Ben10 and Danny phantom submission gay male/celebrity

By Stewie griffin

Published on Mar 4, 2007



Disclaimer: The author of this story does not intend to infer or suggest the sexual orientation of any characters mentioned in the story below, also this story will eventually contain adult content of a homosexual nature so please if you do not approve of this or are underage please go know further. All character's are subject to copyright from Nickelodeon and Cartoon network. Enjoy.

After a long day of fighting off ghost's Danny Phantom a.k.a Danny Fenton decided to stop at The local dinner to get himself a bite to eat, as he was about to place his order he heard someone yell out Danny????

As Danny turned around to see who called he met eyes with the most beautiful person he has ever set eyes on. Danny says "excuse me but do I know you????" The boy sticks out his hand and says "No I don't think so, but I do know you well at least I know about you, and your power's." Danny give the boy a dirty look and admonishes him "how dare you mention that out here in public."

Ben says he is sorry and asks Danny if he would join him outside, Danny cautiously agrees thinking in a worse case situation I could always go ghost and take this dude out. After Ben and Danny place their orders the both walk outside of the diner and start walking towards the park.

Ben turns to Danny and says "as I was saying I know of you and your powers, I'm a super hero just like you. Danny turns and says oh really and ,what might your name be???? Ben says "my name is Ben10 and I have the super power of changing into different aliens. Danny says oh really lets see, so ben twists the dial on his omnitrix to stink fly and slams the dial in, after changing into stink fly Ben grabs Danny and takes off flying high through the sky. Danny yells out way cool and ben zooms back down changing himself back to his human form. Danny says Wow that was way cool but it is getting late and I need to get home but I want to meet up at the diner again and talk some more and get to know each other better.

Ben Woke in the morning with his usual morning erection, and decided the time was right for a morning wank in the shower. After getting the temperature adjusted, Ben hopped into the shower and started lathering up with his favorite body wash. As Ben began to wash himself he finally reached his lower region, Ben started to rub and soon was having a very intense orgasm, the subject of his fantasy why none other than Danny phantom.

After Ben finished taking his shower, he skipped his breakfast, and started heading toward the dinner, once he rounded the corner he was met with a very warm greeting, after the two finished there hellos, Danny told Ben that he had taken the liberty of ordering him some food, Ben sat down and was amazed at what he seen in front of him, never before had Ben seen such wonderful food, there was pancakes, cheesy scrambled eggs, bacon made just the way ben liked it crispy, sausage, toast with butter and jam, and several pitchers of OJ.

As they sat and ate both boys told each other more about themselves. After the were done Ben thanked Danny and asked what they were going to do for the rest of the day. Danny smiled and said originally I thought we could go to the beach, but seeing how much we both ate I don't think that is a good idea, so I was hoping we could just go back and chill at my house. What do you say Ben is that acceptable. Ben smiled and said of course.

So Ben and Danny made their way back to Danny's house. As they entered Danny's ghost senses were activated, Danny told Ben that he needed to be prepared for trouble, as they continued past the dining room, and into the living room, they were met by vlad Danny's mother's old Boyfriend. Vlad sneered and said hey Danny thought it might be fun to kidnap my ex's son and hold him for ransom, and look you brought another little friend to play, it hardly seems fair to have two against one so I brought along a friend myself, just then vilgax Ben's arch enemy appeared, and said Hi Ben its been a long long time.

Vlad yelled enough chit chat now we dance, and with that vlad and vilgax both attacked there sworn enemies Vlad engaged Danny, and vilgax engaged Ben, Ben quickly changed into Diamond head and quickly, brought vilgax to his knees, as he was still weak from his last fight with Ben, mean while Danny had gone ghost and had taken Vlad down rather quickly, Vlad seeing he had been defeated once again yelled enough and him a vilgax took off.

Once Ben and Danny Knew they were safe they both went back to their normal self's. Once back to there normal self's they sat down on Danny's couch both out of breath from the fight. Once the adrenaline rush died down, Danny looked at Ben and said we were awesome, Ben blushed and said yes we were, but now I'm all stinky and sweaty, I need a shower. Danny loks at ben and says he how bout we both take a shower, Ben says sure but shower together, Danny laughs and says no silly we aren't taking a shower together, but I myself am all sweaty and smelly. Ben tried to hide his disappointment, but Danny seeing the disappointment, quickly said unless you want to. Ben quickly lit up like a christmas tree, and said boy do I, but I have nothing to wear, seeing as my clothes are all smelly and sweaty. Danny said not a prob, we are both guys we can, both be nude infront of each other while we wash your clothes. Ben said yeah I guess, so both boys stripped and ran upstair to the shower.

Once both boys were in the the bathroom danny turned on the shower, and they washed there body's, both trying to hide their nakedness from each other the best they could. After the shower and both boys were dry, Danny told Ben to follow him to his room, where they would relax til Ben's clothes were done. As they walked down the hall, Danny thought to himself, this is it this is the person I tell my secret to, so they entered Danny's room and they sat on the bed, Danny turned on the tv and Ben and danny sat in silence for several minutes. it was Ben that broke the silence, Danny Ben said Danny looked at Ben and said yes???? Ben said look danny I dont know how to say this, but I have been watching you fight ghost for several months now and I think Its time to tell you something, Danny said what is it???? Ben said Danny I dont know What your likes and dislikes are but I know Im gay, not only that but I have feelings for you, Danny just smiled and said I lied to you about not knowing who you were, I lied cause my family and friends wont except me if im gay, I have been watching you and I have feelings for you. Come lets fly away and go somewhere where we mcan be alone just the two of us, Ben said I have a better Idea how bout you come live wit my family they know im gay, and you will be most welcome there. Danny wrote a brief letter to his friends and family then took off with Ben, that night danny and Ben consumated their relationship and then fell asleep in each others arms.

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