I didn't do much with Ben for some time after our steamy encounter.
I did realise that we had done really risky stuff.
Outside; at least someone might have seen us.
I didn't care much, but obviously it was not the way to go.
You can't continue to fuck outside and not expect to get caught.
I was watching him morning by morning, and these days he would usually wave as he drove off early in the morning.
If I was being a slut, I would stand up and expose my hard cock as he went off to work.
But we didn't seem to get much opportunity in the next few weeks.
One Saturday he met me in the garden.
"Hi," he said, "sorry we haven't been able to catch up"
I grimaced and tried to look longingly,
"I just want you so much, can't we manage something?" I begged.
"I'm just too busy...but I have a plan!"
I had no idea what he was talking about, but it was clear he had not lost interest.
On those days when we could get close I could brush my hand across his cock, and he would reciprocate.
But it was fleeting, and it was totally frustrating.
"I have a brother," Ben suggested, " he can fill in for a while"
"What?" I screamed, "How does that work?"
"Don't worry, he's cool and he knows you!"
I wondered what he meant. Here I was the victim of the handsome Ben, and now he was telling me his brother wanted to fuck me too.
"Here's his number," he passed me a small slip of paper, "he's Tony and he really wants to get to know you"
It seemed crazy to me, but I was already in crazy land. Maybe I should just ride with this.
Tony rang me the next day and asked if I wanted to go for a ride.
"What?" I said, " I don't feel safe about this"
There was laughing at the other end of the line.
"Just give yourself to it."
And I thought, I have just gotta stop being so uptight.
The next day he came to pick me up to go swimming with some girls we worked out we knew together .
Tony had a bike. Not a pedal version, but one of those Yamahas.
We had agreed we would swim three or four mornings and he picked me up at 6.30 each day.
I loved climbing on the back of his bike and holding on to him as we drove to the beach. We usually met Glenda and Rosemary, and went back to one of their houses to have breakfast. Quite frankly I usually felt stuffed. Tony would drop me home on his bike. We got on well.
"Do you want to come in and have coffee?" I would say. But usually he demurred.
I had sought him out. I can't even quite remember what we talked about, but our comments hung there .
Finally he said that when we went to the beach maybe we should shower and go straight to school. I felt a bit frightened. I had seen Tony in the shower, he looked OK. He had a big cock and lots of pubic hair. I liked that. The bush turned me on.
Yes, I agree that I had come to the conclusion that my turn on was not girls but guys.
"Do you want to have coffee?" Tony suggested, I thought this was a good idea
""Sure," I said and threw him a little bit of a smile.
Coffee was good, In the Oasis we sat side by side and ordered cappuccinos (there were no lattes in those days)
But his knee touched mine, and mine his.
"Do you like that?" he was asking about the coffee, but I was also answering about the closeness.
"It's really good!".
I leaned in to Tony and gave a little laugh.
"Yes I like it too"
I thought that now was the time to be bold and I put my hand on his leg. He giggled. And I gave him a squeeze.
Tony flicked my cheek,
"I think we could have a lot of fun!""
"I think so too," I suggested...."are you all right with this?
Tony leant in and breathed into my space
"I am OK with what ever you want!"
Our real problem was that we had nowhere to go. We both lived with our parents, and it was unlikely that they were going to give us the privacy to fuck our brains out