Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Feb 3, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 2 - Getting back to Digs

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Finally, you wouldn't be reading this without the people and resources that provide. If you can spare a bit of money to support it, the price of your morning latte even, visit

We left Ben at the end of part 1, naked in the forest having been fucked over a log by a complete stranger, with Ben clutching his cock, unsure what he should do. He lives in a busy street so would definitely be seen getting out of his car naked, but to agree to being a nude butler to a guy he doesn't even know the name of?

What advice did you give Ben? Should he have chosen to drive home naked or should he have chosen to give the nude butler thing a go? Let's find out.

One piece of excellent advice from a reader is that you should read Ben's Adventures naked, so that you can feel exactly how vulnerable he feels too. If you're anything like Ben then you've already stripped off. Good Boy!

The man pulls on his clothes that Ben has retrieved from under the bush, where he had hidden them earlier, So, what's it to be?

Ben stood silently, unsure, undecided.

The man threw the bunch of car and house keys over to Ben, You've got until we get down to your car to decide, kiddo.

Ben's mind was in confusion as he followed the man down the track to the car park totally naked. This hadn't been in his plan, and he was beginning to regret his actions.

It took them less than ten minutes to reach the car park and the man strode to his car, turning round at Ben, grinning as he spotted Ben's erection, OK, let me decide for you.

Ben held his breathe, wondering what his fate was going to be, and astonished that he was now happy that the decision would be made for him.

After a very long minute, the man smiled at Ben, I've decided that you will be a nude butler at my party tomorrow night and your punishment for not making up your own mind is that you will collect your clothes there. That's ok with you, right?

Ben surprised himself by nodding silently at the man.

The man gave Ben his mobile, Here, put your number in so we can keep in touch.

Ben did as the man said without question and handed the phone back.

The man opened his car and threw Ben's rucksack in the back, OK I got places to go. Will be in touch. Enjoy your naked ride back home, kiddo.

Ben watched as the man's car left the carpark, then jumped into his own car, wondering how the fuck he had let himself be talked into driving back to digs naked AND being the nude butler. As he switched on the engine and drove to the entrance to the car park, he wondered why he was so hard and leaking again. It didn't occur to him that there was a link.

The journey back into town went without a hitch and he was soon turning into the street where he lived with his two housemates. He drove down the street looking for a parking space near to the house but the nearest he could get was about fifty yards away.

Ben turned off the engine and scanned the street. It was mid-afternoon, broad daylight. He let out a sigh of relief, the street was unusually quiet. Ben counted to three, jumped out of the car, locked it, and ran to the front door as if his life depended on it. He fumbled for what seemed like a lifetime with the key in the lock, and right at that moment, the door opened for Ben to be greeted by Liam, one of his housemates.

Liam just stared at the naked and boned Ben on the doorstep, WTF Ben! Where are your clothes? Why the fuck are you naked?

Just let me in and I'll explain everything!

Liam laughed and stood aside as Ben rushed past him into the house, This is going to be so much fun. I so want to hear this.OK, Ben, kitchen now!

There was something in Liam's voice that made Ben obey without question, even though he was naked and boned. Ben walked into the kitchen and put his phone and keys down on the worktop, as he heard Liam shout, Derren, Get into the kitchen now, Ben's got a story to tell.

A minute later, the three lads were sat round the kitchen table, Derren and Liam in trackies and tees, Ben still naked.

Derren glanced over at Liam then towards Ben, OK Benny, start at the beginning, tell us why you got home naked and leave no details out.

Ben wanted his life to end right there and then, his heart racing, he described to his straight housemates what happened. If it sounded to them that Ben was going too quickly, they stopped him, asked for more details, and chuckled throughout the telling of his forest hike adventure.

Ben's phone pinged and Liam picked it up, It's from someone who calls themselves Sir. Fuck this is the guy, right? Says he is looking forward to hearing about your trip back. Fuck, Ben, there's a pic of you naked in the car park by your car just like you said, and another one at our front door with me in view too. WTF Ben!

The colour drained from Ben's face when he saw the photos.

Derren laughed, OK Ben, so this guy knows where you live and you don't even know his name, never mind where he lives, what he does, anything. You know nothing about him and yet you're going to nude butler for him? Damn, that's off the scale, Ben, even for you.

Ben was staring at his phone and the photo of him naked at the front door. He didn't know what to say. Instead of being ashamed, he was excited, his cock was throbbing and leaking, Yes I guess it's difficult to explain.

Ben's phone pinged again. Another message. Liam snatched the phone out of Ben's hand, Sir is asking you how your housemate reacted when he opened the door to you.

Liam typed in a reply, Hey housemate here, Ben has told us all about his little forest adventure.

The phone pinged within seconds, Ben, eh, nice name, we never exchanged names. So, ask Ben for me, is he still on for the nude butler gig tomorrow?

Liam relayed the message to Ben and Derren. Derren laughed, Ben went red. Derren grabbed the phone from Liam laughing, Ben is definitely up for it, yes.

Again, the phone pinged straight back, That's fucking awesome. Oh, there's something I need Ben to do before tomorrow. Can you make sure he does it?

Liam relayed the message to Ben, and without waiting for Ben to reply or ask himself what the request might be, he typed, Sure thing "Sir".

Derren erupted into laughter when Liam read out the request, A nude butler needs to be that. Nude. By that I mean shaved from neck down. Can you make sure that Ben is shaved and send me a photo by the end of this afternoon to prove to me he is ready to butler?

The colour drained from Ben's face as he took in the words. This seemed to be getting totally out of control, yet his cock was pulsing and leaking. What the fuck had he let himself into.

Laughing, Liam could hardly type his reply, Yeah we can do that for you.

Finally the phone went quiet, Sir had given his instructions and the three housemate looked at each other. Liam and Derren finding it hilarious that their housemate Ben had got himself into this and Ben just sat there in a naked boned-up shock.

Derren sniggered, So Ben, you're showing your true colours today eh? How long have you been a nudist gay slut?

Liam interrupted, Hey, Ben, perhaps you need to practice your naked buttering skills with us. I think you need to stay naked and do our bidding until the butler gig with Sir.

Derren cackled in glee, Yeah sounds like a plan Liam. OK, are you going to shave Ben Boy or me? Spin the bottle for it.

Ben just sat there, silent, but somehow coming to terms with what was being demanded of him. He silently accepted that he would be naked in the house until he went to the butler gig. The thought that Liam and Derren were deciding who would shave him made Ben squirm in his seat with excitement, Fuck, that's horny, he thought to himself.

Derren picked up an empty beer bottle and span it on the table. It slowed and pointed at Liam, Haha, Liam you gotta shave the Boy.

Suddenly Ben was being called Boy by his housemates and Sir by, well, Sir, because he still didn't know who he was or where he lived, or anything about him. Ben looked over across at Liam and Derren, wondering about this shift, about how he felt totally accepting about his submission to their plans.

Liam got up, C'mon then, Boy, let's get you shaved right now.

Ben got up, Liam and Derren taking in his rock hard cock with the premium dripping, Erm, ok, Sir.

There was that Sir again out of Ben's mouth, WTF am I saying, he thought to himself as he went to the bathroom ahead of Liam.

Ben dug out his shaving cream and a razor and handed them to Liam. There was a bit of awkwardness as Liam took them, and started to cover Ben with the cream and then continued to shave his neck, chest, arms, back, pits, legs, and finally shaving Ben's cock and balls, then his ass.

Derren looked in on Liam's work, Don't forget his crack, Liam! Bend right over, Ben Boy, just like you did for Sir, hehe.

Ben did exactly what Derren ordered without question, bending over and holding his cheeks apart.

Scraping the bum fluff from Ben's crack, Liam muttering, I can't believe I'm doing this.

Derren, with Ben's mobile phone pointing at the action, Oh believe it, Liam, I got it all recorded for Sir.

Derren left the bathroom as Ben climbed into the shower to wash himself down. Liam stood watching Ben and feeling his boner in his trackies, Why had this turned him on so much, he was straight, wasn't he?

Ben dried himself and looked in the mirror and smiled. He was surprised that he liked what he saw, a totally smooth from the neck down Ben, his thick black bush gone. Ben turned to see Liam touching himself through his trackies, WTF Liam, are you turned on by shaving me or what?

Liam blushed bright red, Erm, I don't know why, but yeah, kinda?

Ben smirked, So, you want me to leave you here so you can jerk off? Or what?

Liam hesitated, he knew he needed to release some tension but how exactly?

Hey guys, I know this instalment was supposed to be about the nude butler gig, but Ben gets distracted and sidelined easily in life. That's how he is, it's part of his charm, I suppose. He will get to the butler gig, I promise, but there's a full twenty-four hours for Ben to get through with his housemates before then.

So, a full day before the naked butler gig, Ben finds himself naked, boned, shaved, stood in front of a horned up housemate called Liam. Does Ben offer to help Liam out? Does Liam ask Ben to help him out? Does Derren catch them?

Let me know how you think the next few hours unfold at and I can write the third instalment of Ben's Adventures.

Next: Chapter 3

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