Bens Adventures

By galanthus

Published on Apr 21, 2021


Ben's Adventures - Part 10 - Wednesday Lectures and Life Modelling

Background -- This is the continuing story of Ben, a nineteen year old university student living in digs with two housemates, Derren and Liam. Ben came out as gay during freshers week and continues to prioritise the exploration of his sexual identity over and above his studies.

Everything in the adventures is fictional, although it contains a hedonistic mix of what I have done in the past myself together with what I wish I had done when I was Ben's age. I'll leave you to guess which is which, but that isn't really relevant to the story.

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Ben has now been joined by his swim team captain, Andy, and team mate, Mark, as full time naturist on campus for a week, sharing a bed in the Blue Room. It's now their first full day as naturists on the campus.

Thank you for your replies, readers. Now read on to find out what happened...

Andy's and Mark's cum dry overnight on Ben and he has to shower it all off before grabbing a breakfast and coffee. Andy, Ben and Mark don't have time to discuss their night-time emissions as they head off from the shared house to the lecture halls.

Andy is a bit shy as he enters the lecture hall for his first lecture. Instinctively, he chooses to sit at the back and is surprised that Linda chooses to sit along side him. Andy blushes when Linda tells him that she had enjoyed watching him at the pool last night, and when he took off his speedos. She tells him that she had voted for his ass and then shows Andy a short video that she had downloaded from the vlog. Andy is again shocked and yet excited by the fact that his pert ass was on show to student friends, especially someone as attractive as Linda. They settle down into the lecture and Andy is shocked to feel Linda's hand on his thigh at first, then around his soft cock, Linda slowly tugging on him. Andy's cock responds in the time honoured tradition and is soon rock hard. Andy struggles to keep his composure as Linda strokes Andy expertly, softly whispering to Andy what a gorgeous body he has and he should just relax and enjoy the cock rub.

By this stage, Andy isn't concentrating on what their English lecturer is droning on about. He is more concerned about whether anyone has clocked the attention that Linda was giving him, and the effect it had on him. Andy is leaking precum now and Linda is muttering how if they had been somewhere else she would have gone down on him by now or sat astride him so she could ride his hardness. This makes Andy even hornier and he closes his eyes as the sensations intensify. Linda seems to be there to pleasure Andy and he is struggling to breathe quietly now.

A few minutes later, Andy opens his eyes to see that a couple of his friends have spotted what's going on and are looking round, smiling, winking at him as if to say it's ok, to go for it, that they would do it if it was them. This emboldens both Linda and Andy, who is by now very close, with Linda whispering to Andy to shoot his load, to let it all spurt out, cover himself with his seed. More students turn to watch the spectacle of Andy being jacked off by Linda. Andy, close to cumming, closes his eyes, and tenses his body, lifting his ass off the seat so that his cock and balls, everything really, is on show to the whole class. Linda stroking Andy fiercely now, whispering to him to shoot for her.

Andy grunts and gasps, biting his lip, eyes tight shut, Mmm mmm mmm, finish me off.

Linda does just that, stroking him harder, as Andy shoots cum all over himself, thick wad after thick wad over his abs and chest. Andy opens his eyes to see the whole class looking at him, his cock in Linda's hand, hearing his class mates mocking him, laughing and repeating, Mmm mmm mmm, finish me off! Mmm mmm mmm, finish me off!

A very embarrassed Andy sits back down, naked, dripping in cum. Linda taking her hand away from his hard red wet cock.

The English lecturer coughs, Well, that was quite a demonstration you gave us there, Andy. And you've given us a good prompt line for the essay I want you all to complete this week. So, a 3,000 word story, on any theme and setting you desire. The only requirement is that the now infamous line, "Mmm mmm mmm, finish me off¡" has to appear - at the beginning, or end, or anywhere in between. Thank you class. And thank you Andy for the inspiration for this week's essay topic. Class dismissed.

It's a tad awkward for Andy leaving the lecture hall with his chest and abs still covered in cum, his cock engorged and dripping. Andy makes a dash for the toilets to clean himself up.

Andy is wiping the cum off himself up when Paul, one of the swim team who did keep his speedos on, walks into the toilets, Wow, Andy, that was something else. What was it like?

Andy blushes, confused because Paul hadn't been in the English lecture, It was a bit crazy, but being naked I'm just so horned up and Linda. Well, I didn't know Linda was, well..

Paul laughed, No, I'm not talking about Linda, although that was hot, seeing that streamed. I'm talking about you fucking Ben last night! How was that? I didn't know you were into him, or guys.

The colour drains from Andy's face, WTF, you saw? I mean what? I didn't fuck him. Shit, you saw? That was streamed? OMG. Fuck erm...

Paul sees the shock in his team captain's face, Hey Andy, it was no big deal, really. It seems it was streamed but not recorded. I tried to look again this morning but it's not on the vlog, though there are a lot of comments. I reckon only those who were watching you live got to see it, don't know how many, eh? So, you didn't fuck Ben? It sure looked like you were, or rather, he was riding your dick.

Andy shoots back, I wasn't in him. I was.... oh fuck, everyone is gonna think I've fucked Ben, aren't they?

Paul nods, Hey, it's ok to be bisexual, you know. And now that there's footage of you being stroked off in class by Linda everyone's going to know you're not 100% gay, lol.

Andy shakes his head, Oh, that's fucking magic that is, not 100% gay. Just gay enough to fuck a team mate, though.

Paul grins, Well yeah, so what, you've got a fuck buddy in Ben. And you got a jerk off buddy in Linda. Win-win situation, man. You got 100% coverage of all the student talent, hehe. Everyone is available to the swings-both-ways Andy.

Andy shakes his head, Fuck, I don't know if I can go out there.

Paul grins, Well, you can't stay in the toilets for the rest of the week, can you? Everyone will think you are looking for more ass to fuck!

Andy laughs, Fuck off Paul, just fuck off, ok?

Paul laughs, Sure thing, Andy, but just not with you, alright?

In your dreams, pal!


Over lunch in the union bar, Ben receives a text from Rob, Can we meet to talk?

Ben replies, Sure, when? where? I got a free afternoon.

When they meet in the library later that afternoon, Rob asks, You know you gave me a blowjob the other day? That was the best one I ever had. Truthfully. Erm, just wondering if you are up for another sometime? If that's ok with you? I mean...

Ben grins, Hey yeah, always up for helping a friend, Rob, especially someone with a great hard cock like yours. You want one now? Here?

WTF really? You'd blow me here?

Ben looks round, sees too many people around, No, how about we go over to the study cubicles. I can get in under the cubicle. You sit at it. And I suck you there?

Rob grins, What? Fuck, you're crazy right? No, you're serious! Fuck. Erm OK. Let's go find a quiet corner.

Ben gets a few looks from students as they walk through the library. Some of the more serious students obviously haven't cottoned onto the social experiment he was starring in. Rob and Ben are relieved to find a study cubicle free. Ben scuttles under the desk and Rob pulls his chair up close. The reader should know that the study cubicles aren't self contained, no doors, open to the rest of the library, but positioned along the walls of the quieter parts of the building, with the desks having modesty boards down to the floor. Usually for students to bury themselves into the books for the essay that they have to submit.

Ben looks up at Rob through open legs, and whispers, You need to drop your trakkies, Rob. I can't get at your dick otherwise.

Rob hadn't realised he would need to drop his trakkies to past his knees so that Ben could get access, but by now was so horned up and hard and didn't want to walk somewhere else completely tenting his trakkies. Rob looks round, the place is quiet in the early afternoon post lunch period. He lifts his ass off his chair and pushes his trakkies down to his knees. Rob has gone commando in anticipation of a blowjob from Ben. Ben takes over and pulls Rob's trakkies down to his ankles and pushes Rob's legs apart and gets his mouth onto Rob's cockhead. Rob looks down at Ben between his legs, Ben taking Rob's cock in further and further. Rob sees Simon, from their tutorial group, walking towards him and picks up a book that was left on the desk, opens it, and pretends to read it.

Simon sees Rob and stops, Rob, strange to see you in the library, with a book open. What's going on? Erm, the book is upside down but he way!

Rob doesn't know what to say. He realises that Simon has spotted a bit of flesh and Rob points to under the book, mouths, Ben!

Simon gasps, whispering, Jeez, you got Ben under there? Blowing you? Fuck man. That's crazy shit and then some. You want to appear on the vlog or something? Or end up in the Blue Room?

Their whispers aren't soft enough for Ben to not hear Rob and Simon. Ben's mouth is firmly muzzled around Rob's cock, licking his shaft and tasting his precum. Ben's hands running up and down Rob's thighs.

Rob answers Simon, No way. Anyway, I'd only end up in the Blue Room if I was naked, and there's no way that's going to happen.

Simon raises his eyebrows, Really? You're telling me you don't want that? That you don't want the most fantastic orgasm of your life? Given to you by Ben, you naked in the library? Who are you trying to kid, Rob?

Ben, hearing this, decides to help matters along. Sucking deep on Rob's cock, Ben pulls Rob's trainers off. Rob isn't wearing any socks today. Ben then pulls Rob's trakkies off. All Rob has on now is a tee. Simon can make out what Ben has done and can see the alarm in Rob's face.

Grinning, Simon moves closer to Rob, whispering in his ear, Just the tee now Rob. Go on, I dare you. You will shoot your best load yet, right down Ben's throat. He is waiting for you. He wants your cum. You know he wants your cum. And you know you want to give him it. Just pull your tee off and do it. Give it to him. Just. Do. It. Rob.

Rob is close to shooting his load. He can feel it. His cock has taken over. It's in control, not Rob. Rob senses that his arms are being raised as that Simon pulls the tee over his head. Rob is now totally naked in the library. OMG. The expert sucking by Ben, pushes Rob over the edge and he starts to shoot his load down Ben's throat. Rob, trying desperately not to make a noise as he cums the heaviest and best for a very long time.

Simon ruffles Rob's hair, Attaboy, Rob. Way to do it. You're not a member of the mile high club, but you are now the newest member of the naked social experiment club along with Ben, Andy and Mark.

Rob opens his eyes, looking at Simon, confused, flustered, still coming down from the high, Ben still with his cock in his mouth, cleaning him off, WTF are you on about Simon, newest member? No way.

Simon waves Rob's tee trakkies and trainers in front of Rob, Yes. Cmon pal, weren't you paying attention in the lecture yesterday? Anyone who gets naked in Ben's company stays naked for the rest of the experiment. And that's what you just did. And now you will be sleeping with Andy Ben and Mark in the Blue Room too. See you laters.

Rob sits stunned as he watches Simon walk off with his clothes. Ben's mouth is still wrapped around his cockhead. Rob looks down at Ben, WTF you grinning at? You think it's funny?

Ben slips Rob's cock out of his mouth, Kinda yeah, But Rob, now you are in the Blue Room we can have some great cock fun eh? I can bj you anytime anywhere. You just say the word, ok?

Rob shakes his head in disbelief, Well I gotta get something out of this, that's for sure. Might as well get my cock drained daily by you.

Ben laughs, Or twice, or three times. Choice is yours Rob. All yours.

As they walk out of the library together, Ben is the more relaxed of the two, more used to being seen naked and pointed at. For Rob, it's all new, and his face is a bright beetroot red.


Later on in the union bar, Robin meets up with Ben to make the final arrangements for that evening's life drawing session in the Arts Building on the campus. Robin explains that he has been modelling on and off for old Phil Gridley, the arts tutor, since his first year as an undergraduate, six years earlier. Robin explains how he is now in his final year of his Arts PhD, putting the finishing touches to his thesis on The Rise of the Male Nude in Medieval Europe.

Old Phil Gridley, Robin continues, is quite strict in some ways, and also extremely liberal in others. Female students draw the female nude in a separate class to the male students who draw the male nude. With that demarcation, the poses can be a bit more provocative than a standard art school might permit. All would be revealed at 7pm tonight, Robin laughs.

Robin looks Ben up and down, But first, I think we need to get you ready. It looks like its ages since you've had a shave, you mucky pup. We need to get some hair remover on you to make you nice and smooth. I'll bring it over to your shared house later on and I can sort you out.

Ben interrupts, Oh fuck. I just remembered, you promised to help me, model with me tonight, but if you do then that means you have to be naked too until Tuesday. Fuck., I'm sorry.

Robin gasps, Oh fuck yeah I forgot all about that. Ah well, you know me, I'm happy to be naked with the rest of you guys. Does that mean I need to join you Andy and Mark in the Blue Room, too?

Ben nods, Yeah I think so, and we now have Rob too. Getting crowded. Five in the bed tonight.

Robin grins, Oh wow, mmm, something to look forward to! Oh no, I just remembered, I have a talk to give to the third year art class on Friday. If I join you on the podium for the life drawing then I will be giving that talk nude too.

Ben laughs, Well I guess it's totally up to you. You can decide at 7pm, yeah? No pressure. As long as you're there for moral support, that's all I really need.

Robin smiles, Thats very kind of you Ben, you're such a sweetie. Let's talk more when I bring your hair remover to the shared house, say 6pm?

OK, see you laters.


Robin is bang on time arriving at the shared house and he and Ben head for the Blue Room for Robin to cover Ben in the hair remover in the wet room.

Ben watches on as Robin covers him neck to foot in the white cream, Is this how you get yourself smooth?

Robin shakes his head, No I get waxed every few weeks. Been doing it like that for a few years now. It grows back weaker and lighter. You should do it too. Wax that is. I can take you next time I go if you like?

Ben nods his head, Sure, why not? How long does this cream have to stay on before I wash it off?

The tube says five minutes but I always give it fifteen. It does a far better job but can sting a bit. But if you rub some body cream in straight after then it isn't a problem. You got another few minutes yet. So, how is it going? This shared house stuff? And do you miss Derren and Liam? You guys looked really, erm, close at the rugby club last Saturday!

Ben laughs, Yeah I miss Derren and Liam. It would be cool for them to be in the shared house too. Not sure if they would want to end of bare assed naked though.

Robin shakes his head, You're forgetting that Liam was naked at your first butler gig last week and then both of them were naked in the showers after the rugby, spit roasting you if I remember correctly. They are not shy boys!

Ben points to his growing cock, Damn, now look what you've done, making me remember that.

Robin laughs, Good. Glad to see it's all in working order. Now, get under that shower and wash the cream off yourself.

Ben does as he is told. His body hair, the five-day growth, falls off him leaving him smooth as a baby.

Robin admires Ben as he dries off, Yeah, very nice. Smooth is so much better. Especially for a boy like you. You won't need to do it again until we head to the wax room next week.

Robin applies body cream to Ben, rubbing it in all the cracks and getting Ben completely boned up in the process, Looks like you are ready to go and meet the art class. Let's go.


When Robin and Ben arrive, there are ten art students already sat around a well-lit podium. Easels, papers, charcoal, pencils all arranged and ready to start. Phil Gridley is there, eyeing Ben up and down, in that creepy fashion that he had at the butler gig the previous Saturday.

Ben, well, well, well. You look very drawable tonight. Indeed you do. And already undressed too. Excellent. But of course, you are naked for this social experiment of Mr Roberts, aren't you?

Ben nods, and looks round, sees the students all checking him out, thinking to himself, Fuck, I'm here now for two hours, them all staring at me, drawing me, and me not allowed to move mid-pose. This is so embarrassing yet so exciting to be the centre of attention like this.

Phil Gridley turns to Robin, So you are joining Ben on the podium, yes? A duo tonight, the two of you?

Robin shakes his head, I don't want to spoil Ben's moment, his first modelling experience.

Phil frowns, Oh dear, but I've got the poses for tonight all planned around having two models up there. C'mon Robin, please!

So what does happen? Does Robin agree to the art tutor's request and join Ben on the podium, with them both as life models for the evening? If he does, then what sort of poses might the two of them have to hold? Or does Robin stand his ground and let Ben be the only one naked in the limelight of the podium? Let me know where your fantasy drifts off to so I can write the next chapter.

You can get in touch with me at either to tell me what you think of Ben and the other characters in his life, or to give me ideas for further adventures.

Next: Chapter 11

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