Ben and Archer

By Sean Kushaney

Published on Aug 17, 2015


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Ben and Archer – Chapter 4

I feel movement around me.

I open my left eye to see that there's someone in my bed and they're stretching. I'm laying on my right side so that side of my face is buried in the pillow only allowing for a partial view. As slowly as I can, I raise my head up to free my right eye to get a better look at who this stranger is.

Then it hits me: I made Archer spend the night. I snort in laughter at my forgetfulness and also begin stretching. I wonder what time it is. And, fuck, I am so hard right now. I didn't get off in the shower yesterday so it's really built up now.

"Morning" he says to me through his stretch and then lets out a loud groan and it makes me laugh.

"Dude, do you have to be so loud? Sounds like you're getting head over there or something"

Just the thought of something sexual sends a jolt down my spine straight to my throbbing cock making it even harder. Fuck! I have a raging hard on right now while I'm in bed with a man. It's feels like I just swallowed a glass of ice water in one gulp because there's a chill radiating from my chest now from nerves.

He also laughs, "Sorry man. Just stretching." He throws the covers off and sits up on the edge of the bed suddenly making me jump a little.

"Oh fuck" he says quietly to himself under his breath but I still heard him.

"What's wrong?"

He sits for second I silence with his back to me before saying, "Umm... shit, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna lie, I have a huge fucking morning woody right now."

I start to chuckle but his next words shut me up.

"Are you hard, too?" He asks still not looking over at me.

Again, it feels like I'm drowning in ice water. I hesitate but I can clearly see I he's uncomfortable and trying to break the tension so I figure "what the hell?"

"Uhh... yeah. I'm also sporting some major wood over here bro."

He stands up holding his throbbing package over his clothes, looks at me and laughs, "Oh thank god! I was scared and embarrassed there for a second. Thank god you're hard, too!"

I can't help it but my eyes dart down there for a brief second, almost like a reflex. He wasn't kidding; he did have a massive hard on. I look back to his face almost instantly but, without warning, that brief look made my cock so much harder that it hurt and now I'm spilling pre-cum all over my underwear. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

He's standing up showing his throbbing bulge for the world to see but I'm still frozen in my spot with the covers on. He definitely notices and it had to have been nerves but he looked at me and said, "Aww come on, don't make me be the only one breaking modesty here. Stand up. It'll break the awkward tension" he finished nervously.

Internally, I'm extremely uncomfortable but, against all of my better judgments and reservations, I slowly move the covers off and stand up too. My cock is so hard and, unfortunately, my pre-cum is flowing so thick it's penetrating my shorts making a circular stain. I tried my best to cover the spot up first but I'm positive he noticed.

Thankfully, he starts smiling then finally says, "There! Now we have nothing to be awkward about and we're both even! We're guys! It happens!"

I laugh and take another look down at his bulge and, to my great relief, also start to see a small circular stain forming in his khakis. "Oh thank god, I'm not alone. He's also pre-cumming. We're both dudes and probably both had intense sex dreams" I think to myself. I'm the first to move and excuse myself to the kitchen to start making coffee. This morning has been so fucking weird as it is, I'm desperate to get back to a routine for a little bit of normality.

He excuses himself to the bathroom and while I'm in the kitchen I'm nervous he's jerking his morning wood off in there. That would just be too weird for me to handle and I honestly might freak out on him. I'm a very open and secure guy but I draw the line at another man cumming in my apartment 15 feet from my bed.

My wood was going strong for a minute but has subsided to a nice semi state. Then after just 2-3 minutes he emerges from the bathroom. Way too short of a time to jerk off and cum plus he also has a visible semi going in his shorts so I can tell he didn't do anything in there. I'm not sure why but that comforts me and I start to relax.

"Coffee?" I say once it's almost ready. I'm still freaked out but he's my guest and I can't be rude.

"No thank you. I think I'm going to head out. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you letting me stay over so I wouldn't kill myself on the road last night but I've made things super awkward with this whole morning wood nonsense. I think it'd be best if I went home."

He looks different for some reason but I'm not arguing. To be honest, he did make things awkward. He was the one who brought it up that he had wood and he was the one who got me to stand up exposing my wood to him. I feel bad that he looks uncomfortable but I don't argue that he should probably leave.

"Alright man, I had a good time hanging out with you last night. We should do it again sometime" I say with not enough enthusiasm. I force a smile and he gives me a half smile back and makes his way out the door.

The second the door closes behind him, I plop down in one of the kitchen chairs and have a minor anxiety attack. I told you that I have anxiety and this morning was just too much for me to handle. In the midst of the mixed signals going on in my brain right now, I can feel that I'm once again hard as a rock and throbbing. Like, seriously? What is going on with me this morning?

I drink a large glass of water, both for my hangover as well as my dry mouth, and head into the bathroom to take one of my anti-anxiety pills. I ignore my swollen cock for now figuring this is definitely not a good time to deal with it.

I lie back down in bed and try to relax as I wait for this anxiety episode to pass. I roll over and realize that the bed smells different. Like, a type of cologne that I recognize. Then it hits me that this was where Archer had slept last night. It's normally my spot so I didn't think twice when I laid back down.

My anxiety starts receding and my breathing is returning to normal so I figure I'd just continue to lay here rather than move even though every breath I take is a reminder of why I'm having this attack to begin with. I close my eyes and continue to breath normally. With each breath I take more of his cologne in and eventually I'm no longer turned off by the smell, rather, I'm enjoying it. Truth be told, it smells really good. Definitely an expensive cologne and now my side of the bed smells as good as if I had just washed my sheets. Laying in bed on freshly laundered sheets is one of my favorite things in the world so the smell is actually comforting me.

I roll onto my back again and stare at the ceiling thinking about the last 24 hours, mainly the last 2 hours. After a while I start to think about how I've always loved the human body and how it works so I took an intro class to psychology last year as an elective. It was amazing. I had a wonderful professor and the other people in the class were very smart and engaging so that whole semester was filled with deep talks and discussions on the human psyche. We talked and debated everything from what makes serial killers tick to what makes people have kinks and turn-ons.

For that reason, I start smiling. It's funny what the human mind will do when it's overcome with hormones. Just the other day, in a fit of passion after jerking off, the thought of tasting my own cum aroused me so much I actually did! Truth be told, it actually did taste pretty good. An interesting mix of sweet and salty. It was hot tasting my own fluids. In fact, I made a mental note to try it again when the moment was right because after two tastes that round, it was enough for me and I cleaned the rest of myself off with a towel but I was still curious to experiment more.

Then, fast-forward a few days later, a friend gets too drunk and stays over. We wake up and, obviously for separate reasons, we both wake up with wood. It didn't matter the reason but our brains where pumping out too many hormones and then when I had the chance to see his hard cock through his shorts it made me harder. I'm straight, and it was another dude's cock I was staring at, but in that moment it didn't matter. It was human anatomy. It was sex. And my brain loved sex in that moment and made my dick even harder to prepare me for sex. Yeah, that's what's going on!

I kept smiling and just marveled at what our brains can do and process. I also felt proud of myself for a moment. For the first time in my life, I was faced with another man's hard cock and it didn't repulse me. In fact, it got me even harder in the moment. I passed another test proving my own self-security and it got me thinking that if I could pass this test with a man and not be repulsed, then maybe, just maybe I could pull off being in a three way one day!!

It had always been a fantasy of mine and now that I know I could perform in front of a guy and using his own sex and anatomy to fuel my own arousal, I could totally pull off being in a three way and fuck the shit out of some girl! It'd be so hot. I'd be fucking her pussy from behind while I watch her giving head to another guy. It'd be like porn but I'd be living it! The thought makes me smile. I must still be processing everything that happened because even after all those psychology and sex thoughts I just had, I'm not hard in the slightest. It doesn't bother me; my poor brain must be fried right now. I'll get it up later and get myself off. In the meantime, there's coffee to be had.

I'm more calm now and bustling around the kitchen when my phone vibrates on the counter. I had just taken my first sip of coffee and opened an article on my iPad so I ignore it for a while. About half an hour later when I've finished my coffee and am as caught up on the news as I care to be I finally turn my attention to my phone. Archer had text me.

"Dude, I'm so so sorry for this morning. I feel like I royally fucked up. I should have just kept my mouth shut about everything. We cool?"

I thought about it for a minute. I mean, he didn't do anything wrong now that I think about it. He was just trying to break the tension. Was it weird? Fuck yeah! But it's not like he's gay and lunged at me or anything. Plus, he obviously feels super bad about things.

"Yeah, we're cool. It was weird, but it could have been worse. You were just trying to be funny and cut the awkwardness of the moment. In hindsight, it actually was pretty funny lol but promise me that this is Fight Club and we drop it from here"

"Thank god bro! I was so scared! You're too cool and didn't want this to blow up our friendship. You're fun to chill with. And yeah, consider it forgotten and dropped man!"

I feel loads better. He's right, he's pretty cool to chill with and I don't think I'm ready to drop him as a friend just yet. Not to mention, I'm still planning on getting with his friend Ashley so I'll need his help as a wingman.

It's Sunday and my last day off so I decide to just relax. I'm pretty hungover from yesterday and exhausted from my anxiety attack so I think its day is a good day to hang around the apartment in my pajamas. I plop down in a recliner, lean back, and turn on Netflix. There's a new season of Family Guy on so I binge watch that for the rest of the day only taking breaks to go to the bathroom and get food. Overall, today was a great day to relax and prepare to go to class tomorrow and then work.

The week starts off normally and I continue my routine. Archer and I are texting more and I'm glad we've returned back to normal. We're actually texting more than we were and I'm getting to know him better and am getting closer to him. I'm really glad what happened didn't get in between us because he's actually turning into a close friend. We met up 3 times this week at the gym and he's helping me get into a workout routine.

Maybe I'm just being cocky because its only been one week but I feel like I'm already seeing a difference in my body. I like it! Between sets, Archer breaks the bad news to me that Ashley started seeing some guy over the weekend which sucks because I had casually started texting her. Whatever, I'm glad he told me this now before I got too interested.

I can be pretty jealous which is why I think my girlfriend last semester cheated on me. She's a total bitch and I hate her but I'd be lying if I said I'm not an overprotective, smothering boyfriend.

I'm off tonight and John invited me to a gallery opening where they're featuring a couple pieces of his so I thought I'd head over there to show my support. I don't know anything about art but like I said, John is an amazing artist and I really like his work. I think he said there will be a painting of his and a small sculpture.

I get dressed up and give myself a once over in the mirror. I really clean up well! I arrive at the gallery about 5 minutes late but John is just now getting here so I don't feel bad anymore. We make our way in and grab some champagne from one of the servers.

It's moments like this that I'm super proud of my university. Again, I don't know shit about art but our fine arts department really does attract some amazing talent and I can still fully appreciate the work they do. John says he has some people he needs to mingle with for a bit but points me towards the section he's featured in. I down my glass and get a refill before making my way to the other hall.

I immediately find his and just stand there with my heart full of pride. Before me is an absolutely stunning oil painting he completed over the summer. I cannot believe one of my friends created this from nothing. I find his statue and admire it but I have to say it was a little bit of a let down from the painting. He's good but he was never much of a sculptor.

I continue to make my way around the hall checking out the other works going clockwise around the room before I hit a particular piece that stops me in my tracks and makes my heart skip a beat. It's a coal sketch with impeccable detail of the male subject who is featured completely nude and bearing everything.

The model in the sketch is Archer.

I stare at the sketch for about a minute taking everything in. His broad shoulders, his strong chest, his firm torso with defined abs. The artist definitely got those right. Then my eyes move to something I've only seen through fabric until now: his penis.

Obviously, he's not hard in the sketch but, still, there it is in all its glory. "Looks like Archer is uncut" I think to myself also pondering what that must feel like. His pubes were either modestly omitted or he keeps himself smooth down there.

Then, without warning, I quickly look away and I realize I'm sweating. I'm not aroused or anything but I have an extreme sense of guilt in my stomach. I just saw one of my friends completely naked and I'm not sure if that's okay or not. He had never once told me he was modeling for the art department. He says he's on financial aid and he is living in the dorms so it would make since because I know some of those secessions pay very well, especially for a specimen in as good of shape as him.

I think it's best if I head home for the night. I had seen enough and the mounting guilt at seeing something that could potentially be extremely personal to him is actually making me feel sick to my stomach. I find John and rave about his work loudly enough to where people could hear me (that may or may not have been planned and staged) and then let him know I'm heading out because I'm starting to feel ill. He thanks me for coming out and tells me he hopes I start to feel better.

I really wish that I did. I felt awful from the moment I left and it continued on for the 30-minute drive home and didn't subside until I was at home and lying in bed. I feel like I should tell him but at the same time, how will he ever find out that I was there and had seen what I did. Plus, we just got over one awkward hump in our already infant-aged friendship. Are we really ready for another one?

I decided that it's best not to say anything. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right? If he want to tell me, then great. Until then, this will remain his secret that he's obviously not ready to share. I feel good with my decision. I'm a good friend.

Two weeks go by since the opening and I found it very easy to keep what I saw to myself. Archer and I are hanging out 4-5 days a week now between work outs, English tutoring at the Learning Center (I still make him go there because I don't get paid to tutor him at home), and just casually hanging out.

Tonight is one of those chill, hangout nights. It's Friday so he came over to relax and enjoy a few drinks before the weekend. I requested tomorrow off so that I could actually drink and enjoy myself tonight. We'd slowly been working down that handle of whiskey he left in my freeze. Thankfully, he remembered to bring Coke over to mix it with.

He wanted us to start a show called Sense8 that's on Netflix. It's supposed to be really cool and meta as fuck so it interested me. I like shows that make you think.

So far it's really interesting albeit a little hard to follow with us getting tipsy. I'm not going to give any spoilers away but eventually we come across a very intense sex scene and it's so hot. Everyone in the cast is hot, including the men, so it definitely gets me going.

I haven't jerked off in a few days because I've been busy so this was definitely getting me hot and bothered. I'm holding my drink in my right hand but my left hand is free and starts to wander to my crotch. It's there for two reasons: to feel exactly how hard I am as well as block any traces of my hard on from Archer who is sitting in the recliner next to me.

Out of curiosity, I decide to look out of the corner of my eye to see Archer's reaction to the scene. I snort at what is almost a mirror image of myself: whiskey glass in one hand and his other hand resting on his crotch. Except, unlike me, his pinky is moving slowly. I... I think he's subtly rubbing himself. Clearly he's enjoying this as much as I am and that only adds fuel to my horny fire.

I have no idea where this boldness in me came from, maybe the liquor, but without looking at him I say, "Dude, this is pretty hot, huh."

"Mmhmm" is all I get out of him. He doesn't even break his gaze from the screen.

Again, boldness, no idea where it comes from but it leads me to say, "You... you getting hard over there?" My heart is racing. I have no idea why I'm asking him this or even why I'm curious. But now that it's out there, I'm desperate to know. Finally, he tears his gaze away from the TV and looks my away.

"Yeah" he says with a nervous chuckle "You?"

This makes me feel more comfortable and helps me lower my guard. "Oh yeah. This is so hot and intense. It's been a while since I've jerked off."

What the fuck made me say that?! Is this some lame ass college porno? Fuck I can be awkward sometimes!

"Really? Same here. It's been about a week since I last bust."

Oh thank god he said something. Wait, a week?! It's only been 3 days for me and I'm dying for release so I can't image how much he wants it so I decide to tell him that and he laughs.

"Yeah, it really sucks having a roommate that's always there as well as community showers. You're lucky you have this setup."

The more we talk about jerking off the more he starts grabbing at himself through his shorts and I can't help it so I follow his lead. We're silent and tugging at our hard-ons that are just begging to be taken out. I have no idea what to do but I don't have to wait long...

"So listen... we're both really fucking horny and it's been a while for us both. D... do you wanna... you know?" He trails off turning slightly pink in the cheeks. I can't help what I say next.

"Read the bible and sing hymns to Jesus?" I say with a mischievous grin.

"Fuck off with that!" he says laughing. "Come on, you wanna pop in a porno a get off real quick?"

That was bold but I can't say I didn't see this coming. After all, I'm the one that instigated it this time and I agree. He's in luck actually because, as Stone Age as this is, I happen to have only one porno DVD. I watch everything online most of the time.

I get up with my awkward boner sticking out and head towards my room. He's totally staring at my dick, too! That makes it throb a little bit. No homo, but it dose feel nice being checked out. Even by your horny guy friend who is tugging on his piece. I come back as fast as I can and pop it in. I've never had a circle jerk before but I'm all about new experiences so I'm actually curious to see what happens.

I take my seat to begin the show.

It starts off very simply, porn usually takes a little while to get the "story" going and this was about a brunette who needed to be taught a lesson from her teacher, so we sit there awkwardly for a minute still touching ourselves through our clothes.

We're getting closer to the action but he hasn't made a move yet. I know I'm supposed to be focusing on her but I can't help but give all of my attention Archer in my peripheral vision but he's still sitting there. I have a feeling he's watching me, too. Fuck it, I am not pushing my own boundaries for this awkward, stagnant shit so I take off my shirt and start unbuckling my belt.

He shouldn't be so obvious but I can see his face light up as he follows the leader. I guess he's just as into this idea as I am. After all, college is all about pushing boundaries and trying new things. This definitely qualifies.

We're playing with our hard dicks inside our shorts for about 2-3 minutes before Archer takes the lead. I guess he just can't hold out any longer. Ignoring me, he pulls his shorts and underwear and out flops his hard, throbbing cock smothered and shining with pre-cum. Way more than I usually produce.

I knew going in from the sketch I saw 2 weeks ago that he was uncut but I wasn't expecting him to be so... big! He's definitely bigger than me. I'd say 7.5 inches, maybe pushing 8 with how hard is dick is throbbing and still completely smooth. Fuck, his veins are bulging out everywhere on that thing! I glance up to find out that he had caught me checking him out because he's smiling and immediately I blush. Fuck that was embarrassing!

"Dude, chill, it's okay. I'm actually very curious as to what you've got going on down there so stop stalling and whip it out!"

That definitely caught me off guard but I did as he commanded and lifted up my ass to slide my remaining clothes down to my ankles. Finally, after much straining and fighting, my cock was free. The size actually caught me off guard. I must be hard as fucking hell because my cock had swollen to about half an inch longer than usual and felt thicker. I'm cut so the mushroom head of my cock is fully exposed and is very, very pink. It's shining with the pool of pre-cum that had been building up. He may be bigger but I'm still very fucking proud of my throbbing piece so I subtly angle myself to a position where he can get a full view.

"Fuck! You're big too!" He said stroking his dick while taking in the sight of mine. "Sorry to be so upfront but I've never seen another dude's hard dick before so I was really curious" he said with another laugh.

"It's cool, you already caught me peeking at yours"

I look again and this time take a moment to check out his foreskin. It's pulled tighter than in the picture because he's hard but with every stroke it completely covers his swollen, red head. I'm not sure why but I'm mesmerized. Maybe I'm in shock because of what I'm doing but I can't take my eyes away from his cock while he's stroking it. After a few more strokes, a huge glob of pre-cum spills out of the tight slit at the tip of his cock and pools around his thumb where his grip is. He's pre-cumming so much that this new addition opens the flood gates and sends a thick string of pre-cum rolling down his hand, finally landing on his balls.

I finally take a quick moment to gather myself and tear my eyes away from his cock to see what he's doing. He's not looking me in the face as I took him all in, watching himself service his own cock, or even watching the porn playing in the background. His gaze is glued to my own cock like I was to his a few seconds ago. He's also taking in this new, foreign sight. Enjoying a new experience that neither of us has had before.

I smile and draw my focus back to his cock. I look for that glob of pre-cum that fell to his balls but am shocked to find he has no balls! What the fuck?! I look closer and see that no, he actually does have balls but they're pulled up so close to his cock in anticipation of release that they're virtually invisible. He's so close already!

I move my free hand to my balls and suddenly realize that they're equally pulled tight. I had no idea that I was this close either! So far, I hadn't watched the video at all; I'm just watching Archer tug on his fat cock.

My hand was on my balls for no more than 3 second before I hear a loud moan that rips my attention from Archer's cock and balls. His head is thrown back and his chest is heaving. He then whips his head back and stares intently at his own dick and I follow suit. I think I know what's happening.

I was right. Within seconds I can see deep, deep pulsations under his dick and I see him squirting very thick, white globs of cum directly onto his abs. He's not a shooter like I am but his small squirts are strong and are emptying out a very large thick, white load.

Without warning, an instant fire is ignited under my balls at just the sight of Archer moaning and achieving orgasm and pushes me over the edge. Despite still being in ecstasy from his own, strong orgasm, he's still stroking his cum drenched dick and quickly looks over at my cock to see me blow. And blow I did.

Shot after shot. Rope after rope. I'm moaning and thrashing my head back and forth with my eyes glued shut. I try but I can't open them. Searing hot cum is launching out of my cock at rapid speed hitting me all over my face, chest, and abs. 5 shots. 8 shots. 10 shots. I lose count. I've never, ever cum so hard in my life. My brain is on fire and there are actual tears making my eyes misty from the sheer intensity and pleasure of this orgasm. I finally stop shooting and hear somewhere in the distance a familiar voice moaning again. I think watching my orgasm pushed Archer over the edge again and I can definitely hear him cumming a second time.

My eyes are still closed but I can hear us both breathing like we had just run a marathon. For him, he may have. Two orgasms back to back. If only I could be so talented.

"Holy shit dude, you're covered" I hear him say from miles away. I'm still nowhere near ready to open my eyes and bring myself back to reality.

I sat there in silence with my eyes closed as long as I could before I felt a soft, warm hand gently touching my shoulder. It was Archer shaking me slightly, trying to bring me back down to Earth. I can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks.

"Dude, it's okay. Come back to me man."

I take one last, long breath through my nose and stretch my back. The room smells like sweat. Like sex. Smells of man. I'm not sure why but I really enjoy it. It's a smell of pleasure and bonding between friends so I savor it.

I open my eyes and see him standing over me smiling, covered in larger load than I remember. I look down and see that he's right, I'm completed drenched in warm cum. I'm not sure why, but I look back at him smiling and can help but he happy at the relaxed look on his face. After all, it was my orgasm that made for his new, relaxed state and I'm proud of that.

Next: Chapter 5

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