Hope I didn't hurt you". Ben looking up at Scott, Scott's cock resting on his chest, "Woah yeah, that was a real pounding you gave me", but breaks into a smile, "Never knew I liked it that hard. It was hot. But, yeah, I'm kinda tender down there, right now". "Sorry Ben". "It's ok. If it had got too much I could have used the safe word, right?", asks Ben. "I guess so, yeah. So, it was ok for you? Being called a bitch and all?" "I never been called it before, sounded kinda weird though, but hey, you were well pounding my ass, right?" "Your ass yeah, not your cunt". "Yeah he really was getting off calling me a girl, no dick, just a cunt, wasn't he", Ben said, rather than asked. "Lol, well we, you and me, know you got a dick. Don't matter none what that Craig said", says Scott, as he reaches behind him and grabs Ben's hard cock and gives it a tug. "Mmmm, I know where I wanna put it though", says Ben. "Yeah? Me too", says Scott, as he repositions himself over Ben's cock and mounts it. Scott is soon riding Ben as Ben lies on the sofa. Both of them unaware that the little green light is shining bright on the laptop.


Seems like Ben has totally settling into his naked lifestyle in the secure house. Who'd have thought Ben likes to be on show and likes it rough? And what is this plan that Himself and Scott, aka Ian, were talking about?

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Next: Chapter 22

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