Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Oct 29, 2021


Category Section Gay authoritarian

Ben's Adventures - Part 13 - Sentencing


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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We re-join Ben after arrest at the shop and appearing in court naked and hand-cuffed. The magistrate has had time to decide the rightful punishment for Ben Will it be a custody sentence in a youth offenders institute or an adult prison or some appropriate community activity?

Thank you for your replies, and apologies for another long gap between Ben's adventures. Now read on to find out what happened...


Ben spends the next three days in the police cell, being used and watched on the porn channel, as before, with viewings hitting new ratings. Serg and PC Trevor Strange are deep in conversation in the monitor room, as Ben is being face-fucked by one of their paying clients.

We gotta keep this lad, but how Serg? He's making us a mint.

Yeah, I know, I've had words with the prosecuting solicitor. I think I know a way - we just need the magistrate on board. Got to find a way to touch him. Tell you what, do some digging, check his internet history, see if there's something there that can give us a handle on him.

It doesn't take too long for Trevor Strange to bring up the magistrate's internet history. Damn, it's clean, Serg.

Well, how about you do a bit of editing? Add a search or two - and include him clicking into and watching a preview of our new star in the cell. That should be enough to get him on our side.

Fucking hell, Serg. Is that legit? Can we do it? Can we get away with it?

Serg laughs, No, yes and yes. I'm good friends with the prosecuting solicitor, and he can be very persuasive when he wants to be.

PC Trevor Strange shakes his head, as he hacks into the magistrate's internet history and adds the incriminating evidence.

It's not long before Ben is called to court for sentencing.

The device is inserted into him before the long naked walk along those corridors and up into the courtroom. Almost a deja-vu from the last time he was there.

Well, there you are, starts the magistrate. And I'll cut to the chase, I've reviewed the evidence against you and find you guilty on all counts. I take into account the fact that you were not in control of the remote device and that others were. Taking all this into consideration, I believe a traditional custodial sentence is not necessary and would prove detrimental to you. During my deliberations, I have been made aware of an experimental half-way house scheme for first time offenders like yourself. I have concluded that you should be taken from this court and placed into the care of PC Trevor Strange, who I believe you have already met, for a period of no less than six months. Provided you behave within the agreements, you will then be free to resume your life.

Ben looks up at the magistrate, wondering exactly what the conditions are, wondering what this would mean to his university place and the friends he had made. And wondering what his parents would think of it all - there had been a total blackout from them - he had hoped they would have been in touch and he was guessing that they were totally ashamed of him and his behaviour. He thought of the tight knit community that he lived in and couldn't really blame them - what he had got up to was beyond their imagining.

Are you listening to me boy? The magistrate interrupts Ben's thoughts.

Yes, erm sorry, no, M'Lord.

Ah, I thought not. Anyway, I was telling you the who and what and how of your sentence young man. No matter, I am placing you into the hands of the very capable PC Strange for the duration of your sentence. Now pay attention to him. Any infraction of the terms of this sentence will mean that you will be sent immediately to a youth offenders institution and that your sentence will be increased to a full calendar year from that point in time. Do I make myself clear?

Ben looks over at PC Strange, who he had seen in the police cells many times, Yes M'lord perfectly clear. I promise I won't break those terms.

Good lad. There's some paperwork for you to sign and then you can be released into his hands. I hope not to see you here again.

Ben is then led back down to the police cells, and un-handcuffed, in front of PC Strange.

OK, Ben, let's get you to the house where you will spend your "sentence".

Erm, yeah, sure, but what about my clothes?

Haha, Ben, no lad, you won't be needing them there. Just think of it as a place from home to home. That the police cell was a practice session for you for what's to come.

You mean? You know about what happened in the cells? With all those others put into the same cell as me?

Oh yes lad, we know. Much more than you do. That's why we worked hard behind the scenes to get you this very light sentence. It won't be too hard for you, given your recent prison cell performance.

What? What do you mean?

Let's just say that your throat and ass will be seeing a lot of action over the next six months. But also, we need to keep you in good shape - don't want you getting flabby on us now, do we?

Uh, no. I was on the swim team at uni and played a bit of footy, so yeah, I'm missing my exercise.

Well, we'll see what we can arrange, Ben. No promises yet. You are only allowed out of the secure house in my presence, but I'll see what I can do. Might find a way to get you to a local health club I know about, how would that suit you?

That'd be great yeah.

Cors, you'll have to stay naked you know? That piece of paper you just signed gives me authority to tell you what to do and when and where. Any disagreement and you are off to that youth offender's place. And I know you don't want to end up there, do you?

No. I definitely don't want that. I guess I need to trust that you have my best interest at heart.

That's right lad, you do. Anyway, with a body like yours it would be such a shame to put clothes on you.

Ben starts boning up as he feels PC Strange checking him out. Well, I guess I've gotten used to being naked these past few weeks.

Mmmmm yeah, that's good to hear that you're so happy to cooperate. Now, how about you show me some gratitude, eh Ben? Me and the Sarg worked really hard to get you this light sentence. So it's "Thank you" time.

PC Strange rubs his crotch and winks at Ben. Ben knows soon enough what is meant and drops to his knees as the policeman unzips and pulls out his 8 inches of already hard cut cock.

Yeah, get your lips round that, Ben, taste me. Please me.

Ben does just that. The cut cock is leaking precum down Ben's throat within seconds, hands on his head, Ben is facefucked hard, gagging on the thick cut cock.

PC Strange moaning and thrusting, Fuck yeah Ben take it boy, take my hard dick boy, suck it. Drink my precum boy. Yeah, fuck yeah boy, taste me. Get ready to drink my seed boy. It's a cumming boy. I'm cumming. Deep down your throat boy. Don't spill any. Swallow it all, you hear? Fuck yeah that feels good boy.

PC Strange holds Ben's face close to his crotch, thick cut cock deep down Ben's throat as his cock starts to unload its juices, wad after wad, down Ben's throat. Ben swallowing hard.

Yeah boy, drink it all up. Don't waste a drop boy, you hear me? Fuck yeah that was good.

PC Strange grins, looking down at Ben, his cock still deep down Ben's throat.

Look up at me boy. Ben's hair being stroked. Mmmm yeah that was good. I'm gonna enjoy your throat during your stay, you get me boy? You understand me?

Ben, cock deep in his throat, looks up at PC Strange, and nods yes.

PC Strange slaps Ben's face, Good now clean me up with your tongue and then we can get you to your secure house.

Ben licks the still hard cock clean of cum and watches PC Strange pack it all away in his black uniform trousers. Ben is totally boned and leaking and absent-mindedly tugs at his cock.

No boy no. No wanking or cumming for you unless I say so, understand?

Probably best lock your cock away in a cage. Out of temptations reach eh? PC Strange adds, reaching down and gently squeezing Ben's rock hard cock.

Yeah, let's get you all secured away. Gotta keep you ready and wanting more, hehe.

Ben doesn't reply, merely nods, liking the feeling of PC Strange's big hands on his cock, giving away the last of his freedoms.

Thirty minutes later, PC Strange opens the front door to the house that is to be home for Ben for the next six months.


So Ben is going to be locked away naked in a secure house, bare assed naked and unknowingly making a mint for Sarg and PC Strange for the next six months. Ben will also be servicing PC Strange's cock most days too. But what else might happen while Ben is serving his sentence?

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Next: Chapter 14

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