Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Sep 17, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 12 - Thursday Lecture & Clone Zone


Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

And you wouldn't be reading this without the people and resources that provide. If you can spare a bit of money to support it, the price of your morning latte even, visit


Ben has performed at the long awaited life modelling class with Robin. Now it's time for a review of the social experiment in lectures and Ben's trip to Clone Zone.

Thank you for your replies, and apologies for the long gap between Ben's adventures. Now read on to find out what happened...


Morning time in the blue room comes with the heady scent of sweat and cum. The five naked inmates, Andy, Mark, Ben, Rob and Robin, hit the shower together to wash off all their night-time emissions from each other, tapping playfully at each other's morning woods. They jostle each other as they dry off in the confined space, checking each other out, comparing. Who is the biggest? The thickest? Who is cut? Uncut? Who has the lowest hanging balls? Bubbliest butt ass? Playfully comparing each other. They are more self-conscious of the nakedness and morning woods when they join the rest of the shared house for breakfast.

Callum looking at them all as they emerge from the blue room, Aye aye, did any of you get any sleep last night?

Andy shoots back, Is there a hint of jealousy there, Callum? You know how to join in the fun. Simply strip off. Right here. Right now.

Ian and Harry grin at Callum, Well Callum? What's your answer to that?

Callum sticks his middle finger up at them in response.

Their laughter is broken by the screen coming into life, A couple of announcements for you all, Liam and Derren, Ben's housemates, are to join you in the shared house after lectures this afternoon for the rest of the experiment. I trust you will make them welcome.

Ben closed his eyes, thinking back to the roasting he had off Derren and Liam at the rugby club the previous Sunday. Ben wonders how they had been doing while he had been in the shared house, if they had been following it all on the vlog and why they had been invited or agreed to come to the shared house. Perhaps they had been missing him, Ben wonders.

Ben's day-dreaming is interrupted by the big screen voice, And the second announcement is that tomorrow evening, the shared house is hosting a Toga party. You are each asked to invite up to six friends to the evening. The naked housemates will serve the clothed housemates and all guests. Togas will be provided.

There's a buzz of excited talk as they leave the house to walk across campus to their various lectures and tutorials.


First lecture is Social Studies with Tom Roberts. The lecture starts with a review of the social experiment, with clips of Ben naked around campus being shown larger than life on the screen. Tom asks Ben to come down for a question and answer session, for the students to talk about the experiment. There is also a world map displayed of what was seen where and by how many. Ben is stunned when he sees that he has been seen in all his glory in all the continents of the world, and seems to have a major following in Japan, a country which seems to excel in humiliating teenagers on live tv, Tom Roberts explains.

There are laughs as Andy's now infamous words, `Mmm mmm mmm, finish me off', are heard again, and Andy's cum face is frozen up on the screen. Ben is glad he isn't the major focus of attention for a minute and the remainder of the lecture is taken up with people describing their favourite moments and what were the cringiest moments too.


After lectures, Ben got back to the shared house to be greeted by his flatmates Derren and Liam. There was an awkwardness to them meeting up, Derren and Liam wondering what they could say in private and aware that they had seen Ben on the vlog in the shared house - so that meant that they were now visible. They didn't have much time together before Ben was reminded that it was time for him to make his way to Clone Zone.


Ben heads off to the clone zone evening with a naked Mark & Robin and Ian & Simon clothed to accompany them. This was the first time off campus since moving into the shared house and Ben wasn't used to the looks he got from various people as they walked through the streets of the university town. Some people acted with indifference - they had obviously seen naked students before, but others shouted over at them, and some just laughed and took photos and followed them for a few streets before getting bored and trailing off. Eventually they arrived at the doors of clone zone and walked in. All five of them.

Zack greeted them enthusiastically, especially when he caught sight of the two additional naked students, Well, what do we have here? We will have to get you two to work too if you are up for that?

Robin said Why not?, but Mark said No. Zack shrugged his shoulders, that's totally fine, you can stay and watch the show and if you change your mind later just catch my eye, ok?

Robin & Mark nodded Yes, Mark glad to be let off the hook and they all turned to look at Ben, who was stood there looking round the store. There were a half dozen other customers in the store at that point.

Zach came up to Ben, you ok with this Ben? You know you can just say no to anything that's suggested to you. Robin told me your safeword, so use that ok? Anything grab your attention? For you to model first?

Model? I kinda thought I'd just be ringing up sales or putting out stuff onto the shelves.

Well, there's that too, but yeah, Thursday night is where customers get to ask staff to model items that they think they want to buy, or for me to get staff to model merchandise that we want to push sales on. And I think you're perfectly dressed for it.

What, like this? Laughed Ben, looking down at his completely naked body.

Yes. of course. At least there won't be any time lost taking stuff off and wondering where it went to. How about you go find a jockstrap to try on and then bring it back to the counter here, so I can take off the security tag before you model it?

Ben does what Zach suggests and heads off to the rows of jockstraps. Ben picks out a light blue one and brings it back to the counter.

Jack takes the security tag off and before handing it to Ben, announces that there will be a modelling of a blue jockstrap right now.... Gather round.

This gets the attention of the customers who all congregate round the counter and watch as Ben slips the jock on.

Ok Ben, walk round with it and let the customers see - and feel - what a good fit it is.

Ben does just that and soon feels hands all over his body, squeezing his ass cheeks and his crotch neatly basketed in the jockstrap. There are comments of "nice basket" and "good fit" and a few slaps of Ben's ass too.

Zach announces, Ok, what do you want Ben to model next? Go find something and Ben will show you how it looks.

There's a rush of items brought to the counter - a vest, a pair of tiny white hot pants and some handcuffs.

Wow ok, smiles Zach. Robin, Mark - do you want to help out here? holding up the vest and hot pants. They both happily accept. Robin takes the vest and hands Mark the hot pants. They slip the garments on while Zach handcuffs Ben's hands behind his back.

They are now all getting handled by the customers, who are growing in number by now. Robin and Mark seem to like the attention and Ben is helpless to prevent various customers from grabbing and stroking his cock while others pretend to see how securely handcuffed he is.

A hooded mask is placed on the counter and the customer points to Ben, to say he wants Ben to model it. Zach comes up behind Ben and pulls the mask over Ben's head.

Ben muffles WTF!

Zach whispers, This ok Ben? Use the safe word if not.

Ben stands still, acknowledging consent. So now Ben is naked, hands cuffed behind his back, cock hard and blindfolded with a masked hood over his head. He feels himself being moved around the shop and his nips tweaked too. Meanwhile Zach tells Robin and Mark to take off the vest and shorts they had been modelling and they remain close by and naked. All attention is now on Ben in the centre of the store. There are now around 20 customers all milling around him. Watching, touching, fondling, slapping, squeezing him and taking pix and video of him.

Zach watches the customers have fun for about 15 minutes then announces, Here is something else I think you gentlemen would like to see modelled by Ben.

Ben hears something hard and heavy hit the counter top and hears the murmur of approval from the customers. Ben is manhandled back to the counter and feels his cock and balls being squashed through a rubber ring. Zach describing this is how the cockring is attached. Ben's cock fills with blood as the cockring is a tight fit. Then Ben feels a large ball being pressed against his hole. WTF is going on, he asks himself.

But Zach is one step ahead, And then we slip this buttplug into Ben. All attached and all very neat.

Ben feels the buttplug being pushed against his hole until he relaxes enough for it to slip in and his ring then tightens back around it. He still has his hands cuffed behind his back and the mask on. Ben can hear Ian and Simon gasp and feels very exposed. There are no hands on him - obviously everyone has stood back to take in the sight of him.

Zach continues, And now the fun part, with the remote control, this dial on the left, well that inflates the buttplug in his ass, from a small sized plug through various sizes up to a thick nine inch dildo. As Zach describes the function, he moves the dial and Ben feels it grow inside him.

And this dial on the right, labelled 1 thru 10, well that's the vibrator mode. Zach moves the dial from 0 thru to 3 then 4. Ben feels the vibration of the dildo in his ass but also around his cock and balls in the cock ring.

Anybody want to have a look?

A customer takes the controls and swiftly changes the controls to the nine-inch dildo and a 7 on the vibrate. Ben starts to shake and gasp with the pulses of energy going through him.

Zach comes over to Ben and rips the mask off, so that Ben can now see the 20 plus customers all looking at him, enjoying the show, Ben gasping and shouting as he gets buzzed by the remote. The remote is being handed around and played with by various customers.

When it reaches 10, the strongest vibrate, Ben is begging for them to lower it, his cock twitching untouched and leaking precum over the store floor. This only encourages the customers to take the remote and play Ben through the sizes and vibrate strengths until Ben is weak at the knees and literally begging for them to stop. But the customers are having too much fun with him.

About 20 minutes into the modelling of the device, the doors to the store are thrust open and six police officers rush in, Stand still. Do not resist.

Ben is stood there, hands cuffed behind his back and the remote on near full, him squirming in a mix of pain and pleasure.

You, one officer shouts at Ben. Stand still. Or you will be arrested.

But Ben couldn't stand still. He doesn't have the remote. He doesn't even know where it was. Ben tries to explain this and Zach steps in to try to explain that Ben has beens modelling the device. Zach finally retrieves the remote from a customer and switches it off, much to Ben's relief.

The police officer in charge faces Zach, Well this all looks like a breach of your trading agreement with the council. You've got a lot of explaining to do, Zach is it? And these lads that are naked, you are all under arrest. Nudity isn't an arrestable offence but being naked and sexual in a public place is.

Ben together with Robin and Mark are taken out to the street and into a black maria and to the police station. Zach follows them in a police car leaving one of his assistants to clear the store of customers and shut up shop.

At the police station, Zach is cautioned and released, leaving the remote in the safe hands of the station sergeant. The still naked Robin, Mark and Ben are all cautioned and led to separate cells for the night, Ben still with the device in place.

As the evening progresses, and the pubs and clubs emptied, the usual crowd of troublemakers are brought in, cautioned and led to the cells. While Ben is initially in a cell by himself, by 2am he finds that he is sharing the cell with 3 other men who had been in a bar brawl earlier.

It doesn't take them long to turn on Ben and wonder what he had been up to and what the fuck was that around his cock. Ben tries to explain but they all laugh and think they had never seen or heard of anything so hilarious.

What? So ur a gay boy eh?

Of course he is. No straight guy would do that to himself. Corse he's gay.

Ben looks on, a bit afraid, wondering where this was going and how he would be able to call for help if it was needed.

Yeah he is gay, a real cocksucker, aint u boy?

The 3 of them, looking at Ben now.

Ben nods meekly.

So ud suck any cock eh?

I didn't say that.

But ud suck mine eh? And my mates here?

I don't think that's a good idea - I'm in enough trouble already.

Haha you'll be in more trouble if you don't, boy. Now drop to your knees and suck on this, as he pulls out a half hard heavy uncut cock out over the top of his trackies.

His mates watch and gather round as Ben hesitates. Realising he is totally outnumbered, Ben drops to his knees and takes the thick cock into his mouth.

Yeah, that's it boy. Knew you must be a cocksucker. Now no teeth, mind. Just help me release some tension.

Meanwhile, upstairs in the control room, Serg, look at this. Seems like our clone zone boy is now servicing his cell mates, says constable Trevor Strange.

Serg walked over and looked at the cctv of the cell, Well well well. Hope you're getting a good recording of this constable. We should make a few quid for this one.

Back in the cell, Ben is now being switched between the three cocks, taking each in turn until they cum down his throat one after the other. After that, Ben has a fitful sleep, wondering what will happen the next day, and totally unaware that cameras are trained on his naked body, or that constable Trevor Strange had jerked off watching Ben's cell cocksucking, as it was entitled on the website which had already gained over 500 paid views.

Ben's cellmates are taken off to be seen in front of the magistrates first thing and he is left in his cell alone wondering when it would be his turn to stand up in court. After a long wait Tom Roberts, his tutor arrives. It's not good news. Tom reminds Ben that the contract he had signed meant that while the police had no jurisdiction over his nudity on campus, but because he had decided to go off site to clone zone, it was a totally different matter. Given the description he had just read from the police, and seeing the device still on Ben, Tom suggests that Ben pleads guilty to the misdemeanour so that any punishment would be minimised and that although the university couldn't condone his activity, they would not punish him either - his place on the course would remain open - although he had reluctantly agreed with the police that the social experiment that Ben had signed up to was now forcibly stopped prematurely and that the shared house would be disbanded immediately.

Ben takes the news in silence. He doesn't really know what to say, but diverts the attention away from himself and asks about Robin and Mark, had Tom seen them?

Tom Roberts tells Ben that he has already spoken to the two of them. The police had given them both a warning and he would be taking them back to university after he had finished talking with Ben.

Tom continued, although they were naked and, well, excited, should we say, they weren't the centre of attention like you were and weren't causing the disturbance.

Is that what I was doing? Causing a disturbance? How come?

Apparently, someone had tried to complain to Zach, said it wasn't right, told Zach to stop it. But Zach didn't, so the man left the store and called the police. That's about all I know. I've agreed with the police for you to use the duty solicitor. Otherwise you would have to appoint one yourself and they would probably drag your parents in. And I'm guessing you'd rather the less they knew the better.

Ben nods his head, Yes, no, I mean, I don't want them to know. Fuck, it won't get in the papers will it?

Tom looks down, It already is, but hopefully it will stay local and not get picked up by the nationals. Oh, and I've taken down the full media coverage and website for the experiment too so it won't be reported on there either.

Ben feels drained, Fuck yeah. I'd forgotten about that. Thanks. Shit, I've really fucked up here haven't I?

Tom attempts a smile, Well, yeah, a bit. But don't be too hard on yourself, Ben.

Did you bring clothes for me? Can you get some? And can you get in touch with Zach to get this thing off me?

Erm the police were quite strict - you need to appear in court exactly as they arrested you but I'll ask if that, erm, thing, can be taken off between now and your appearance. Is there anything else you want or need, Ben?

Ben shakes his head and Tom gets up and calls to be let out.

The duty solicitor arrives at noon and reads the charge out to Ben, This doesn't look too good, lad. You need to plead guilty. That's the only way to get the lightest sentence. Hopefully it will be a chunk of community service, but let's take it one step at a time eh? I think you are due up soon after lunch, so the next time I see you will be in front of the magistrate. Ok?

Ben barely touches his lunch in the cell, anxious about his impending court appearance and the fact that he will be naked in front of everyone. Suddenly being exposed like this was more than he really wanted and he wishes he had never been talked into the social experiment in the first place. WTF was he thinking back then?

Constable Trevor Strange looks at the pornhub webstats on the new video recording. He can't believe them. The video is getting hits by the score and it has already brought in over £200 in viewings. He texts Sergeant the figures, This boy is a goldmine, Serg. We need another vid of him, but how?

Serg returns a few grin emojis, I know how. Leave it to me.

The time in the cell creeps by slowly. 2pm. 3pm. 3:30pm. Ben wonders when he will be called up. At 4pm his cell opens, and the duty solicitor walks in. Hi Ben. The other cases have dragged on longer than expected and you are not going to be seen today, I'm afraid.

Ben looks up, So what happens now?

I asked at court, but they weren't prepared to give you bail without an initial hearing. So I'm afraid you will be spending the weekend in the cells.

WTF? Oh shit, I'm sorry, I mean, really, all weekend? Can you get me some of my clothes and get this thing off me?

The duty solicitor looks at Ben, sorry, but I'm not allowed to bring anything to you in the cells - and that includes clothes. But I have been in touch with the manager of the clone zone and he will come by later on to remove that device. But I have told him he must come back first thing Monday morning to put it back on you for your court appearance.

Do you need anything else? The duty solicitor asks, standing up to go.

No, nothing, replies a despondent Ben.

Back on duty at the start of the Friday evening shift, Serg calls Trevor Strange over, See. I told you I could sort it out.


That's for me to know and you to guess at. But anyway, in the meantime, get onto the site and advertise real life cellsex with the cocksucking Ben for the weekend. I've signed us both up to extra shifts to cover it.

Before the hour is out, there's a list of men signed up to be locked in the cell for a couple of hours at a time.

Zach arrives at the cell around 6pm and takes the device off Ben, Fuck, kid, I'm so sorry about all this. Sorry to get you caught up in it. Tell them you wanted to do it, plead guilty, take the punishment and I will see you alright, ok? I got my own troubles with my licence for clone zone hanging in the balance. I have my day in court next week. Hopefully just a fine and a warning. See you Monday first thing, kid, yeah?

Before Ben could say a word, Zach had left, leaving Ben with an aching hole where the device had been. He was sure glad that was out for the weekend.

Had Ben known what was to happen next, he might not have felt so happy. Suffice to say, that Ben hardly had anytime alone in his cell that weekend from the Friday evening through to the small hours of Monday morning. Ben must have serviced at least thirty men with both his mouth and ass with it all caught on the CCTV for purchase on the porn website.

Monday morning 8am came round quickly enough with Ben well used and shattered. Zach doesn't comment on the rings under Ben's eyes when he returns and places the cock and buttplug back in place, Good luck in court Ben, remember, the less said the better, kid, ok?

Zach leaves before Ben can respond. Soon after that, Ben is given breakfast then is led to the court for his hearing. He is led through stairs and dark corridors and then brought up into the court itself, being made to stand behind a perspex screen in front of the magistrate and everybody in court. With his hands cuffed behind his back Ben is very aware of how exposed he is, as the only naked person in the courtroom.

Regina vs Ben English. Ben English, you are hereby accused of obscene behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace. We have video footage to show as evidence, captured from the cameras in the shop. We also have obtained witness statements from at least five persons who found your behaviour most objectionable and obscene. You stand in the dock exactly as you were arrested, hands cuffed behind your back, naked, and with a device securing your penis and testicles with a ball inserted into your rectum. Also we have this remote control.

The magistrate interrupts, What does the remote do?

It sends a shock wave through the defendant's sexual organs and inflates the ball in his rectum, M'lord.

What? Really? What is this? I can't quite believe it. Surely not. How does it do this?

I could demonstrate, M'Lord.

Please do.

The solicitor for the prosecution, turns the dial, and Ben whimpers. The dial to inflate the dildo is turned and Ben's eyes widen. His cock is now fully erect.

Let me have a look at that device, states the Magistrate.

The remote is handed over to him and the magistrate starts to play with the dial, sending it from a 5 through to 8 with Ben squirming behind the perspex screen.

Oh, I say, I see how it works now, yes. And you say that this was being used on the defendant in the store?

Yes M'Lord.

And you, laddie, Ben, is it, you consented to having this placed on and inserted into you?

Ben mutters a yes.

So, no coercion from anyone? All of your own free will?

Yes, M'Lord, finding the words to use.

The magistrate pushes the dials round to max for both the electric shock and the increased didlo in Ben's ass. Ben squirms in full view of everyone, gasping, his cock throbbing and leaking, the device on full for more than three minutes before he lets out a grumble and a howl and shoots his load all over the perspex screen in front of everyone.

The dials still on max, Ben continues to squirm.

The solicitor assigned to defend Ben stands, Perhaps you could turn the dials down now M'lord, now that you've' seen how the device works.

Ah yes indeed. So this is what happened at the store, is it? The act behind the accusation against the boy?

Yes M'Lord.

And he agreed to be naked, and to have this device put on him, and the remote used against him?

Yes M'Lord.

But at no point did he ever use the remote himself?

No M'Lord.

Hmmmm. Interesting. So here we have a young man as the object of a sexual incident that he consented to but did not have control over. Complicated. Do we know who had control of the remote at the store?

Several of the customers, M'Lord.

So they, as well as this lad, were the source of the lewd behaviour and erm, emission?

I guess you could say so, M'Lord.

Hmmm. I don't think I've ever come across a case like this. The accused is clearly guilty of lewd behaviour, but without the responsibility for it. I will need to consult what sentence to pass. There are various options, and I cannot decide between community service, youth detention, or a full prison sentence and registering him as a sex offender. But I think I have heard enough for now. Oh, and will someone clean up the perspex screen?

The people in the court look round to see what the magistrate is pointing to, the perspex screen with Ben's cum load dripping down it. There is silence, then shock as they watch Ben drop to his knees and lick his cold cum off the perspex screen himself.

Well, what a resourceful young man you are, says the stunned magistrate.

What about bail, M'lord, while you deliberate?

I think not, no. We need this lad out of temptation's reach. I will only need a couple of days for my deliberations and I understand from the police report that the defendant was well behaved and well looked after in his cell. So he can stay there for the time being. Oh, and reporting restrictions can now be lifted.

Ben is led back to his cell, with the taste of his cum in his mouth from licking it off the perspex screen.


What will the magistrate decide as rightful punishment for Ben? A custody sentence? In a youth offender institute or an adult prison or some appropriate community activity? Let me know what you think should happen to Ben to so I can write the next chapter.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Next: Chapter 13

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