Belonging Series

By Boreas

Published on Apr 26, 2023


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged at I can also be reached at Boreus on Recon if you prefer that.

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Thank you to everyone who has reached out. It blows my mind and I'm glad you all are enjoying Dane's story. Your emails keep me writing!

NOTE: I realized I never named Mike's dad. I wasn't sure if it would be too jarring to do so now, so I added it in. If anyone has any thoughts or advice about whether it is necessary I am all ears.

And now for our feature presentation...

Belonging- CHAPTER 6

My dreams were consumed by images of submission and service, flashes of what had occurred and what was hopefully still to come. A sharp pain in my groin shattered my reverie, forcing me awake. My eyes shot open and I moved to protect myself out of instinct. I was met with the sight of his dad, Howard, staring back at me. His hazel eyes matched Mike's in both color and intensity. He had a slight smirk on his face, causing his full Cronkite style moustache to curl up ever so slightly.

"Morning boy. Sleep well?" he said sweetly. "Hands behind your back. Now," his voice suddenly forceful.

I was still on my side, with Howard in front of me. I maneuvered my hands into position, now aware that Mike was no longer in bed with us. This pushed my chest and groin towards him, giving him access to my body. He removed my jock and wrapped the base of my balls in one hand, drawing them taught in the sack. My dick was rock hard and leaking, leaving a trail of precum across his forearm as he made himself comfortable.

"Keep your eyes on mine faggot, no matter what. Understood?"

"Yes Sir," I squeaked.

He then brought his other hand down onto my stretched balls and started tapping them quickly. Lightly at first, but slowly increasing the force with each tap. I started moaning and writhing, causing my balls even more pain as he held them still in his rough hand. Our eyes bored into each other, the ever increasing pain in my balls becoming incredibly intense. I started squealing and begging him to stop, gasping and holding back tears. He moved his face closer to mine and gently licked my cheek, continuing his assault.

"Listen to those sweet sounds you are making for me. Reminds me of the pig and pony shows back home when I was younger. Keep squealing piggy. Let your Daddy hear you," he cooed.

"Kind of hard not to with all the racket the little bitch is making," Mike chuckled from the doorway. "Having fun puppy?" he asked.

"Yes Daddy!" I screamed as one final slap came down on my aching balls, hard.

My eyes were wet with unshed tears as the pain from my groin radiated up into my stomach. Howard released his grip on my balls and rolled out of bed, with Mike taking his position behind me again before I could move. Mike reached over my body and snaked his fingers around my balls where his dad's had been moments earlier. The feeling was different. Mike's fingers were long and firm, which gave him better purchase and allowed him to stretch them to their limit. He held tight as he maneuvered our bodies until he was under me, my back to his chest in a sitting position. I could feel his turgid cock resting in the natural crevice of my lower back, pulsing sligthly with his heartbeat. I was wrapped up in his arms.

He brought his free hand down to my nuts and gently began to massage them. The soreness slowly melted away into a pleasurably warm sensation. I started grinding my hips in a circle, the slight pulling on my trapped balls adding to the experience. My dick was trapped under his arm, leaking precum all over my stomach. He began whispering a steady stream of filth directly into my brain, calling me his bitch, his faggot, his cunt, his puppy. On and on he went as he massaged the pain from my balls. Suddenly a sharp crack rang out as he smacked them dead center. My groin exploded in pain. I began cursing and writhing in his lap.

"Shhh. Take it boy. Embrace it. Breathe evenly and let it all in. Focus on my body against yours, my hands on your balls, and the pain I am giving you. Nothing else matters," he said gently.

I could feel his hot breath in my ear, his smooth chest against my back. I tried following his directions as his assault continued in steady, evenly spaced smacks. My body was hot, a sheen of sweat covering my skin. Each smack caused my muscles to tense. My cries became louder and more labored as he continued, relentless in his delivery.

"Let it in. Accept the pain. It's not going to stop, no matter how much you cry and beg. You need this. This is why you came to me, remember? On your knees, begging to be abused. Think about that moment. Use it to push through," he coached.

As I tried to sift through the fog in my brain, the intensity of his smacks increased. He began raining blows down. I tried to bring my legs up to my chest to protect myself, but he hooked his legs over mine and stretched my legs wide. Tears began falling from my eyes as I sucked in air.

"Stop resisting, faggot! Take what I fucking give you," he hissed.

The blows continued as I tried to thrash and protect my crotch. Tears were now streaming down my face as sobs wracked my body. I was a blubbering mess in his arms, ashamed at myself for crying like a small child in front of him. Several more swats came across my balls, harder than the previous set. A high-pitched squeal escaped my lips with each one, sounding like a wounded animal. His father appeared in the doorway, casually leaning up against the frame and watching the scene unfold. Finally Mike stayed his hand and released his grip on my balls and legs. I immediately doubled up, bringing my knees to my chest and sobbing into the comforter. They both said nothing as they watched me cry softly and collect myself. I felt weight on the bed as Howard sat crawled in next to me, putting my head in his lap. My drew my lips to his cock, which was half hard.

"Here you go, piggy, suck on this for a minute while you collect yourself," Howard said.

My lips parted and he bucked his hips forward until my mouth was full of his cock. He slowly rocked back and forth, his cock getting harder with each stroke until he was full mast. Mike suddenly repositioned me flat on my stomach, my legs spread around him as his dad impaled my face. A hand found its way to the back of my head, controlling my speed as his dad pumped in and out. My sobs quickly died out, replaced by gagging and choking. This lasted for a few minutes, my gurgling filling the room. Howard pulled out, gave my face a light slap, and then walked back into the house.

"Get up pussyboy, we have one more even planned for tonight before bed," Mike barked. He helped me off the bed onto all fours, snapped his fingers once and then followed his father.

I crawled behind, my eyes on Mike's feet, and followed him into the living room. His dad was in his recliner again. The scene of him stretching my throat earlier in the day flooded my brain. Mike led me to the middle of the room and the stopped. He pointed at his feet then told me to stay as he walked back toward the back of the house. I was kneeling in the middle of the room, my cock leaking onto the carpet as Howard's eyes took in my naked form. Mike returned with something in his hand a minute later and took his place behind me.

"Did you have a good birthday, puppy?" Mike asked sweetly.

"Yes Daddy, thank you so much," I said in return.

He looked at his father and then back down to me before telling me to spread my thighs. I did as he asked and he moved around to stand in front of me. He brought the tip of his big toe under my sack and gently tapped it, causing me to whimper.

"Well like I said there is one more thing I want to do before we put you down for bed. Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes Daddy, I'm ready," I said and looked up into his eyes.

He held up the object in his hand. It was the pink cock cage he had purchased earlier in the day. The color matched that of my collar perfectly. A thin bar ran from the bottom center of the ring and connected to the cage, which Mike explained would slightly separate my balls. He unlocked the small padlock and showed me how to assemble the cage, then told me to put it on. My dick responded to the idea of being locked by growing to its full length, which prevented me from placing the cage. Howard chuckled, got up, and headed for the kitchen. He returned with an ice pack and handed it to Mike, who placed it directly on my crotch. After a minute or so I was shrunken down to my flaccid state, and moved to assemble the cage on myself. It took a couple of tries, Mike reapplying the ice pack when necessary. Once it was secure, the resin quickly warmed and became quite comfortable, despite the slight pressure from the spreader bar. Mike relocked it and smiled.

"This is your dick's new home for the forseeable future. Hope you got your fill of cumming yesterday, because you aren't going to be cumming again for a long time. We'll test the size for a couple days, make sure everything is okay. If it is, we'll be replacing the padlock with this," he said, holding up a small object.

It looked like a padlock, except it was thin and entirely plastic. It had the word 'keyholder' emblazoned on the front, with a six digit number underneath.

"Ron gave it to me for your birthday. Remember him? He said it would come in handy once we are sure the cage fits properly. It's a one time locking mechanism, which means once it goes on it will only come off with force. That way, if you take off your cage we'll know. The little numbers are etched into the plastic as well, so they won't wash off or anything like that. Isn't that awesome, faggot? You'll be locked as long as we want. Which, trust me, will be a while," he smirked down at me.

I looked down at my new cage, both scared and excited. I had wanted to try chastity for a long time, but could never bring myself to lock my dick up. Now I had no choice, and the thrill of denial was giving me a headrush. I quickly bent down and kissed the tops of both of their feet, thanking them for taking my dick away from me. Mike just laughed and ruffled my hair, while his dad pinched my nipples and gave my face a light slap.

"Alright puppy. It's time for bed," Mike clicked his tongue and walked toward his room, with me at his strong heels.

He led me to his closet, where he had set up my new sleeping arrangement. Before me was a medium size wire dog cage. Inside was a plush doggy bed, a blanket, and a blackout hood. The bed must have been left over from their previous family dog, who had passed earlier in the month. I looked up at him dumbly, waiting for his next command.

"Everything has been washed and cleaned. I was in the process of throwing this away, but I'm glad I could find a use for it with you instead. This is where you will sleep, unless told otherwise. Understood boy?" he said.

"Yes Daddy, I understand," I said, looking at the cage warily.

"You should be proud of yourself, faggot. You got through day one. Now in you go. It's bedtime," he said as he gave me a light kick to my backside.

I crawled into the cage and put the hood on. Mike adjusted it for me and zipped it up, taking special care that I could breathe easily. The bed was soft and well cushioned, just big enough to hold my body as I curled up into the fetal position. He patted me on the head twice, said goodnight, and the closed and bolted the cage. He then shut the door, sealing me inside. His muffled footsteps faded into silence as he left the room, closing the door behind him. My body settled into the doggy bed while my mind ran over the events of the day. I could feel my dick in it's cage, pulsing as it tried to get hard. It was slightly uncomfortable, so I positioned it between my thighs and closed them over it. It felt silly, but got the job done. As sleep finally took me, the faintest smile crossed my lips and the world faded away.

Next: Chapter 7: Belonging 7

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