Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on May 17, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Ben's Adventures - Part 20 - A Bit of House Cleaning for the Boy


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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Ben is now in the secure house that will be his home for the next six months. The two days of rest have now coming to a close, but what's next for Ben and Scott?

Thank you for your replies. Now read on to find out what happens next...


Ben and Scott drank that second bottle of champagne on an empty stomach. Neither of them were heavy drinkers and they went to bed merrily drunk, and cuddled in for the night.

They were woken the next morning by a text from Himself, "Right lads, party is over, back to work. Scott, get Ben to do some cleaning round here. I'll be over in the afternoon to check it out." Ben shook his head, "Really? I gotta do the cleaning? All of it?" "Well, who else do you think is gonna do it? Me?", asked Scott, "You can start in the kitchen then you can do the bathroom, ok?" Ben, who had never done much cleaning before coming to university set to it without much of a clue. But Scott was there, standing over him, looking down as Ben bent right over to clean stuff, his smooth ass and hole on show. Ben was awarded with quite a few slaps on his ass as he cleaned the kitchen and then the bathroom. "That's looking better already. You just gotta dust everywhere, sweep the floors, oh, and go change the bedding in the guest room. Those sheets must be minging with all our cum on them", laughs Scott.

It's early afternoon before Ben finishes all his tasks and feels well worn out, ready for a rest, or even a sleep. But before he can crash, the door opens and Himself walks in, "Hey boys, hows was your days off? Smells nice n clean in here. Ben seems to have done a good job. Come here, boy. Let me see you." Ben stands in front of Himself as he is inspected, Himself brushing his hand against Ben's flesh. Damn boy you're smooth but not smooth enough. I guess what we need to do is get you some hair removal treatment. Just leave that to me to arrange. Ok?" "Cool", says Scott. Leaving Ben silent and open mouthed, thinking, "WTF? When did I agree to this?", but then he remembered that in a past life, not that long ago, he had been interested in hair removal when Robin had talked about it. "K", is all Ben can muster in response. "Good boy. Save you time doing all that shaving", Himself slaps Ben's face gently a couple of times. "Hey, but I heard from Jack this morning. He told me what a great chat he had with you two boys. Was so grateful. Said to buy you a bottle", and Himself brings out a bottle of vodka. "Nice", says Scott, "Yeah, it was kinda fun". "But a bit weird", says Ben, "It was as if he could see us, not just talk with us. "Lol, you said that yesterday too. You got a great imagination, Ben", says Scott. "Haha", Himself adds, "So, that would turn you on, eh, Ben? Being watched instead of just heard? Eh, Ben?" "I didn't say that". "No, but your cock is saying it. Look, you've boned up totally in the last 30 seconds", Himself laughs. Ben blushes and shakes his head. "Anyway", adds himself, "I was just checking you were ok with chatting with Jack, cos I wondered how you would feel chatting with other mates of mine. You see, Jack whatsappd a group of friends I got and, well, they all wanted some! The way Jack described it. You certainly left a great impression." Scott answers, "Well, if they're all gonna give us a bottle of vodka or something for each chat, why the fuck not? We got nothing else to do round here". "Thats the spirit, lad. What about you, Ben? You up for some free vodka?" Ben, taking his cue from Scott, "Erm, yeah. Sure. Ok. Count me in. I guess." Himself left the house, leaving Scott and Ben with Jack's bottle of vodka. They drank half the bottle within minutes, sat on the sofa in the lounge, and snoozed off, leaning against each other.

Ben was woken by the doorbell. "Who the fuck is that?", he asks. "Go find out, boy", replies a half-asleep Scott. Ben answers the door, "Hey, I'm Elliot. I've been sent round to start some hair removal treatment on Ben. Is that you?" Ben nods and lets Elliot in, "Wow, Himself just mentioned you this afternoon. I wasn't expecting anyone, you, so soon". "Yeah, well, to do a full-body electrolysis will take a few sessions. I got some space over the next few days and your boss, well, he was very insistent and persuasive. So, let's get started. I need you table height. You got a massage table here?" Ben shakes his head no. "No problem, we can put you on the kitchen table or breakfast bar. That will work too. Why don't you go shower yourself, while I set up. Then we can get working on losing that body hair for you. OK?" Ben heads off to the shower while Elliot sets up in the kitchen. When Ben gets back dried off, he is totally boned. "You're excited about this, eh? Nice. Lie on your back here and we can get started. I was told everything from the neck down is that right?" Ben shakes his head in a yes, no, maybe sort of way, "Yeah, I, erm, guess so". "Or I can throw in the beard area too so you will never have to worry about shaving again. Would you like that?" "Never have to shave? Wow. I never thought about it". "Lots of young guys like you are getting it done". "Well, erm , ok, that too". "Nice. You won't regret it." Ben feels the buzz and burn of hair coming off his body for the next two hours. Ben and Elliot chatting away to each other. Ben's hard cock on show. Elliot wiping away Ben's precum every now and again. "Ok, that's enough for today. You seem to enjoy the process of losing your body hair permanently, Ben. Nice to see. Very nice. Now, go shower and rub this moisturising cream all over your body and I will see you tomorrow to work on more of you, ok?", Elliot smiles. Ben waits while elliot packs up his gear and then shows Elliot to the door. In the shower, Ben notices the part of his body where Elliot has been working is red and a bit tender, but feels ok.

Ben walks into the lounge afterwards to find Scott chatting away with someone else. Another friend of Himself's. Scott is jerking off and talking dirty to the guy on loudspeaker. "That Ben come into the room now?" Ben looks surprised. He thought he had come in quietly and he hadn't said a word. He replies, "Yeah, it's Ben, how did you know?" "Lol, you broke Scott's rhythm there, thats how". "Ah ok, I see, right." "Now, why don't you stop all that thinking and get Scott's cock down your throat, Ben, and give his right hand a rest?" Scott nods a `yes'. Ben moves down onto his knees and takes Scott's cock into his mouth without saying a word. "That's better, isn't it, boy? Yeah, Got you right where you belong, on your knees with a cock in your mouth. Good boy. Now let's see you suck on him good and swallow all his seed". There was that word see again, but there's no cameras here, says Ben, to himself, remembering it's just a turn of phrase, that's all. Scott pulls Ben's head down onto his cock, and his cock slides further down Ben's throat.

"Damn yeah, boy, suck Scott's cock, boy". Ben sucking cock and listening to Scott and this man, he doesn't know the name, talk dirty to him. And he is being rewarded by a steady stream of precum down his throat from Scott's rock hard cock. "I'm close", says Scott. "Good lad, now take it all, boy. I don't want you spilling a drop". Scott shoots a massive load into Ben's mouth, Ben struggles to swallow it all down, but Scott keeps Ben there, on his cock, until the last drops have been licked away. Ben cleans Scott's shaft, licking his lips of the last of Scott's jizz. "Mighty fine show, Ben. Fuck you're as good as Jack said you were. Thanks. The phone hung up. Just Scott and Ben there, Scott looking down at Ben, "Ok boy?" Ben nods.

And that's how the next couple of weeks pan out. Elliot rocking up nearly every day to remove more of Ben's body hair permanently. Elliot was rewarded with a mouthful of Ben's jizz on his last appointment. Elliot left Ben with the promise of his return a few weeks later with a second round of treatment to zap those stubborn hair producing places one final time.

There was a phone call or two from Himself's friends. Each day. Ben servicing Scott with his mouth or ass. Or getting a full-on red ass, being spanked over the knee by Scott. And Himself delivering various bottles of vodka or prosecco for them to enjoy. There was also another pizza delivery. But this time it wasn't Adam, and the new guy didn't stay to experience Ben's tongue.


Seems like Ben has totally settling into his naked lifestyle in the secure house. So now Ben is permanently smooth and both he and Scott have been giving pleasure to themselves under instruction from any Tom, Dick or Harry. Whatever will happen next?

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life.

Next: Chapter 21

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