Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on May 12, 2023


Ben's Adventures - Part 19 - Two Day Reward - Day 2


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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Ben is now in the secure house that will be his home for the next six months. Ben and Scott have spent the evening - and night - with Adam, the pizza delivery boy...

Thank you for your replies. Now read on to find out what happened when they woke up...


Scott wakes up, feeling Adam's hard cock pushing against his hole, "Hey. No. If you want to put your boner somewhere, put it in Ben." Adam chuckles and nods, `K'. He turns round in the bed and slaps Ben's ass, "Turn round boy. Face me." Ben shakes himself awake as he is manhandled in the bed, being turned around to face Adam, and suddenly Adam's hardness is against Ben's softness and pushing in. Ben looks into Adam's eyes with a smile on his face, "Mmm feels like it's gonna be a good morning." Adam starts to fuck Ben long and deep. Scott scuttles in behind Ben and kisses the back of his neck. Suddenly Ben feels Scott's cock between his ass cheeks, "Hey, no. Form a queue, guys. I can't take both of you on." "You mean in, don't you?", asks Scott, ignoring Ben and pushing further. Scott's and Adam's cocks pressing against each other, Adam's inside Ben, Scott's wanting to get there. "Guys. No. Please. Seriously. I've never", pleads Ben. "Been DPd?", asks Scott, pressing the point of his cock into Ben's ass, "Time for a new experience then, eh?" Ben gasps as he feels his hole stretched. Scott's cockhead now in him and pushing further as Adam slowly fucks him. Ben bites down on his hand as he is stretched open wider than ever before, "Fuck guys. No no no." "Is that no a yes really? You know how to use your safe word, Ben, don't you?", asks Adam, looking directly at Ben. Ben nods, "Yes, I know. It just hurts so much being stretched. I've never been fucked by two guys at the same time but", Ben stops talking. He wants it. He wants both Scott's and Adam's cocks in him, feeling them jostle for place inside him, the sensation awesome. Ben bites down on his hand again to distract from the pain of the stretch. "Here, sniff on this, Ben", Scott places a bottle of poppers under Ben's nose. He inhales deeply. His heart races, His ass relaxes and before he knows it both Scott and Adam are in him fully. "Fuck it feels amazing guys. OMG yeah. You're fucking double fucking meee." Ben's cock is being rubbed against Adam's abs, his precum acting as lube and it's not long before Ben shoots his load between himself and Adam. And then it's only a few thrusts before Adam shoots inside Ben and then Scott. Scott bites Ben's ear, "There you go boy. Your first DP under your belt. Good job."

They head to the showers to clean up. "Need a piss first", says Adam. "No need man", says Scott, "Do it in the shower. Better still, do it in the shower on Ben. You'd like that, boy, wouldn't you?" In answer, Ben simply drops to his knees in front of Adam in the wet room shower and looks up, mouth open. "You guys serious?", asks Adam. Both Scott and Ben nod. "Here, let me show you", says Scott, holding his half erect cock and aiming it at Ben's face. A hot stream of yellow hits Ben in the face, and hair, his mouth open, Ben letting the piss run down his body. Scott pushes his cock into Ben's mouth, still pissing, closes Ben's mouth round his cock. Ben swallows. "That's how it's done", Scott says, slipping his cock out of Ben's mouth. "Jeez guys. That's so hot", says Adam, as he repeats the moves that Scott had made. Ben taking Adam's piss over his body and down his throat. "You like that, Ben?" Ben is totally covered in their piss. A load in his stomach, nods, and pisses over himself as if to prove the point.

It's mid-morning by the time they've cleaned up, dried off and had a naked breakfast of coffee and toast. Adam checks the time, pulls on his clothes, and takes his leave from Scott and Ben.

"Fuck, that was hot, wasn't it?", Scott asks Ben. Ben just grins in reply. "And you got to be DPd. You a little bit sore down there, boy?" "Just a bit, but ok." "Cool. Don't want to wreck that sweet ass of yours, now do we?" They both laugh. "Now, go change those sheets, boy". Scott slaps Ben's ass tenderly. There's no mishap with the washing machine, so no need to call that washing machine engineer out.

Later, Ben finds Scott in the lounge, with earphones in and chatting to someone. Ben looks at Scott quizzically "Who? What? Who is this?", whispers Ben to Scott. "Jack. Himself called me. Said jack was a friend. Said to talk with him. About anything. Jack's lonely. Depressed, but it's kinda fun", explains Scott, putting the phone onto speaker and removing his earphones. "Who you talking to? Is that your flatmate come in?", asks Jack. "Yeah, this is Ben. Say hi, Ben." "Hi", says Ben. "Been hearing about you". "All good I hope". "Oh yeah. All good... So you don't mind your flatmate hanging out nude? Is that right? Scott was just telling me he's a naturist". "Lol don't mind no. Guess I'm naturist too, then", laughs Ben. "What? You're both there naked? Wow that must be a real sight." "Hehe. I suppose so. Kinda. But we getting used to it." "Really? Like you'd never want to wear clothes again, or something?", asks Jack. "Not sure about that. I think clothes are pretty useful sometimes. But would be sure good to live in a place where clothes aren't necessary." "Damn, that's good to hear you don't want to put clothes back on". "It is?" asks Ben. "Yeah sure. Kinda hot. Reckon clothes should not be worn by anyone between 18 and 30". "Or 35 or 40 or 50, perhaps?" "Hmmm. I guess it depends on how fit and trim they keep themselves". "Yeah I guess I agree with you on that". "That's so hot to see. Sorry, I mean, hear". "See?" asks a confused Ben. "Erm, you know, as in imagining it. Imagining I'm seeing you. Not that I'm really seeing you, you know, but not saying that I wouldn't like that, either". "Damn. You kinda lost me there. For a minute I thought you said you could actually see me and Scott here, naked. That would've been a bit weird". "Totally yes. Glad to have sorted that out though. But anyway, what do you two get up to all day at home, naked?"

Scott interrupts, "Erm I don't think you should answer that Ben". "Why not?", asks Jack. "Well, let's just say two naked lads get boners at times, and that we've not got a platonic relationship here", explains Scott. "Woah, so you boys get it on? Damn, that must be mighty hot to see". "Lol, I guess it would make a good porn video. Ben here is quite energetic at times!" "Really? Wow! Sounds so hot. But you better stop talking like that or you'll get me all horned up." "Hey bring it on. Ben here is totally boned as we speak". "He is? OMG. Really? And what about you, Scott. Are you boned too?" "Chubbed, not boned", replies Scott. "Nice. Very nice. You ok with me asking?", asks Jack. "Sure. Not a problem, Jack". "And what would get you boned right now, Scott?". "Lol. Ben's lips on my cock", laughs Scott. "Woah. That's crazy. The thought of Ben giving you a bj as we chat. That would blow my mind". "And something else perhaps?". "You mean?" "Yeah. Why not get it out and stroke it while Ben goes down on me". "You mean Ben would do that?" "Sure. Ben does everything I say." "Everything?" "Everything and more." "Damn that's hot", says Jack, as Ben goes down onto Scott's cock. "He's sucking me right now. That turn you on? You stroking there?" "Hot. Yeah. You bet I am. That Ben is such a naughty boy". "Lol, he is that for sure", Scott slaps Ben's ass lightly. "Did you just slap Ben's ass then? I thought that's what I heard". "Lol yeah, you want me to slap him again?" "Damn yeah. Slap his ass red for him. Get him across your knee and get his ass red". "You want Ben's ass red more than him sucking me?", laughs Scott. "Sorry. Is that too kinky for you guys? Seeing, erm hearing, you slap the boy is really getting me going". "Wow. It does? Well the,n nothing more to say". Scott pulls Ben off his cock and Ben positions himself across Scott's lap. Scott's cock pressing into Ben's abs. Scott starts to smack Ben's ass cheeks gently. "Oh yeah, that's right, give him a slap on his cheeks in turn. Damn, that's hot". Jacks voice getting all throaty. It's clear to Scott and Ben that Jack is enjoying the scenario, obviously enjoying himself from the sounds he's making. "Yeah spread his legs so you can slap the back of his balls". "Fuck", Scott grins and pushes Ben's legs apart. Ben's hole, balls and hard cock on show. Scott taps on Ben's balls. Ben yelping in part pain, part pleasure. "Harder. Harder". Scott does as Jack says. Ben yelping louder. "Fucking hell this is so hot. Is Ben leaking?" "Yep", replies Scott. "Take his cock and stroke it through his open legs with one had, spanking his ass with the other." Ben submits to the pleasure/torture. Scott really getting into it too. Jack's voice going throaty, raspy, urgent, "Oh, fuck, boys, yeah, that's so hot. You got me close, real close here". "Yeah?", Scott with Ben's cock in his hand "That true?" "Very close indeed, yeah. You know what would make me cum buckets?" "No", laughs Scott. "Ben shooting his load exactly where he is". "Hehe. Good job it's a leather sofa. He can lick it up after, too". "Oh fucckkkkkkk." Ben and Scott hear Jack shoot his load over the phone. Scott jerks Ben's cock and he shoots his load over the sofa between his open legs. "Damn that was too much. Is be really gonna lick it all up?" Scott gives Ben a hard slap on his ass. "He sure is. Of course. He'll do anything I say". "That right?", asks Jack. "Yes", says Ben, as he climbs up off Scott's knee and puts his lips to the wet cum mess on the sofa, ass in the air. Scott describes how Ben is licking it all up to the recovering Jack. "Damn boys. That was so hot, playing out that scenario. So hot. But I gotta go clean myself up, now. Been great chatting with you. Bye".

Ben looks up at Scott, his mouth open, cum on his tongue, "WTF happened there? that got a bit out of hand didn't it?" "Lol, you seemed to enjoy it well enough boy", grinned Scott. "Yeah, it was fun. It's almost as if he was watching us, though, and not just talking to us on the phone, don't you think?" "You reckon? Now that would have been hot. Getting you to put on a show like that", laughs Scott. "Woah, what you saying?" "Nothing. Nothing, boy. Now, if it's not too much trouble, you can get your lips round my boner and give me some pleasure here." "Yeah, but you won't be able to cum". "Unless I got Jack back on the phone. Or another friend of Himself's". "Very funny", says Ben, as he takes Scott's cock into his mouth.


Seems like Ben has totally settling into his naked lifestyle in the secure house. Ben and Scott are near the end of their two days of pleasure, but what next? Wait and see!

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life.

Next: Chapter 20

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