
By Starfire

Published on Sep 19, 2002



This story is a complete work of fiction. Any similarities of the characters to anyone, living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story is not meant for anyone under the age of 18. It contains graphic details of a homosexual relationship. If this offends you, this story is NOT for you.

Ben (A Starfire Story)

Life is such a strange thing sometimes. One never knows what is around the corner, or whom one might meet. There is a song that says, 'The best that we can hope for is to die in our sleep.' I guess, that means that life is just a game of chance, a simple roll of the dice, if you will. To this day, I'm thankful that I rolled a seven just once in this crapshoot that we all call life.

Before I continue, perhaps I should tell you a bit about myself. My name is Michael Robinson. I'm just your average American guy, at five foot nine inches tall and about one hundred and eighty pounds. I have short brown hair, and green eyes. Some say that I'm an attractive man, but I fail to see it myself.

Anyway, I've always known that I was different. I mean, I've always known that I like guys, even from an early age. I never knew just how much, until the day that Ben walked into my life.

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 25 years old, and I was working on my uncle's farm in Kentucky. It's such a beautiful place nestled against the rolling mountains, with deep green meadows, and the rippling sound of a near by creek. It had always been the place that I had gone to clear my mind, or to get away from everything, and everyone. I guess that's why my uncle had left me the place in his will. I still called it his place because, everywhere I looked, I was reminded of him. Sometimes, when it's really quiet, it's almost as if I can still hear his voice. He was the kind of man that worked hard and never had a bad word to say about anyone. I miss him. He was the one person that I could always talk to about anything. He knew that I was gay, but it never seemed to bother him. All he ever wanted was for me to be happy. If I was happy, then he was happy.

Anyway, like I was saying, I was working on the farm, when I saw this guy walking up the road. I knew something was up, because this farm was in the middle of nowhere. There was only one other place on the road, but no one had lived there in years. It was rare to even see a car, and yet here was this guy. I never dreamed that it would be the beginning of a friendship that would last a lifetime.

"Excuse me." He said, with a friendly smile.

"Can I help you?" I answered, as he approached.

"Yeah, I'm Ben Thompson." He said, as he held out his hand to me.

"Michael Robinson," I said, shaking his hand. "What can I do for ya?"

"Nice to meet you Michael." He said, as he released my hand.

"Likewise," I said, placing my hands on my hips, as he began to speak.

"I bought the old Emerson place up the road. I hate to bother you, but my car won't start. I saw your place, as I went by, and I was hoping that someone would be home." He said, all in one breath, but never losing his composure, or his smile.

"Well, today's your lucky day." I said, with a laugh in my voice. "So, you bought the old Emerson place. No one has lived there for years. I bet it's in need of some repairs."

"Actually, it's not in bad shape at all. It's gonna need a new roof and some plumbing repair, but the rest are just little things that I can do myself." He said, almost proud as he spoke of the place.

"Well, why don't you hop in and let's go see if we can get that car of yours started." I said, as I pointed towards my pick up truck.

Ben got in the truck and we headed for his place. He seemed to be a really nice man. He was around my age and we had a few things in common. He was really into music, as was I. He loved a good drama, and he was an artist. Granted, I wasn't an artist in the same way he was, but I like to think of music as an art. I feel that sometimes a song has a personality all it's own.

I glanced at Ben every once in a while as he spoke, and I noticed that he was truly a handsome man. He was taller than I was. I guessed him to be around six foot two. He had dark hair, blue eyes and a muscular body. His face was shaved, although he was sporting a five o'clock shadow. His shirt was opened just a bit, exposing a dark chest warmed by a thick layer of hair.

"So, have you lived here long?" He asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I've lived here for most of my life." I said, causing my thoughts to once again return to the days when I worked on this farm with my uncle.

"Well, I hope to have all the repairs finished in about a month or so, and then, I guess, we'll be neighbors." He said, with a smile.

"Really?" I asked, giving him an unsure look.

"Yeah, I lived in the city for a long time, but I came up here with a friend of mine not too long ago and just fell in love with the place." He said, and I could see by his expression that there was more to it than he was telling me, but it was really none of my business.

We managed to find the problem with Ben's car and fixed it in no time. A minor adjustment to the battery cable took care of the problem. He and I talked for a long while after that, and we really seemed to hit it off. I don't know. There was just something about this man that I really liked. I enjoyed being with him. He was kind, funny, imaginative, and handsome. There was just something about him that seemed to draw me in, somehow. It's hard to explain, but I'm sure that anyone that had ever spoken with him; had felt the same thing. It was as if his heart shown through in his words, and expressions.

"Hey man, thanks a lot for helping me with the car." He said, once again shaking my hand, and this time placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Ah, you're more than welcome. After all we're going to be neighbors. Can't have us starting off on the wrong foot now, can we?" I said, making him laugh.

"No, I guess not." He said, giving me that killer smile.

"Well, I guess I'd better be heading back." I said, putting my tools in the truck.

"Michael," He said, as he moved to stand beside me.

"Yeah," I said, as I turned to look at him.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" He asked, almost nervous at the question.

"Well, nothing special, I was just gonna sit around the house and watch some television. Why?" I asked, curious as to what he was thinking.

"I was thinking that if you didn't have anything else to do, maybe we could go out and get something to eat, and just hang out tonight, my treat." He said, sliding his hands in his pockets. "I'd like to repay you for your help."

"Ben, you don't have to do that. It's not like it was brain surgery or anything, just a loose cable." I said, thankful for the invitation, but not wanting him to feel obligated.

"True enough, but if you hadn't been there, I might have been stranded here for God knows how long, so it's the least I can do." He said, becoming more at ease about the whole thing.

"Well, I wouldn't mind getting out of the house tonight for a while. It's a date." I said, grinning at him, causing him to turn a slight shade of red, but he rolled with it just the same.

"Fine, I'll pick you up in about two hours. Should I bring flowers?" He said, with a slight laugh, still carrying on with our little joke: or was it?

Anyway, I left Ben and headed on back home all the while thinking of our conversation. From what I had learned about him, He was quite a guy. I was beginning to look forward to our time together.

Time moved rather slowly from my conversation with Ben, to the time for me to get ready to leave again. I decided to go casual and dressed in some black pants and a nice hunter green shirt. I figured that way, I'd be safe if we went out to a nice place, or if we just ended up at a fast food place. It was comfortable, yet a few steps up from jeans and a T-shirt.

As I was giving myself one last glance in the mirror, I heard the doorbell ring. Assuming it to be Ben, I made my way to the door, and opened it. I was not however prepared for what I saw before me. As I opened the door, I came face to face with quite possibly the most beautiful creature that I had ever encountered in my life. He stood there dressed in dark casual slacks, with a blue pull over shirt. The neckline dropped in a V shape, exposing his chest hair. The color of his shirt made his eyes seem even more piercing blue than they were earlier. I could hardly get my breath as I looked at him. He must have sensed my uneasiness.

"Michael, is something wrong?" He asked, in a nervous tone.

"What? Oh no, it's just that you look really good. Maybe I should go change." I said, feeling a bit awkward at the moment.

"Oh don't be silly. You look great." He said, giving me a slight pat on the arm.

"Are you sure?" I asked, still a bit uneasy about my appearance.

"Yeah, you look great. Stop worrying." He said, giving me that reassuring smile of his.

"Okay, if you say so." I said, throwing caution to the wind.

"So, where are we headed?" I asked, as we headed for the car.

"I thought we'd go into town to that little Italian place, I saw the other day." He said, causing me to mentally scan the area.

"Oh, you mean, "Emilio's"? I asked, glancing in his direction.

"Yeah, that's the place. I stopped there the other day, and the food was great." He said, turning onto the main road, heading for town.

"You like Italian food?" I asked, finding even more common ground with him.

"Yeah, I love it, but if you don't we can go somewhere else." He said, being quite the gentleman.

"Are you kidding? I love Emilio's." I said, causing him to smile even brighter.

"I guess, that's another thing we have in common. Are you sure you're not my long lost brother?" He said, with a slight laugh.

"I'm beginning to wonder myself." I said, becoming amazed at the many interests that we seemed to share.

As we sat down to our meal, I found that we shared the same taste in food, the same taste in music, and movies. I don't think there was much of anything that we talked about that we didn't find some kind of common ground. We shared the same taste in clothes although we did disagree on some things, but not many.

Ben talked about his family, his childhood, his hopes, and his dreams. From what I had gathered from him, his parents were really great people. All they ever wanted for him was love, success, and happiness. If he achieved that, then their dreams for him were fulfilled. According to Ben, he had achieved success, and happiness, however love had alluded him.

I marveled that such a man had never found the great love of his life. He was everything that I would have ever wanted in a man; or at least he seemed to be. He spoke of life with such enthusiasm, that he seemed a mere child trapped in an adult body. Watching him made me think of the old saying, 'You're only as old as you feel.' I imagined what a wonderful father he would make some day, as I listened to him.

Ben and I continued talking all the way back to my house. I was simply amazed at how well we got along and the things that we had in common. It was as if we had known each other our entire lives. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was still more to Ben Thompson than met the eye. I was soon to find out, just how much more.

As we pulled into my driveway, I notice a bright full moon making it's way over a nearby mountain. As I got out of the car, I looked up into a sky filled with stars. This was what I loved about living in the country. There was beauty by day and by night. I smiled, as I looked out over the nearby creek, which had captured the reflection of the moon. I was filled with a feeling of, "Man, it just don't get no better than this."

I noticed that Ben had gotten sort of quiet, as I turned toward the front porch. He didn't say anything. He just followed.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, sensing the change in my countenance.

"Oh nothing, I was just taking in the beauty of a country night, I guess." I said, smiling at him.

"I know what you mean." He said, as he seemed to drift off in his own thoughts.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked, as I pointed towards the porch swing.

"Sure, that would be great." He said, taking a seat on the swing and gazing out at the glory of nature's light show.

"What's your poison?" I asked him, as I stood in the open door.

"Whatever you're having is fine." He said, being his normal polite self.

I returned a few minutes later with a couple of mixed drinks that I felt would cap off the evening nicely for us.

"Thanks," He said, as I handed him his drink.

"Don't mention it," I said, taking a seat in a nearby chair.

For a moment we just settled into a nice calm quiet. Neither of us spoke, but it was a pleasant, comfortable silence. We sat there listening to the music of nature as the crickets and the frogs serenaded us. Finally, I decided to break the silence.

"So, tell me what made you decide to buy the old Emerson place?" I asked, glancing for a moment at my newfound friend.

"I guess, I just felt like I needed a change of scenery." He said, although his expression led me to believe there was more to the story.

"Ah, life in the big city got to be too much for ya, huh?" I said, in an almost joking manner.

"You could say that." He answered, as his countenance fell.

I could tell that something was bothering him, but I didn't know if I should say anything. I mean, we had known each other less than twenty- four hours, and it was hardly my place to go prying into his business.

As Ben looked out into the beauty of the night, I felt as if he were searching for words; that seemed to evade him.

"Ben, are you okay?" I asked, as he continued to stare into the open night.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking." He said, his mood changing slightly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, trying to give him an opportunity to speak his mind.

"Yes and No," He said, becoming a bit more nervous than before.

"Ben, whatever's on your mind, you can talk to me, it's okay." I said, trying to reassure him that he was among friends.

"I'm sorry, man." He said, as he seemed to mentally kick himself.

"For what?" I asked, giving him an unsure look.

"For getting all moody and stuff." He said, still trying to find the words to tell me what was on his mind.

"Ben, listen. I like you. I think you're a great guy, and no matter what it is that's bothering you; you can tell me, it's okay." I said, being as plain and truthful as I knew how to be.

"I feel the same way about you, Michael. That's why I want to be honest with you. I think there are some things that you should know." He said, his expression carrying so much doubt with it.

"What kind of things?" I asked, becoming more confused by the minute.

"When I bought the old Emerson place, I had hoped to share it with someone very special. Unfortunately, that was not to be the case; at least not in the way that I had planned." He said, struggling with his words.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, unsure if I should push him too far.

"I had hoped to share this place with my lover. Two months before I was to sign the final papers, I came home to find him in bed with someone else." He said, his face revealing so much pain.

"I'm really sorry, Ben." I said, taking him a bit by surprise.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." He said, still unsure of what to do, or say.

"How long had you two been together?" I asked, hoping he would open up a little more.

"Three years," He said, not looking in my direction, but staring into the star filled sky.

"It must be a terrible thing to have to go through that." I said, trying to share his pain, as best I knew how.

"It's like having a part of you die; or at least that's what it felt like to me." He answered, his heart finally speaking for him.

I stood from my seat and walked to stand behind him. I could see the tears on his cheek shining in the moonlight. I didn't say anything. I just wrapped my arms around him and held him for a moment. I could see by his reaction that he was shocked at what I'd done.

"Are you okay?" I asked, in a comforting tone of voice.

"Yeah, I'm okay. You just surprised me, that's all." He said, his voice a bit shaky.

"Why is that?" I asked, not sure what he meant.

"I thought maybe you'd be upset about the gay thing." He answered, honestly.

"Well, I was surprised, but not upset. Actually, I'm glad you're gay." I said, totally taking him by surprise.

"You are? Why?" He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Because, I'm gay." I whispered into his ear.

"You are?" He asked, in astonishment as he turned in my arms so he was facing me.

"Yes, Ben. I am." I said, staring sympathetically into his eyes.

Seeing the truth, Ben wrapped his arms around me and just let me hold him. I could tell that he was comforted, just to be in my arms. He had been through a lot in the last year or so. The least I could do was to be there for him now. I couldn't imagine the betrayal that he must have felt. Ben had experienced it, dealt with it, and was now trying to move on with his life. I was determined that I would be there if he'd let me.

Ben lifted his head and just stared into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Before either of us realized what was happening, our faces drew closer, until our lips touched. At that moment my body felt energy like it had never encountered. I closed my eyes as our lips caressed each other, causing a stirring inside me that I hadn't felt in quite a while. Although my body ached to be with this man, I forced myself to stop. After all, he had been through a lot and I didn't want to take advantage of the situation.

"I'm sorry, Ben." I said, as our lips separated.

"Why?" He asked, looking into my eyes again.

"I shouldn't have done that. You've been through a lot and I don't want to do anything that we'll regret. I just want to make sure that you're ready." I said, genuinely concerned about him.

"I'm ready." He said, returning his lips to mine.

At that point, I needed no further convincing. I wrapped my arms around him and began to kiss him with everything within me. It felt so wonderful being in his arms. His kisses ignited a fever inside that caused me to melt into him. It was as if he and I had become one. I savored the taste of his lips, the smell of him, the warmth of his body against mine.

It didn't take us long to find our way to the bedroom, stopping along the way to once again taste each other's kisses. As we reached the bedroom, I removed my shirt and shoes as quickly as I could, never letting my eyes leave his. He in turn did the same removing as much clothing as he could. I watched him breathe heavily as his eyes seemed to pierce my very soul.

Before long, we found ourselves entangled in a mass of flesh. Each of us enjoying the feel, the taste and the wonderful sensations caused by the synchronized actions of our bodies. I felt as if I was in Heaven.

Slowly he kissed my neck and my chest. I moaned out loud as he worked his way down my abdomen kissing and licking as if he were on a mission. In a matter of moments he had found his prize.

I sucked in a deep breath through my teeth as I felt him take me inside his mouth for the very first time. Inch by inch he worked my thick, rod into his throat. Licking and sucking up and down my manhood.

"Oh god, Ben that feels so good." I moaned, running my fingers through his hair.

He was like a man possessed. Tirelessly he worked on me, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body.

"Oh, Ben that's it baby. Do it. Oh yeah, that is so hot." I said, giving in to all the many wonderful feelings he was causing.

This man was great at sucking dick. I mean I was no slouch when it came to the cock area. I was packing a good thick, eight inches between my legs, but this guy handled it like a pro.

Before long he worked his way back up to me, kissing and licking. I took his face in my hands, kissing him passionately. As we wrestled with each other, all the while tasting each other, as if we couldn't get enough, I managed to find my way on top of him.

I slowly began my attack on his willing flesh. I could hear his whispered moans as I bathed him with my tongue. Ever so gently I kissed his neck, and shoulders. I worked my way down his hairy chest, kissing and licking every inch of him. I found my way to his nipples giving special attention to each one.

It was the first time that I had the chance to actually admire his firm, hairy chest as I worked him over with my tongue. Ben was truly a beautiful man.

I worked my way lower and lower until I reached the object of my affection. I touched him with my hand, watching as his hardened cock reacted to my gentle massage. I had never seen a more perfect piece of art in all my life. Ben's cock rivaled mine in thickness, however he surpassed mine in length. I guessed him to be around nine inches. However, I was to learn later that he was packing ten inches between those well-muscled legs.

I lowered myself to him, kissing and licking every inch of his massive cock. I took him in my hand and slowly took the head into my mouth. Giving it all that I had; I worked him inside me. I had never had a cock expand my muscles the way that his did. I could feel his meat sliding into me, each hardened inch entering my accepting throat. I could see Ben clutching the bed sheets as I worked my magic on him.

"Oh Michael, no one has ever made me feel this way." He said, his breathing altered by the intense pleasure he was experiencing.

I could feel his body shudder as I found myself nose deep in his pubic hair. I had managed to swallow the entire ten inches of his thick tool. As my throat became accustomed to this invading monster, I began to slide up and down on his meat sending him into unknown realms of ecstasy.

"Oh Michael, you're amazing, baby." He said, grabbing my head with both of his hands. He held them there as I continued to slide up and down his massive flesh.

I worked on him for a while longer until I could take it no more. I kissed my way up his chest until I found his waiting mouth. I kissed his neck finding my way to his ear. I nibbled slowly on his lobe, before I whispered the words I had been longing to say since I first met him.

"Ben, I want you." I said, breathing slightly into his ear.

"I want you too, Michael. Oh god, do I want you." He said, as he caressed my back.

"No, I mean I want you inside me. I want you to make love to me." I said, finally able to say the words to him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." He said, looking at me with both compassion and lust in his eyes.

"I'm sure." I said, staring into his eyes, as I ran my fingers through the hair on his chest.

"Baby, I want you so bad." He said, causing a huge smile to cross my face.

He tore open a condom and put it on, his eyes never leaving mine. I watched as he lubed up my ass, taking his time to gently massage and play with the entrance. I couldn't wait to feel him inside me.

As I lay there on my back, I could see his expression change. He pushed and I could feel the head of his hard cock pressing into my waiting hole. I felt the pressure from him as the head found itself inside me.

I took a deep breath as I felt him descending into me. I could feel each and every inch of him as he penetrated me in one slow, steady movement. Before long, I felt him come to rest against my ass. All ten inches of him were embedded inside me. It was an awesome feeling.

He gave me time to adjust to him before he began sliding out of me. Just as his mushroom like head was about to pull out of me, he slid all the way back inside. I could feel him stretching my inner walls massaging them with each slow thrust.

"Ben, you feel so good inside me. Give it to me, baby." I said, as he sped up his thrusts.

"Oh baby, you're so tight. You're making me feel so good." He said, his voice a low growl.

Ben began to shove his hard, thick meat into me with a newfound vigor. My body rocked as he slammed into my ass time after time.

"Fuck me, baby! Oh God yes, that feels great!" I exclaimed, moving to meet each thrust.

"Oh, Michael. I'm not gonna last much longer baby!" He said, as he continued to pound me.

"Do it, Ben. Give it to me! Let it go, baby!" I said, encouraging him to take all of me.

I didn't have to wait long. I could feel him growing bigger inside me. I felt him tense as his body reacted to the uncontrollable eruption that was happening.

"Oh God, I'm cumming!" He yelled, giving over to his orgasm.

"Here it comes! Oh, Oh God, Ahhhh!" He yelled, his body rocking against mine as he unloaded his massive gun inside of me.

He collapsed onto my chest as his cock convulsed inside me. I wrapped my arms around him, gently rubbing his shoulders and his back as he began the journey down from his powerful orgasm.

"Oh my god, Michael; that was amazing. You were amazing." He said, kissing my neck lightly, and tenderly.

We lay there for a moment as Ben's once powerful tool of passion found its way out of my body. I heard a slight moan escape his mouth as he slid out of me. I suddenly had a great feeling of emptiness, as his cock left me completely. I kissed him, holding his head in my hands to keep him right there in front of me.

I looked at him, seeing that look of passion in his eyes still burning brightly. He lowered himself to my chest kissing it gently. He worked his way lower until he had once again found my hard cock. In a matter of seconds he had me inside him, licking and sucking for all he was worth. I threw my head back into the pillow as he did things to me that I had never felt in my life. It didn't take long before I felt that familiar feeling.

"Oh Ben, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, baby!" I moaned, as he released my cock from his lips, but held it firm with his hand. He stroked me as I shot stream after stream of hot cum onto his chest, and my stomach. Never in my life had I experienced such passion.

He returned his lips to mine as he once again kissed me. I felt that at any moment I would awaken and this would all be just some wonderful dream. I don't think I could have imagined a more perfect evening.

Ben and I managed to make our way to the shower to clean up after our little work out. I just couldn't believe the feelings that this man brought out of me. It had been years since I'd felt this way about anyone.

I wasn't sure what he had in mind from there, but I knew that I didn't want him to go anywhere. I wanted him right there when I woke up the next morning.

As we made our way back into the bedroom I got my answer. Ben pulled the covers back; climbing into the bed and holding them open for me. I smiled as I slid in next to him. He pulled the covers up around us sliding in close behind me. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a spoon position. It felt wonderful lying there with him. It was just one of those moments that felt right, and I knew it. At that time I didn't know what tomorrow would hold for us, but for now, Ben was mine. The last thing I heard that night was the sound of his heart as it sang me to sleep.

Now, five years later, here we are; still living on the farm, still having fun, and finally enjoying the one true love that we both dreamed we'd one day have. We still have both farms, but we use Ben's as a guesthouse, for company, and for little get-togethers every once in a while. Who would have dreamed that a simple little loose battery cable would bring me the greatest gift that I've ever gotten? I think my uncle would have been proud. I just wish that he could have known, Ben. However, somehow, I think he's up there somewhere smiling down on us. So, until we meet again Uncle James, Ben and I love you.

The End

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