Belonging Series

By Boreas

Published on May 7, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at I can also be reached at Boreus on Recon if you prefer that.

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I cannot stress enough how thankful I am to all the readers who have reached out to me. It is incredibly humbling as a first time author to receive such amazing responses. Thank you all!

NOTE: I apologize for the wait on this chapter. I had to take the week to recharge as I was getting a little burnt out. Hopefully I can get back into a two or three day release schedule. I am planning a time skip in the next chapter so this doesn't become a daily diary. I also had a friend tell me that my dialogue felt a little forced at times and not truly indicative of how people converse, so I am trying something a little new in this chapter with speech patterns. Please let me know if it works or not.

And now for our feature presentation...

Belonging- CHAPTER 8

I don't know how long I was kept in the cage. At some point the noises Mike had compiled began to blend, nothing more than white noise punctuated by the degrading names Mike and his dad now knew me by. Early into my captivity I became aware that the voice belonged to my Daddy. My caged dick pulsed and leaked precum with each insult. 'Faggot.' Drip. 'Cunt.' Drip. 'Whore.' Drip. On and on it went, my body in a constant state of arousal. Finally the headphones were removed from my ears and Howard's voice floated down to my ears.

"Time's up piggy. You been down there two hours. We could hear ya moanin' all the way in the livin' room. You musta really liked whatever Mike had you listenin' to, huh?" he laughed derisively.

I could do nothing but moan in response while he gently removed the gag, allowing me to stretch my jaw and swallow. He told me to keep my eyes closed as the hood came off next, followed by the carabiners attaching my limbs to the cage. The leash was then clipped to my collar and I was hauled out into the room. My arms and legs protested to the sudden movement, causing me to cry out in pain. I opened my eyes slightly to readjust them while he slowly maneuvered me through the house back to the living room, where Mike was waiting on the couch. Howard positioned me in the middle of the room on my knees and returned to his recliner and turned on the television. He settled on some hunting show I had no interest in.

"Come here puppy," Mike said, pointing to the floor at his feet.

I crawled over to him and sat on my heels. He spread his legs and told me to crawl between them and turn around. I scrambled into position, placing my back against the couch. Mike curled his legs over my shoulders and draped them down my torso, resting his feet in my lap. His toes began to toy with my cage in various ways while we all watched men in camo count up the points on a buck they had just claimed. I felt his warm breath on my ear as he bent down to whisper to me.

"Did you enjoy your cage time puppy?" he asked sweetly. "We won't do that too much, it was just something I thought up at work. Wanted to see the effect it had on you. Now, on your stomach faggot. Got a treat for you."

I rotated and made myself prone on the floor. Mike told me to open and he shoved his right big toe into my mouth. He ordered me to suck. My tongue darted around as I hoovered on his toe. It was still slightly musky from his day at work, but clean otherwise. I savored the flavor as he moved me from one toe to the next when each was clean. He switched feet and we repeated the process. After all of his toes were clean he placed the four smaller ones into my mouth at once and shoved as deep as he could, tickling the back of my throat. I gagged and sputtered around his strong foot as he began to move it in and out, effectively fucking my face. Howard chuckled, watching the scene from his recliner.

"That's it slut, open that hole for Daddy. You've only got four toes right now; let's make it all five," he said bluntly.

With that Mike removed his size ten and placed all five toes at my lips. I quickly swallowed and opened again, allowing him to navigate the contours of my mouth until all of his toes were inside me. My lips were uncomfortably stretched around them, but I focused on moving my tongue to taste as much of him as I could. When he was satisfied, he removed his foot and pointed at his dad. I knew what was expected of me and set out to give Howard the same show of worship. Howard's feet were smaller because of his size, but no less masculine than his son's. While I was engrossed in his dad's feet, I felt Mike move behind me and shove my legs apart with his knees. Suddenly I felt a smack land on my ass, followed by him lifting my backside into the air to give him better access. He rained down blows the entire time I spent at his dad's feet, causing me to redouble my efforts to distract from the pain. Eventually Howard removed his feet from my mouth and placed them on the back of my head, pinning my face to the floor while Mike abused my ass.

"Look at that little pucker," Mike said. "It winks at me every time I spank you."

He landed a quick smack as if to prove his point.

"We are gonna be busting that open tonight, boy. You ready for that? Ready for Daddy to give you a cunt between your legs?" he asked.

"Yes Daddy," I said between clenched teeth.

"Good boy. Here's the plan. You are gonna crawl into the bathroom and clean yourself out. I left something in there for you with directions if you need 'em. Once you're done, crawl to Dad's room. We'll be waiting for you in there. Now get going," he said with one more smack to my ass.

Howard lifted his feet off my face and I made my way to the bathroom. On the counter by the sink was a bulb type douche, lube, and a little piece of paper with instructions. I was incredibly nervous because I didn't want to do this incorrectly and end up with any kind of complications. This needed to be perfect for him. I did my business and then filled up the bulb with warm water. After several failed attempts, I was able to understand the mechanics and cleaned several times until the water ran clear. I quickly washed with some soap and dried, then started crawling towards Howard's room. I found father and son laid back on his bed with their hands folded behind their heads, stark naked. I took in the sight for several seconds. Their bodies were similar, just in different proportions. Howard was meatier and more compact, with Mike being more lithe and slim. Mike crooked his finger and beckoned me onto the bed between them. I crawled up and sat at their feet. Each one offered me a foot, and I happily bent down to worship my owners.

"This is gonna be fun for all of us puppy. Just relax and let us do all the thinking. Your job is to make us feel good, that's it. Understand?" Mike asked.

I nodded and continue to lave each foot with my tongue, becoming increasingly excited for what was coming. They took their feet from me and changed positions. Howard moved into the center of the bed and placed me between his legs with my head in his chest. Mike took up the space in front of me and lifted my knees to my chest. Howard grabbed the back of my knees and kept me spread open for his son. I looked up into his face and he smiled down at me. A cold, wet sensation on my hole surprised me and I looked down to see Mike tracing a lubed finger around my entrance.

"It's okay piggy," Howard cooed. "Let Daddy work, just keep your eyes on me while he gets to know your hole."

I looked back up into his eyes and found nothing but love looking back at me. They wanted me to enjoy this, I realized. I took a deep breath and settled back into Howard's strong arms. Mike had managed to get his index finger to the second knuckle in the meantime, twisting and turning as he explored my insides. He began to gently slide it in and out, going slightly deeper with each insertion. His treatment continued for multiple minutes, allowing me to get used to the odd sensation of having something working my hole.

"I'm gonna add a second finger, now. Just keep your hole relaxed and let me work you open puppy," he said softly.

There was a slight build up of pressure as his middle finger joined the first in penetrating me. He repeated the process of slowly fucking me deeper and deeper while twisting and spreading his fingers to stretch me. I started quietly moaning and rocking my hips to meet his fingers as I became used to the sensations. On one stroke he curled both fingers and grazed my prostate. It wasn't entirely pleasant at first, feeling mostly like I had to take a piss. He retreated and grazed it again, massaging areas that had never been touched before. After several more strokes, my dick started drooling precum into my jock as he expertly manipulated the bundle of nerves. Mike looked up past me to his father and said I was ready. He sat up and took his place at my hole, his hard cock ready to carve itself a new home.

"I'm taking this slow puppy. I want you addicted to my fuck, craving me inside you every second of the day. Are you ready for that?" he asked.

I locked eyes with him and nodded slowly; I needed him inside me. The blunt tip of his cock kissed my hole and he replaced his dad's hands holding my legs open. He told me to push out and let him in, his eyes never leaving mine. After a minute of steady prodding I felt his mushroom head pop into me, forcing a gasp from my lungs. My hole snapped closed around his girth. He pushed forward steadily, burying his cock inch by inch. When he was about halfway I clenched and closed my eyes causing him to stop. He pulled back a bit then started pushing his way back in. Howard started offering me words of encouragement, calling me a 'good piggy' and telling me to 'take Daddy's cock' in his southern drawl. Mike carefully fucked his way through my hole's resistance, finally bringing his hips to rest against my upturned ass. His coarse pubic hair felt good against my sensitive skin. The three of us were covered in a sheen of sweat, a bundle of flesh writhing together as Mike harvested my cherry.

He remained still for a few minutes as I adjusted to his full size, then gently began rocking his hips to start fucking me. As I relaxed he picked up his pace. He repeatedly grazed the flare of his mushroom head across my prostate which had become sensitive to his ministrations. My dick was leaking copious amounts of fluid into the jock, struggling against its pink prison. The 'pussyboy' tag on my collar jingled with each of his heavy thrusts and his balls began slapping against my body, creating a symphony of sounds to accommodate his rut. Our eyes were still locked on each other, the rest of the world melting away even as his pace quickened. With a roar and a smirk, he buried his cock as far as he could and filled me with his cum.

He stayed inside of me as he came down from his orgasm, letting his cock marinate in the warmth of my hole for a few minutes. I was taken by surprise when he bent his head down and softly kissed my forehead before removing his cock. A sharp pain in my hole caused me to whimper. He chuckled and told his dad to switch. I was ragdolled back into position as they rotated, his dad taking Mike's place at my hole.

"Fuck piggy, that hole is lookin' good. Red and slightly puffy, just like a cunt should be," Howard laughed.

As his dad pushed my knees back to my chest, Mike stroked my hair and told me how proud of me he was. I felt a surge of emotions in my chest at his words and tears began to burn in my eyes. Howard's cock had an easier time breaking through my ring now that Mike had fucked it open, and he quickly found his stride. His years of experience definitely showed. He quickly found my prostate and prodded it with each stroke, changing the angles of his thrusts. All of the pleasure and emotions I was feeling bubbled over and I began openly crying in Mike's arms. He began shushing me, telling me everything was okay and to let it all out. Howard bent down and licked the tears from my face before full on kissing me, his tongue roaming around in my mouth. He kept fucking through it all, turning my mind into mush from the overstimulation. He broke the kiss, told me to open, and spit into my mouth before crashing back down for more. The headboard began knocking against the wall with the force of his thrusting. His pace quickened but his aim remained true as he battered my prostate into submission. He grunted several times, each one punctuated by a powerful thrust, and unloaded into my sore hole. I felt the pressure increase on my prostate causing me to squeal loudly, suddenly in the throes of an orgasm.

The three of us were all panting, saying nothing to each other as we all came down from the high. Small hiccups escaped my lungs as I tried to compose myself, my emotions still a jumble from everything that transpired. Howard removed his cock from my hole and layed next to Mike and I, his hand coming to rest on my belly. Mike kept me held tight to his chest. Minutes passed before Mike finally spoke.

"Are you okay, Dane?" he asked carefully.

Upon hearing my name, I glanced up and saw worry etched across his features. I shifted and rolled over in his arms, wrapping myself around him. My hole was sore and my body hurt, but I wanted nothing more than to feel him against me.

"I'm perfect Daddy. Thank you. Both of you. I've never been happier," I said, snuggling into his body. He chuckled, his chest rumbling in my ear.

"Good. Let's shower and get some sleep. You've got a long week ahead of you puppy," Mike said.

He hauled me up and gingerly walked me to the bathroom. I heard his dad's shower turn on as we reached his. Mike turned on the water and let me into the shower first. When I questioned him he waved me off and began washing me under the warm water. He took his time, taking care to examine my hole for damage. Finding none, he soaped me down. While he was washing my back, I felt a warmth on the back of my legs. I looked down and found his piss running down my body, like he was marking me. I let loose my own stream from my cage and watched it flow down the drain with his. Once he was done with me, he quickly washed himself and then turned off the water. As we exited he wrapped us both in a towel and then walked me back to his dad's room, stopping for water in the kitchen. When we reached his dad's door, Howard was already under the blankets waiting for us. He put me in the middle and then climbed in behind me. Howard pulled me into a spooning position, with Mike in front staring into my face.

"You really made me proud tonight, puppy," he beamed at me. "Don't worry, that hole will get stretched while you're here, but you've done enough for tonight. Sleep."

I wiggled my ass into Howard's crotch, eliciting a deep laugh, and let sleep take me.

Next: Chapter 9: Belonging 9

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