Ben and Archer

By Sean Kushaney

Published on Aug 13, 2015


Ben & Archer – Chapter One

Coffee. Sweet nectar of life. A college student's best friend.

My morning routine is pretty consistent: wake up, waste half an hour on Facebook and tumblr on my phone while still laying in bed, take my morning piss, then head to the kitchen to grind some coffee beans and start a pot of coffee before getting in the shower.

I love the smell of coffee. After grinding the beans I'll always bring the grinder to my nose and inhale deeply to take in the rich scent from the grinds. I can't help it, I'm addicted!

As the coffee is brewing, I make my way to the bathroom and start the shower. I take off all my clothes and, as per my morning routine, I look myself completely over in the mirror. I'm not vain at all, mainly because I have nothing to be vain about, but I've always been pleased with my body.

I'm 5' 11" and have a thin, lean build that carried over from high school where I was on the cross-country track team. I guess I've inherited a good metabolism with my genes because, although I never workout, I'm still the same weight I was when I was 17. I know it's only been 2 years since my track days, but I'm happy I haven't gained any weight. The girls at my school are attracted to lean builds so it works perfectly for me!

I give my face a once over and thank the heavens my skin is finally cooperating. As I get ready to exit my teen years, my body is finally acting more like an adult's and I'm breaking out less and less. This morning I was happy to see that my skin was completely blemish free for the first time in weeks. I guess you could say I'm "handsome". I'm straight but can appreciate a man's looks so with my brown hair and hazel eyes and youthful features, I choose to classify myself as "handsome" but not "hot". I give myself a little wink and get into the shower.

I let the water rinse over my body and I immediately get goosebumps. I like to keep my apartment very cold so the warm sensation of the water washing over my cool skin always gives me shivers and make my dick twitch. I usually take care of my morning wood in the shower because it's easy cleanup but this wasn't one of those wood mornings I guess. Still, though, I decide it's better to get it up and take care of it now before heading out to campus and risking a surprise boner.

If I'm being honest, I really love my dick and consider myself gifted. It's 7 inches cut and the perfect girth. My girlfriend last semester called it a "boyfriend penis". She heard it from some gay YouTuber and basically it means that it's not too big and it's not too small, rather, it's the perfect length for comfortably fucking and not worry about pain and being stretched out or worse, the opposite: not feeling it at all. So I was very happy about that!

I grab my body wash and squirt some in the palm of my hand. I start lathering up my body and since I'm so lean I can feel all of my muscles under my skin working and contracting, especially my abs. I work my way down to my dick where I have a semi going and use the lather as a quick lube.

I start going to work and in no time, I'm fully erect and throbbing. I close my eyes and start thinking about all of the blowjobs that I got last semester... two. Okay, I may be going through a dry spell but they were still hot! I smile to myself at my own little joke and keep pumping away with my eyes closed. I can feel a different texture on my dick than the lather and know I must be dripping pre-cum like crazy.

My breathing increases and I can feel my heart racing so I know I'm getting close. My mouth is open slightly and I'm gasping a little as my eyes start clenching while I continue to work my throbbing cock. My balls start to pull close to my body and I know I'm getting to the point of no return. I move my free hand to my balls and admire how fucking tight my sac has gotten and know that it's going to be a big load.

Then within seconds, I'm shooting rope after rope of cum onto the floor of my shower. My eyes are still closed but my free hand on my balls and taint can feel the hard, strong pulsing of my orgasm so I know the load is big.

After the pulsing stops, I lean against the wall of the shower and the cold tile against my hot skin brings the goosebumps back. I stay there for a few moments as I catch my breath and let my heart calm down. I can feel my dick going soft in my hand and the tension in my balls releasing. I open my eyes, smile and then laugh when I see that the shots of cum I though were hitting the floor of the shower were actually painting the shower wall opposite me. "I had no idea I was that horny" I thought to myself still smiling and continued my shower by washing and conditioning my hair and then washing everything off, including the wall.

After taking out my Invisalign trays, I wrap a towel tightly around my waist and make my way to the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee and eat a breakfast bar. In the kitchen I turn my iPad on and start checking the news as I drink my coffee still being conscious of the time. I have to be on campus by 9 for class and I live 30 minutes away. At around 8, I finish my coffee and head back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Like I said, I have brown hair and hazel eyes that I'm quite fond of. My hair is thick so it's hard to tame sometimes but today it was cooperating and I actually liked how it came out. I decide to shave even though I don't really grow facial hair, it just comes in patchy, but I wanted to look fresh today since my hair was looking good. I guess no facial hair goes along with having youthful features, although, I wish I could grow a beard. A lot of guys on campus have beards and I think they look good, especially when they're trimmed close and edged up.

I brush my teeth real fast and put my Invisalign trays back in. Growing up, we couldn't afford braces or any major dental care outside of my bi-annual cleanings but the last 3 years my parents had been doing extremely well at work and both of the companies they worked for were growing as the economy bounced back so they were able to afford invisible braces for me once they started getting raises. I was really happy because I've always wanted to get my smile fixed as it was the only part of me that I felt was lacking. I only have 6 more months left but my smile has already completely straightened out.

Putting on a pair of loose boxers, I head over to my closet. In some ways I guess I am your typical straight guy because I have no fashion sense and usually just end up wearing graphic tees and a pair of shorts or baggy jeans. Today I chose shorts because it's going to be warm out. Very warm. Hot even. Ugh, Texas weather sucks. It might get up to 97 today and I'm not looking forward to that.

Heading to my car, I get a glimpse of the pool and I see two of my neighbors already lying out. I can't imagine why they're at the pool so early but I guess they're trying to get some sun without getting burned. They're two girls that I see sometimes on campus but never have the courage to say hi to. They're so beautiful and I definitely stared at them by the pool in their bikinis longer than I should before getting in my car. Now I'm happy I got off in the shower or else I would be heading to campus with a full on boner right now.

I go to the University of North Texas, which is in Denton, TX about an hour north of Dallas, but I live in Lewisville because apartments are cheaper and it's close to work, restaurants, and shopping & entertainment. I don't mind the 30-minute drive to get to campus but today traffic is just awful. The moment I get onto the Lake Lewisville Bridge traffic slows down to a crawl and I just know I'm going to be cutting it close.

After an annoying battle with traffic I finally make it to campus but, of course, I'm so late I'll be lucky to find parking. I bought one of those parking passes that is a total rip-off but managed to find a spot in the very back. I'm hauling ass to class, which sucks because it's already hot and I'm starting to sweat. Thank god I remembered to put on deodorant today.

I'm only two minutes late to class but the professor doesn't notice or care, I guess. I take the last seat in the front and, because my luck sucks today, I'm right next to a beautiful blond and I look like a sweaty mess. Oh well, at least my hair looks good today. Maybe that'll distract her. It didn't. She sat as far away from me in her chair as she could. Great. Oh well, time to focus on this lecture.

English has always come easy to me. The subject, not the language. Although, that came easy to me too... but I digress. That's why I chose to become an English major while in college. I'm a sophomore now and in my second semester. I like it so far; I get along with the professors and usually enjoy the readings they assign so, overall, I'd say college has been easy for me thus far. I took on tutoring English this semester as a second job and I start today.

I only have 2 classes today and afterwards I head off campus for lunch since they're building a new Student Union. Denton doesn't have a lot to offer food-wise when you're pinched for time but they have a Chipotle close by which is a lifesaver. There's a gay guy who works behind the counter at this location and he always likes to flirt with me. I'm straight but secure in myself and I actually take it as a compliment. I told you I can appreciate a man's looks and I guess he's a pretty cute guy. Every now and then I'll flirt back a little and I guess it's no coincidence that when I do I get free chips and a drink. Score! Now if only I could get some free guacamole...

It's too hot to eat outside and too noisy in the restaurant so I take it to-go and bring it back to the Learning Center where I'll be tutoring. I finish up as fast as I can because my first student is supposed to be here at 1pm. I have to admit, I'm very nervous because I've only ever tutored friends and that was always in a casual setting. Here, it's way more formal. Finally, 1pm rolls around... then 1:10pm... then 1:30pm... nothing. Damn, stood up on my first tutoring appointment. Oh well, at least I'm getting paid. Let's hope this Chelsea girl doesn't fail her course.

A teacher at the Learning Center lets me know that Chelsea was my only client today so I would be free to go home but she just had a call-in saying there's a music major desperate for help with an essay and wanted to swing by. I agree to stay a little later but head to the café at Willis Library to get an afternoon cup of coffee real quick. Told you, I'm addicted.

I head back to the Learning Center and sit back down to wait. I couldn't have been there for 30 second until I heard a man's voice behind me, "Benjamin Grant?" I stop mid-sip of coffee and turn around to see what has to be the most attractive man I have ever laid eyes on addressing me.

He looks panicked but nice as he stretches out his hand and says, "Hi, I'm Archer. I'm the guy that called in earlier. Please tell me you can help me fix this fucking essay."

Next: Chapter 2

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