Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Apr 17, 2023


Ben's Adventures - Part 16 - Washing Machine Repairman


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

In case you haven't read Ben's previous adventures, use this link to get access to all of them:

Everything in Ben's adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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Ben and Scott have had their first night together in the secure house that will be Ben's home for the next six months.

Thank you for your replies and comments. Now read on to find out what happened...


Ben woke up to a slap on his ass from Scott. "Go get me a tea, boy. Strong. Milk. No sugar."

Ben, pushed out of bed, forgot that he had the cockcage on him but remembered soon enough when he started to go down the stairs and his balls went bouncing down heavily before him. "Fuck. Ouch."

Ben heard Scott laughing, still in bed. Ben went about the kitchen a bit more gingerly after that, feeling the drag of the cage on his cock and balls. A few minutes later, they were both sat up in bed drinking their tea. "So, how will today pan out?" Ben asks Scott. "Don't know. Never know. Depends on Himself. What he's got on, what he decides goes. That's all you or me ever need to know." Ben nods and sips his tea. Scott nudges him and there's tea splashed all over the duvet cover. "Slob! Well, you can learn how to use the washing machine today since you've gone and spilt tea everywhere." "Hey, but you..." "Nudged me? Were you going to say that? I wouldn't if I were you." "You wouldn't? Why not?" asks a confused Ben. Scott shakes his head, "Just remember the line of command. Himself, Me then You. Got that?" Ben nods, finishing his tea.

Scott shows Ben how to load the washing machine. It starts off and chugs away but they go back an hour later and find it's stopped. Water in the drum, door locked. "Is this thing broken?", asks Ben, tugging at the locked door. "Do I look like a housewife or a washing machine engineer?" Ben laughs, distracted by Scott's boner, "No." "Let me see", Scott bends down, ass up and on show to Ben standing behind him. Seconds later, "I have no fucking idea. Gonna have to text Himself." "You got a phone?" Scott nods. "Don't go getting any ideas though. It's locked to only be able to call or text Himself. We can't even order pizzas ourself." "WTF?" Ben grins as he recalls last night with Adam, "Do you think we can have pizza tonight again?" "Lol no. Don't want you getting fat, now, do we?"

Scott hears a ping on the phone, "Ok. Message from Himself. He's called an engineer and he will be here later this morning. That's your job, boy." "It is? Why?" "It is. It just is. And never ever ask why again. You hear me?" Ben nods, learning slowly.

A couple of hours later the doorbell goes. "That'll be for you, boy. I'm gonna be watching a film in here, so give me some space." Ben answers the door nervously. The engineer smiles, "It's ok, lad, I got warned that you're a naturist but that thing on you looks a bit fierce." Ben looks down at his cage, nods, "Yeah, tell me about it. Getting used to it though." "That right? Ok. Each to his own, I suppose. Show me where this machine is, then, lad." Ben leads the way into the kitchen, turns and points to the machine, "Erm, shall I leave you to it?" "No lad, you can make yourself useful and make me a coffee while I get to work on this." Ben busies himself making the coffee, the engineer watching Ben, "Damn you look mighty cute running around naked with that cage on you. You know that?" Ben shakes his head, "No", and blushes, "I do?", as he takes the coffee over to the engineer.

The engineer takes the coffee from Ben's hand, and places it down onto the work surface, "Yeah. Cute. And making me real horny", he says as he cups his crotch. "Know what I mean?" Ben thinking, "WTF?" and blurts out, "You want a bj or something?", his cock growing in his cage. "C'mon, lad, don't be shy on me", and he takes Ben and pushes him down on to his knees, "He wants to come out and play here. So help me along here."

Ben unbuttons the engineer's jeans. He's commando underneath and Ben is met with a thick black bush and a more than half-hard cut cock falling out of the jeans. Big heavy hairy balls too.

"That's it. Give him some fresh air, here", as the cock grows in front of Ben's face to its full length. "Mmmm, seems he's ready for some of that attention from you. Sure hope you're not gonna disappoint."

Ben looks up and knows what's expected. And what he wants too. Both the same thing. Ben goes to work on the engineer's cock, tasting the precum as he licks the bellend and takes the cock into his mouth. Ben's hair is soon pulled hard, pulling Ben towards the big black bush, the cock down his throat, as the engineer starts to fuck Ben's face hard and deep.

"Oh yeah, damn boy, you sure are good at this. Found your fucking vocation ain't you. You want my seed boy? Eh? Look at me and say, yes sir I do."

Ben looks up nods, "Yes sir, I do". Ben is hard and leaking through his cage onto the kitchen floor as his throat gets attacked again.

Ben's face in the bush and the engineer pulls out and starts to shoot all over Ben's face and hair and chest. "Mmmm, fuck boy, I needed that. Now why don't you clean me up with that sweet soft tongue of yours?"

Ben knows it's not a question, it's a demand. A demand he is happy to obey. He licks the hard cock clean, kissing the piss-slit and looking up at the engineer, smiles on both their faces. The engineer packs his cock and balls away turns to the washing machine and presses the pause button. The machine starts up.

"There you go. Seems that's all that was wrong." "WTF? Really?" "C'mon. Don't act so surprised", the engineer winks knowingly, "Can happen to any of us. Ok, I gotta get going. Thanks for the coffee", as he slaps Ben's ass hard.

Ben lets the engineer out and then hits the shower to wash off all the cum from the engineer, thinking to himself, "Could I have cum then? With him? Would that have been allowed? Damn!"

Hair still wet from the shower, Ben walked into the living room. Scott laid out on the sofa watching a netflix film. "All sorted?", Scott asks. Ben nods, "Yeah, though there was nothing wrong with it. Somehow it had gone into pause mode." "Really? Who'd have known eh", Scott sniggers. `What? You knew what was wrong with it? WTF?" Scott laughs, "Course I did but I wondered which hot engineer we would get called out." "Fuck. So you set me up with that? With him? OMG!" "Why? Did anything happen?", asked Scott, knowingly. "You fucking know it did? How? Jeez!" "Lol. All part of the service, boy. Talking of which, service this for me. Thinking of the engineer being sucked off by you has got me all boned up. But remember it's just you and me so no making me spill my seed ok?"

Scott watches the film as Ben goes down and sucks on him. Scott watching the film but remembering watching Ben giving head to the engineer just before. When the film ends, Scott pulls Ben off him, "That was good exercise for you, your throat and tongue, anyway. You never seem to tire of it, do you? You were born to suck hehe. But, now, go make us some lunch, boy."


Seems like Ben is settling down to a naked lifestyle in the secure house with his cock and balls nicely secured too. And he is getting lots of throat and tongue exercise.

Are you wondering what will happen next for Ben and Scott? I've got the next chapter already drafted so you won't have to wait too long to find out what happens next.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life.

Next: Chapter 17

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