Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on May 17, 2021


Category Section Gay authoritarian

Ben's Adventures - Part 11 - Wednesday Life Modelling

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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Ben is at the long awaited life modelling class. But was Phil Gridley, the art tutor, able to persuade Robin to join Ben on the podium as a second model?

Thank you for your replies, readers. Now read on to find out what happened...


Phil frowns, Oh dear, but I've got the poses for tonight all planned around having two models up there. C'mon Robin, please!

Phil turns to the students, I'm sorry lads, but it appears that Robin won't play ball and join Ben so we can do those pair poses I've been promising you.

Robin sees the students turning to look at him, sees the disappointment in their faces, one of two of them scowling. There is a long pause where nobody says anything or does anything. Finally, Robin breaks, Oh OK, OK. I'll do it. Satisfied?

Phil gushes a thank you to Robin, OK lads, charcoal at the ready.

Robin strips down quickly and Phil puts Robin and Ben into a grappling wrestling pose. The first pose for 15 minutes is a warm up exercise for both the models and the students. A second pose, has the two of them grappling closer, more body contact, cocks stiffening during the 20 minutes pose. A third pose has Robin behind Ben, with Ben's arms locked above his head, Ben totally exposed, rock hard facing the students, who by this time are spending more time taking pics of Ben and sharing them with their friends than they are drawing. What they cannot see, until the pose ends and there is a short break for the tutor to review the work so far, is that Robin has boned up completely too. Also, they didn't see Robin's cock getting hard and pressing between the firm smooth ass crack of Ben's. Nor could they see the precum that had leaked out of Robin's cock that now lined Ben's ass crack.

Both Ben and Robin stay naked, as they should, during the break and go round to see the crude drawings that had been made. One or two of the students had focused totally on Ben's hardness, making a detailed pornographic picture, which the tutor remarked on, with a smirk, "as promising".

The break over, Ben and Robin are back on the podium for two final longer poses. First is of Ben pinned by Robin, with his legs splayed, crotch wide open, and his freshly smoothed pussy on show to the students. Ben's cock is rock hard and leaking as he rests back into the pose, with everything on show and noticing more than a few of the students rubbing crotches as they attempt to capture the pose down onto paper. Ben has never felt so exposed in his life, yet it makes his cock throb with excitement, untouched. He fears he might shoot his load in front of the class without touching himself. When My Gridley calls two minutes towards the end of the pose, the students cry out that they need more time, so they are given an extra ten minutes. Half an hour with his pussy exposed to the students (and everyone who is watching it all live on the vlog) is almost too much for Ben. He is soaked in his own precum when that pose ends but he hadn't cum. And Ben is rock hard and dick throbbing yet Robin has gone limp on him.

And for the final pose, Ben, I want you on your knees. Robin, you standing right in front of Ben. Closer, yes. That's right, Robin, with your cockhead resting lightly on Ben's tongue. Ben, mouth open, yes, just like that. Beautiful. Stunning, even. Yes, look up at Robin, Ben. Perfect. And Robin, look down at Ben. Yes. OK, boys, 20 minutes, no, let's make it 30 minutes for this final pose.

After a few minutes in the pose, Ben can feel Robin's cock growing on his tongue, filling his open mouth and touching his top lips with the swelling. Robin's cock travelling deeper into Ben's open mouth, growing harder, leaking precum, Ben's lips encasing Robin's shaft as the students look on and draw them. As Ben tries to swallow the precum that is now leaking heavily from Robin's cock, the movement of his tongue on Robin's shaft is enough for Robin to let out a gentle moan. This amuses Ben. What if he could make Robin cum in front of the group? If Robin could cum and Ben swallow his load right in front of the group? Fuck it if anyone objects. All these thoughts are going through Ben's mind. His own cock leaking precum between his open bent legs down onto the floor. Ben gives Robin a mischievous look. Robin glances back down at Ben with a `No, don't you dare look'.

Ben's response is to move his tongue around Robin's shaft and to start rocking on his knees. This has the effect of Robin's cock going deeper towards the back of Ben's throat and then back out again. There is a shocked silence from the students who are now no longer pretending to draw, but watching and rubbing crotches. Emboldened, the tutor doesn't seem to notice or care, Ben rocks forward and backward even more, so that Robin's engorged cocked is on show before it goes fully back in and engages with Ben's throat. There is a tense silence in the class, all students watching Ben gorge on Robin's cock, at times Ben's lips at the base of Robin's cock and bottom lip on his smooth ballsac, then moving outwards, exposing Robin's wet hard shaft until his cockhead comes into view, Ben's lips pursing it, tongue flicking against Robins piss slit, then swallowing Robin's sword again. Robin is enjoying Ben's expert cocksucking despite being on show to a group of first year art students and the tutor. Robin closes his eyes and allows himself to enjoy Ben's tongue on his manhood , thinking to himself, Fuck, yeah, Ben is good at this, he sure is.

Before long, Robin can feel his balls tighten. He's going to shoot. He opens his eyes and tries to give Ben warning but Ben has his eyes closed, Robin's cock deep down his throat. Robin gasps and starts pumping his seed down into Ben's throat, taking Ben by surprise. Ben is happy enough to swallow Robin's seed, it's just that there was so much of it, and try as he might, he can't swallow it all and some spills out down Ben's chin and onto his chest, to the amusement, whooping and clapping of the students watching.

One of the students shouts, Nice shot, Robin.

Robin opens his eyes and grins. Then looks down at Ben, mouthing a thank you.

Well boys, that's all we have time for tonight, thank you Ben and Robin for those wonderful shots, erm poses. I think we will want you both back next week. What do you say boys?

Several of the students replied, Yes Sir.

Is that ok with you Ben? Robin?

Ben stands up and wipes the cum from his chin, the cum on his chest dribbling down his abs towards his rock hard cock, and nods his yes.

Robin adds, Yes, I'd like that very much, Sir.

Mr Gridley grins, Well, that's excellent. OK, you can get dressed now you two. Oh no, I forgot, you're both naked until Tuesday. I'll keep your clothes safe here for you, Robin.


It's cold when they get out of the art block so Ben and Robin jog across campus to the shared house. They are welcomed in with a cheer and a shout of get the beers in.

Beers distributed, Ben and Robin join Andy, Mark and Rob on what has now been called the nudy sofa. They are squashed up together, five on a sofa that really only fits three comfortably.

They watch the big screen which is showing replays of the last two poses. Ben is shocked to see the camera zoom close in on his rosebud until it nearly filled the screen, and it didn't help that everyone in the room was shouting obscenities at the screen. Then the last pose is shown, close up again, of Ben giving Robin a blowjob and then Robin shooting his load down Ben's throat. Ben is sat with open mouth as he watches it on the screen, sees Robin's balls tighten and then a few seconds later cum spilling out of his mouth. Shouts of `Ew, gross man' from the clothed sofa.

The screen then highlights top comments from the vlog.

Nice boi pussy, Ben Ben, you are now the official campus cocksucker! You can suck my cock anytime How about 2pm tomorrow library toilets? I'll be there, too Me as well

Simon, on the clothed sofa, shouts over at Ben, You are going to be so busy tomorrow, lol.

Ben blushes and is glad when the screen starts to replay Andy's hand job in lectures that morning. When Andy cums, every one shouts out in unison, Mmm mmm mmm, finish me off.

Andy sits there embarrassed, hands covering his face. The screen then highlights the vlog comments from Andy's `contribution', voting him the hottest bi on campus and lots of offers to give him a hand job and a blow job from both female and male students.

The screen shows Rob getting sucked off by Ben in the library and his embarrassed walk out past the librarians.

Then there's a load of comments on the vlog, all embarrassing. All five of the naked lads rock hard after watching.

The screen stops at one of the questions posed on the vlog. Does everyone who enters the blue room get shaved smooth by Robin from now on? Just asking for a friend.

The big screen pauses and then that disembodied voice asks the question, Well, what's the answer, boys?

There's protests from Andy and Rob, both naked and with bushes, but the clothed guys Ian, Harry, Simon and Callum all say yes and say that Ben, Robin and Mark dont get a say cos they are already shaved smooth. There's a lot of shouting and arguments about it with no agreement in sight.

The big screen interrupts, OK, So it's clear that you cannot decide between yourselves so it seems that the only way forward is for the vlog viewers to have their say, and what they vote by noon tomorrow is what you will all abide by. Does that sound reasonable to you? Actually, even if it doesn't, that's exactly how it's going to be because we make up the rules, not you.

Andy and Rob visibly relax for a moment, then see that the vote on the vlog is already up on the screen and people making their voices heard.

Rob waves his arm at the screen, Can somebody turn this thing off? It's driving me nuts.

Ian shoots back, Nope, it has a mind of its own. Starts up whenever it wants and interrupts whatever we're watching. Just gotta roll with it, Rob!

The big screen's voice interrupts Ian, OK, listen up. You guys know that Ben is heading off campus tomorrow evening to work a few hours at the Clone Zone. I need a couple of volunteers to escort him there and back. Ian, Harry, Simon, Callum, two out of you, please. Who will it be.

The four look from the screen and then at each other, shrugging shoulders.

Simon shouts back at the screen, Why not? Yeah I'm happy to do that.

Callum comes in, Hey, hang on a minute. What's the catch here? I reckon there's gotta be a catch somewhere, don't you?

Ian laughs, Callum mate you are so suspicious. What catch? What sort of thing you talking about?

Callum shrugs his shoulders again, I dunno. Anyway, if you don't think it's suspicious, then you volunteer, Ian. Go on.

Ian laughs, OK, I'll take Ben with Simon. I mean, what can happen, eh?

The disembodied voice butts in, Thank you, Simon and Ian.

A few minutes later, Ben's mobile pings. It had been quiet for the last couple of days. Callum picks up Ben's phone and reads out the message, Allo Ben. Congratulations on becoming naturist. And on the coming out. You're quite a celebrity here. See you at xmas. Pierre et Louis xx

Ben splutters, WTF, they're my French cousins! Shit - how far is this thing spreading? Thought it was just campus based! If they know then my parents will know soon enough. Fuck.

A shiver runs through Ben at the thought of his cousins and his parents seeing his rosebud up close, Oh Fuck, what am I doing? What are they going to think? Shit, shit, shit.

The disembodied voice interrupts, Ben, come to the Red Room.

Ben looks up, startled, then gets up and walks over to the Red Room. He is in there for over 30 minutes. When he comes back out he is a lot calmer and more at ease.

Andy asks Ben, Everything OK?

Ben nods, Yeah, that really helped. I feel a lot calmer about everything now, thanks.

It's now late, bed time. The blue room now has Andy, Mark and Ben plus newcomers Rob and Robin. There is still only one bed, but it has been enlarged. All five of them to share together. Robin heads for the shower and is soon joined by the rest of them. At least, they will start the night all clean and fresh. Who knows who will be doing what with who during the night though....


I'll leave it to your vivid imaginations what might happen in the blue room overnight. There are questions about tomorrow though. What happens at the Thursday morning lecture, when Tom Roberts, the social studies lecturer, reviews the social experiment so far with Ben's class? What is the result of the vlog vote for the Blue Room shavings? Who gets their cocks sucked by Ben and Robin in the library toilets at 2pm? And what could possibly go wrong for Ian and Callum in escorting Ben to Clone Zone in the evening? Let me know where your fantasy drifts off to so I can write the next chapter.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Next: Chapter 12

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