Beneath My Protector

By Chr Est

Published on Jul 29, 2021


The following story is fiction and fantasy. This story is a continuing reimagination and new approach of a story I came across many years ago, that I couldn't seem to find anywhere. If you are familiar with a similar story, I would be so incredibly grateful if you could share it or let me know. Otherwise, this is inspired by that story.

Please email me at

Thank you for taking the time to read this story! And a special thank you to those who have reached out, especially those who have provided greater inspiration to continue through reminders of my place beneath their feet through their words and pictures.

Disclaimer: The following is an original story of fiction that contains a variety of consensual activities between adults. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or is illegal to access in your area, please do not proceed. If this offends you, please move on.

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"I'll keep you warm, for tonight you'll be my little spoon." Pushing me to face the other way and pulling me, pressed against his muscular body. His breath, on my neck. His arm was holding me tight, "Good night boy."

"Good night, Sir," before I could realize it, the word had slipped right on out, and with that he pulled me in as tight as he could and a hard rod slithered between my cheeks.

"Mmmm, that's a good boy."

Beneath my Protector

Chapter Three -- Training:

A New Day

Waking up felt so surreal.

As I found myself waking up I was reminded that I was laying on this massive and comfortable bed. But my vision was blindfolded by some sort of cloth.

A cloth with an incredible musk that attacks the senses.

As my hand touched the fabric, pulling away at it, the bright light shined through the window and as my vision cleared and adjusted I noticed that what had been placed on my head was, what I could only assume was Duncan's boxers.

I looked around and Duncan was nowhere to be seen.

It was as if all I could smell was him, the scent from the shirt continuously wafting through, the scent of his crotch stuck to my nose from where the boxers cupped my nose. Realizing that it was causing a strong reaction for me.

I brought the boxes back closer to my face and took in a few deep breaths. I just couldn't fight the urge and couldn't bring myself to stop.

I heard a door open and close somewhere.

The footsteps were getting louder and louder.

As the bedroom door began to open, I found myself placing the boxers back on my head and making myself appear to be asleep.

The footsteps continued on from the door to the bed.

A hand pressed down on the bed near causing me to slightly roll towards him. My stomach slightly brushed against his forearm.

As I continued to breathe deeply, a hand pressed firmly on my nose causing the part of his boxers where his balls lay to align with my nostrils.

A slight but quiet laughter was all I could hear, followed by a gentle, "that's it boy, breathe me in, allow every one of my scents invade your body. I promise you, one day you will crave and need them where plain air just won't feel enough."

My heart began beating so fast and felt like it was at its fastest beat when the hand snatched the boxers, in a solid motion causing it to fly across the room. My eyes slowly opened.

"So sorry boy, did I wake you?" His sweaty hand cupped my cheek.

"But now that you're up, you think you could do me a favor?" I stared into his powerful gaze and just nodded, "great, I knew you'd be happy to help," pulling me to the edge of the bed barely finding my footing and dragged me across the room to where the lounge chair was near the window. His hand firmly gripped onto my shoulder pushing me down. Feeling all the power in my knees weaken, unbuckling, knees making contact with the ground as he took a seat.

"Boy, I just went on a 5 mile run and you're going to untie and take my shoes off for me." As both of his feet rested on my thigh. Feeling the weight press down onto my bare skin, I began to untie the first shoe, trying to pull it off, "no boy, not yet, untie the other first then you can pull them off together," his signature smirk appearing on his face.

"Good, now that they're both untied, let's play a little game. You're going to begin to pull on shoes to set them free, but to test your strength, I'm going to resist them from being taken off. Once I feel satisfied they'll plop right off. And now we begin, Go!"

Without question, began to do as he said. While I was pulling on the heel, it was like his toes were locking them in place and to make a greater challenge the moment he said go his pointer finger and thumb pinched my nose, his remaining fingers gripped the sides and my jaw.

I began to feel as though I would fail this test. My hands got weaker as I tried to grasp for air. But just when I was about to release my hold, his toes relaxed, the shoes came off and his hand disappeared.

It all happened so fast that I lost my balance falling forward and with that first breath in, was like an assault, a wall of bricks just hitting my senses with every inhale. His feet were mere inches from my face and trying to catch my breath and give strength to my body to sit upright was proving to be a struggle. Hearing laughter above and feeling his gaze looking down on me as I stared at his soaked, once white socks now yellowed, "I'm so sorry about that boy, I forgot that my morning run uses the same socks and shoes that must be too intense. Just breathe through it, you can do it," as his soaked sock pressed against my cheek and nose.

In a subconscious reaction feeling the wet streak gliding across my face made me pull back and slightly gag, "aww boy, I'm sorry, that must be tough, it'll be ok boy," as his other foot hooked me from the back of the head, my vision partially blocked by his wide foot, my nose smothered under his sweaty sole and a brief moment where I was about to speak was effectively prevented by my lips and tongue catching the rancid sweat.

This continued on for a bit and was eventually adjusted to lay beneath him as he rested both feet on my face sliding them back and forth making every inch of my face with his sweat. Every so often when his heel would reach beneath my eyes, I would be able to see him looking down at me, his smirking comforting me like this was a natural thing to happen and isn't something I should run away from. But after a while I noticed that he paid less and less attention as he continued to massage his soles on my face while he buried his attention into his phone.

Once he seemed to have been in his most relaxed state, he had fully leaned back into his seat, bearing the full weight of his legs and feet on my skull.

As the pressure lifted off, his foot slapped me from side to side as one does with a ball until his feet firmly planted on both sides of my head. Being thoroughly drenched in his sweat, the breeze of the air-conditioning felt intense as it dried up the sweat.

"Boy, get up," he said firmly, "you know I'm just fooling around, hope you're ok. But thanks for helping me out, you definitely helped me work out some knots that have been bothering me.*

"Really Sir? Well if that's the case I'm glad I was able to help. After all I guess it's the least I could do, since you're putting me up and helping me out during this rough time. Thank you Sir!"

"Ha! (Cough) don't mention it boy, but if you're going to thank , you're welcome, I'll remember how you're wanting to help out and give back."

As I remained there kneeling, "actually now that I think of it, I'm still feeling a bit beat and should go take a shower, but Alejandro should be downstairs. I'm sure he could use some help getting things sorted for the day before his first class. So go on down there boy, I'll catch up with you later."

As I walked towards the door and out the room it was like I was in a daze, still smelling his foot funk with every single breath. "Hahaha" a brief bit of laughter rang through my ears as I closed the bedroom door behind me and left me feeling like I was free falling into wonderland, 'no no my mind is just playing tricks on me.'

With every step towards the training hall my mind went back and forth until I crashed right into something knocking my balance and falling to the floor.

That crash further left me in a daze as my eyes focused on the ground and another pair of feet was planted before me. They almost seem as big as Duncan's 15s.

I tried getting up, finding my way onto my knees and began looking up at the tanned behemoth of a man that I had just ran into who just continued to look down on me. Until it dawned on me that this was Alejandro, the guy who was all smiles last night when he said goodnight to Duncan with me plastered against his leg. Not a word was spoken, not a hand was offered, just an unemotional state as one might have at a bug on the ground. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, but realizing where I was, I tried to get up.

As I stood up, I felt his eyes doing a one over, looking at all my being, our height difference made very apparent as I continued to look up, as he finally broke the silence, "so you're the boy from last night huh?"

"Umm yes Sir," it became painfully aware I hadn't gotten dressed and just came straight down here. I had tried to run away but his grip latched on to my wrist, "where are you going? I'm sure you know I have a class and I need to get some stuff done, Duncan texted me that you're going to help me out. Are you backing out? If you are that's cool, man, what would Duncan think? Let me just tell him real quick and let's find out."

"No, um no, I'm sorry no I'd be happy to help you, but thought maybe I should get dressed. But how can I be of help Ale.." his eyes hardened, shutting me up.

"Good boy," his hand resting on my head, as his arms lifted his pits had an intensity that mixed with the foot scent. My face slightly twisted, "haha oh boy, whew, I reek don't I? Had a late night with this chick and had to get my workout in this morning, but didn't realize I had no time to shower, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem for a boy like you, after all you smell like a walking foot sweet bucket, hahaha" my face reddening, " no don't worry about it boy, I work around all these hard working guys, smelling like that will make you seem like a man haha, but for the time being it just feels right that we shouldn't hear you say my name with your voice, got that?" As a spraying mist covered my cheek from the word that, he adjusted himself, almost placing me in a headlock but resting his sweaty pit on my shoulder, soaking Duncan's shirt and mixing the two scents more

Not knowing where to look, "yes Sir, I understand."

"Good boy," with two taps to my cheeks.

"So I'm sure you remember where the mats were placed last night, you're going to place them back, give them a quick wipe over, then you're going to wipe down the locker room. Make sure there are fresh towels, pick up any trash or clothing, towels, whatever you may find. Then you'll make sure there's not any smudges on the mirrors. Once you've finished that, head into my office, it's the one right next door to Duncan's, then we'll talk."

I just stared at him, feeling overwhelmed. Not only did it feel like both of these men were marking their territory and every word seemed to pull me deeper into a daze with their deep voices, their commanding eyes, their powerful grips and somehow their scents that made me sink deeper and deeper.

"What are you staring at? Did you not hear me or is this you rebelling? It better not be cause I know how best to handle insubordination, or cough, could it be that you're wondering what I'll be doing. If you must know, I'll be relaxing in my office before my class."

Those words struck me, leaving an almost pained look on my face.

"Haha you should see the look on your face, no boy, before you get all boo hooey I have some paperwork I need to get done, so you're helping me out. But we take pride in making sure this place is spotless and presentable even if it's a bunch of guys. So make sure you give it your all. Don't embarrass me. Take this as your warning, best make sure to put in that elbow grease." Slap slap as he turned around and walked away.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, my hair plastered by sweat, the sheen of dried sweat, and the used shirt and no pants look 'wait, he didn't give me a timeline or when class starts, but I need to finish quick so I'm not dressed like this when people start showing up.'

I tried my best to get through the list of chores as best as I could. I set the mats back, wondering why I even put them away if they're going to be used first thing in the morning. Catching little sweat marks I missed last night, getting those cleaned. Went through the locker room and thought what pride in cleanliness this place was a mess towels scattered about. A random shirt here, a sock over there, a crusty sock under the benches. Placing them in a bin to deal with later. Made sure to collect all the towels and placed them in the wash. Made sure there were fresh towels ready for use. And picked up some random trash as I went. When I thought I had heard the front door opening, I rushed over to Alejandro's office, though a false alarm reported I had completed the work.

He didn't look up from his desk, but snapped and his finger summoned me over. As I stood in front of his desk, his finger motioned to come. As he was writing things down, I made my way to the other side of the desk and he pointed downwards. I stared questioningly, until two quick snaps came and a finger pointed down. I kneeled before him, his forearm rested on my shoulder as he continued writing. As I opened my mouth to say something he clicked his tongue, causing me to shut up.

His arm lifted off my shoulder and he pointed under his desk, I stared once again, and again it was followed up with two snaps and a point. Unsure of what to do, I looked under the desk. His big strong legs and feet practically filled the space under the desk, if I was meant to go under, there's no space, unless he meant something else. My mind was wracked in confusion. And just then his pen was set down he looked my way and in a blink of an eye his left hand made contact with my face and then another snap. In the ringing from the slap it was like I heard his voice "I know how best to handle insubordination"

Although I was still unsure of what I was supposed to do, I went on all fours, crawled under his desk. The closed off desk, reeked of what I assumed was his feet. To make room I went parallel to the desk, his foot lifted up pressing me down till I was laying on my side. My legs tucked in, in fetal position. He put his foot onto my shoulder, causing me to adjust till I was lying on my back. And for one last adjustment his leg extended, heel hooking into my thigh pulling it out till I was lying diagonally with my legs extended out of the desk.

It was at that moment that the adjustments stopped. He brought his feet towards me, shoes first landing on my stomach forcing me to exhale as quickly as possible. He began bouncing his foot causing me to have staggered breaths.

As he continued working his feet would travel and be placed on random parts, feeling the rough soles brushing and rubbing against my skin literally making me feel like I'm nothing but a floor at most a rug to this man, but wouldn't want to displease Duncan after all he did for me.

Eventually time felt like it stood still and would only move in slow motion, when his left foot came upwards hovering above my face, his other foot hooking under the heel and in one swift motion the heel popped out and the shoe came landing right smack in the center of my face. And then the other.

Being in such an enclosed space, him not showering, who knows how long he had been wearing these same socks, but here I was breathing in this stale rank air. Gagging with every breath, hearing laughter come from above.

Perhaps he saw or maybe sensed what I was going to do as I brought my arm up to cover my nose, his foot came crashing down on my hand preventing it, teaching me that that was not an option and he brought his socked feet to my face. His toes playing and pinching my nose, filtering the air I breathe with his rank toes.

And every so often, he would dig his toes or his heels onto whichever part it just happened to be resting on at that particular moment.


His alarm went off.

"Okay boy, go ahead and remove my socks," my hand raised up, which was followed by yet another stomp, "boy did I say with your hands? No, no I didn't. Your mouth is right there, take them off." My lips and teeth hooked onto the band and thankfully he slid his foot, freeing the last remnants of sweat and funk that was locked up as he rested his toes on my nose while I handled the other.

"Good boy"

"Thank you Sir"

Playfully tapping my face, "what's a good way to display your thanks? I wonder...Oh! How about a kiss?"

He began lifting and pressing his foot on my lips, as I just laid there, "boy is that how you kiss, how do you plan on keeping any partner if you don't kiss back?!" Pressing his foot harder till he felt my lips pucker.

"There you go" as he continued going up and down his foot and then repeated the other.

"Get out from under there"

As I slithered out, "Duncan is a bit busy and will be out running errands but he wanted you to see more and understand what goes on here and maybe help you find your place here." Winking at me, "so you're going to accompany me to class, feel free to join in or like last night feel free to be a wallflower at the back of the class."

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder guiding me out of his office, "This class is a mix. there's some college guys and some working adults. But it's still kind of a beginner type class."

"If it's ok Sir, I think I'll sit and watch for now"

"Okay boy,"watching me sit down on the floor against the wall. "Keep your eyes on me boy," as he rested his barefoot on my bare thigh, reminding me of how underdressed I was, "uh uh uh no running away boy, I want you to sit here and watch me and compare what you saw from yesterday." As he stepped down twice making me feel his weight before leaving me there.

Once he was at the front of the class, his demeanor returned to the happy, nice approachable guy compared to the stern one I've dealt with this morning ,"okay guys, welcome back, let's begin with stretches to warm up."

After stretching, he had them go through some light sparring in pairs.

As he was walking through watching the guys do their work he would casually glance back at me with his own smirk.

Until he turned around adjusting his beautifully styled hair in the mirror and it was at that moment I saw his facial expressions go from cocky, happy to one that scared me as his look went stern, his glare slowly reaching me, effectively piercing my soul. My mind ran through the scenarios, did I do something wrong.

'i did all that was expected of me, I haven't allowed myself to let me eyes wander, have only watched him, so what could it be'

In a hardened tone, directing all attention to him, "okay guys, now is a good time for us to practice our kicks. First we want to practice our positions."

While he was going through expectations, I tried to figure out if I did something wrong. I had cleaned and placed the mats, cleaned the locker room, I had put the dirty towels in the wash and dryer. Checked for clean towels. Reported to him...I did all that he ordered.


-'what could it have been'


-'maybe it wasn't me'

"Boy if I have to repeat myself one more time"

-'oh! The mirrors'

By the time the realization came to me, Alejandro was standing right in front of me towering above a frightening look that only I could see, his hand gripping the back of my neck dragging me to the front of the class.

All eyes on me, was causing me to feel like my body was on fire and that it was piercing through me. As I tried to pull down on the shirt to maybe somehow hide the fact I'm not wearing pants.

"I know you all hate having to take part in demos when it comes to kicks, so not to worry today you're all excused. We have boy here."

"So first I'll show you what each kick looks like. And for fun let's start with a high side kick or high vertical. Because the boy here is short it'll make things easier as we are just starting out," it all happened so fast, his leg swung up his arch pressing against and pushing my nose upwards. Hearing my strained breathing, knowing that I know better than to move away. He held this position describing what just happened, why it's a beneficial move to have, what muscles activate and the importance of stretching. Eventually my balance caused me to step back, to which he followed up with a spin kick to my stomach pushing me to land on my butt. "Okay, let's reset and go over another before I have you all go through it." Looking at me in a hushed hiss, "we will talk later... Don't think you're getting off this easily."

P.S. Still rather new to writing, feel free to send any feedback, good, bad, neutral. Is it too much detail or not enough and for added inspiration for future chapters, feet pix are always welcomed.

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