Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on May 4, 2023


Category Section Gay authoritarian Ben's Adventures - Part 18 - Two Day Reward - Day 1


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

And you wouldn't be reading this without the people and resources that provide. If you can spare a bit of money to support it, the price of your morning latte even, visit


Ben is now in the secure house that will be his home for the next six months. Ben and Scott are back from the "gym" and Ben is enjoying the freedom of being uncaged.

Thank you for your replies and comments. Now read on to find out what happens next...


Ben wakes up late morning, him spooning Scott, his cock hard against Scott's crack, "Hey, you awake? You want?" "Tea or coffee? Yes, want that right now", answers Scott, "Jeez, Ben, you fuck great for a bottom." Scott turns to kiss Ben, rockhard cocks pressing against each other. "You sure you want tea or coffee?", asks Ben cheekily. Scott slaps Ben's ass hard in response, "Yes. Get that sweet ass of yours out of bed and downstairs before I call up Himself to cage you up again." Ben pouts his lips then breaks into a smile, "K, I'm going", and bounces downstairs, cock slapping against his thighs, feeling the freedom. He jiggles and dances around the kitchen as the kettle boils before he makes up the cafetiere and brings it all up on a tray. "Damn, you'll make someone a great houseboi one day", says Scott, sat up in bed, on top of the duvet, cock resting lazily on his thigh. Ben grins, "Houseboi, eh? Is that what I am? I thought you were saying I was something else last night, or was that this morning?" "Hehe, yeah that too. But just remember, when it's just you and me, you're the houseboi." "Naked and all". "Yep. My little naked houseboi. Now, pour the coffee, boi."

Scott and Ben enjoy the day getting to know each other, trying out all the positions. In bed, in the shower, on the kitchen counter, in the lounge, even in the garden in the rain. That had been hotter and hornier than Ben had expected when Scott had suggested it. "Learn something new everyday, huh?", teased Scott.

They'd had so much sex that they forgot to eat, or didn't have time, so it was a surprise when it started to get dark, and there was a text from himself to say the pizza would be delivered at 8pm. And, yes, by the same guy as last time.

Later on, when Ben and Scott saw it was nearly 8pm they got all wired up. Both of them naked and hard, ready for Adam. And his pizzas. But 8pm came and went and no Adam. No pizzas. "WTF?", asked an excited but frustrated Ben. "Chill, boy. It's not as if you haven't had any all day, now is it?" "Haven't had any pizza. Fucking starving here", replied Ben. "K. You have the pizza and I'll have Adam". "What? You kidding me?" "Nah. We'll put on a good show for you. Wet your appetite. And not for the pizza, lol". "Haha. That might be interesting", laughs Ben. Before Scott could answer, the doorbell went, "Off you go, boy, answer the door".

"Ooh, so tonight I get to see all of you. I did wonder what you had locked away in that cage of yours." Adam and Ben were stood at the open front door, both unaware of people passing by and seeing a boned naked lad taking delivery of pizza. "Looks tasty too". "You talking about the pizza now?", asks Ben. "Lol. That too. C'mon, let's eat." "I think Scott has other ideas, lol", as Ben closes the door and leads the way to the kitchen.

Scott has the money on the counter for the pizzas and another £20 extra. Scott points to the cash, "No formalities tonight, Adam. Just strip". Adam doesn't need any persuasion and soon there are three naked boned lads in the kitchen. Scott drops to his knees in front of Adam and takes his cock into his mouth. Ben sits and watches, legs apart. with a slice of pizza in one hand and his cock in another. Adam running his fingers through Scott's hair as he leaks precum down Scott's throat.

Scott stands, smiling at Adam, "You want a taste of pizza? Or of cock?" Scott playing with his boner and looking over at Ben's. Adam looks between the two of them and hesitates. He looks at Scott again and drops to his knees, taking Scott's cock into his mouth. Adam sucks and gags as Scott stands there, Ben looking on. After a few minutes Scott pulls Adam off his cock and directs Adam to Ben's cock. Scott moves in on Adam's ass with his tongue, eating him out.

They break. Eat some pizza. Open that bootle of champagne that Himself had delivered earlier in the day. They joked about who was the hardest and horniest between them. As they ate and drank, Scott filled in Adam about Ben's university experiences. Then Scott turned the focus onto Adam, "How much gay sex you done?"
Adam shook his head, "Not much". "So, having your cock sucked by me and Ben the other day, that was your first?" Adam blushes, "Yes". "And you came back for more?" Adam nods, "You could say that, yeah". "So, you sucked, been sucked and been eaten out. What else do you want to experience? You wanna fuck or be fucked?" "I dunno. When you put it into words it sounds kinda clinical. I wanna be sucked again, for sure. Even eaten out as you call it. Not sure if I want to do it though. Or be fucked, when I think about it. Not even sure I wanna suck dick again, either." "You ever gone down on a girl? Scott asks. Adam shakes his head no. "Oh my. We got ourselves a near-virgin here. But you have fucked a girl, haven't you?" Adam shakes his head, no, again. "Woah man. Ok, thats cool. Totally. But I guess we gotta go easy on you, eh? You ever used a safe word?" "Safe word? What's that?" "Boi. Explain!" So, Ben explains what a safe word is, when to use it, and how his is pomegranate. Scott says his is salad and that causes a laugh. Adam is helped to choose his own safe word. At first he suggests pizza, but that is ruled out. Ben says it has to be a word that doesn't come up in conversation, and with Adam, pizza does! "OK. How about, erm, spandex?, offers Adam. "Kinky. You got a spandex fetish, eh?", laughs Scott. "No. No. Ok. So, not spandex, lol. erm...... google", replies Adam. They all laugh. Ben answers, "Ok. Google it is. So, remember to say google when you really mean no, cos no means oooh yes please, more, more." "Let's head to the bedroom and find out where Adam's google spot is', Scott laughs.

Ben drops down onto the bed. Scott and Adam looking down on him. "OK, Adam, what do you want to do first?", Scott asks. Adam doesn't answer. He stands there, holding his cock, stroking it lightly. Ben sits up and takes over, stroking Adam's cock, then starts to suck on it. "Is this a google moment?", Scott asks. Adam laughs, "No def not. Ben sure can suck well." "Yeah, he's well known for it. You want me down there, too?", Scott asks, but doesn't wait for an answer. Soon enough, Adam has two tongues on his cock, and is loving it. Scott stands up onto the bed and directs Adam's mouth to his cock. Ben sucking on Adam as Adam sucks Scott. Scott whispering to Adam, "Remember that safe word - use it when you need to, ok?" They move around on the bed. Soon Adam and Scott both sucking on Ben, then Scott eating Ben out before pushing his cock into Ben, fucking Ben while Adam sucks him. Adam's face in the shaven crotch of Ben, Ben's cock down his throat. Ben being pushed forward into Adam's mouth as Scott fucks him. Ben stroking Adam's hair, "Oh fuck, Adam, your tongue feels great." Adam looks up at Ben, cock in mouth, and goes back to work, tasting Ben's precum. "You wanna swap places?" asks Scott. Adam nods. He and Scott swap. Scott has Ben's cock in his mouth and Adam is behind Ben slipping in, and fucking Ben from behind. Scott comes off Ben and gets behind Adam. Adam still fucking Ben from behind. Scott placing his cock in Adam's crack. "Woah. No", says Adam. "Shhh, it's just between your crack. Wanting to fuck ur crack not ur ass. Feel my cockhead against the back of your balls there?" whispers Scott to Adam. Adam replies, "Yeah". "That feel good?" "Mmmm, yeah. Kinda." "Cool", replies Scott as he starts to move back and forth, his cock shaft across Adam's crack, perineum and to the back of his balls, and back again, leaking precum. As Adam picks up the rhythm of fucking Ben again. "Yeah. That good, Adam?", whispers Scott. Adam nods. The three of them spooned on the bed, Adam in the middle, Ben being fucked by Adam, Scott's cock rubbing against Adam's crack, then his hole. Adam moaning, Scott pushing his cockhead against Adam's hole now. "How's that for you now, Adam?", Scott asks. "Hmmm. I dunno. I dunno." "You remember your safe word, yeah?" "Yeah, yeah. Sure I do." "You wanna to use it yet?" "No. Not just yet." "K. Let me know when you do. Yeah?" Adam grunts a yes. Scott presses his cockhead against Adam's hole, opening it, lubing it with his precum. Adam's hole is tight. Adam can feel it. Adam isn't sure, but he doesn't want it to stop. He knows Scott is going slowly, gently, he can feel something in him, doesn't know how much of Scott is inside. It's hurting, stretching him and it feels kinda weird. Adam wonders if this is how Ben is feeling with his cock inside him. Adam stops thrusting into Ben. Ben comes off Adam, turns round to face him and gets himself back onto Adam's cock. Ben's cock squishing against Adam's abs, leaking precum all over him, as Scott rocks back and forth, gently further and further into Adam. Ben starts to ride Adam's cock. Adam in the middle of the two housemates, fucking Ben and near getting fucked by Scott. Scott whispers, "Just relax, man, let me in, it won't hurt that way. And use that safe word if you want me out of there". Adam replies, "Thanks. I don't wanna use the safe word. I want this. I want you in me". "You do?" Scott grins and leans in, nibbling Adam's ear, as he pushes further in gently, "You want me in you, eh? How far you want me in you?" "All the way. To the bush. I wanna feel ur bush against my ass." Scott bites hard on Adam's ear as he pushes in deep. Adam yelps. Pain in his ear and then ass. But Scott is now fully in him. Adam can feel Scott's bush against him, "OMG, you're in me." "Yeah. I'm in you. Like that, do you?", Scott resting in Adam's chute, letting him get used to it. All the while, Ben is riding Adam's cock like a cowboy, pulling right out, his gaping hole on show to Adam, before he lunges back down on Adam's rod. Scott starts to pull out and push back in, gently fucking Adam's virgin hole. "This ok, still?" Scott asks, but Adam is into it. Big time. Adam's senses taken up by Scott behind and inside him, Ben in front of him and on him, "Fuck this is hot but I can't last much longer. I'm gonna shoot soon." "You wanna shoot inside me? Or all over me?", asks Ben. "And do you want my seed inside you? Or all over you? Or all over Ben", asks Scott from behind. "No No. Not in me. On... on Ben. Want us both to cover Ben", stutters a near cumming Adam. Scott grins and pulls out of Adam, "You're the boss." Adam pulls out of Ben. Ben lies on his back on the bed, as both Scott and Adam kneel over him. Ben strokes both of them until they shoot their spunk over him, his chest, his abs, his cock and balls, as well as his face and hair. Ben uses their cum as lube to stroke himself off until he shoots. Ben then licks Adam's cock clean then Scott's before rubbing all the cum on him over himself covering himself totally in their jizz. "You dirty boy, you need go shower now", laughs Scott. But they all do. They all shower off and then fall back into bed, Adam snuggled in the middle of them, between Ben and Scott.


Seems like Ben and Scott sure had a great first day reward. Wonder what they will get up to on the second day? That chapter will be along real soon for you to find out.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life.

Next: Chapter 19

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